Lesson Transcript

Do you know how to talk about the past in Korean?
Welcome to Three Step Korean Practice by KoreanClass101.com. In this lesson, you will practice how to talk about the past.
Let’s look at the main dialogue.
Yu Yeona is speaking to a hotel receptionist in the lobby.
지난주에 유연아로 예약했어요.
Jinanjue Yuyeonaro yeyakhaesseoyo.
I made a reservation last week under the name Yu Yeona.
알겠습니다. 2일로 예약 확인했습니다.
Algetseumnida. I illo veyak hwaginhaetseumnida.
Understood. I’ve confirmed your reservation for two days.
예약했어요 (yeyakhaesseoyo) means “reserved” as in “I made a reservation.” It's the past tense of 예약하다, "to reserve."
했어요 [circle 했어요] is used to conjugate it to the past tense because 예약하다 ends with 하다 (hada) [underline 하다].
That becomes the "ha" in "하였어요" [circle 하였어요].
Words whose syllables end with sounds other than 하다 are conjugated using other forms. Let’s practice this grammar more in this lesson.
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. Ready?
저는 맛있는 아침을 (pause with a tap of the finger)
(Jeoneun masinneun achimeul…)
저는 맛있는 아침을 (pause with a tap of the finger)
먹었어요 (meogeosseoyo)
저는 맛있는 아침을 먹었어요 (Jeoneun masinneun achimeul meogeosseoyo)
저는 맛있는 아침을 먹었어요
I had a delicious breakfast.
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. Ready?
저는 선물을 (pause with a tap of the finger)
(Jeoneun seonmureul…)
저는 선물을 (pause with a tap of the finger)
샀어요 (sasseoyo)
저는 선물을 샀어요 (Jeoneun seonmureul sasseoyo)
저는 선물을 샀어요
I bought a gift
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. Ready?
제 남동생은 야구를 (pause with a tap of the finger)
(Je namdongsaengeun yagureul…)
제 남동생은 야구를 (pause with a tap of the finger)
하였어요 (hayeosseoyo)
제 남동생은 야구를 하였어요 (Je namdongsaengeun yagureul hayeosseoyo)
제 남동생은 야구를 하였어요
My younger brother played baseball.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Ready?
지난주에 유연아로 (예약했어요 or 예약하았어요).
Jinanjue Yuyeonaro (yeyakhaesseoyo or yeyakhaasseoyo).
지난주에 유연아로 (예약했어요 or 예약하았어요).
예약했어요 (yeyakhaesseoyo)
지난주에 유연아로 예약했어요 (Jinanjue Yuyeonaro yeyakhaesseoyo)
지난주에 유연아로 예약했어요
I made a reservation last week under the name Yu Yeona.
The "했어요 (haesseoyo)" ending is used here because 예약하다 (yeyakhada) ends in "-하다 (hada)," and "했어요" is shortened from "하였어요 (hayeosseoyo)" that applies to words which end in "-하다 (hada)."
Let's go to the next one.
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 (봤어요 or 보었어요).
Urineun gwiyeoun gangajireul (bwasseoyo or boeosseoyo).
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 (봤어요 or 보었어요).
봤어요 (bwasseoyo)
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 봤어요. (Urineun gwiyeoun gangajireul bwasseoyo.)
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 봤어요.
We saw a cute puppy.
The last syllable of the stem, "보 (bo)," includes ㅗ (o). Because of that, 보다 (boda) is conjugated with "았어요 (asseoyo)," the ending used for stems which include ㅏ (a) or ㅗ (o). Combined, the word is "봤어요 (bwasseoyo)."
Unscramble the words to make a sentence.
선 (seon)
선물 (seonmul)
선물을 (seonmuleol)
선물을 샀 (seonmuleol sass)
선물을 샀어 (seonmuleol sasseo
선물을 샀어요. (seonmuleol sasseoyo)
I bought a gift.
선물을 샀어요.
Let's translate some sentences into Korean.
