
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다. (Annyeonghaseyo. Yunseorimnida.)
Keith: Keith here. I Like Kimchi. Seol, you like the title?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: I love that title because you like kimchi, right?
Seol: I love kimchi.
Keith: Well let’s talk about kimchi a little bit. What is it exactly first of all?
Seol: It’s fermented spicy Chinese cabbage.
Keith: Wow that was kind of long.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: And I had to tell you what it was. Well, can you make some kimchi?
Seol: No.
Keith: You can’t make it?
Seol: No, I’ve never made it.
Keith: How about your family, does your…
Seol: My mom makes it.
Keith: So why don’t you make it?
Seol: I think most of my friends cannot make it.
Keith: Well yeah the process in which you make kimchi, it kind of takes a really long time, right?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So how long does it take actually?
Seol: Usually it takes about a full day but sometimes when you make a lot of kimchi, it might take around 2 or 3 days, sometimes a whole week.
Keith: Yeah well, Korean people, they love their kimchi and if you are listening to this podcast and you know at least a little bit about Korea, you should probably know at least a little bit about kimchi and yeah, Koreans love their kimchi and they even have a separate refrigerator for kimchi.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Do you have your own separate refrigerator?
Seol: Sure in my house.
Keith: Yeah and that thing is huge. And is it just kimchi in there?
Seol: Yeah we have various kinds of kimchi. So we need a big, big refrigerator.
Keith: And you eat all of that?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Wow, wow! I love kimchi too but I am not going to buy my own separate refrigerator for that. Well I don’t know what the reason is exactly but Korean people have to have kimchi at every single meal, right?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: If they don’t, they feel like something is missing.
Seol: Right, right.
Keith: So when you are eating, let’s say spaghetti.
Seol: Yeah but they serve kimchi too.
Keith: In Korea yeah.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Well what about when you are eating a Hamburger at McDonald’s? How about McDonald’s in Korea?
Seol: No, no I eat pickles instead of kimchi at that time.
Keith: Yeah well that’s a thing. Koreans always need something pickled in their mouth. So if it’s not kimchi, it’s going to be pickles or like pickled radish or just you know – anything just pickled. They need that flavor in their mouth but today we have a conversation about kimchi and this is a conversation between Jonas and Jenny. They are not Korean guessing from their names and Jonas really, really likes kimchi. All right, so what kind of politeness level are we going to be using here?
Seol: Standard.
Keith: All right. So let’s get into this conversation.
(1)요나스: 드디어! 한국이다! 진짜 좋아해요. (deudieo! hanguk-ida! jinjja johahaeyo.)
(2)제니: 요나스 씨. 왜 한국을 좋아해요? (yonaseu ssi. wae hanguk-eul johahaeyo?)
(3)요나스: 저는 김치를 좋아해요. (jeo-neun gimchi-reul johahaeyo.)
(4)제니: 김치 좋아해요? (gimchi johahaeyo?)
(5)요나스: 네. 진짜 좋아해요. (ne. jinjja johahaeyo.)
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히. (han beon deo cheoncheonhi.)
(1)요나스: 드디어! 한국이다! 진짜 좋아해요. (deudieo! hanguk-ida! jinjja johahaeyo.)
(2)제니: 요나스 씨. 왜 한국을 좋아해요? (yonaseu ssi. wae hanguk-eul johahaeyo?)
(3)요나스: 저는 김치를 좋아해요. (jeo-neun gimchi-reul johahaeyo.)
(4)제니: 김치 좋아해요? (gimchi johahaeyo?)
(5)요나스: 네. 진짜 좋아해요. (ne. jinjja johahaeyo.)
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더. (yeongeoro han beon deo.)
(1)요나스: 드디어! 한국이다! 진짜 좋아해요. (deudieo! hanguk-ida! jinjja johahaeyo.)
(1)Jonas: Finally! It’s Korea! I really like it!
(2)제니: 요나스 씨. 왜 한국을 좋아해요? (yonaseu ssi. wae hanguk-eul johahaeyo?)
(2)Jenny: Jonas. Why do you like Korea?
(3)요나스: 저는 김치를 좋아해요. (jeo-neun gimchi-reul johahaeyo.)
(3)Jonas: I like kimchi.
(4)제니: 김치 좋아해요? (gimchi johahaeyo?)
(4)Jenny: You like kimchi?
(5)요나스: 네. 진짜 좋아해요. (ne. jinjja johahaeyo.)
