
Vocabulary (Review)

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Hyunwoo: 안녕하세요. 선현우입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. seonhyeonuimnida.)
Keith: Hey Keith here. Say Kimchi!
Hyunwoo: 김치(gimchi).
Keith: When you take pictures, you know, in English you say, Say cheese! Is it really say kimchi?
Hyunwoo: 네, 자주 해요. (ne, jaju haeyo.) Quite often.
Keith: In my experience, I don’t really come across that very often.
Hyunwoo: Umm I have, somehow. Maybe my friends were too Korean.
Keith: Very Korean. Is it a very Korean thing?
Hyunwoo: Yes it is or I hear a lot of foreigners saying that who are traveling in Korea saying kimchi because that’s a Korean thing to do while they are in Korea.
Keith: Say kimchi.
Hyunwoo: Say kimchi instead of cheese.
Keith: And it’s all right. I like kimchi better than cheese.
Hyunwoo: 네, 저도요. (ne, jeodoyo.)
Keith: But cheese is good.
Hyunwoo: Cheese is good in its own way, but, kimchi, you can’t compare it to kimchi.
Keith: Wait! What, if you are listening to this podcast, if you know anything about Korea, you have to know about kimchi. So what is the magic behind kimchi? What’s so special about it?
Hyunwoo: Everything.
Keith: Do you dream about it?
Hyunwoo: Actually what I think the most important thing about kimchi is the effort that goes into making it. It takes hours and hours, even days to make a whole bunch of kimchi for the entire family.
Keith: Yeah well my mom doesn’t really make kimchi. We just buy it at the supermarket. So that fact kind of gets overlooked for me. I don’t see the effort. I just pay my money. All right, it’s good kimchi.
Hyunwoo: Yeah but obviously there is a lot of effort in the kimchi.
Keith: So the next time you stop by in your local Korean supermarket, remember to thank the people that are making the kimchi.
Hyunwoo: Yeah it’s hard work.
Keith: Unless it’s made by machines and it is manufactured.
Hyunwoo: Umm I hope not.
Keith: Well the other stuff tastes better anyway right?
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요. (ne, majayo.)
Keith: Okay. So let’s move on. We are actually not talking about kimchi today, are we?
Hyunwoo: No.
Keith: We just digressed from the whole situation because kimchi is so fabulous.
Hyunwoo: Yes it is.
Keith: All right. So what are we talking about today then?
Hyunwoo: 사진 찍는 거. (sajin jjingneun geo.)
Keith: Taking pictures.
Hyunwoo: 네(ne). And we are not taking a picture just about anywhere. Here 경진 (gyeongjin) and 민아 (mina) are taking a photo on the top of Mount Halla.
Keith: Now Mount Halla is – it kind of sounds funny actually, Mount Halla.
Hyunwoo: Halla, why?
Keith: It’s used in a lot of music like hip hop music, rap music. Holla – forget it, forget it. Anyway, so we have Mount Halla. Where is that located?
Hyunwoo: 제주도. (jejudo.)
Keith: And it’s the tallest mountain in South Korea, right?
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요. (ne, majayo.) And Jeju-do is also the biggest island in Korea and it’s also an independent province. It’s big.
Keith: A lot of facts.
Hyunwoo: 제가 좀 알아요. 한국에 대해서는. (jega jom arayo. hanguge daehaeseoneun.)
Keith: Well you know a lot about Korea because you are Korean.
Hyunwoo: 네, 물론이죠 (ne, mullonijyo). And that’s why I am helping all our listeners learn Korean.
Keith: Okay. So in today’s conversation, they are on top of Mount Halla and they are taking a picture. And these two are very close friends. How can we tell?
Hyunwoo: Because they are using 반말(banmal).
Keith: Informal language.
Hyunwoo: 네(ne).
Keith: All right. So let’s listen in.
경진 (gyeongjin): 우와! 한라산!! (uwa! hanlasan-ida.)
민아 (mina): 사진 찍자! (sajin jjikja!)
경진 (gyeongjin): 사진? 응! 찍자! 여기? (sajin? eung! jjikja! yeogi?)
민아 (mina): 응! 하나... 둘... 셋! (eung1 hana.... dul... set!)
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히. (han beon deo cheoncheonhi.)
경진 (gyeongjin): 우와! 한라산!! (uwa! hanlasan-ida.)
민아 (mina): 사진 찍자! (sajin jjikja!)
경진 (gyeongjin): 사진? 응! 찍자! 여기? (sajin? eung! jjikja! yeogi?)
민아 (mina): 응! 하나... 둘... 셋! (eung1 hana.... dul... set!)
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더. (yeongeoro han beon deo.)
경진 (gyeongjin): 우와! 한라산!! (uwa! hanlasan-ida.)
Gyeongjin: Wow! Mt. Halla!
민아 (mina): 사진 찍자! (sajin jjikja!)
Mina: Let's take a picture!
경진 (gyeongjin): 사진? 응! 찍자! 여기? (sajin? eung! jjikja! yeogi?)
Gyeongjin: A picture? Okay! Here?
민아 (mina): 응! 하나... 둘... 셋! (eung1 hana.... dul... set!)
Mina: Yeah. One...two...three!
Keith: All right, so reminds you of anything?
Hyunwoo: Yeah. Actually I was on Mount Halla twice.
Keith: And how long did it take you to climb up?
Hyunwoo: About 3 hours. Once it was snowing heavily. So it took me about 3.5 hours but the other time I just went there by a car.
Keith: You are sold out. That’s a cheap way.
