
Vocabulary (Review)

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Minkyeong: 오이소. 오늘 쌉니데이. 어이 청년!
Jinyong: 예.
Minkyeong: 이리 와 봐라.
Jinyong: 이게 뭔데예 아줌마.
Minkyeong: 싸데이.
Jinyong: 뭐가요, 뭐가요. 오늘 뭐가 들어왔는데요 오늘.
Minkyeong: 광어도 있고 전복도 있고.
Jinyong: 예. 광어 그 얼만데요 그거?
Minkyeong: 이거 한 마리에 싸게 해서 5만 원.
Jinyong: 5만 원?
Minkyeong: 응.
Jinyong: 가만 있어 봐.
Minkyeong: 싸다 싸다.
Jinyong: 전복은 얼만데예?
Minkyeong: 응 하나에 3만 원.
Jinyong: 3만 원?
Minkyeong: 어.
Jinyong: 이 왜이래 비싼데 이거?
Minkyeong: 싸게 해 주는 거다.
Jinyong: 아줌마, 이거 완전 바가지 아이가?
Minkyeong: 뭐가? 싸게 해 주는 거.
Jinyong: 아이, 바가지네 이거.
Minkyeong: 아, 아이다.
Jinyong: 갈란다 내. 왜 이래 비싸노?
Jinyong: 안녕하십니까. 저 최진영이라고 합니다.
Minkyeong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다.
Keith: Hey, that was kind of boring, compared to Jinyong over here.
Minkyeong: Okay. Next week I will learn Jejudo dialect and do the 인사 in Jejudo dialect.
Keith: Okay. Well... All right. Well, I'm Keith and we're here at Korean Culture Class Number 14 경상도 사투리 Number 2. All right, so just to recap really quickly, last week we did a culture class focusing on phrases. What are we focusing on in this lesson?
Minkyeong: We are focusing on the culture of 경상도, especially 부산.

Lesson focus

Keith: Well, before we get into the culture of it, is there a lot of difference between 부산 and other people in 경상도? 경상도 is kind of big, isn't it?
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: But 부산 is just a city.
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: So what's the difference? Is there a difference between the culture or maybe even the language?
Jinyong: I would say 부산 is like a representative city in 경상도. And if you think about 경상도, the city 부산 comes up the first thing in your mind.
Keith: So basically, it's pretty much representative of 경상도.
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: But there are, maybe, slight differences... Slight differences in the 억양 intonation, maybe...
Jinyong: Yes, a little bit difference, But basically, it's the same.
Keith: Okay, but we are talking about the culture here, So 경상도 is represented by 부산, the culture... And we are approaching this dialogue like we did in our last culture class, we're going to have the 사투리 first, and after that, the slow version. After that, with...
Minkyeong: 표준어.
Keith: You're good at that one, the standard Korean. And finally, we're going to have the translation. So we're going to have all four of those, and the reason we have a dialogue in this conversation is to show you the type of personality that some of these people have. Well, I'm talking like you're a different country or something. But yes, the type of culture, the type of personalities that people in 경상도 have. All right, so... How about we listen in?
Jinyong: 예. 들어 보입시다.
(1)선희: 여보세요? 거이 진용이네 집 아입니꺼?
(2)진용: 예 맞는데예, 제가 진용인데예…
(3)선희: 아, 맞나? 진용아! 내 선희다!
(4)진용: 선희가? 니 또 와 전화 했는데?
(5)선희: 니 목소리 듣고 싶어가 내가 전화 했다 아이가.
(6)진용: 니를 내가 우야면 좋노? 자꾸 전화 하지 마래이.
(7)선희: 내가 요래 전화를 한 거는 니랑 친하게 지낼라고 이러는거 아이가!
(8)진용: 됐따 때리치아뿌라!
Jinyong: 마, 느리게 함 해 봐라.
(1)선희: 여보세요? 거이 진용이네 집 아입니꺼?
(2)진용: 예 맞는데예, 제가 진용인데예…
(3)선희: 아, 맞나? 진용아! 내 선희다!
(4)진용: 선희가? 니 또 와 전화 했는데?
