
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. yunseorimnida.)
Hyunwoo: 안녕하세요. 선현우입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. seonhyeonuimnida.)
Keith: Keith here. Newbie Season 2, Lesson #1. It’s Pizza.
Seol: Where is Pizza, I don’t see that.
Keith/Hyunwoo: Sorry, it’s just a script, okay.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: Well if you’d noticed, in our title, we had Newbie Season 2. Now, this is a new season geared for, well actually Hyunwoo, since you wrote most of these newbie lessons, why don’t you explain a little bit about how our newbie season 2 works.
Hyunwoo: 좋습니다 (joseumnida). In this new season, since this is a newbie level, we are not going to be focusing on too many grammar points so that anybody who is listening to these lessons for the first time can jump in and understand and learn a new phrase or two and use it in a right context.
Seol: Wow!
Hyunwoo: So don’t worry about grammar now. Just enjoy the expressions that we go over.
Seol: Well, that sounds really good.
Keith: Yeah. So even in Newbie Lesson, Season 2, Lesson #15, you can jump in without listening to any of the other newbie lessons and still understand what’s going on. So today, what are we talking about?
Hyunwoo: Today we are talking about how to say me too or also in Korean.
Seol: Ah!
Hyunwoo: So if your friend is eating pizza and you want to say me too, me too, this is an essential lesson to listen to.
Keith: So before we listen to the conversation, why don’t we go over some of the words that will be coming out so that the listeners can have something to listen for. What’s the word really?
Seol: 진짜. 진짜(jinjja. jinjja).
Keith: Like really!
Seol: 진짜 ((jinjja)?
Keith: Or how about really?
Seol: 진짜? 정말? (jinjja? jeongmal?)
Keith: Oh what was that word over there?
Seol: 정말 (jeongmal).
Keith: It’s the same thing as 진짜(jinjja). They both mean really. All right so why don’t we listen in on the conversation?
민수 (minsu): 짜잔!! 피자. (jjajan! pija.)
정민 (jeongmin): 우와!! 진짜? 나도 피자 좋아해! (uwa!! jinjja? na-do pija joahae!!)
민수 (minsu): 너도? 같이 먹자! (neo-do? gachi meokja!)
정민 (jeongmin): 정말? (jeongmal?)
Seol: 천천히 들어 보세요. (cheoncheonhi deureo boseyo.)
민수 (minsu): 짜잔!! 피자. (jjajan! pija.)
정민 (jeongmin): 우와!! 진짜? 나도 피자 좋아해! (uwa!! jinjja? na-do pija joahae!!)
민수 (minsu): 너도? 같이 먹자! (neo-do? gachi meokja!)
정민 (jeongmin): 정말? (jeongmal?)
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더. (yeongeoro han beon deo.)
민수 (minsu): 짜잔!! 피자. (jjajan! pija.)
Minsu: Tada!! Pizza!
정민 (jeongmin): 우와!! 진짜? 나도 피자 좋아해! (uwa!! jinjja? na-do pija joahae!!)
Jeongmin: Wow! Really? I like pizza, too!
민수 (minsu): 너도? 같이 먹자! (neo-do? gachi meokja!)
Minsu: You too? Let's eat together.
정민 (jeongmin): 정말? (jeongmal?)
Jeongmin: Really?
Keith: Hyunwoo, how did you feel about the conversation?
Hyunwoo: Minsu is such a nice person just giving away pizza to friends.
Seol: I feel friends share foods with friends.
Hyunwoo: Yeah but you know pizza is expensive in Korea. It’s like 만 원 (man won) for one pie.
Seol: But I always share my food with my friends.
Keith: Well let’s talk about pizza a little bit in Korea. I am from New York and New York has famous pizza you know.
Hyunwoo: I didn’t know.
Keith: Okay well, I am telling you. New York has famous pizza and it’s really good and it’s not so expensive. Maybe you can buy it by the slice. One slice, you can buy it for maybe a $1.50 or $2.
Seol: That’s really cheap.
Keith: But like in Korea, you have to buy a whole pie.
Seol: Yeah. A whole pie costs about 2만 5천 원. (2man 5cheon won.)
