Lesson Transcript

Do you know how to talk about hotel rules in Korean?
You'll learn how in just a moment.
Hi, my name is Joyce, and this is Three Step Korean by KoreanClass101.com.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to talk about hotel rules through a quick conversation.
Let's look at the dialogue.
As you listen, pay attention to how they ask about the topic and how the other person responds.
방은 5층에 있습니다. 아주 조용합니다.
Bangeun o cheunge itseumnida. Aju joyonghamnida.
알겠습니다. 조식은 언제예요?
Algetseumnida. Josigeun eonjeyeyo?
조식은 오전 7시부터 9시까지입니다.
Josigeun ojeon ilgop sibuteo ahop sikkajiimnida.
아, 감사합니다. 체크아웃은 몇 시예요?
A, gamsahamnida. Chekeuauseun myeot siyeyo?
체크아웃은 오전 10시이고, 수영장은 9시에 닫습니다.
Chekeuauseun ojeon yeol siigo, suyeongjangeun ahop sie datseumnida.
Let's break it down.
방은 5층에 있습니다. 아주 조용합니다.
Bangeun o cheunge itseumnida. Aju joyonghamnida.
Your room is on the fifth floor. It's very quiet.
알겠습니다. 조식은 언제예요?
Algetseumnida. Josigeun eonjeyeyo?
Okay. When is breakfast?
조식은 오전 7시부터 9시까지입니다.
Josigeun ojeon ilgop sibuteo ahop sikkajiimnida.
First is 조식 (josig), breakfast. 은 (eun) is the topic marking particle which shows that "breakfast" is the topic of the sentence.
Next is the word, 오전 (ojeon), meaning "a.m."
Following that is the phrase, 7시부터 (ilgop sibuteo), meaning "from 7 o'clock." This starts with 7시 (ilgop si), meaning "7 o'clock."
After that is 부터 (buteo), meaning "from." Altogether, it's 오전 7시부터 (ojeon ilgop sibuteo). "From 7 a.m."
Following that is the phrase, 9시까지 (ahop sikkaji), meaning "until 9 o'clock." This starts with 9시 (ahop si), meaning "9 o'clock." Next is 까지 (kkaji), meaning "until."
Finally is the verb, 입니다 (imnida), meaning "is."
Altogether, "조식은 오전 7시부터 9시까지입니다" (Josigeun ojeon ilgop sibuteo ahop sikkajiimnida). Breakfast is from 7:00 to 9:00 am.
아, 감사합니다. 체크아웃은 몇 시예요?
A, gamsahamnida. Chekeuauseun myeot siyeyo?
Oh, thank you. What time is check-out?
체크아웃은 오전 10시이고, 수영장은 9시에 닫습니다.
Chekeuauseun ojeon yeol siigo, suyeongjangeun ahop sie datseumnida.
Check out is at 10:00 am, and the pool closes at 9:00.
Let’s look at the sentence pattern.
This pattern is the structure that all of our examples will follow.
NOUN은/는 TIME부터 TIME까지입니다.
[NOUN] is from [TIME] to [TIME].
First, 은 (eun) or 는 (neun) attaches to the noun to show that it’s the topic of the sentence. 부터 (buteo) marks the starting time, and 까지 (kkaji) marks the ending time. Lastly, 입니다 (imnida) is a polite way to say “it is.”
Let’s see how a line from the dialogue follows this pattern.
조식은 (Josigeun) 오전 7시부터 (ojeon ilgop sibuteo) 9시까지입니다 (ahop sikkajiimnida).
In this sentence, 조식 (Josig), meaning breakfast, is the topic, and 은 (eun) is the topic-marking particle. 오전 (ojeon) means AM, but is not part of the sentence pattern itself.
7시 (ilgop si) is the first time, followed by 부터 (buteo), "from." 9시 (ahop si) is the second time, and then is 까지 (kkaji), "until."
Finally, 입니다 (imnida) ends the sentence.
So, 조식은, breakfast, 오전 7시부터, is from 7 a.m., 9시까지입니다, to 9 a.m.
부터 and 까지 do not need to be used in the same sentence in every case. Just as you can say "It's open until 8," or "It starts from 4," you can use them in sentences on their own.
Now let's look at some speaking examples.
파티는 7시부터 11시까지입니다. (Patineun ilgop sibuteo yeolhana sikkajiimnida.)
The party is from 7 to 11.
Can you see how the pattern applies here?
Let’s break it down:
Here, 파티는 is the noun (파티, pati) marked by the particle 는 (neun), indicating that “the party” is the topic of the sentence. 7시부터 (ilgop sibu­teo) means “from 7:00,” 11시까지 (yeolhana sikkaji) means “until 11:00,” and 입니다 (imnida) is the polite sentence ending meaning “it is.”
So, 파티는 7시부터 11시까지입니다. fits the pattern [NOUN][은/는] [TIME]부터 [TIME]까지 [입니다], expressing that “the party” takes place from 7:00 to 11:00.
Here's another example
일은 9시부터 6시까지입니다. (Ireun ahop sibuteo yeoseot sikkajiimnida.)
Work is from 9 to 6.
일은 9시부터 6시까지입니다. (Ireun ahop sibuteo yeoseot sikkajiimnida.)
Let's try one more,
레스토랑은 오전 6시부터 오후 9시까지입니다. (Reseutorangeun ojeon yeoseot sibuteo ohu ahop sikkajiimnida.)
The restaurant is open from 6 am to 9 pm.
레스토랑은 오전 6시부터 오후 9시까지입니다. (Reseutorangeun ojeon yeoseot sibuteo ohu ahop sikkajiimnida.)
Another one.
회의는 오후 2시부터 4시까지입니다. (Hoeuineun ohu dul sibuteo net sikkajiimnida.)
The meeting is from 2 pm to 4 pm.
회의는 오후 2시부터 4시까지입니다. (Hoeuineun ohu dul sibuteo net sikkajiimnida.)
One last example.
수업은 오전 10시부터 12시까지입니다. ()
The class is from 10 am to 12 pm.
수업은 오전 10시부터 12시까지입니다. (Sueobeun ojeon yeol sibuteo yeoldul sikkajiimnida.)
Let's review.
Do you remember how to say "breakfast"?
조식 (josik)
조식 (josik)
And how to say "o'clock"?
시 (si)
시 (si)
Do you remember how to say "7 o'clock"?
7시 (ilgop si)
7시 (ilgop si)
And how to say "AM"?
오전 (ojeon)
오전 (ojeon)
Do you remember how to say "PM"?
오후 (ohu)
오후 (ohu)
And how to say "seven AM"?
오전 7시 (ojeon ilgop si)
오전 7시 (ojeon ilgop si)
Do you remember how to say "from"?
부터 (buteo)
부터 (buteo)
And how to say "to"?
까지 (kkaji)
까지 (kkaji)
Do you remember how to say "Breakfast is from 7:00 to 9:00 am."?
조식은 오전 7시부터 9시까지입니다. (Josigeun ojeon ilgop sibuteo ahop sikkajiimnida.)
조식은 오전 7시부터 9시까지입니다. (Josigeun ojeon ilgop sibuteo ahop sikkajiimnida.)
Thank you for watching.
Now you know how to talk about hotel rules in Korean.
...and now you can move on to the practice.