(5)Jonas: Yes. I really like it.
Keith: Seol, what did you think of the conversation?
Seol: I love Jonas because he likes kimchi.
Keith: Yeah it’s simple but this guy is kind of strange, isn’t he?
Seol: He is strange.
Keith: Yeah he is strange but he is unique. That’s why we like him.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Unique because he just cares about kimchi. I don’t know if there is people like that in the world but maybe there is. All right so let’s jump into the vocab. Seol, what do we have first?
Seol: 드디어 (deudieo).
Keith: Finally.
Seol: 드디어 (deudieo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 드디어 (deudieo)[natural native speed]
Keith: And this is a really, really fun phrase to know because it’s like you’ve been expecting something, you’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting and then it finally comes and you say, 드디어 (deudieo)!
Seol: Yeah actually this word is not very often used but when you hear the word like you feel like okay this is really funny and that’s why Keith loves this word.
Keith: Yeah I like this word because actually it comes out in a lot of movies and dramas I think, right?
Seol: Yeah that’s true.
Keith: Yeah so I watch a lot of Korean movies and a lot of Korean dramas and it’s like they will be waiting, waiting and it’s like 드디어 (deudieo)!
Seol: 드디어 (deudieo).
Keith: All right. Let’s move on to the next word. Next is
Seol: 진짜 (jinjja).
Keith: Really
Seol: 진짜 (jinjja) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 진짜 (jinjja) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next is
Seol: 좋아하다 (joahada).
Keith: To like.
Seol: 좋아하다 (joahada)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 좋아하다 (joahada) [natural native speed]
Keith: And this is the dictionary form of the word to like but in the conversation, this is what we used.
Seol: 좋아해요 (joahaeyo). 좋아해요 (joahaeyo)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 좋아해요 (joahaeyo)[natural native speed]
Keith: And this is what’s most likely going to be heard or be used instead of 좋아하다 (joahada). 좋아해요 (joahaeyo) is conjugated form of the word but you know, we are going to pass all of that conjugation stuff. This is what’s most commonly used among Koreans. All right lastly we have
Seol: 김치 (gimchi).
Keith: And if you don’t know by now, that’s kimchi.
Seol: 김치 (gimchi) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 김치 (gimchi) [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. Let’s move into the conversation. All right, Jonas, first he says
Seol: 드디어 (deudieo).
Keith: Finally, finally. So this means you’ve been waiting for something, right or you’ve been expecting something and then something has come. So what came to Jonas or what happened to Jonas that he’s been expecting?
Seol: 한국이다 (hangugida).
Keith: And this means this is Korea or it’s Korea. Let’s breakdown the word for Korea.
Seol: 한국 (hanguk). 한국 (hanguk) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 한국 (hanguk) [natural native speed]
Keith: So he is like 한국이다 (hangugida) and the 이다 (ida) that comes after that means is. So here it’s 한국이다 (hangugida) Korea it is finally yes. He’s been expecting Korea and we are going to find out why but before we do that, let’s go to the next line.
Seol: 진짜 좋아해요. (jinjja joahaeyo.)
Keith: Okay the first word we have is
Seol: 진짜 (jinjja).
Keith: Really followed by
Seol: 좋아해요 (joahaeyo).
Keith: To like. So really like, I really like it. So Seol, what do you really like?
Seol: 초콜릿 진짜 좋아해요. (chokollit jinjja joahaeyo.)
Keith: So chocolate, you really like chocolate. 설, 진짜 좋아해요. (seol, jinjja joahaeyo.)
Seol: You mean me, you like me?
Keith: Don’t believe me?
Seol: Okay what’s the next line?
Keith: All right, all right. So here, 진짜 (jinjja) it means really. This is a really good word to know actually and this is used all the time in Korean. And just like in English, you know if you want to know, oh really! Oh get out, really. You know, you say the same thing in Korean here. So 진짜 (jinjja)?
Seol: Yeah 진짜 (jinjja)!
Keith: 진... (jin…)really yeah. See so it’s like really or really. Seol, can you give us the question, oh really?
Seol: 진짜 (jinjja)?
Keith: And the statement
Seol: 진짜 (jinjja).
Keith: So Seol, I am really tired.
Seol: 진짜 (jinjja)?
