
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tim: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com 여러분. 팀입니다.
Debbie: Debbie here. Let’s Plan Our Next Move in Korea. Hello, Debbie here. Welcome to KoreanClass101.com.
Tim: With us, you will learn to speak Korean with fun and effective lessons. 여러분, 오늘도 즐겁게 함께 배워 보아요.
Debbie: 네. 팀, 오늘은 무엇을 공부하나요?
Tim: Today we are going to learn the usage of 대로. They are noun plus 대로 and verb stem plus ㄴ or 은대로.
Debbie: Which means ask. For example, 계획대로 as the plan or 계획한 대로 as planned.
Tim: 예, 맞아요. 자, 그럼 계획한 대로 수업을 시작해 볼까요? Should we start today the lesson as planned?
Debbie: 좋아요. Where does this conversation take place?
Tim: 거리에서. On the street.
Debbie: The conversation is between
Tim: Tim, 수진 and 철수.
Debbie: Since the speakers are close friends, the speakers will be speaking informal Korean.
Tim: 반말입니다.
Debbie: Let’s listen to the conversation.
철수: 팀, 너는 장난이 너무 심해. 나 바이킹 탈 때 정말 죽을 뻔했어.
팀: 잘못했어. 대신에 너가 하고 싶은 대로 다 할게.
철수: 정말? 나. 사실.배가 좀 고픈데.
팀: 그래? 뭐 좀 먹을까?
철수: 나는 자장면 곱빼기!
팀: 역시 철수 너는 내 예상대로구나! 수진이는?
수진: 우리 아까 말한 대로 닭갈비도 괜찮을 것 같아!
팀: 아 그럼, 우리 아까 정한 대로 춘천 닭갈비 먹을까?
철수: 정한 대로? 언제 정한 거야? 그럼 나한테 왜 물어본 거야…
수진: 사실은 아까 팀하고 춘천 가서 '춘천 닭갈비' 먹을까하고 이야기했었거든. 미안!
팀: 자, 그럼 계획대로 춘천으로 가볼까.
수진: 그래, "춘천으로 고고씽.!!!"
Tim: 이번에는 영어 번역과 함께 들어 보겠습니다.
Debbie: Now, let’s listen to the conversation with the translation.
철수: 팀, 너는 장난이 너무 심해. 나 바이킹 탈 때 정말 죽을 뻔했어.
Cheolsu: Tim, your practical jokes are too harsh! I nearly died when I was on the Viking.
팀: 잘못했어. 대신에 너가 하고 싶은 대로 다 할게.
Tim: I am sorry. I'll do whatever you want to do.
철수: 정말? 나. 사실.배가 좀 고픈데.
Cheolsu: Really? I.actually.feel a bit hungry.
팀: 그래? 뭐 좀 먹을까?
Tim: Really? Should we eat something?
철수: 나는 자장면 곱빼기!
Cheolsu: I want an extra-large serving of black bean noodles!
팀: 역시 철수 너는 내 예상대로구나! 수진이는?
Tim: Of course. Just as I expected! How about you, Sujin?
수진: 우리 아까 말한 대로 닭갈비도 괜찮을 것 같아!
Sujin: I think we should go for spicy, marinated chicken as we discussed earlier!
팀: 아 그럼, 우리 아까 정한 대로 춘천 닭갈비 먹을까?
Tim: Then should we go for Chuncheon spicy, marinated chicken as we decided on earlier?
철수: 정한 대로? 언제 정한 거야? 그럼 나한테 왜 물어본 거야…
Cheolsu: As we decided on earlier? When did we do that? Then why did you even ask me?
수진: 사실은 아까 팀하고 춘천 가서 '춘천 닭갈비' 먹을까하고 이야기했었거든. 미안!
Sujin: Actually, Tim and I talked about going to Chuncheon to eat spicy, marinated chicken.Sorry!
팀: 자, 그럼 계획대로 춘천으로 가볼까.
Tim: Then should we go to Chuncheon like we planned?
수진: 그래, "춘천으로 고고씽.!!!"
Cheolsu and Sujin: Sure! Let's head to Chuncheon!
Debbie: I am so jealous of them.
Tim: 왜요?
Debbie: They are heading to 춘천 and going to eat 춘천 닭갈비. It’s one of my favorites.
Tim: 그래요?
Debbie: 네.
Tim: 그럼 우리도 춘천으로 한번 가 볼까요? Then should we also head up to 춘천? Let’s talk to our correspondent Debbie again. KoreanClass101.com 뉴스에 오신 걸 환영합니다. 오늘은 Debbie 리포터가 춘천에서 우리를 기다리고 있네요. Today, our correspondent Debbie is live from the city of Chuncheon. 연결해 보겠습니다. Debbie 리포터, Debbie 리포터.
