
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tim: 방가 방가 (Bangabanga) KoreanClass101.com 여러분 (yeoreobun). 팀입니다. (Tim imnida.)
Debbie: Debbie here. Why You Should Think Twice about Driving a Car in Korea.
Debbie: Hello, and welcome back to the KoreanPOD101.com , the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Korean! I'm joined in the studio by...
Tim: Hello everyone. Tim here.
Tim: 방가 방가 everyone! Welcome back to KoreanClass101.com. With us...
Debbie: You'll learn to speak Korean with fun and effective lessons.
Tim: 데비씨. 보고싶었습니다.
Debbie: What? 하하! Did you guys hear what Tim just said? What did you just say, Tim?
Tim: 데비씨, 보고싶었습니다.
Debbie: 하하! No way! Listeners, 보고싶었습니다 is "I missed you" in English. Do you guys think Tim really meant it?
Tim: Of course not!
Debbie: See! However, "WE MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" Didn't you, Tim?
Tim: 여러분 보고 싶었습니다.
Debbie: I think Tim meant it this time.
Tim: What are we learning today?
Debbie: We will learn how to say the words, from 강조하며 and to 강조하며 in Korean. For example, 'from place A to place B'.
Tim: We will also learn about some other words such as "by the way", "why", and "bye-bye".
Debbie: Where does this conversation take place?
Tim: At the parking lot - 주차장에서.
Debbie: The conversation is between...
Tim: Tim and Sujin.
Debbie: Since this conversation is between friends, the speakers will use informal Korean.
Tim: 반말입니다.
Debbie: Let's listen to the conversation.
(At a parking lot)
(At a parking lot)
팀: 이제 그만 가자?
수진: 그래. 여기에서부터 집까지 지하철로 1시간 걸린다고 했지?
팀: 응, 넌 여기부터 집까지 차로 40분?
수진: 응, 근데... 여기서부터 서울까지는 얼마나 걸릴까?
팀: 음... 아마도 차로 30분 정도... 왜?
수진: 추석 잔치가 있어. 그럼 잘 가.
팀: 너도.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
팀: 이제 그만 가자?
수진: 그래. 여기에서부터 집까지 지하철로 1시간 걸린다고 했지?
팀: 응, 넌 여기부터 집까지 차로 40분?
수진: 응, 근데... 여기서부터 서울까지는 얼마나 걸릴까?
팀: 음... 아마도 차로 30분 정도... 왜?
수진: 추석 잔치가 있어. 그럼 잘 가.
팀: 너도.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
(At a parking lot)
Debbie(At a parking area)
팀: 이제 그만 가자?
Debbie: Why don't we go home now?
수진: 그래. 여기에서부터 집까지 지하철로 1시간 걸린다고 했지?
Debbie: Okay. You said it took one hour by train to get home from here?
팀: 응, 넌 여기부터 집까지 차로 40분?
Debbie: Yes. It took you forty minutes by car to get home from here?
수진: 응, 근데... 여기서부터 서울까지는 얼마나 걸릴까?
Debbie: Yes. By the way... How long will it take to go to Seoul from here?
팀: 음... 아마도 차로 30분 정도... 왜?
Debbie: Hmm...maybe about thirty minutes by car... Why?
수진: 추석 잔치가 있어. 그럼 잘 가.
Debbie: I have a Thanksgiving (holiday) party to go to. Bye.
팀: 너도.
Debbie: Bye.
Debbie: How long does it take to go from Canada to Korea by plane?
Tim: If my memory is correct, it takes 11 hours and 37 minutes.
Debbie: 하하! 37 minutes! Tim, you are so precise!
Tim: (자랑스럽게 feeling proud) "I KNOW!"
Debbie: 하하~~ So (강조하며 emphasizing) "from" Canada (강조하며 emphasizing) "to" Korea, it will take approximately 12 hours.
Tim: 응!
Debbie: How about "from" Seoul "to" Busan?
Tim: That's a good example, but the listeners may not know about "Seoul" and "Busan" yet. Can you give us some information about these two cities?
Debbie: Sure! First, "Seoul" is the capital of Korea.
Tim: And it's famous for...?
Debbie: Many things, but shopping in particular!
Tim: And next...?
Debbie: "Busan" is the second largest city in Korea.
Tim: And it's famous for...?
Debbie: (주저거리며.. hesitating) 어어어...
Tim: Debbie, it's famous for...?
Debbie: (아직도 주저거리며... hesitating) It's famous for...for... I don't remember! Do you?
Tim: (한심해하는 말투로 with tone of disappointment) 헉!~~ How can you not know this? (자신있게 with confidence) It's famous for... 어... (목소리가 작아지며 voice is getting weaker) it's famous for... 어어어...
Debbie: 하하! Ah, I remember now! It's famous for sea-bathing and delicious seafood.
Tim: Yes! That's right! Thanks, Debbie!
Debbie: You're welcome! Let's move on to the lesson vocabulary!
Debbie: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Tim: 그만 [natural native speed]
Debbie: stop, no more
Tim: 그만 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 그만 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 집 [natural native speed]
Debbie: house, home
Tim: 집 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 집 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: A 에서 B 까지 [natural native speed]
Debbie: from A to B
Tim: A 에서 B 까지 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: A 에서 B 까지 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 왜 [natural native speed]
Debbie: why
Tim: 왜 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 왜 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 추석 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day)
Tim: 추석 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 추석 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 잔치 [natural native speed]
Debbie: feast
Tim: 잔치 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 잔치 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 잘 가 [natural native speed]
Debbie: good-bye
Tim: 잘 가 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 잘 가 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 너도 [natural native speed]
Debbie: you too (informal)
Tim: 너도 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 너도 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Tim: 근데 [natural native speed]
Debbie: but, however (colloquial version of 그런데)
Tim: 근데 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tim: 근데 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Debbie: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some words from this lesson. The first word is...?
Tim: 근.데. 근데.
Debbie: Meaning "by the way". Can you give us an example?
Tim: Sure. Let's use 근데 in a conversation. Debbie, say anything about me. I mean anything about me.
Debbie: Okay. Tim, you drink too much water!
Tim: (동감하며 agreeing) 응~
Debbie: You are not funny!
Tim: (약간 성질이 난듯한 목소리로 agreeing but a bit got mad) 응~~
Debbie: But your lessons are good!
Tim: And suddenly I say, 근데, 누구세요? "By the way, who are you?"
Debbie: 하하! Good one! Listeners, repeat after Tim, "by the way, who are you?"
Tim: 근데, 누구세요?
Debbie: Great! Next we have,
Tim: 왜. 왜?
Debbie: Meaning "why". The formation is like this - 왜 wae "why" + Verb (Question form). Can you give us examples?
Tim: Okay... 데비씨, 왜 웃어요? "Debbie, why are you laughing?"
Debbie: One more...
Tim: 데비씨, 왜 자요? "Debbie, why are you sleeping?"
Debbie: Okay guys. Don't worry about the verbs - 웃어요? "smiling" and 자요? "sleeping". We will learn about Korean verbs later on. All you need to remember is this!
Tim: 왜 is "why" in English and the formation is....?
Debbie: 왜 "why" + Verb (question form)!
Tim: (동의하며 agreeing) 음. 음 hm. hm.
Debbie: Finally we have...
Tim: 잘.가. 잘가!
Debbie: Meaning "Good-bye" in casual Korean. So, can I say it like this - 잘 가, 팀! "Bye, Tim!"?
Tim: Yes! I would also say, 잘 가, 데비! "Bye, Debbie!"
Debbie: Excellent! Now let's move on to the lesson focus!