(5)선희: 니 목소리 듣고 싶어가 내가 전화 했다 아이가.
(6)진용: 니를 내가 우야면 좋노? 자꾸 전화 하지 마래이.
(7)선희: 내가 요래 전화를 한 거는 니랑 친하게 지낼라고 이러는거 아이가!
(8)진용: 됐따 때리치아뿌라!
Jinyong: 표준어로 함 해 보까?
(1)선희: 여보세요? 거기 진용이네 집 아닙니까?
(2)진용: 예 맞는데요. 제가 진용인데요.
(3)선희: 아, 맞구나. 진용아, 나 선희야.
(4)진용: 선희니? 너 또 왜 전화했니?
(5)선희: 네 목소리 듣고 싶어서 내가 전화했지.
(6)진용: 너를 내가 어떻게 하면 좋니. 자꾸 전화하지 마.
(7)선희: 내가 이렇게 전화를 한 것은 너랑 친하게 지내려고 그런 거야.
(8)진용: 됐어. 그만 둬.
Jinyong: 영어로 함 하자.
(1)선희: 여보세요? 거기 진용이네 집 아닙니까?
Keith: “Hello. Is this Jinyong's house?”
(2)진용: 예 맞는데요. 제가 진용인데요.
Keith: “Yes, speaking.”
(3)선희: 아, 맞나? 진용아! 내 선희다!
Keith: “Oh, Jinyong, this is Seonhui.”
(4)진용: 선희가? 니 또 와 전화 했는데?
Keith: “Seonhui, why did you call me again?”
(5)선희: 니 목소리 듣고 싶어가 내가 전화 했다 아이가.
Keith: “You know, I called because I wanted to talk to you, right?”
(6)진용: 니를 내가 우야면 좋노? 자꾸 전화 하지 마래이.
Keith: “What am I going to do with you? Stop calling me.”
(7)선희: 내가 요래 전화를 한 거는 니랑 친하게 지낼라고 이러는거 아이가!
Keith: “I called because I wanted to be friends with you.”
(8)진용: 됐따 때리치아뿌라!
Keith: “Enough. Forget about it.”
Keith: All right. So how did you feel about that conversation?
Jinyong: Well, it's kind of a typical conversation between a boy and a girl, and the boy is kind of blunt because his girlfriend calls you, and then he just say: "How do I do with you? Don't call me." Or something like that.
Minkyeong: I don't think it's his girlfriend.
Jinyong: Is it?
Minkyeong: I think she's just, you know, kind of...
Jinyong: I mean, as a person from 부산, I think she is his girlfriend. And then, his girlfriend really, really, likes him, actually.
Keith: All right. So you think this a very representative of 경상도 people and their personalities.
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: Okay. Well, how about we get into some of the vocab and we'll talk about some of those personalities, stereotypes, a little later.
Keith: So what do we got first? What's our first vocabulary word?
Jinyong: 거이
Keith: "There"
Jinyong: 거이 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 거이 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that, what do we got?
Jinyong: 맞는데예.
Keith: "Yes, that's right."
Jinyong: 맞는데예 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 맞는데예 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that, what do we got?
Jinyong: 됐따.
Keith: "Enough", "no further"
Jinyong: 됐따 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 됐따 [natural native speed]
Keith: And what do we got?
Jinyong: 전화 하지 마래이.
Keith: "Don't call me."
Jinyong: 전화 하지 마래이 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 전화 하지 마래이 [natural native speed]
Keith: 민경아, 전화 하지 마래이.
Minkyeong: I can't say anything.
Keith: All right. Let's pronounce our next word. What do we got?
Jinyong: 우야면 좋노.
Keith: "What am I going to do?"
Jinyong: 우야면 좋노 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 우야면 좋노 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next word we have is?
Jinyong: 요래
Keith: "Like this."
Jinyong: 요래 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 요래 [natural native speed]
Keith: And finally, this is a nice phrase that we got. It's... Pretty... It's a good one.
Jinyong: My favorite. 때리치아뿌라!
Keith: "Forget about it.".