Hyunwoo: But you know, you can’t go all the way up to the top of the mountain. You can only go up half way.
Keith: Oh really?
Hyunwoo: 네(ne). It’s too high and..
Keith: Too dangerous.
Hyunwoo: 너무 춥고 위험해요. (neomu chupgo wiheomhaeyo.)
Keith: Oh come on! I can handle it.
Hyunwoo: Okay let’s go.
Keith: Can we sneak around or something or…Actually I think of my diet. Let’s not. All right so, what I can do is go into the vocabulary.
Hyunwoo: That’s good.
Keith: How would you like that one?
Hyunwoo: 좋아요(joayo).
Keith: Yeah?
Hyunwoo: Not bad.
Keith: Not bad? I could do better next time.
Hyunwoo: Yeah.
Keith: Okay. The first word we have is
Hyunwoo: 사진(sajin).
Keith: Picture, photo.
Hyunwoo: 사진 (sajin)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 사진 (sajin)[natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Hyunwoo: 찍자(jjikja).
Keith: Let’s take a picture.
Hyunwoo: 찍자 (jjikja) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 찍자 (jjikja)[natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Hyunwoo: 여기(yeogi).
Keith: Here.
Hyunwoo: 여기 (yeogi) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 여기 (yeogi) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have numbers, 1
Hyunwoo: 하나(hana).
Keith: 2
Hyunwoo: 둘(dul)
Keith: And finally 3.
Hyunwoo: 셋(set).
Keith: Okay. Let’s talk about these vocabulary words in a little more detail.
Hyunwoo: Okay. What do you want to talk about first?
Keith: Were you thrown off by that? You look like you are thrown off. Don’t know how to react.
Hyunwoo: Yeah I was like 뭐야(mwoya)?
Keith: It’s okay. Sorry about that folks. So what are we talking about? What’s our first word?
Hyunwoo: 사진 (sajin) and 찍자(jjikja).
Keith: Picture and let’s take.
Hyunwoo: 네. 사진 찍자. (ne. sajin jjikja.)
Keith: Let’s take a picture. Now whenever you want to say, let’s take a picture, these two come together, always. It’s a pair.
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요. 항상 같이 와요. (ne, majayo. hangsang gachi wayo.)
Keith: And remember to pay attention to the word order. It’s actually picture let’s take.
Hyunwoo: 사진 찍자(sajin jjikja). But don’t worry if you forgot the word 찍자 (jjikja) you can just say 사진(sajin).
Keith: And just kind of motion around, play a little game of charades. If you wanted to be more specific, you can say 사진 찍자 (sajin jjikja) let’s take a picture and when you want to take a picture, let’s say you wanted to take it here, what do we say?
Hyunwoo: 여기(yeogi).
Keith: Here.
Hyunwoo: Yeah you want to get a very nice landscape view from the top of Halla Mountain.
Keith: Or half way on top.
Hyunwoo: Yeah.
Keith: So what do we say – how do we say let’s take a picture here?
Hyunwoo: If you want to make sure that your picture is taken in the place that you want, you can say 여기(yeogi).
Keith: Here.
Hyunwoo: 여기(yeogi).
Keith: What if I don’t want to take a picture here? How about there?
Hyunwoo: 저기(jeogi).
Keith: And then you got to walk over there and actually take the picture but yeah I don’t want to do that.
Hyunwoo: But taking a lot of photos doesn’t hurt. So why not.
Keith: Sure if you got strong legs.
Hyunwoo: Yeah 한라산까지 올라가면 피곤하겠죠 (hallasankkaji ollagamyeon pigonhagetjyo)?
Keith: Yeah you’d probably be pretty tired if you went all the way up.
Hyunwoo: Yeah 그냥 한 장(geunyang han jang).
Keith: Well if you went all the way up to or half way up at least to Mount Halla, that’s 3 hours of work and you are only going to take one picture?
Hyunwoo: 아니요(aniyo).
Keith: Yeah. You might as well take 1, 2, 3, uh that was nice segway. What’s our next set of words?
Hyunwoo: 하나, 둘, 셋(hana, dul, set).
Keith: 1, 2, 3, and it’s the same thing as what we say in English when we take a picture. Countdown or count up, 1, 2, 3, kimchi.
Hyunwoo: 하나, 둘, 셋, 김치(hana, dul, set, gimchi)!
Keith: Do you ever count backwards 3, 2, 1?
Hyunwoo: 아니요. (aniyo.)3, 2, 1, 셋, 둘, 하나(set, dul, hana).
Keith: It’s a little awkward right?
Hyunwoo: 좀 이상해요(jom isanghaeyo).
Keith: Yeah. So I always hear 1, 2, 3, kimchi.
Hyunwoo: Yeah and some people will go like 하나, 둘(hana, dul).
Keith: Yeah. Those people always throw me off. They never stop at 3.
Hyunwoo: Yeah you’d better be ready in advance.
Keith: Well yeah I don’t know if this is specific to Korea. I don’t think it’s specific to Korea. There are some people that just do 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, just not even count, just take the pictures like hey dude, wait a minute! You’ve got to make a face. So we have 1, 2, 3. How do we – just real quick. Let’s go to 10.
Hyunwoo: From 1, 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열 (hana, dul, set, net, daseot, yeoseot, ilgop, yeodeol, ahop, yeol).
Keith: All right.
Hyunwoo: Thanks. 다시 한 번 (dasi han beon)?
Keith: One time slowly please.
Hyunwoo: 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열(hana, dul, set, net, daseot, yeoseot, ilgop, yeodeol, ahop, yeol).