Hyunwoo: And the cheapest that you can get is like 만 원(man won).
Keith: So 2만 5천 원 (2man 5cheon won.) how much is that around in American dollars?
Seol: $25.
Keith: And 만 원 (man won) is around $10.
Hyunwoo: $10, yes.
Keith: So pizza is a very expensive meal in Korea.
Hyunwoo: It is.
Seol: But you don’t eat the whole pizza by yourself. You share it with your friends.
Keith: Yeah but even in America, you can get a big pie maybe for like $12, $13 but some of the things that I don’t like about Korean pizza are the toppings.
Seol: Why?
Keith: Because they are creative but it’s too creative.
Seol: Like 불고기 (bulgogi) pizza, 김치 (gimchi) pizza like that or you know, sweet potato pizza?
Keith: 김치 (gimchi) pizza is okay, sweet potato pizza is okay but you know, they put the mayonnaise, they put corn, they put all these things that I never dreamed of on a pizza.
Seol: But I love mayo and corn pizza a lot.
Keith: Well it’s catered towards the Korean palate.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: All right. So do we have corn in the vocab?
Seol: No.
Keith: No. All right so what do we have in the vocab?
Keith: First word we have is
Seol: 짜잔(jjajan)!
Keith: Ta-da!
Seol: 짜잔 (jjajan) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 짜잔 (jjajan)[natural native speed]
Keith: Next word we have is
Seol: 피자(pija).
Keith: Pizza.
Seol: 피자 (pija) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 피자 (pija) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next.
Seol: 우와(uwa)!
Keith: Wow!
Seol: 우와 (uwa)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 우와 (uwa)[natural native speed]
Keith: Next
Seol: 진짜(jinjja)?
Keith: Really?
Seol: 진짜 (jinjja) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 진짜 (jinjja) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 좋아해. (joahae.)
Keith: I like it.
Seol: 좋아해 (joahae.) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 좋아해 (joahae.) [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 같이. (gachi.)
Keith: Together.
Seol: 같이 (gachi)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 같이 (gachi)[natural native speed]
Keith: And now we have
Seol: 먹자(meokja).
Keith: Let’s eat.
Seol: 먹자 (meokja)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 먹자 (meokja)[natural native speed]
Keith: And finally we have
Seol: 정말(jeongmal).
Keith: Really.
Seol: 정말 (jeongmal)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 정말 (jeongmal) [natural native speed]
Keith: Why did really come out twice? What do we have?
Seol: 진짜 (jinjja) and 정말(jeongmal).
Keith: What’s the difference between the two?
Hyunwoo: There is no difference.
Keith: These are just two different words, exactly the same meaning.
Hyunwoo: Yeah. What do you think Seol?
Seol: Yeah it’s the same but I prefer 진짜(jinjja) more.
Keith: I think 진짜(jinjja) is a little more feminine than 정말(jeongmal).
Hyunwoo: Yeah I would say so too.
Keith: A little bit.
Hyunwoo: Yeah a little bit.
Keith: Okay let’s go into today’s conversation line by line. What’s the first line we have?
Hyunwoo: 짜잔!! 피자. (jjajan!! pija.)
Keith: Okay. What’s that first word that you said?
Hyunwoo: 짜잔. (jinjja)
Keith: No this is ta-da!
Hyunwoo: Yeah.
Seol: Do you often hear that in English, ta-da!
Keith: Not so often but I think it’s used much more often in Korean than it is in English.
Seol: Yes 짜잔 (jinjja) is very common.
Keith: So in what kind of situations do you use this?
Seol: When you show something to your friends or family, something that wasn’t expected.
Keith: Yeah you basically do it to surprise whoever you do it. So let’s say, I went to America and I came back and then I am like 짜잔! (jinjja) I am going to get married. It’s like what!
Hyunwoo: Yeah that’s not expected.
Keith: Yeah it’s not expected at all and it’s a surprise. So you can do this with physical things or just new information as well. Physical things, you can have a present behind your back, 짜잔!(jinjja)
Seol: That’s really romantic.
Keith: But how about flowers, that’s more romantic.