Jinyong: 때리치아뿌라 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 때리치아뿌라 [natural native speed]
Keith: Wait, wait just to go over this phrase really quickly. Is this like the Italian"Forget about it?"
Jinyong: More stronger than that.
Keith: Stronger than that?
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: So what is that mean forget about it?
Jinyong: You're doing something unhelpful to you, right? Something like, I don't know, throwing stones at the beach. Something unhelpful, right? And then, your friend, yes, your friend advice you to stop that, right?
Keith: Because it's unproductive.
Jinyong: Unproductive, unhelpful, it's nothing.
Keith: I like that example.
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: I feel like you've thrown stones at the beach.
Jinyong: No, no. So in that time, your friend advice you 때리치아뿌라. Actually, a lot of examples. For example, you are running a company that makes no profit. And then, your friend advice you to stop the company and then you say 때리치아뿌라.
Keith: See, now that's a normal example. Why did you have to give the throwing stones? All right. So having that phrase, I want to give it a try, but it's kind of... Correct me if I'm wrong.
Jinyong: Okay.
Keith: Plus my intonation.
Jinyong: Okay.
Keith: 때리치아뿌라.
Jinyong: You're wrong.
Keith: Well, help me out.
Jinyong: Say it more strongly at the first accent. You say it, something like you were spitting and saying it at the same time.
Keith: This... Sorry. But ok. This phrase, this phrase is "Forget about it." Stop doing this, stop putting your... Stop wasting your energy, you're not...
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: You're not doing anything good.
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: Now, this is a very honest phrase.
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: So if your friend is not doing so well, it's like: "Hey, you’ve got to stop doing that."
Minkyeong: 때리치아뿌라.
Jinyong: Oh. That's more better.
Keith: So does that tell about 경상도 culture?
Jinyong: As honest and the... It's caring to your friends, and then think about your friend a lot... Well, friendship in one word.
Keith: Okay. So you care about your friends, friendship, but at the same time, you are very blunt.
Minkyeong: And 경상도 guys are known for that, right?
Jinyong: Yes, usually they are.
Keith: And that's one of the major stereotypes that 경상도 people men have, that they're very blunt, that they're very direct and they're very honest.
Jinyong: Mhm.
Minkyeong: Yes, So like my mom always tell me you should never get married to a Gyeongsangdo man, because they're very blunt and they are not very, you know, caring.
Jinyong: No, I'm so sorry, but your mother is totally wrong. If you get to know...
Minkyeong: My mom is from 경상도.
Jinyong: Oh really?
Minkyeong: Yes.
Jinyong: But if you get to know a guy in 부산, right, they are more how do you say it...
Minkyeong: Manly in...
Jinyong: Not manly, they are more timid...
Minkyeong: Oh, really?
Jinyong: They are more emotional.
Keith: Yes, I feel like that's a very good trait, to be very emotional, but blunt and honest at the same time. I think Korean men, generally Korean men, are better epitomized by 부산 men 경상도 men because 부산, 경상도 men are very emotional, and I think Korean men are, you know, very emotional. And they're also very blunt at the same time.
Minkyeong: But they sound so harsh.
Keith: Yes, but culturally speaking, that, the language might sound a little harsh, but I feel like, culturally speaking, men from 경상도 represent men from Korea, generally. Much better than they do anywhere else.
Jinyong: True. I think that's true. Yes.
Keith: So in this conversation, we had this guy who's really blunt and he's pretty emotional, too, huh?
Jinyong: Yes. Well, I'd say whether than blunt, he's kind of embarrassed that his girlfriend called him.
Keith: So...
Jinyong: Directly. At home, right?
Keith: Yes...
Jinyong: And to hide his feeling, he's more blunt than ever. You know what I mean?
Keith: Blunt to hide feelings.
Jinyong: More blunter to hide feelings.
Keith: So do you do that yourself?
Jinyong: Well, when I was a kid but not now. Yes, it's just a, how you say it? Widespread habit of people in 부산.
Keith: Okay. So one of the major differences between people from Seoul and from Busan is that people from Seoul will well the men at least, will try to make things a little softer, not be so blunt. If you're telling your friend: "Hey, you’ve got to stop your business, it's not making any money." What would you say? Something like...
