
Vocabulary (Review)

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Mihyeon: 안녕하세요. 미현입니다.
Junsu: Hi everyone. I am Junsu.
Hyunwoo: Hi, my name is Hyun woo Sun. Should I Do It Or Not? 준수씨, are you good at making choices or do you tend to debate and hesitate a lot?
Junsu: Well actually I tend to listen to a lot of people’s opinions. So I guess I am not so good at making them.
Hyunwoo: 아, 그래요? 미현씨는요?
Mihyeon: 저도 자주 망설이는 편이에요.
Hyunwoo: What was the word again? 망설이다?
Mihyeon: 네, 망설이다.
Hyunwoo: What does that mean?
Junsu: It means to hesitate.
Hyunwoo: Ah so you hesitate a lot. 자주 망설여요?
Mihyeon: 네. 특히 밥 먹을때?
Hyunwoo: I see. I do that a lot too. I don’t know what to eat.
Mihyeon: 현우씨는 어때요?
Hyunwoo: Well I think I am okay at making decisions but like you said, I don’t know what to eat when you are with your friends hanging out and you know, I think that’s one of the hardest decisions to make. In today’s lesson, we will learn how to say that you are hesitating and not sure whether to do something or not.
Junsu: 좋아요. So is today’s conversation also between Seonyeong and Juho?
Hyunwoo: 네. 선영과 주호의 마지막 대화예요. It is the last piece of conversation between Seonyeong and Juho. If you remember in the last conversation, Juho told Seonyeong that in fact 사실은 he went to Gangnam to buy Seonyeong’s birthday present but we didn’t get to hear the ending of the story. So now let’s find out what happens.
(1)선영: 강남에 왜 갔어?
(2)주호: 사실은, 네 생일 선물 사러 갔어.
(3)선영: 뭐? 그런데 왜 말을 안 했어?
(4)주호: 말을 할까 말까 했지만, 깜짝 선물을 해 주고 싶어서...
(5)선영: 그랬구나...
(6)주호: 그리고, 사실은 나도 너를 봤어. 인사할까 말까 생각했는데, 그냥 왔어.
(7)선영: 화내서 미안해. 진짜 미안해.
(8)주호: 아니야. 괜찮아. 내가 미안해.
(9)선영: 그럼 생일 선물 기대할게! 고마워!!
(10)주호: 아... 그런데 그 날 내가 돈이 없어서... 선물을 못 샀어.
(11)선영: 뭐?!?!
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
(1)선영: 강남에 왜 갔어?
(1)Seonyeong: Why did you go to Gangnam?
(2)주호: 사실은, 네 생일 선물 사러 갔어.
(2)Juho: In fact, I went there to buy your birthday present.
(3)선영: 뭐? 그런데 왜 말을 안 했어?
(3)Seonyeong: What? But why didn't you tell me?
(4)주호: 말을 할까 말까 했지만, 깜짝 선물을 해 주고 싶어서…
(4)Juho: I was debating whether or not to tell you, but I wanted to give your present as a surprise.
(5)선영: 그랬구나...
(5)Seonyeong: I see…
(6)주호: 그리고, 사실은 나도 너를 봤어. 인사할까 말까 생각했는데, 그냥 왔어.
(6)Juho: And, in fact I saw you too. I was debating whether or not to say hi, but I just came back.
(7)선영: 화내서 미안해. 진짜 미안해.
(7)Seonyeong: I'm sorry I got angry with you. I'm really sorry.
(8)주호: 아니야. 괜찮아. 내가 미안해.
(8)Juho: No, it's okay. I'm sorry.
(9)선영: 그럼 생일 선물 기대할게! 고마워!!
(9)Seonyeong: Well then, I'll be looking forward to my present! Thanks!!
(10)주호: 아... 그런데 그 날 내가 돈이 없어서... 선물을 못 샀어.
(10)Juho: Uh..... The thing is, I didn't have any money that day.. I couldn't buy one.
(11)선영: 뭐?!?!
(11)Seonyeong: What?!?!