Seol: Wow 짜잔! (jinjja) this is for you like this.
Keith: Yeah. Has that ever happened to you?
Seol: No.
Keith: Next week.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: Well no because you are going to be expecting it then. So I can’t do it anymore, too bad.
Seol: Uh-oh!
Hyunwoo: Clever.
Keith: All right. So can we have a couple of sample sentences for this first word? Tada! Hamburger!
Hyunwoo: 짜잔! 햄버거! (jjajan! haembeogeo!)
Keith: Ta-da! Look at this.
Hyunwoo: 짜잔! 이거 봐. (jjajan! igeo bwa.)
Keith: So what’s the next word?
Hyunwoo: 피자(pija).
Keith: Pizza.
Hyunwoo: Yeah.
Keith: Ta-da! Pizza. All right, let’s move on.
Seol: 우와(uwa)!
Keith: Wow! And once again, I think this is another word that’s used a lot more frequently in Korean than it is in English. In English or at least when I use the word wow! I have to be really impressed.
Seol: Oh!
Keith: Like wow! But you know it’s pizza, it’s like oh yeah, ah nice pizza but in Korean you say
Seol: 우와. 우와! 우와! (uwa. uwa! uwa!)
Keith: Wait! Which one, they all work. So even if you are not so impressed by the situation, you can say 우와(uwa).
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Just when you are surprised. Can we have a couple of sample sentences for this? Wow you look so cool.
Seol: 우와! 너 멋있어. (uwa! neo meosisseo.)
Keith: Wow, it’s cheap.
Seol: 우와! 싸다. (uwa! ssada.)
Keith: Okay. Let’s move on. Next we have
Seol: 진짜(jinjja)?
Keith: Really? Now that’s a question. That’s because you went 진짜(jinjja)?
Seol: Yeah. And I always say 진짜 (jinjja) like this.
Keith: But how do you say really.
Seol: 진짜(jinjja).
Keith: There is no real intonation going on in the statement but in the question, you have
Seol: 진짜(jinjja)?
Keith: A rising intonation at the end. So that’s what we had in today’s conversation 진짜(jinjja)? And now we have
Seol: 나도 피자 좋아해! (nado pija joahae!)
Keith: Now this may seem a little daunting at first but let’s break it down real quick and hopefully you will understand. What’s the last part that we have?
Seol: 좋아해. (joahae.)
Keith: Now this is like but whatever you like comes before it. So what do we have?
Seol: 피자(pija).
Keith: Pizza.
Seol: 좋아해(joahae).
Keith: Like. I like pizza. So whatever you have, we can say
Seol: 피자 좋아해, 김치 좋아해 or 오렌지 좋아해. (pija joahae, gimchi joahae or orenji joahae.)
Keith: I like pizza, I like Kimchi, I like orange or oranges is which one?
Seol: Oranges.
Keith: They both are same thing, the color and the fruit. Okay so we had 피자 좋아해(pija joahae). I like pizza but now in our sentence, we had
Seol: 나도 피자 좋아해(nado pija joahae.).
Keith: Okay that last part is pizza like, I like pizza but now we have 나도 (nado) I also like pizza. Now this 도(do) is a particle and it means also to. So you can say, if there is a statement that somebody says like 현우 씨(hyeonu ssi), what kind of food do you like?
Hyunwoo: 저 피자 좋아해요. (jeo pija joahaeyo.)
Seol: 저도 피자 좋아해요. (jeo pija joahaeyo.)
Keith: I also like pizza. What’s I?
Seol: 저(jeo).
Keith: But in today’s conversation, we had
Hyunwoo: 나(na).
Keith: Yeah. So 저 (jeo) is just being polite, 나 (na) is not being polite.
Hyunwoo: Oh you are not being impolite either.
Keith: Not being impolite yeah.
Seol: You are just casual.
Keith: Yeah that’s the word, casual. Okay so here we had 나도 피자 좋아해 (nado pija joahae) I also like pizza. So let’s have a couple of sample sentences with this. Let’s say I like Taekwondo. 태권도 좋아해요(taegwondo joahaeyo).