Minkyeong: Seoul people?
Keith: Yes, Seoul.
Minkyeong: They'll probably talk around. They wouldn't say directly like 때리치아뿌라 or something, you know?
Keith: But yes, very direct and very honest. All right. So what are some other differences that women have?
Minkyeong: I mean, 경상도 especially 대구 is famous for pretty ladies, right?
Jinyong: Yes, that's true.
Minkyeong: And very cute. And, you know, charming and stuff... Is it true? Compared to Seoul and other cities.
Jinyong: Yes, because girls in Busan are more friendly and more caring to their friends.
Keith: You're just making this stuff up.
Jinyong: Yes. Did you notice?
Keith: All right. How about stereotypes? What are some stereotypes that Busan women have?
Minkyeong: You know, in 경상도, it is known that girls are 애교가 많다.
Keith: Okay, that phrase means "to act very cute" to try to act very cute when you're around a guy that you like or something and...
Minkyeong: Yes. Much more than Seoul ladies.
Keith: So do you think that's true?
Jinyong: No, I don't think so. I don't know because I'm a guy in Busan, I think girls in Seoul are more cute.
Keith: Always wanting what you can't get.
Jinyong: Yes, that's true.
Keith: No, but that's... I mean, that's why we like Busan so much, because we can't get in there, right?
Jinyong: Right.
Minkyeong: Yes.
Keith: It's like: "Oh, he's the non-Busan person."...
Minkyeong: Yes.
Keith: But I mean, I been there, I think they're beautiful. I think Busan women are very beautiful and I think...
Minkyeong: Than Seoul girls?
Keith: Yes. I...
Minkyeong: I'm from Seoul.
Keith: Minkyeong, you're beautiful, too.
Minkyeong: That didn't sound too well.
Keith: 전화 하지 마래이.
Minkyeong: 때리치아뿌라.
Keith: All right, just to go over a couple of different stereotypes really quickly. What about people in general? Busan people in general.
Jinyong: More conservatives.
Minkyeong: Yes, they're known to be very conservative.
Keith: Wait. Is it just the men or the women also?
Minkyeong: I think just the men, is it?
Jinyong: No, also the women. Really.
Keith: So conservative in terms of, maybe, politics, maybe their values... What kind of conservative are we talking about?
Jinyong: Politics, values concerning their families or maybe concerning male-female relationships...
Minkyeong: So generally, overall everything.
Jinyong: Yes, over everything.
Keith: Okay. So can we have a couple of examples of how 경상도 people are conservative, 보수적인? Jinyong, do you have a personal example of how you're conservative... Do you consider yourself conservative?
Jinyong: Very, very conservative.
Keith: Okay. So and Minkyeong, you're his friend, right?
Minkyeong: Yes, he's very, very conservative.
Keith: Okay. So instead of asking Jinyong, I want to ask Minkyeong. How is he conservative?
Minkyeong: I mean, the way he treats his sister, he's very conservative. He's really worried about his sister, right?
Jinyong: Yes. For example, after school she goes to some kind of academy, and then, I call her, first. And then, she doesn't get the phone. And then, I call it again. And she doesn't get the phone, again, right? And then , I run, literally run, to the academy. And then, get her home.
Minkyeong: Is that because you're worried that someone is going to, like, kidnap her or something?
Jinyong: Yes, something like that. Just...
Keith: Super overprotective brother.
Jinyong: Super overprotective. Yes, you're right.
Keith: Well...
Minkyeong: I have two brothers, but none of them is like that.
Keith: That's because you're from Seoul.
Jinyong: Yes.
Keith: 서울 사람이니까. 신경 별로 안 쓰죠? They don't really care too much about their brothers or sisters.
Jinyong: No.
Minkyeong: That's not ok.
Keith: So let's move on to our next point, our next cultural point. Now, what's a big stereotype of 경상도 people?
Minkyeong: It's just that 경상도 and 전라도 don't really go well together, you know?
Keith: It's like oil and water.