Hyunwoo: So Seonyeong stays mad at Juho.
Junsu: Yeah that’s right because Juho actually didn’t buy anything at all.
Hyunwoo: He told a lie and made Seonyeong get her hopes high and he didn’t buy her a present after all.
Mihyeon: 네. 이럴 때 정말 최악이라고 하죠 최악.
Hyunwoo: What was it again?
Mihyeon: 최악.
Hyunwoo: 최악. What does that mean Jusu?
Junsu: It means the worst possible thing.
Hyunwoo: Yeah the worst case scenario. 최악 the worst. 최 means the most, the best, the highest and 악 means evil, bad. Anything that’s bad is 악. So what’s devil?
Mihyeon: 악마
Hyunwoo: Yeah 악마 is devil and 최악 is the worst thing that can ever happen. So when do you say 아 최악이야.
Mihyeon: 음...여행 갔을 때 비가 오면 정말 최악이죠.
Hyunwoo: Yeah it would be really 최악, the worst if it rains when you are traveling and if you take a taxi and you realize you don’t have money, that’s 최악 too. So now let’s get into today’s vocabulary.
Hyunwoo: 첫 번째 단어는 뭐예요, 미현씨?
Mihyeon: 깜짝
Hyunwoo: 깜짝
Junsu: With a surprise all of a sudden.
Mihyeon: 깜짝 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 깜짝 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: 깜짝 means all of a sudden with a surprise. It is used as a noun, also as an adverb. How do you say to be surprised?
Mihyeon: 놀라다
Hyunwoo: And how do you add 깜짝 to it?
Mihyeon: 깜짝 놀라다
Hyunwoo: Junsu, what’s the difference between 놀라다 and 깜짝 놀라다?
Junsu: Well 놀라다 is just being surprised, 깜짝 놀라다 is being very, very surprised.
Hyunwoo: It describes the manner in which you get surprised and you are very, very surprised even sometimes to the point of being shocked. So how do you say a surprise present?
Mihyeon: 깜짝 선물
Hyunwoo: 깜짝 선물. 미현씨는 깜짝 선물 받아 보신 적 있으세요? Have you ever received a surprise present?
Mihyeon: 네, 있어요.
Hyunwoo: Oh from whom?
Mihyeon: 옛날에 남자 친구한테서.
Hyunwoo: Wow! You must have been very happy.
Mihyeon: 네. 그때는 그랬죠.
Hyunwoo: Hah 그때 okay I won’t ask you more questions about 그때, the past days. Okay how do you say a surprise party Junsu?
Junsu: 깜짝 파티
Hyunwoo: Have you ever been in a 깜짝 파티?
Junsu: Yeah actually we threw a lot of surprise parties when we were in high school.
Hyunwoo: For what kind of occasions?
Junsu: Like when it’s 친구 생일 or on Teachers’ Day.
Hyunwoo: I see and you can also use it as a noun and you can say, it is a 깜짝. And it’s when you are very surprised and you use it as an exclamation. For example, I am walking down the street and Mihyeon calls me from behind and Mi Sun is the last person that I expect you to see there and I can say
Junsu: 아 깜짝이야!
Hyunwoo: Exactly. 아 깜짝이야!
Mihyeon: 저 이 말 진짜 많이 써요.
Hyunwoo: 아 진짜요?
Mihyeon: 네.
Hyunwoo: 다시 한 번 말해 주세요.
Mihyeon: 아 깜짝이야!
Hyunwoo: 미현씨!
Mihyeon: 아 깜짝이야! 다른 생각 하고 있었어요.
Hyunwoo: Ah yeah. That’s how you can use it. Okay. 다음 단어는 뭐죠?
Mihyeon: 인사
Hyunwoo: 인사
Junsu: Greeting
Mihyeon: 인사 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 인사 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Yeah 인사 is a greeting. It’s simple but one interesting expression to know is how to say New Year’s greeting in Korean. It’s a very important occasion, right? So how do you say New Year’s greeting?