Lesson focus

Keith: And we don’t have ten lines. We only have four in this conversation. So let’s go over the four lines in detail. All right, what’s the first line we have?
Hyunwoo: 우와! 한라산!! (uwa! hallasan!!)
Keith: And what’s that first word?
Hyunwoo: 우와! (uwa!)
Keith: As you might have guessed, wow! Is this actually taken from the English wow?
Hyunwoo: 음...모르겠어요(eum...moreugesseoyo). I don’t know.
Keith: They sound really similar.
Hyunwoo: 우와우와우와우와우(uwauwauwauwau).
Keith: 우와 (uwa) wow! 우와우(uwau). Well if you are interested on the spelling of this word, check out the PDF and next we have한라산(hallasan), Mount Halla. All right, what’s next?
Hyunwoo: 사진 찍자(sajin jjikja)!
Keith: Once again, we have that phrase that set phrase. Picture, let’s take. Let’s take a picture and just a quick grammatical note. We don’t want to get too much into it but if you ever see a sentence ending in 자(ja), it generally means let’s something.
Hyunwoo: 먹자, 가자, 보자. (meokja, gaja, boja.)
Keith: Can we have those real slowly.
Hyunwoo: 먹자(meokja).
Keith: Let’s eat.
Hyunwoo: 가자(gaja).
Keith: Let’s go.
Hyunwoo: 보자(boja).
Keith: Let’s watch.
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요(ne, majayo).
Keith: So we have 찍자 (jjikja) let’s take a picture. Let’s take as in a picture. And once again, that picture comes in front.
Hyunwoo: 사진 찍자(sajin jjikja).
Keith: All right. Next we have
Hyunwoo: 사진(sajin)?
Keith: Picture.
Hyunwoo: 응(eung)!
Keith: Yeah.
Hyunwoo: 찍자(jjikja).
Keith: Let’s take. Notice here that there is no picture there but you can easily infer from context, it’s talking about picture.
Hyunwoo: 여기(yeogi)?
Keith: Here and
Hyunwoo: 응(eung).
Keith: Now hold on a second! I want to talk about this word. I love this word.
Hyunwoo: Which word, 응(eung)?
Keith: Yeah is it even a word really?
Hyunwoo: Umm I will have to look up the dictionary. Yeah it is a word.
Keith: It’s in everyday usage but it might not be a word actually.
Hyunwoo: It’s a sound.
Keith: Yeah it’s just a sound to show agreement. So he asked 여기 (yeogi) here and if you want to agree
Hyunwoo: 응(eung).
Keith: Yeah sure.
Hyunwoo: 응응응(eungeungeung).
Keith: Okay and now we have the count up, not the countdown.
Hyunwoo: 하나, 둘, 셋(hana, dul, set).
Keith: Kimchi.
Hyunwoo: 찰칵(chalkak).


Keith: All right. So 우리 끝내자(uri kkeunnaeja). Let’s finish this up.
Hyunwoo: 끝내자(kkeunnaeja).
Keith: And if you noticed, we have that 자 (ja) at the end. Let’s
Hyunwoo: 끝내자(kkeunnaeja).
Keith: Let’s finish. All right so that’s going to do it for today as Hyunwoo just brought us to the end. Remember to stop by KoreanClass101.com and listen to this conversation line by line and practice your own recording.
Hyunwoo: Wow!
Keith: Have you ever used that software before?
Hyunwoo: 네, 저는 많이 써 봤어요(ne, jeoneun mani sseo bwasseoyo).
Keith: Yeah. It’s really cool, right?
Hyunwoo: 네(ne). And I love my voice.
Keith: Okay that was good.
Hyunwoo: 죄송합니다(joesonghamnida).
Keith: If you don’t love your own voice, you can practice in the privacy of your own home. And I guess you have to listen to it over and over again but that’s the cool thing about it. You can listen to the audio line by line one line by one line and practice your own pronunciation afterwards. It’s on the same page. You can record, stop, play on the same page. All right, so that’s going to do it.
Hyunwoo: 이제 끝내자 그리고 밥 먹자. (ije kkeunnaeja geurigo bap meokja.)
Keith: Yeah let’s go eat, I am hungry too.
Hyunwoo: 하나, 둘, 셋 (hana, dul, set)! See you later.
Keith: See you later.


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