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What am I ???

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What am I ???

Postby DaveM5472 » March 16th, 2010 12:35 am

I have NO Korean experience at all, am I, 1. a newbie, 2. An absolute beginner or 3. a beginner? Im sure I qualify for all 3 but where do I start, what is the progression? And for as good as this site seems to be THAT confusion level surprises me, SO, what am I?

julialim Team Member
Posts: 390
Joined: December 4th, 2009 9:45 am

Postby julialim » March 16th, 2010 7:05 am

Hello!! :D DaveM5472님
Welcome to KC101. 환영합니다.[hwanyounghamnida.]

Let's start Korean with fun!!
First of all, sorry about your confusion. 죄송합니다.[joesonghamnida]
I will explain that for you. :D
You can start from "Absolute beginner" which has Absolute, Newbie Lesson, and Survival Pharases. And I would like you to enjoy those lessons with Korean culture class, Korean Pronunciation, and Introduction, which will help you to understand Korean better. I believe.
Furthermore, all of users will help you here in KC101.
화이팅!! :D

Expert on Something
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Joined: February 8th, 2010 8:55 am

Postby trutherous » March 16th, 2010 5:28 pm

Hi Dave!

Welcome to all things Korean.

Everybody was a beginner at some time, even Korean children. From the time we are born to our first spoken word usually takes about a year, but by age 5 children can usually express just about any idea under the sun. It takes time to learn a language, so don't be discouraged if progress seems slow at times. Children don't give up because communication is essential to survival. Make learning anything "essential" and keep at it day-by-day, little-by-little, and you will have success.

There is a hill of language

When you pass over that grade

Hidden treasure is discovered

저것은 언어의 고개 (edited as per Juleeeeahhhh)
그 언덕을 넘었을 때 (edited as per Juleeeeahhhh)
감추인 보배를 발견된다

저것은 언어의 뫼
그 태산 넘어가
대상을 얻는다

Hey Julie --how do you like my poem?

I got a great idea from this post, let's do a post called "What am I?" "나는 무엇일까?" in the Practice Your Korean section of this forum. You know what I mean? Give clues and have people guess what the thing is.
Last edited by trutherous on March 17th, 2010 8:01 am, edited 3 times in total.

julialim Team Member
Posts: 390
Joined: December 4th, 2009 9:45 am

Postby julialim » March 17th, 2010 5:23 am

Hello 조지님!
항상 좋은 말씀 너무 너무 감사해요...
조지님의 글을 읽고 있으면, 마음이 따뜻해지네요..

그리고 I'm Julia.^^;;; :lol: (^.^);;;
저는 줄리아입니다. 기억해 주세요 ㅎ ㅎ ㅎ

:D I love your poem as usual. :D

:arrow: 언어의 고개(언덕)
그 고개(언덕)을 넘었을 때
감춰져 있던(감춰진) 보배가 발견된다.

:idea: Your idea is GREAT!!
Do you want me to try "Who am I"?
Sounds interestiong... 하하

Expert on Something
Posts: 870
Joined: February 8th, 2010 8:55 am

Postby trutherous » March 17th, 2010 7:02 am

미국에서 줄리아 대신 '줄리'라는 말도 애칭으로 흔히 써요 :P

저것은 언어의 뫼
그 태산 넘어가
대상을 얻는다


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