Junsu: 새해 인사
Hyunwoo: What was it again?
Mihyeon: 새해 인사
Hyunwoo: What’s 새해?
Junsu: 새해 is New Year. 새 means new and 해 means year.
Hyunwoo: So it means New Year’s greeting 새해 인사 and what’s the verb for 인사. What is the verb for greeting?
Junsu: 인사하다
Hyunwoo: 미현씨, how do you say did you greet him?
Mihyeon: 인사했어요?
Hyunwoo: No I didn’t say hi.
Mihyeon: 인사 안 했어요.
Hyunwoo: He didn’t even say hi.
Mihyeon: 저한테 인사도 안 했어요.
Hyunwoo: Okay on to the next one.
Mihyeon: 화내다
Hyunwoo: 화내다
Junsu: Get mad, get angry.
Mihyeon: 화내다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 화내다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Actually you can break that down and you can also say 화를 내다 and 내다 is the verb and the object of 내다 is 화. What is 화, Junsu?
Junsu: 화 means anger.
Hyunwoo: And what does 내다 mean?
Junsu: 내다 means to get something out.
Hyunwoo: Yeah 내다 is to get something out and there is a word that has a similar meaning which is 나다and 내다 and 나다 are often found in similar expressions that can be impaired as a group. For example, 화를 내다 can be changed to 화가 나다 and since 내다 is for you to get something out, you can say 화를 내다 using the object marker but 나다 is for something to get out, to come out, to appear. So you can say 화가 나다. 화 is the subject that does the action of 나다. So 화 comes out, 화 appears. It’s nothing that you do. It’s something that happens in your heart. You just feel it. So there is a very subtle difference between 화를 내다 and 화다 나다 but they are not the same. For example, how to say I am so mad. It makes me so angry. Which one do you say Junsu?
Junsu: Well since it’s something that you didn’t decide that you wanted it to happen and just happen naturally, you just say 화가 나다.
Hyunwoo: And how is it different from 화를 내다?
Junsu: 화를 내다 is used when you get mad at someone or something.
Hyunwoo: Yeah you are the one who decided to get mad and you are the one who is doing the action of getting the anger out. So 화를 내다 is to get angry at someone, get mad at someone and do the consecutive actions of breaking things or yelling at someone but 화가 나다 is to just feel anger. You feel upset but you might choose not to do anything. So when you say 화가 나요 it’s I am angry. It makes me upset. 화를 냈어요 it means I got angry at him and I said that things. Okay that was kind of tough. So let’s get into today’s grammar point now.

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: What is today’s grammar point Junsu?
Junsu: Like we said, today’s grammar point is whether to do something or not.
Hyunwoo: And in the structure of whether to do something or not, the verb 말다 is used. What does 말다 mean?
Junsu: 말다 means to give up or to discontinue.
Hyunwoo: So what is the structure 미현씨?
Mihyeon: ㄹ(을)까 말까
Hyunwoo: So how do you construct it in a sentence Junsu?
Junsu: You take the verb stem and add ㄹ(을)까 말까.
Hyunwoo: So how do you say to think about whether to go or not?
Junsu: 갈까 말까 생각하다.
Hyunwoo: 미현씨, how do you say to decide?
Mihyeon: 결정하다
Hyunwoo: And how do you say to be not able to decide whether to meet or not?
Mihyeon: 만날까 말까 결정을 못 하다.
Hyunwoo: Yeah exactly. Could you give us some example sentences?
Mihyeon: 디저트 먹을까 말까?
Junsu: Should we have dessert or not?
Mihyeon: 이 가방 살까 말까 생각 중이에요.
Junsu: I am thinking whether to buy this bag or not.


Hyunwoo: Okay, so I think that’s going to do it for today.
Junsu: Although it might seem difficult, don’t be discouraged and I hope you all review what you learned today.
Hyunwoo: No grammar point is too difficult to learn when you review and keep practicing. So see you next week.
Mihyeon: 다음 주에 봐요.
Junsu: Bye everyone.


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