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Please help me PLeassssssssseeeeeeeeeeee

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Please help me PLeassssssssseeeeeeeeeeee

Postby Vytamin » August 28th, 2009 11:02 pm

인덱스 또는 기본키 값을 복제
Whats mean ???? please help me this frase broke my life :D

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Postby fjma123 » August 29th, 2009 12:16 am

인덱스 또는 기본키 값을 복제

인덱스【색인】an index 《pl. es, -dices》

또는 or;either...or;otherwise;in other words(바꾸어 말하면)

기본(基本) 【기초】a foundation;a basis;【기준】a standard

3 『수학』 value;【수·수량】

복제(複製) reproduction;reprinting ―하다 reproduce;reprint;【유전공학에 의해】clone

Hmm.... I translate it as this:

"indices or otherwise a standard for the cost of reproduction"

But I could be wrong.

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