
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tim: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com 여러분. 팀입니다.
Joshua: Joshua here. Korean Chicken Soup for the Soul and Body.
Tim: Welcome to KoreanClass101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Korean. I am joined in the studio by
Joshua: Hello everyone, Joshua here. 여러분, 정말 보고 싶었어요.
Tim: 여러분, 저도요.
Joshua: 근데, 형. What are we looking at in this lesson?
Tim: Ah today, we are going to learn about the expression 뭐뭐하게 하다.
Joshua: Which means to have or to make or to let someone do something.
Tim: 예. For example, 하게 하다 to have someone do something.
Joshua: Ah I have one too.
Tim: 뭐예요?
Joshua: 먹게 하다. To make someone eat something.
Tim: Good.
Joshua: Okay now let’s talk about today’s conversation. Where does this conversation take place?
Tim: 음식점에서. At a restaurant.
Joshua: The conversation is between
Tim: 철수, 수진, 고은 and Tim.
Joshua: Since the speakers are close friends, the speakers will be speaking informal Korean.
Tim: 반말입니다. 자, 그럼 우리 대화를 들어 볼까요?
Joshua: Let’s listen to the conversation.
철수: 아. 아직도 엉덩이가 아프네.
고은: 수진아, 우리 얘네들 삼계탕 먹게 하자.
수진: 그럴까? 땀도 많이 흘렸고 주사까지 맞았으니까.
아줌마: 어서 오세요.
고은: 아줌마, 여기 삼계탕 4개 주세요.
철수: 나는 자장면 곱빼기 먹고 싶은데.
고은: 삼계탕 먼저 먹고, 나중에 자장면 먹게 해 줄게.
철수: 정말? 자장면 먹을 생각하니 엉덩이의 아픔이 싹 사라지는구나.
수진: 하하하! 자장면은 철수 엉덩이가 아픈 것도 잊게 하는구나!
아줌마: 여기 삼계탕 나왔어요.
팀: 우와. 맛있겠다.
고은: 감사히 먹겠습니다.
Tim: 이번에는 천천히 들어 보겠습니다.
철수: 아. 아직도 엉덩이가 아프네.
고은: 수진아, 우리 얘네들 삼계탕 먹게 하자.
수진: 그럴까? 땀도 많이 흘렸고 주사까지 맞았으니까.
아줌마: 어서 오세요.
고은: 아줌마, 여기 삼계탕 4개 주세요.
철수: 나는 자장면 곱빼기 먹고 싶은데.
고은: 삼계탕 먼저 먹고, 나중에 자장면 먹게 해 줄게.
철수: 정말? 자장면 먹을 생각하니 엉덩이의 아픔이 싹 사라지는구나.
수진: 하하하! 자장면은 철수 엉덩이가 아픈 것도 잊게 하는구나!
아줌마: 여기 삼계탕 나왔어요.
팀: 우와. 맛있겠다.
고은: 감사히 먹겠습니다.
Tim: 이번에는 영어 번역과 함께 들어 보겠습니다.
철수: 아. 아직도 엉덩이가 아프네.
Cheolsu: Ouch! My butt still hurts!
고은: 수진아, 우리 얘네들 삼계탕 먹게 하자.
Goeun: Sujin, let's get them chicken soup with ginseng.
수진: 그럴까? 땀도 많이 흘렸고 주사까지 맞았으니까.
Sujin: Should we? Well, they did sweat a lot and they even got a shot…
아줌마: 어서 오세요.
Waitress: Come in! Welcome!
고은: 아줌마, 여기 삼계탕 4개 주세요.
Goeun: Can we have four bowls of chicken soup with ginseng?
철수: 나는 자장면 곱빼기 먹고 싶은데.
Cheolsu: I want an extra large bowl of black bean noodles.
고은: 삼계탕 먼저 먹고, 나중에 자장면 먹게 해 줄게.
Goeun: Have the chicken soup with ginseng first, and then I'll let you have black bean noodles later.
철수: 정말? 자장면 먹을 생각하니 엉덩이의 아픔이 싹 사라지는구나.
Cheolsu: Really? Just the thought of eating black bean noodles helps the pain in my butt go away.
수진: 하하하! 자장면은 철수 엉덩이가 아픈 것도 잊게 하는구나!