Debbie: 예, 오늘은 KoreanClass101.com 청취자들을 위해서가 아닌 저 자신을 위해서 춘천에 왔습니다. I am here in Chuncheon today but not on behalf of our KoreanClass101.com listeners but really for myself.
Tim: 예? 정취자들을 위해서가 아니라 Debbie 리포터 자신을 위해서요? Not for our listeners but for yourself?
Debbie: 예. 저는 오늘 그 유명한 춘천 닭갈비를 먹기 위해 춘천에 왔습니다. I’ve come to Chuncheon to try the most famous regional dish in Chuncheon called 춘천 닭갈비. 아주머니, 여기 닭갈비 1인분이요!
Tim: 아, 그렇군요. Debbie, can you briefly tell us about the city of Chuncheon for our KoreanClass101.com listeners?
Debbie: 네, 알겠습니다. 먼저 춘천은 강원도의 중심지이며 아름다운 산과 강 바다를 볼 수 있어서 많은 한국 관광객들이 들르는 도시입니다. The city of Chuncheon is the capital of Gangwon Province and is known as the land of mountains, lakes, and rivers because you can see them throughout the region. And it has become a popular destination for many tourists.
Tim: 아, 그렇군요. Then, can you briefly tell us about the transportation and accommodations in Chuncheon?
Debbie: 예. 크게 세 가지 교통편이 있습니다. 전철, 택시, 그리고 버스. There are three modes of transportation in Chuncheon. The train, the taxi, and the bus. 전철로 춘천에 도착하시려면 경춘선을 타시고 구 남춘천역에서 하차하십시오. To get to Chuncheon by train, take the Gyeongchun railway line and get off at Namchuncheon Station. 숙박은 호텔, 모텔, 여관 등에서 싸게 하실 수 있습니다. You can stay at hotels, motels, and inns at an inexpensive price.
Tim: 아, 그렇군요. Thanks for the brief explanation. Can you also tell us about the most famous dish in Chuncheon called 춘천 닭갈비?
Debbie: 예, 알겠습니다. 춘천 닭갈비, Chuncheon spice marinated chicken is a delicious grilled chicken dish with a lot of vegetables, and it is served with 고추장 소스, Korean spicy sauce.
Tim: Yummy.
Debbie: Yes. It’s a famous Korean dish and is a favorite amongst many Koreans. 그럼 지금까지 춘천에서 데비였습니다. This has been Debbie reporting live from the city of Chuncheon. 아주머니, 여기 밥 비벼 주세요.
Tim: Thank you, Debbie. 그럼 식사 맛있게 하세요. Enjoy your meal. 그럼 KoreanClass101.com 뉴스를 마치겠습니다.
Debbie: 이젠 팀, 수진 그리고 철수가 부럽지 않네요. Now I am not as jealous of Tim, Sujin or Cheolsu. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Debbie: The first word is
Tim: 잘못하다
Debbie: To make a mistake.
Tim: 잘못하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 잘못하다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 대신에
Debbie: Instead of, in place of.
Tim: 대신에 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 대신에 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And the next word is
Tim: 다
Debbie: All, everything.
Tim: 다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next up
Tim: 예상
Debbie: Expectation.
Tim: 예상 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 예상 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 아까
Debbie: Earlier, a while ago.
Tim: 아까 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아까 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 정하다
Debbie: To decide, to fix.
Tim: 정하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 정하다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 물어보다
Debbie: To ask
Tim: 물어보다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 물어보다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Next we have
Tim: 사실은
Debbie: Actually, in fact.
Tim: 사실은 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 사실은 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 계획
Debbie: Plan, arrangement, schedule.
Tim: 계획 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 계획 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And finally we have
Tim: 고고씽
Debbie: Let’s hit the road.
Tim: 고고씽 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 고고씽 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Debbie: The first word is
Tim: 장난이 심하다. Practical joke is harsh.
Debbie: This phrase is often used when somebody plays an extreme practical joke on others.
Tim: 예, 맞아요. Let’s break it down. 장난 is a noun which literally means a prank or a practical joke.
Debbie: 그리고 심하다 is a verb which literally means to be severe, to be harsh or to be extreme.
Tim: Therefore altogether 장난이 심하다 means your practical joke is too harsh or too extreme.
Debbie: This expression suits you well Tim.
Tim: Oh really?
Debbie: Yes. So here is an example sentence for you Tim. 팀은 다 좋은데 가끔 장난이 너무 심해요. Tim is a good guy but his practical jokes are sometimes too harsh.
Tim: 에이! 제가 정말로 장난이 너무 심해요? Are my practical jokes really too harsh?
Debbie: Well I guess they are not usually that bad but you do like to joke around.
