
Vocabulary (Review)

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Keith: I'm Sorry, but I Really Don't Like that Korean Dish. In this lesson, you will learn how to what?
Misun: Express your dislikes, 싫어해요.
Keith: Okay. And this conversation takes place…
Misun: At a friend’s house.
Keith: The conversation is between…
Misun: Two friends.
Keith: But they will be speaking formal Korean.
Misun: 존댓말.
Keith: Okay. Well, let’s listen in to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

나현:저는 밥 싫어해요.
나현:저는 밥이랑 김치 싫어해요.
나현:저는 밥이랑 김치랑 김을 싫어해요.
English Host: One more time, with the English.
나현:저는 밥 싫어해요.
Keith: I don't like rice.
Keith: Really?
나현:저는 밥이랑 김치 싫어해요.
Keith: I don't like rice and Kimchi.
Keith: Really?
나현:저는 밥이랑 김치랑 김을 싫어해요.
Keith: I don't like rice, Kimchi, and seaweed.
Keith: Oh my God!
Keith: Misun, the three food items that came out in the dialogue. What were they?
Misun: 밥, 김치, 김.
Keith: Okay, that's Rice, Kimchi, and gim, which is roasted seaweed.
Misun네. These three foods can make the simplest meal for anyone. I love it, actually.
Keith: Well, even though it’s simple, it’s quite delicious. Yeahh.
Misun: 맞아요. When you're at home, and you’re having nothing to eat, usually Korean people will always have these at the least.
Keith: Yeahh. So how about a quick, simple recipe we can give our listeners?
Misun: Sure! First, you need rice, of course.
Keith: Yeahh. That's, of course, with almost every Korean meal.
Misun: 네. And then you can put 김치 on top of it.
Keith: Or if you like it sauteed, you can put it on the frying pan and fry up the Kimchi, too.
Misun: Sure. 네. It's good like that too. And then you can add 김 on top of that too. Delicious!
Keith: Right. You could also cut the 김, the seaweed into smaller bits and pieces if you like as well.
Misun: 네. And finally, you can just mix it all up, and eat it.
Keith: Actually, another extra tip, maybe we can add a little sesame oil.
Misun: All right. Right. That’s great. That’s great. That’s great, too.
Keith: What’s sesame oil in Korean?
Misun: It’s 참기름.
Keith: And for those cooks out there, you can also add a fried egg if you want.
Misun: Oh, Yeahh, absolutely. I love fried egg, too, but not scrambled. Usually, just sunny side up, or over easy.
Keith: Right. You want to keep that yolk. It'll taste better that way.
Misun: Yeahh. And I love that one. This is a very, very simple recipe that anyone can use really quickly.
Keith: And it's pretty good considering it's not much effort that goes into it, right?
Misun: 네.
Keith: All right. Well, let’s take a look at the vocab for this lesson.
Keith: The first word we have is…
Misun: 밥 [natural native speed]
Keith: Meal, rice.
Misun: 밥 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 밥 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next.
Misun: 싫어하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To hate, to dislike.
Misun: 싫어하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 싫어하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 정말 [natural native speed]
Keith: Really.
Misun: 정말 [slowly - broken down by syllable].정말 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 김치 [natural native speed].
Keith: Kimchi.
Misun: 김치 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 김치 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 진짜 [natural native speed].
Keith: Really.
Misun: 진짜 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 진짜 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 김 [natural native speed]
Keith: Roasted laver.
Misun: 김 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 김 [natural native speed].
Keith: And finally….
Misun: 오마이갓 [natural native speed]
Keith: Oh, my god.
Misun: 오마이갓 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 오마이갓 [natural native speed].
Keith: Okay. Well, let's take a look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Misun: The first word we’ll look at is 정말.
Keith: And that means, “really.”
Misun: 네.. And we'll also look at 진짜 as well.
Keith: Which also means “really.”
Misun: These two words, 정말 and 진짜 both mean really.
Keith: Right, they both mean exactly the same thing - really.
Misun: Yeahh. So you can use anything, whatever you want. But we should know that 진짜 is used just a tiny bit more by women, so to say.
Keith: Yeahh. 진짜 is slightly more feminine. Just slightly.
Misun: 맞아요. I don’t know why, but it's totally okay for men to use it too.
Keith: Yeahh. I use it all the time. But I try not to over-use it, too. I try to mix in a few 정말's in there, too.
Misun: That’s right. If you use it a lot, it can be a little feminine, but again, there's no problems for men to use 진짜 at all.
Keith: That's right. Okay, Misun, what's our next word?
Misun: Our next word is 오마이갓!
Keith: Oh my god.
Misun: 오마이갓. It’s English “oh, my god” but Korean 오마이갓. Something like that.
Keith: Still English, you say. Okay.
Misun: Right. And our listeners should know that it's a little more light hearted than the English version.
Keith: Yeah, in English, you use it when there's something really unbelieveable.
Misun: 네, in Korean, we use it the same way too! But it's usually a little funny.
Keith: Do you think it's because it's Konglish? English used in the Korean language?
Misun: I guess so.
Keith: I think, most of the time, you use it jokingly. It’s not really that serious.
Misun: Right, right. That’s true.
Keith: Well, in any case, I feel whenever I hear 오마이갓, it's a little funny.
Misun: 네 진짜요. In Korean it's not such a serious phrase, like I said before. So use it in a funny way.
Keith: Yeah. That's right. Okay, let’s move onto our focus for this lesson.