Sujin: Ha ha ha! I guess black bean noodles can help Cheolsu forget the pain in his butt!
아줌마: 여기 삼계탕 나왔어요.
Waitress: Here are your bowls of chicken soup with ginseng.
팀: 우와. 맛있겠다.
Tim: Wow! This looks delicious!
고은: 감사히 먹겠습니다.
Goeun: Thanks for the meal.
Joshua: I am so jealous of them.
Tim: 왜요?
Joshua: They are going to eat 삼계탕 chicken soup with ginseng. It’s so delicious.
Tim: I know. Then why don’t we also have 삼계탕 as well? This time, let’s talk to our correspondent Joshua. KoreanClass101.com 뉴스에 오신 것을 환영합니다. Today our correspondent Joshua is having 삼계탕 at a Korean restaurant. 연결해 보겠습니다. 조슈아 리포터, 조슈아 리포터.
Joshua: Yes, this is Joshua. I’ve come to a Korean restaurant to try the most famous dish that’s eaten during those hot Korean summers called 삼계탕 chicken soup with ginseng. 아줌마, 여기 닭 한 마리 주세요.
Tim: 네? 닭 한 마리요? A whole chicken?
Joshua: 아, 네. To begin with, let’s learn about the name. 삼계탕. First, 삼 means ginseng. Second, 탕 means a whole chicken. And lastly 탕 means soup.
Tim: Ah so altogether 삼계탕 means
Joshua: Chicken soup with ginseng.
Tim: 아… 그렇군요. 아, 근데 닭 한 마리를 달라니요. 그게 뭐예요?
Joshua: 아, 그러요? So if I say 닭 한 마리 주세요 that means I like to have a bowl of chicken soup with ginseng.
Tim: 아 , 그렇군요. 근데 왜 계절 음식이지요? Why is 삼계탕 a seasonal dish?
Joshua: That’s because many Korean people believe that 삼계탕 can cure or prevent physical ailments. So it’s believed that having 삼계탕 can help replace any lost nutrients through excessive sweating or severe exhaustion.
Tim: 아, 그렇군요. 근데 삼계탕 맛있나요? Does it taste good?
Joshua: Without a doubt.
Tim: 아, 두말하면 잔소리라고요?
Joshua: Well this has been Joshua reporting live from a Korean restaurant. 아줌마, 닭이 좀 작아요!
Tim: 하하하. Thank you, Joshua. 삼계탕 맛있게 드시고요. Enjoy your 삼계탕. 자, 그럼 KoreanClass101.com 뉴스를 마치겠습니다.
Joshua: Now I am not as jealous of Tim, 수진, 철수 and 고은.
Tim: 근데, 조슈아?
Joshua: 네?
Tim: 닭이 작아요? 한국 닭이 얼마나 큰데?
Joshua: Okay now let’s move on to today’s key vocabulary.
Tim: The first word is 아직도.
Joshua: Still, yet.
Tim: 아직도 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아직도 [natural native speed] And next 아파.
Joshua: It hurts, I am sick.
Tim: 아파 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아파 [natural native speed] And next 땀을 흘리다.
Joshua: To sweat.
Tim: 땀을 흘리다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 땀을 흘리다 [natural native speed] And next 어서 오세요.
Joshua: Please come in, welcome.
Tim: 어서 오세요 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 어서 오세요 [natural native speed] And 싶다.
Joshua: To want to.
Tim: 싶다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 싶다 [natural native speed] And next 나중에.
Joshua: Sometime later, another day.
Tim: 나중에 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 나중에 [natural native speed] And next we have 아픔.
Joshua: A pain, an ache.
Tim: 아픔 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아픔 [natural native speed] And next 잊다.
Joshua: To forget.
Tim: 잊다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 잊다 [natural native speed] And we have 나오다.
Joshua: To come out.
Tim: 나오다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 나오다 [natural native speed] And finally we have 감사히.
Joshua: Gratefully, thankfully.
Tim: 감사히 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 감사히 [natural native speed]
Joshua: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Joshua: The first word is
Tim: 개 which is used as a counting unit for items, units and objects.
Joshua: This counting unit 개 is always used with pure Korean numbers. 형, can you tell us about the formation?