Translate "I had a delicious breakfast." into Korean.
저 (Jeo). It means "I" in Korean.
followed by
는 (neun). The topic marking particle.
(맛있는) masinneun. delicious.
followed by
(아침을) achimeul. breakfast.
먹었어요 (meogeosseoyo). The past tense of "to eat," but here, we translate it to "had a," as in "I had a meal."
Because 먹 (meok) does not include "ㅏ (a) or ㅗ (o)" in its final syllable, it is conjugated with "었어요 (eosseoyo)"
저는 맛있는 아침을 먹었어요. (Jeoneun masinneun achimeul meogeosseoyo.)
"I had a delicious breakfast."
저는 맛있는 아침을 먹었어요.
Translate "My younger brother played baseball." into Korean.
제 (Je). My.
followed by
남동생 (namdongsaeng). Younger brother.
은 (eun). The topic marking particle.
followed by
야구를 (yagureul). Baseball.
했어요 (Haesseoyo). Did, translated in this situation to "played".
The stem of 했어요 (haesseoyo) is 하 (ha), so it is conjugated with 하였어요 (hayeosseoyo).
Then, because 하였어요 is shortened in normal use, it becomes haesseoyo.
제 남동생은 야구를 했어요. (Je namdongsaengeun yagureul haesseoyo.)
My younger brother played baseball.
제 남동생은 야구를 했어요.
Translate "We saw a cute puppy." into Korean.
우리 (Uri). we.
followed by
는 (neun). The topic marking particle.
귀여운 (gwiyeoun). cute.
followed by
강아지를 (gangajireul). Puppy.
봤어요 (Bwasseoyo). Saw.
We use 봤어요 because the stem is "bo," which contains "ㅗ (o)" in its final syllable.
Because of that, 보다 (boda) is conjugated with "았어요 (asseoyo)," the ending used for stems which include ㅏ (a) or ㅗ (o).
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 봤어요 (Urineun gwiyeoun gangajireul bwasseoyo).
We saw a cute puppy.
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 봤어요.
Listen as I speak. Which verb is being used in each sentence?
저는 선물을 샀어요. (Jeoneun seonmureul sasseoyo.)
Let’s listen one more time.
저는 선물을 샀어요.
Which verb was used in the sentence?
Did you hear, 샀어요 (sasseoyo)? 샀어요 means bought.
저는 선물을 샀어요.
"I bought a gift."
How about...?
제 남동생은 야구를 했어요 (Je namdongsaengeun yagureul haesseoyo).
Let’s listen one more time.
제 남동생은 야구를 했어요.
Did you hear, 했어요 (haesseoyo)? 했어요 means played.
제 남동생은 야구를 했어요.
"My younger brother played baseball."
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 봤어요 (Urineun gwiyeoun gangajireul bwasseoyo).
One more time.
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 봤어요.
Did you hear, 봤어요 (bwasseoyo)? 봤어요 means saw.
우리는 귀여운 강아지를 봤어요.
"We saw a cute puppy."
저는 맛있는 아침을 먹었어요 (Jeoneun masinneun achimeul meogeosseoyo).
One more time.
저는 맛있는 아침을 먹었어요.
Did you hear, 먹었어요 (meogeosseoyo)? 먹었어요 means ate, or "had a meal."
저는 맛있는 아침을 먹었어요.
"I ate a delicious breakfast."
지난주에 유연아로 예약했어요. (Jinanjue Yuyeonaro yeyakhaesseoyo.)
One more time.
지난주에 유연아로 예약했어요.
Did you hear, 예약했어요 (yeyakhaesseoyo)? 예약했어요 means "made a reservation".
지난주에 유연아로 예약했어요.
"I made a reservation last week under the name Yu Yeona."
Now you know how to talk about the past in Korean. 잘 가요 (jal gayo)!
Thank you for watching.
Now you know how to talk about the past.
...and now you can move on to the next lesson in the pathway.

