
Vocabulary (Review)

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Keith: Tell Me about Your Korean Schedule! Keith here! I'm joined in the studio by...
Misun: Absolutely Misun.
Keith: Absolutely winner, absolutely Misun.
Misun: 네.
Keith: Well, in this lesson, you will learn how to ask when.
Misun: 언제
Keith: Okay. And this conversation takes place…
Misun: On the phone.
Keith: The conversation is between…
Misun: Two friends, 진이와 민호.
Keith: Okay, and they’re friends, so the speakers will be speaking informal Korean.
Misun: 반말이요.
Keith: Let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

진이 언제 퇴근해?
민호 일곱시.
진이 언제 밥 먹어?
민호 여덟시.
진이 언제 자?
민호 아홉시.
진이 언제 일어나?
민호 아... 진짜...
English Host: One more time with the English.
진이 언제 퇴근해?
Keith: When do you get off work?
민호 일곱시.
Keith: Seven o'clock.
진이 언제 밥 먹어?
Keith: When do you eat?
민호 여덟시.
Keith: Eight o'clock.
진이 언제 자?
Keith: When do you sleep?
민호 아홉시.
Keith: Nine o'clock.
진이 언제 일어나?
Keith: When do you wake up?
민호 아... 진짜...
Keith: Ah, really?
Keith: Hmm... getting off of work at 7 o'clock sounds like a distant memory for me.
Misun: Well you know, South Koreans work the most hours in the world. Do you know that?
Keith: Yeah, Korean people work HARD!
Misun: Yup. Many companies work 6 days a week. That’s amazing.
Keith: There's also overtime. And actually, it’s kind of mandatory overtime, even if they don't say it is.
Misun: That’s true. It’s like you have to stay until the boss leaves, and then you can leave.
Keith: Yeah. Well, maybe it's like that for some companies. But definitely face time is pretty important.
Misun: It's not only just face time though. People are actually working pretty hard.
Keith: Yeah, that's true. I think the average work week is 44 hours a week. That doesn’t sound too bad, does it?
Misun: Oh, it’s too bad for me. I can’t. I don’t know how they manage their life.
Keith: Yeah, I don’t know either, but, yeah, they like working. I don’t know if they actually, like…
Misun: I mean, you said mandatory.
Keith: It’s kind of mandatory overtime, yeah.
Misun: Right.
Keith: Let’s take a look at today's vocabulary. First we have…
Misun: 언제 [natural native speed]
Keith: When
Misun: 언제 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 언제 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 퇴근하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To finish work.
Misun: 퇴근하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 퇴근하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 시 [natural native speed].
Keith: Hour.
Misun: 시 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 시 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next…
Misun: 밥 [natural native speed]
Keith Meal or rice.
Misun 밥 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 밥 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 먹다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To eat
Misun: 먹다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 먹다[natural native speed].
Keith: Next, we have…
Misun: 자다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To sleep.
Misun: 자다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 자다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 일어나다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To get up, to wake up.
Misun: 일어나다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 일어나다 [natural native speed].
Keith: And finally…
Misun: 진짜 [natural native speed]
Keith: Really.
Misun: 진짜 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 진짜 [natural native speed].
Keith: All right. Well, let's take a closer look at some of words and phrases from this lesson.
Misun: The first word/phrase we’ll look at is 퇴근하다.
Keith: To leave work or get off of work.
Misun: 퇴/근/하/다
Keith: This is an interesting word because there's no such word in English!
Misun: No. This is when you're leaving or getting off of work.
Keith: In Korean, it’s just one verb.
Misun: Right.
Keith: So Misun, does this word refer to the time you're scheduled to get off, or the actual time you leave, because those two can be very different.
Misun: It’s the actual time you leave.
Keith: Okay. So if you’re supposed to get off at 7:00 but your mandatory overtime says you leave at 10:00, then the time you leave is…
Misun: Is 10:00 o’clock.
Keith: Ten o’clock, okay.
Misun: Yes. So by the time you get home, it’s around maybe 11:00.
Keith: Maybe you have time for a quick shower and then you go to sleep and then go back to work again.
Misun: Right. Right. That’s amazing.
Keith: That was the word to get off of work, but what about when you're GOING to work? There’s a word for that, too, right?
Misun: Yeah. That's 출근하다. 출/근/하/다. Keith ,언제 출근해요?
Keith: 10시에 출근해요. But Misun, I have another question... this is referring to the time you're scheduled to get to work right? Not like the time you're leaving your house?
Misun: No, not at all. You have to be on time exactly 출근타임.
Keith: So if I say I leave my house at 9:00 o’clock, I get to work at 10:00 o’clock, which one is the 출근시간? Which one is it referring to?
Misun: That 10:00 o’clock is the 출근 time.
Keith: Let’s move on, then.
Misun: Okay. Our next word is 밥.
Keith: And this is referring to meal, food, or even rice.
Misun: Yes. It can specifically mean RICE, but since Korean people eat rice with almost every single meal, so it can refer meal as well.
Keith: Yeah. So it doesn't mean breakfast, lunch or dinner specifically, it just means meal.
Misun: Which reminds me, you know in Korea, breakfast, lunch and dinner can be pretty much the same meal?
Keith: Yeah that's true. It's pretty much rice and side dishes.
Misun: Right, 반찬.
Keith: And usually, there’s some kind of soup or stew next to it.
Misun:네. exactly. Like a 국 or a 찌게.
Keith: So you can cook once and eat the same meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Misun: I guess maybe not 갈비 though.
Keith: Yeah. I think 갈비, the Korean barbecue might be a bit too much of a production in the morning.
Misun: That’s true. But for leftovers, that's just fine.
Keith: I’ve eaten 갈비 in the morning before.
Misun: Yeah.
Keith: It’s not a problem.
Misun: I want to eat 갈비. I haven’t eaten갈비 so long time.
Keith: Well, you can make it once and eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Misun: Right. Yes.