Lesson focus

Debbie: The focus of this lesson is learning how to say "from place A to place B".
Tim: Yes! First, let's learn about "from", which is 부터 in Korean.
Debbie: So, "from place A" is A부터 in Korean?
Tim: 딩.동.댕! You are correct! But, you may also say A 에서부터. Either A부터 or A에서부터 means "from A" in English.
Debbie: In this lesson, we will practice with the longer version, A에서부터. But just note that the (천천히 강조하며) 에서 is optional. Okay! Let's try it with different places. How about "from America"?
Tim: "America" is 미국 + "from" is 에서부터. So "From America" is 미국에서부터.
Debbie: How about "from here"?
Tim: "Here" is 여기 + "from" is 에서부터. so, "from here" is 여기에서부터.
Debbie: I got it! It's not that hard, right? What's next?
Tim: Okay, next! Let's learn about how to say "to" or "until", which is 까지 in Korean.
Debbie: So "to place B" is B까지?
Tim: Yes. "To place B" is B까지 in Korean!
Debbie: Okay! Let's use some other place names! How about "to Korea"?
Tim: "Korea" is 한국 + "to" is 까지. So...
Debbie: (힘차고 신나서) It's 한국까지!
Tim: Right! 딩동댕! Okay. How about "to there"?
Debbie: Okay...(생각을 하며) Hmm... "there" is 저기, + "to" is 까지, so it's 저기까지.
Tim: 빰빠라 빰빰 빰빰빰! Yes! Good job, Debbie!
Debbie: (흥분을 가라앉히지 못한 목소리로) What's next, Tim? Come on. I'm on a roll here.
Tim: 하하! Okay! Lastly, we tack both "from A" and "to B" together, which is "from A to B".
Debbie: Okay... Hmm... "from A" is A에서부터 + "to B" is B까지, so all together...
Tim: A에서부터 B까지. Listeners, please repeat after me. A에서부터 B까지.
Debbie: Great! Let's add some place names. How do we say "from America to Korea"? Let's try it with the listeners.
Tim: "America" is 미국 + "from" is 에서부터, so "from America" is 미국에서부터.
Debbie: And "Korea" is 한국 + "to" is 까지; therefore, "to Korea" is 한국까지.
Tim: So, all together... Debbie?
Debbie: 미국에서부터 한국까지 "From America to Korea". Listeners, please repeat after Tim.
Tim: 미국에서부터 한국까지.
Tim: Wonderful! Well, that's all for this lesson...
Debbie: (애원하는 듯한 목소리로) Wait Tim! How about one more example? Can't you hear the listeners asking for it?
Tim: (속삭이며) "Yes. One more! Yes. One more!"
Tim: Okay then! How about "from here to there"?
Debbie: "From here" is 여기에서부터.
Tim: "to there" is 저기까지. So all together it becomes 여기에서부터 저기까지. Please repeat after me. 여기에서부터 저기까지.


Debbie: Thanks, Tim! Now it's time for us to say 잘 가 "bye" to everyone. As always, don't forget to read the lesson notes for a more detailed explanation. Keep up the great work, guys! We'll see you next time!
Tim: 여러분 다음시간까지 "잘 가"!


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