Minkyeong: Yes.
Jinyong: Oil and water. Yes, that's true.
Keith: Actually, Hyunwoo and Seol, they're both from Gwangju.
Minkyeong: Jeollado?
Keith: Yes, which is located in Jeollado. And, actually, we did a Jeollado culture class as well, but they didn't mention that they don't like Gyeongsangdo people.
Jinyong: Well... Especially in terms of politics. And because Korea is divided North Korea and South Korea, right? But if you see closely, is actually divided one more time 전라도 and 경상도.
Keith: Okay.
Jinyong: So when there is an election, right, people from 전라도 never ever pick the candidate from 경상도 and vice versa.
Minkyeong: But why is that? Is there a reason that you guys don't like each other, or it's just because?
Jinyong: It's just because , well, it depends on people, but my personal experience, there are three people, three friends from Gwangju, but I just don't like them. It's just...
Keith: That's a good friend.
Jinyong: Yes, they're good friends. But how you say it?
Minkyeong: Maybe like personality differences.
Jinyong: Yes, personality differences. We just don't get along.
Keith: Okay. So it's a two way hate street between 경상도 and 전라도.
Minkyeong: Yes.
Keith: Judging from today's culture class, I think if 전라도 people got into a fight with 경상도 people, I think 경상도 people would win.
Jinyong: I think so.
Keith: Really? Well, at least, by their fighting words.
Jinyong: Fighting words and speed of the talking, they'd just beat them right up, like...
Keith: Verbally. Okay. All right, we're not condoning violence here, ok?
Jinyong: No.
Keith: All right. So let's move on. What's our last point? What do we have to say about 경상도 people?
Minkyeong: They have a big pride of their region. Is that true?
Jinyong: Yes, it's very true. Well, for example, there's a party, right? And then, people from Korea, from Seoul, Busan gather up in the party, but if they start talking about it, people from Busan always brag about their food or the places they went, heritage they have in Busan...
Keith: It sounds a lot like America and the South. People in the South are very proud of: "Yes, I'm from the South and we have this long heritage and culture.", and it's a specific culture in the South different than what it is in America, for the most part, and is that the same as it is in 경상도?
Jinyong: Yes, it is almost the same. It's like, if you have a girlfriend, right? You always brag about your girlfriend. Your girlfriend is pretty, I don't know... Your girlfriend has a good job, or something like that, right? It's like your region is your girlfriend. You always brag about...
Keith: See, I don't know if this is the same analogy, the same example as the throwing rocks in the ocean. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but...
Minkyeong: I have pride for Seoul. Okay...
Keith: Well, I mean yes, but I mean everybody is from Seoul, it's not so special, come on.
Minkyeong: You're right. It's nothing special. I have no pride.
Keith: No, really, do you have some kind of pride in Seoul?
Minkyeong: No, I don't think Seoul people actually have that much pride. I mean, we don't have that, you know, dialect or something that is special for Seoul.
Keith: Something that is very distinctive.
Minkyeong: Yes.
Keith: Okay. Okay, well, for those of our listeners who maybe living in 경상도, I hope you develop some pride. Some 경상도 pride. Is this like a different flag or something, for 경상도?
Minkyeong: What?
Jinyong: No, there's no flags.
Keith: No... Just one country, one unity, ok. No, no because in America each state has their own flag.
Minkyeong: Oh, really?
Jinyong: We really want to make one, though.
Minkyeong: Just for 경상도?
Jinyong: Just for 경상도.
Keith: Are you going to draw a rising fist, like power. Really, that's my image of 경상도, like power, strength and honor.
Jinyong: This lightning or something like that.
Keith: Like lightning?
Jinyong: Right.


Keith: Yes, I don't know about that one. All right. I think we're going to have to wrap it up over here and we have the conversation at the end of this lesson, So listen for that, and try to see in the conversation, the little nuances that we're talking about today, about  people and their stereotypes. All right. So that's going to do it. I guess I will see you next time.
Jinyong: Bye.
Minkyeong: 다음 시간에 봬요.

Dialog (Dialect)

Dialog (Standard)

