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Looking for a particular grammar point

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Looking for a particular grammar point

Postby mishio » February 20th, 2009 12:22 am

Can you please tell me if there is a way to search through the lessons for a specific grammar point? (I know there was a previous question re: searching forum topics which I've noted, but I'm trying to search the lessons instead.)

Sometimes all I want to do is go back and review something that I know has been covered before, but cannot remember which level, which season....
Tried using the "search" option in the lesson box and nothing close to the subject came up :(

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Postby Keith » February 20th, 2009 7:25 pm

Hey Mishio!

If you're looking for grammar points that have been covered in several sections, it's there in the learning center.

In the "Reference Materials" section, it's called "Grammar Bank." If you click on a certain grammar point, it'll have links at the bottom that show all the different lessons that grammar point was used in. I hope this helps!

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Postby mishio » February 21st, 2009 12:17 am

Got it!
I tried it!
It works!
Thanks! :D

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Postby jintana23 » February 21st, 2009 3:30 pm

mishio :D Thanks for posting this thread. It also helps me. I've never known there is such a useful tool like this before.
Keith :) thank you very much.

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