Lesson focus

Misun: The focus of this lesson is the verb 싫어하다
Keith: And this means "to not like' or even "to hate." Okay. Some of our listeners may know, the sentence order in Korean is different than it is in English.
Misun: 네...In English, the basic sentence order is subject-verb-object.
Keith: Right. But in Korean, the word order is subject-object-verb. It’s switched in the last two.
Misun: 네. So this verb, 싫어하다, is often found at the end of simple sentences.
Keith: Yup. And the object comes before that.
Misun: 네. Also, in Korean, the subject can often be omitted.
Keith: That's right. Spp a sentence can often start with simply the object, and then end with the verb.
Misun: 네. Let's look at the phrase "저는 김치 싫어해요" as an example.
Keith: Okay. This means "I don't like Kimchi." What’s the first part?
Misun: 저는
Keith: And that’s "I", the subject.
Misun: The second part is the object, 김치.
Keith: And then finally comes the verb.
Misun: 네. 싫어해요.
Keith: Which means “to not like.” So literally this all means "I, kimchi, don't like"
Misun: But as we mentioned, usually subjects can be omitted.
Keith: Right. So we can just say, “ 김치, don't like.”
Misun: 네. 김치 싫어해요.
Keith: Now that we got the grammar part of out the way, let's go over some common Korean items that you may encounter.
Misun: Sure. Let's start with 비빔밥
Keith: And this is a Korean dish that has vegetables and other toppings over rice.
Misun: 네, 맞아요. 저는 비빔밥 싫어해요.
Keith:” I don't like bibimbap.” Or you can also say, without “I”...
Misun: 비빔밥 싫어해요.
Keith: Right. That’s dropping the subject "I", 저는.
Misun: Yeah, but it will mean the same thing.
Keith: Okay. Our next item is 김밥, which is a roll of rice and other fillings.
Misun: In Korean, that's 저는 김밥 싫어해요.
Keith: I don't like gimbap.
Misun: And again, you can just say, 김밥 싫어해요.
Keith: That means the same thing. I don’t like 김밥 but you’re dropping the subject I, 저는. I don't like kimbap.
Misun: And finally our last one is, 된장찌개
Keith: And this one is fermented soy stew.
Misun: If you don't like it, you can say 저는 된장찌개 싫어해요.
Keith: “I don't like fermented soy stew.” Okay, Misun, how did it come out in this conversation?
Misun: First it was 저는 밥 싫어해요..
Keith: I don't like rice.
Misun: Next was 저는 밥이랑 김치 싫어해요.
Keith: "I don't like rice and kimchi."
Misun: After that was, 저는 밥이랑 김치랑 김을 싫어해요.
Keith: "I don't like rice, Kimchi, and seaweed."
Misun: And before we finish, we just wanted to talk a little more about 싫어하다.
Keith: Right. The verb 싫어하다 is actually, it’s kind of a strong word.
Misun: Yes. So culturally speaking, it's pretty direct, because it's so strong.
Keith: And if someone is not so direct with their words, then in Korean culture, that’s appreciated.
Misun: That’s right. Not be so direct, Korean people often say, 별로예요.
Keith: And that translates as "I don't particularly like it." It’s kind of beating around the bush.
Misun: Right. For example, 김치 별로예요.
Keith: "I don't particularly like Kimchi" or "Eh, kimchi's not that great."
Misun: Right. There you're not being so direct. So it's appreciated, right?


Keith: Well, that just about does it for today. Bye-bye!
Misun: Yeah! Wonderful! 안녕히 계세요, 여러분.


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