Tim: 맞아요.
Debbie: 자, 그럼 다음 phrase는 무엇이죠? What’s the next phrase?
Tim: 죽을 뻔하다. Nearly died.
Debbie: Ah it’s a review from Lower Intermediate, Season 2, Lesson 10.
Tim: 예, 맞아요. 복습이니까 자세한 설명은 안 하고 바로 예문으로 갈게요. Here is our first example sentence. 나 어제 죽을 뻔 했어요. I almost died yesterday.
Debbie: What happened yesterday?
Tim: 큰 사나운 개한테 물릴 뻔했거든요. I almost got beaten by a huge wild dog.
Debbie: What! 큰 사나운 개요? A huge wild dog?
Tim: Yes, yes, yes.
Debbie: Tim, I was with you yesterday and now listeners, it was not a huge wild dog. It was a puppy.
Tim: 데비씨, 쉬쉬 비밀이잖아요. Debbie, it’s a secret.
Debbie: Okay I have another example. 저는 진짜 오늘 아침에 죽을 뻔했어요. I really almost died this morning.
Tim: Why? What happened?
Debbie: 차에 치일 뻔했거든요. I almost got hit by a car.
Tim: 아, 아깝다. 병원에 갈 뻔했는데. That’s a shame. You could have gone to the hospital. 장난입니다.
Debbie: 뭐라고요? What? Don’t be mean Tim.
Tim: Sorry.
Debbie: Okay now let’s move on to today’s lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Debbie: The focus of today’s lesson is about the two applications of the Korean phrase as.
Tim: 예. 한국어로 대로입니다.
Debbie: 예. This expression 대로 has two usages. One is used as a postpositional particle and the other is used as a bound noun. So depending on its usage, it’s conjugation rule is also different.
Tim: Yes.
Debbie: Let’s take a look at the first application of 대로 as a postpositional particle.
Tim: 예, 알겠습니다. Just like the other postpositional particle, it is followed right after a noun or a pronoun.
Debbie: Then its formation would be noun or pronoun plus 대로. Am I right Tim?
Tim: 예, 정답입니다. For example, 계획 a plan plus 대로 so it becomes 계획대로. As planned.
Debbie: How about this then 약속 a promise plus 대로. So it becomes 약속대로.
Tim: 예, 훌륭해요. Next example with 법 the law plus 대로 becomes 법대로 by the law.
Debbie: Wow! That’s really easy and simple.
Tim: Umm. Shall we make sentences using those three words? First as planned 우리 계획대로 한국 음식을 먹을까요?. Should we get Korean food as planned?
Debbie: Next as promised 그럼 나는 약속대로 한국에 가겠습니다. Then I will go to Korea as promised.
Tim: And last, by the law 철수야 법대로 하자 법대로. Hey Cheolsu, let’s go by the law.
Debbie: 좋네요. Now let’s take a look at the second application of 대로 as a bound noun.
Tim: 예, 알겠습니다. When it is used as a bound noun, it is attached to the verb stem. Its formation is verb stem plus ㄴ or 는대로 which means as planned, as promised and et cetera.
Debbie: Tim, can we have some examples please?
Tim: 예, 알겠습니다. What about with a verb 말하다 to speak 말하 verb stem plus ㄴ대로. So it becomes
Debbie: 말한대로. As discussed.
Tim: Umm…
Debbie: Okay what about with a verb 물어보다 to ask or to question 물어보 verb stem plus ㄴ대로. So it becomes 물어본대로 meaning as questioned or as asked right?
Tim: 정확히 맞췄습니다. Now shall we make sentences using those two? First, as discussed 제가 아까 말한대로 그 개는 정말 크고 무서운 개였어요. As I said earlier, the dog was really big and terrifying.
Debbie: No way Tim. As I said earlier, he was nothing but a puppy. 팀씨는 겁쟁이에요. 실망이에요. You get scared so easily. I am disappointed in you, Tim.
Tim: 정말 무서웠는데. I was really scared.
Debbie: Are you easily frightened by a puppy? 제가 물어본대로 답해 주세요. Please answer the question like I asked you.
Tim: 예, 저 사실 강아지 무서워해요. Yes I am actually scared of puppies.
Debbie: Okay then let’s record the next lesson with a puppy in the studio.
Tim: 오 강아지하고 함께요? 안 돼요!
Debbie: Okay, well maybe another animal then.
Tim: Umm…


Debbie: Okay, well that’s all for today’s lesson. 여러분 들어 주셔서 감사드리고요.
Tim: 저도 많이 많이 감사드려요. 그럼 다음 시간에 더욱 재미있는 한국어 레슨과 함께 다시 만나요.
Debbie: With the puppy?
Tim: No!
Debbie: See you next time. Bye.


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