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New to Korean and the site

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New to Korean and the site

Postby adiwanestacio9697 » July 6th, 2010 7:48 pm

Hello everyone I'm trying to learn Korean and thought I'd try using this site to do it. I've listened and used the notes for absolute beginners s1-1 and 2. I'm getting used to saying some of the phrases and words, but have no idea how I'm supposed to tackle the grammar and writing. What should I be doing? Is there a better way to use the site to learn to speak, read and write Korean?

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Hello adiwanestacio9697,

Postby timandyou » July 7th, 2010 12:37 am


First, thanks for joining us to learn Korean.
So, you are a beginner?
Can you read Hangeul? If you do, you are not a total absolute beginner.
English has Alphabet, Japanese has Hiragana and Katakana, any language has its own 'alphabet'. Korean has it as well, which called 'hangeul'.
Simply put like this... you try to learn English without knowing English alphabet, it would be so~~~ difficult to learn.
When I learned Japanese, I learned about Hiragana and Katakana first.
When I learned Chinese, I learned about Chinese characters first.
Therefore, the same thing will apply to you. You want to learn Korean, learn Korean alphabet first. it wouldn't take long. Give it a try.

Next, there are new lessons - Absolute Beginner Season 2.
These lessons have just started from this week!
Our team has spent a lot of energy and time on those new lessons. You would find it much easier and simplier and understandable for many Korean beginners.
Give it a listen and check the lesson notes. I bet you would like them!
Learning Korean would be very challenging but, it can be very fun and worthwhile if you study it step by step and one by one.
I will help you out. Our team will do our best to assist you to improve Korean.
Please feel free to leave any comment and question.
"It's very nice to meeting you, adiwanestacio9697!"
I hope I can meet you throughout the new lessons - Absolute Beginner Season 2 Lesson 1.

Tim 8)

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Joined: June 2nd, 2010 7:54 am

Postby adiwanestacio9697 » July 7th, 2010 6:27 am

No I can't read hanguel thanks for the suggestion of learning the letters first. I'll start with trying to learn hanguel.

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Joined: March 12th, 2010 9:12 am


Postby timandyou » July 8th, 2010 2:58 am


방가 방가 "hello hello" adiwanestacio9697,

Great! You decide to study 'Hangeul' first!
After learning Hangeul, learning Korean would be 100% enjoyable!

Imagine this -
1. you can read 'hangeul'
2. you can write 'hangeul' after listening Korean conversation.
3. you know how to pronounce 'hangeul' word by word.
4. and you will know useful expressions and grammars from us - (I really hope you would listen to my lessons first, Absolute Beginner Season 2).

If you are able to do those four above, I guarantee you will enjoy learning Korean and become a good Korean speaker as well.

I want to assist you.

I do appreciate your comment, interest, and passion for learning Korean.

Tim 8)

New in Town
Posts: 3
Joined: June 2nd, 2010 7:54 am

Postby adiwanestacio9697 » July 16th, 2010 10:31 pm

:D I've been practicing the hangul letters and pronunciations and I'm starting to pick up how hangul words/names are put together!! Thanks for suggesting that I start with hangul, it's amazingly fun trying to spell out the words or decipher the hangul.

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