Lesson focus

Keith: All right. Well, let’s take a look at the focus for this lesson.
Misun: Okay.
Keith: The focus of this lesson is the question word 언제.
Misun: This is translated as "when."
Keith: When you’re asking a question in Korean, the question word typically comes at the front of a sentence.
Misun: Right. Immediately after that, the verb is said.
Keith: And if you don't know, in Korean, a subject is not necessarily 100% of the time.
Misun: Yup. So you can ask a question without a subject.
Keith: So Misun, can you help us find how to ask a question using 언제? When?
Misun: Sure. You say the Question Word and then an Action Verb.
Keith: Right. So in this case it would be 언제, plus a verb after that.
Misun: Exactly!
Keith: Can we have an example?
Misun: Well, we have a few examples from this lesson already, like 언제 퇴근해?
Keith: When do you get off of work?"
Misun: First is the question word 언제.
Keith: And after that is the verb 퇴근하다, to get off work.
Misun: So together, the question is 언제 퇴근해?
Keith: Another example from the dialog …
Misun: 언제 밥 먹어?
Keith: When do you eat?
Misun: Yes. Again, the question word comes in front.
Keith: And the question word here is when,then after is the verb 먹다,” to eat.”
Misun: Or in this case with the word for rice, 밥. 밥 먹다.
Keith: Okay. So all together, with the question word and everything else....
Misun: 언제 밥 먹어.
Keith: And there's a few more examples from the dialog you can check out.
Misun: Alright. Keith, let's give a few examples more.
Keith: Sure. Misun, what time do you go to sleep? 언제 자요?
Misun: 열두시
Keith: Okay, 12:00 o’clock. Then what time do you wake up? 언제 일어나요?
Misun: 일곱시.
Keith: Okay, 7:00 o’clock. And before we leave, we just want to explain really quickly how you can answer.
Misun: Right! Just say the time...
Keith: In Korean of course.
Misun: And then add 시 at the end of the time.
Keith: And that 시 is kind of equivalent to “o'clock” in English. So all you have to know is the number – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 – and just add 시 at the end.
Misun: 네. 맞아요.
Keith: So really quick, Misun, can you help us up. What’s 1:00 o’clock?
Misun: 한시.
Keith: Two o’clock?
Misun: 두시.
Keith: Three o’clock?
Misun: 세시
Keith: Four o’clock?
Misun: 네시
Keith: Five o’clock?
Misun: 다섯시
Keith: Six o’clock?
Misun: 여섯시
Keith: Seven o’clock?
Misun: 일곱시
Keith: Eight o’clock?
Misun: 여덟시
Keith: Nine o’clock?
Misun: 아홉시
Keith: Ten o’clock?
Misun: 열시
Keith: Eleven o’clock?
Misun: 열한시
Keith: Twelve o’clock?
Misun: 열두시
Keith: Well, you have all the times. And I think now you can answer the question, too, as well as ask a question.
Misun: Great!


Keith: All right. Well, that’s just about does it for today. Thanks for listening.
Misun: 안녕히계세요.


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