Tim: 응, 알겠어. The formation is name of the item or object plus pure Korean number plus 개. For example, 동전 세 개. Three coins.
Joshua: Then how do we say there are ten coins here?
Tim: 여기 동전 열 개가 있습니다.
Joshua: I see. Okay I have an example too. 사과 다섯 개. Five Apples. How can we say, there are five apples over there.
Tim: 저기에 사과 다섯 개가 있습니다.
Joshua: 고마워요, 형. What’s the next word?
Tim: 까지 which means even or besides.
Joshua: Hmm doesn’t 까지 have various uses?
Tim: Yes, for example, 아침까지 until the morning. 회사까지 to the office, 끝까지 up to the end and et cetera. Yes, you are right, Joshua. But in today’s conversation, 까지 means even or besides.
Joshua: Examples, please.
Tim: Okay. 팀은 삼계탕, 닭갈비를 다 먹고 나서 자장면 곱빼기까지 먹었다.
Joshua: Which means after Tim finished eating chicken soup with ginseng and spicy marinated chicken, he even had an extra large bowl of black bean noodles.
Tim: Here is one more example. 비, 바람, 그리고 천둥까지 쳤어.
Joshua: Which means there was rain, wind and even thunder. I see. So 가지 is used when you want to put emphasis on the noun before it.
Tim: 딩동댕! 역시 내 동생 조슈아는 똑똑하기까지 하구나. Joshua, you are even smart.
Joshua: 칭찬 고마워요.
Tim: 뻥이야.
Joshua: What!
Tim: Joshua, if you were Debbie, you wouldn’t fall for such a comment from me.
Joshua: I see. 근데, 형.
Tim: 응.
Joshua: Don’t you think you are too old for jokes like that?
Tim: 괜찮아. 난 뻥쟁이니까.
Joshua: Okay now let’s move on to today’s lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Joshua: The focus of today’s lesson is causative verbs.
Tim: 예. 한국어로 뭐뭐게 하다.
Joshua: 예. It means to have or to make or to let someone do something.
Tim: Umm…
Joshua: These verbs are called causative verbs. First let’s take a look at the conjugation rules.
Tim: 예, 알겠습니다. Its conjugation rule is verb stem plus 게 하다. For example, with the verb 하다 to do 하 is verb stem plus 게 하다 so it becomes 하게 하다 meaning have someone do something. Here is an example sentence. 조슈아는 팀 형이 하고 싶어 하는 대로 하게 했습니다.
Joshua: Which means Joshua let Tim do what he wanted to do. Good one. Now why don’t we try making a sentence with the verb 먹다 to eat.
Tim: Okay. 먹다 is to eat. 먹 is the verb stem plus 게 하다 so it becomes 먹게 하다 meaning let someone eat something. Here is an example sentence. 팀은 조슈아에게 규정식을 먹게 했습니다.
Joshua: Which means Tim made Joshua go on a special diet. 형, I don’t think that would work for me. Okay. Now let’s try with the verb to forget.
Tim: Okay. 잊다 is to forget. 잊 is the verb stem, then we add 게 하다 so it becomes 잊게 하다 meaning to make someone forget. Here is an example sentence. 그녀의 웃음은 저의 아픔을 잊게 했습니다.
Joshua: Which means her smile made me forget the pain. What a romantic sentence! Okay let’s try with the last verb 낫다 to get better.
Tim: 낫다 is to get better. 낫 is the verb stem, then you add 게 하다 so it becomes 낫게 하다 meaning to make someone get better. Here is an example sentence. 조슈아, 왜 그래? 어디 아파? 걱정 마. 내가 낫게 해 줄게.
Joshua: Which means Joshua, what’s wrong? Are you sick or is something wrong? Don’t worry, I will make you feel better. 근데요, 형.
Tim: 응.
Joshua: How can you make someone feel better?
Tim: 그거요? By having them listen to my lessons.
Joshua: 뭐라고요? No way, it won’t work on me.
Tim: 그래? 그럼 나한테 한 대 맞으면 낫겠네.
Joshua: Oh no, that’s a great way to make someone feel better. What’s more, I already feel better, 형.


Tim: Okay. 여러분, 즐겁게 들으셨나요? See you next time. Bye, everyone.
Joshua: See you next time. Bye, everyone.


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