Keith: 진짜 (jinjja). So that’s like a perfect example where you can use 진짜 (jinjja)? really and 진짜 (jinjja) really. Okay so here it’s 진짜 좋아해요 (jinjja joahaeyo) I really like it. I really like and 좋아해요 (joahaeyo) this is a really, really good verb to use to like and you are going to be using this all the time and you will be hearing it all throughout these beginner series, newbie series, 좋아해요 (joahaeyo) to like. All right, so whatever you like comes in front and then you say 좋아해요 (joahaeyo). So Seol, what do you like?
Seol: 초콜릿 좋아해요 (chokollit joahaeyo).
Keith: 진짜 (jinjja)?
Seol: 진짜 좋아해요 (jinjja joahaeyo).
Keith: I really like it. All right, next, let’s move on to the next line.
Seol: 요나스 씨 (yonaseu ssi).
Keith: That’s Jonas followed by the honorific suffix. Here Jenny is just addressing Jonas or getting his attention. All right after that we have
Seol: 왜 한국을 좋아해요? (wae hangugeul joahaeyo?)
Keith: The first word we have is
Seol: 왜 (wae)
Keith: Why. What comes after that?
Seol: 한국 (hanguk)
Keith: Korea followed by
Seol: 을 (eul)
Keith: Object marking particle. Now this is a new particle but once again we are not going to break down the grammar of this. All right what comes after that?
Seol: 좋아해요? (joahaeyo?)
Keith: Like. So literally it’s why Korea like. So why do you like Korea and Jonas replies
Seol: 저는 김치를 좋아해요. ( jeoneun gimchireul joahaeyo.)
Keith: Okay let’s break it down real quick. First is
Seol: 저 (jeo)
Keith: I followed by
Seol: 는 (neun)
Keith: The topic marking particle and after that we have
Seol: 김치 (gimchi)
Keith: Kimchi followed by
Seol: 를 (reul)
Keith: The object marking particle and now we have
Seol: 좋아해요 (joahaeyo).
Keith: Like. So literally it’s I kimchi like. I like kimchi. Next we have
Seol: 김치 좋아해요? (gimchi joahaeyo?)
Keith: Here we first have
Seol: 김치 (gimchi)
Keith: Kimchi followed by
Seol: 좋아해요 (joahaeyo)?
Keith: Like. So here it’s kimchi like and here 좋아해요 (joahaeyo) can act both as a statement and as a question. Here it’s acting as a question. So here 설, 김치 좋아해요? (seol, gimchi joahaeyo?)
Seol: 네, 좋아해요. (ne, joahaeyo.)
Keith: Okay. So if you caught that, 김치 좋아해요? (gimchi joahaeyo?) that’s the rising intonation. So that’s a question and what did you reply with?
Seol: 네, 좋아해요 ( ne, joahaeyo.)
Keith: Yes. I like. So the statement is the same exact pronunciation, just a different intonation. All right, Seol, can you give us do you like
Seol: 좋아해요 (joahaeyo)?
Keith: And like
Seol: 좋아해요 (joahaeyo).
Keith: All right thank you. So whatever you like, you can put it in front and say 좋아해요 (joahaeyo) or if you want to ask a question, you can put the word in front such as kimchi and add the rising intonation. So 김치 좋아해요 (joahaeyo)? that’s a question. All right let’s finish this up. Last we have
Seol: 네 (ne).
Keith: Yes followed by
Seol: 진짜 좋아해요 (jinjja joahaeyo).
Keith: Really like. All right. Seol, how did you feel about this lesson?
Seol: I am happy because all the listeners might know what kimchi is now.
Keith: Yeah maybe.
Seol: And I want them to try kimchi.
Keith: Because you are the number 1 advocate in Korea for kimchi. You are like the spokesperson for kimchi.
Seol: You too.
Keith: No, not me. I don’t know how to make kimchi.
Seol: Oh okay I don’t know how to make kimchi either.
Keith: You know, don’t you want to learn how to make kimchi though?
Seol: Maybe.
Keith: All right. Here is a thing like Korean men, they are like you know, if my girlfriend, they don’t know how to make kimchi, it’s not cutting it. That’s it.
Seol: Well I believe my mom will make kimchi for me. So…
Keith: Until the day you die?
Seol: Not really. Okay I should learn – I should learn how to make kimchi and I will make kimchi for you.
Keith: Really? Spending all day making some kimchi, maybe a week?
Seol: I will think about it.


Keith: All right, that’s going to do it for today.
Seol: 안녕 (Annyeong).
Keith: See you.


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