Seol: 나도 태권도 좋아해요. (nado taegwondo joahaeyo.)
Keith: I also like Taekwondo but you can also just say me too.
Seol: 나도. 현우 씨는? (nado. hyeonu ssineun?)
Hyunwoo: 저도 태권도 좋아해요. (jeodo taegwondo joahaeyo.)
Seol: 저 한국어 공부해요. (jeo hangugeo gongbuhaeyo.)
Keith: I study Korean. How do you say I also study Korean?
Hyunwoo: 저도 한국어 공부해요. (jeodo hangugeo gongbuhaeyo.)
Keith: Now if you want to say, I study Chinese in addition to that, you can add it on to the word 중국어(junggugeo) which is Chinese. So how do we say that?
Hyunwoo: 저 중국어도 공부해요. (jeo junggugeodo gongbuhaeyo.)
Keith: I Chinese also study. All right, let’s move on. Our next line we have is.
Hyunwoo: 너도(neodo)?
Keitho: You and then we have 도 (do) also but here let’s talk about the word 너 (neo) a little bit. It’s a little, you have to be kind of careful with this word. Why?
Seol: Because you can’t use it to older people than you.
Keith: Not just older people, people that you don’t know, people that you meet the first time.
Seol: Right, right. You just can use it with your friends.
Hyunwoo: Your friends who are the same age as you and what’s interesting about this word is, you can never, ever use it no matter how close a friend might be to you, you can never use it to somebody who is older than you.
Seol: And you also should be careful because you can’t use it to the person who you just met.
Keith: So please be careful with this word 너(neo). Remember, it’s only used with very close friends and people younger than you generally. Okay now let’s move on.
Hyunwoo: 같이 먹자. (gachi meokja.)
Keith: Let’s eat together. What’s that first word we had?
Hyunwoo: 같이. (gachi.)
Keith: Together and now we have
Hyunwoo: 먹자. (meokja.)
Keith: Let’s eat. Now we want to introduce this as a phrase. Let’s eat. So together, let’s eat.
Hyunwoo: But be careful because here it’s written 먹자 (meokja) but it’s often pronounced 먹짜(meokjja).
Keith: What’s the difference between the two?
Hyunwoo: 먹자, 먹짜. (meokja, meokjja.) And 먹짜 (meokjja) is more natural.
Keith: So 자 (ja) and 짜 (jja) might be a little difficult to pick up on the pronunciation but if you check out our premium learning center, there we have audio clips with this exact difference 자 (ja) and 짜(jja). Okay let’s have a couple of sample sentences.
Hyunwoo: How do you say let’s eat?
Seol: 먹자(meokja).
Hyunwoo: And how do you say let’s eat together?
Seol: 같이 먹자. (gachi meokja.)
Keith: Now pay attention. Here the word order is flipped. It’s together let’s eat.
Hyunwoo: And how do you say let’s eat pizza together?
Seol: 피자 같이 먹자. (pija gachi meokja.)
Keith: And pay attention here. Pizza came all the way in the front. So the word order is a little different than what it would be in English but it’s pizza together let’s eat. Okay so let’s move on. What’s our last line?
Seol: 정말(jeongmal)?
Keith: Really?
Seol: 정말(jeongmal)?
Keith: So once again, it has a rising intonation and that’s a question. If you just want to say really, it’s just
Seol: 정말(jeongmal).
Keith: And the same thing with 진짜. 진짜? (jinjja. jinjja?) question, 진짜(jinjja).


Keith: All right. So I think that’s going to do it for today.
Hyunwoo: 진짜(jinjja)?
Seol: 정말(jeongmal)?
Keith: 정말. 진짜. (jeongmal. jinjja.)
Seol: Ah! I expected more. I want to hear more of your voices.
Keith: Why?
Seol: Okay because you know I missed you guys.
Keith: Oh that’s so nice!
Hyunwoo: Lie.
Seol: 정말(jeongmal).
Keith: All right. So that’s going to do it. Remember to stop by and leave us a post.
Seol: 안녕(annyeong).
Hyunwoo: 안녕히 계세요. (annyeonghi gyeseyo.)


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