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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Expressions to Recommend Things in Korea
Becky: Hi everyone, and welcome back to KoreanClass101.com. I'm Becky.
Jaehwi: And I'm Jaehwi!
Becky: This is Must-Know Korean Slang Words &Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 7. In this lesson, you'll learn Expressions to Recommend Things in Korea.
Jaehwi: Feel free to use these expressions when you recommend something to your friends.
Becky: The expressions you'll be learning in this lesson are:
Jaehwi: 강추
Jaehwi: 비추
Jaehwi: 종결자
Jaehwi: 개꿀
Becky: Jaehwi, what's our first expression?
Jaehwi: 강추
Becky: It's an abbreviation of the phrase…
Jaehwi: 강력 추천 (gangnyeok chucheon),
Becky: which means "strong recommendation.” You can use it to mean "highly recommended."
Jaehwi: [SLOW] 강추 [NORMAL] 강추
Becky: Listeners, please repeat.
Jaehwi: 강추
[pause - 5 sec.]
Becky: Use this slang expression to refer to something that’s highly recommended.
Becky: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 강추 한국 음식이 뭐예요? [SLOW] 강추 한국 음식이 뭐예요?
Becky: "What is a highly recommended Korean dish?"
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 강추 한국 음식이 뭐예요?
Becky: Okay, what's the next expression?
Jaehwi: 비추
Becky: It's an abbreviation of…
Jaehwi: 비추천(bichucheon)
Becky: meaning "not recommend." You can use it to mean "not recommendable."
Jaehwi: [SLOW] 비추 [NORMAL] 비추
Becky: Listeners, please repeat.
Jaehwi: 비추
[pause - 5 sec.]
Becky: Use this slang expression when you’re unsatisfied with something you've tried.
Becky: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 그 레스토랑은 비추야. [SLOW] 그 레스토랑은 비추야.
Becky: "I don't recommend that restaurant."
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 그 레스토랑은 비추야.
Becky: Okay, what's our next expression?
Jaehwi: 종결자
Becky: which literally means "the finisher." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "the best of something."
Jaehwi: [SLOW] 종결자 [NORMAL] 종결자
Becky: Listeners, please repeat.
Jaehwi: 종결자
[pause - 5 sec.]
Becky: Use this slang expression to describe someone or something as a master or the best choice.
Becky: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 한국어 공부 사이트 종결자는 KoreanClass101이지! [SLOW] 한국어 공부 사이트 종결자는 KoreanClass101이지!
Becky: "The best website for learning Korean is definitely KoreanClass101."
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 한국어 공부 사이트 종결자는 KoreanClass101이지!
Becky: Okay, what's the last expression?
Jaehwi: 개꿀
Becky: literally meaning "dog honey.” It’s a combination of two words which mean “dog” and “honey.” The word for “dog” is often used to mean “super” in a slang word. So all together, it means something like “super easy like drinking honey” or "piece of cake.”
Jaehwi: [SLOW] 개꿀 [NORMAL] 개꿀
Becky: Listeners, please repeat.
Jaehwi: 개꿀
[pause - 5 sec.]
Becky: Use this slang expression when describing something smooth and easy. Sometimes, the same word is used to say “feeling very good.” Be careful when you use this word as elderly people might be offended.
Becky: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 이 일은 개꿀이야. [SLOW] 이 일은 개꿀이야.
Becky: "This job is a piece of cake."
Jaehwi: [NORMAL] 이 일은 개꿀이야.
Becky: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I'll describe four situations, and you'll choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
Becky: You found a horrible restaurant and you wouldn’t want to recommend the place. Which slang expression can you use when talking about the restaurant?
Jaehwi: 비추
Becky: "not recommendable."
Becky: You found the best food in Korea. Which word can you use to say you highly recommend it?
Jaehwi: 강추
Becky: "highly recommend”
Becky: You are asked to do a super easy task. Which word can you use?
Jaehwi: 개꿀
Becky: "a piece of cake"
Becky: You found someone who is the best at something. Which word can you use to describe the person?
Jaehwi: 종결자
Becky: "the finisher"


Becky: There you have it; you have mastered four Korean Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at KoreanClass101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks, everyone, and see you next time!
Jaehwi: 안녕히 계세요 (annyeonghi gyeseyo).

