
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다 (annyeonghaseyo. yunseorimnida.)
Minkyong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다 (annyeonghaseyo. mingyeongimnida).
Keith: Keith here. It’s Too Boring.
Seol: No, KoreanClass101.com is not boring.
Keith: That’s right, it’s crazy exciting. Yeay!
Seol: But sometimes you are boring.
Keith: Oh okay! That was very nice. All right, well what’s going on in today’s lesson? What are we talking about?
Minkyong: There is an English lesson and the teacher is playing English news and the speed is slow and fast and it’s crazy.
Keith: Actually when you are in school, was English boring for you?
Seol: No.
Keith: It was a lot of fun?
Minkyong: I loved my English teacher.
Keith: Really?
Seo: Yeah me too…
Minkyong: In my high school.
Seol: Yeah, me too.
Minkyong: She was really, really nice.
Seol: So that’s why the class was not boring.
Minkyong: Yeah.
Keith: It depends on the teacher.
Minkyong: Yeah. The class wasn’t boring but my grade was bad. So…
Seol: Okay.
Minkyong: That’s…
Keith: Jeez! So what did you do in there? Did you just have a dance party or something? It was a lot of fun?
Minkyong: No, I wrote things like essays, reports.
Seol: Oh really?
Minkyong: No, no actually I…
Keith: Well that’s why your grade was bad, right?
Minkyong: Yeah I just played around.
Keith: All right. So as the students aren’t talking to the teacher, what kind of language are they going to be using?
Seol: 존댓말 (jondaenmal).
Keith: Polite language. So let’s listen in.
선생님 (seonsaengnim): (영어 수업 시간) 여러분, 영어 뉴스예요. (yeoreobun, yeongeo nyuseo-yeyo.)
학생1 (haksaeng1): 선생님, 너무 빨라요! (seonsaengnim, neomu ppallayo!)
학생2 (haksaeng2): 선생님! 너무 느려요! (seonsaengnim, neomu neuryeoyo!)
학생3 (haksaeng3): 아... 너무 지루해요!! (a... neomu jiruhaeyo!!!)
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히. (han beon deo cheoncheonhi)
선생님 (seonsaengnim): (영어 수업 시간) 여러분, 영어 뉴스예요. (yeoreobun, yeongeo nyuseo-yeyo.)
학생1 (haksaeng1): 선생님, 너무 빨라요! (seonsaengnim, neomu ppallayo!)
학생2 (haksaeng2): 선생님! 너무 느려요! (seonsaengnim, neomu neuryeoyo!)
학생3 (haksaeng3): 아... 너무 지루해요!! (a... neomu jiruhaeyo!!!)
Seol: 이번에는 영어와 함께. (ibeoneneun yeongeowa hamkke.)
선생님 (seonsaengnim): (영어 수업 시간) 여러분, 영어 뉴스예요.(yeoreobun, yeongeo nyuseo-yeyo.)
Teacher: (in an English class) Everyone, this is some English news.
학생1 (haksaeng1): 선생님, 너무 빨라요! (seonsaengnim, neomu ppallayo!)
Student 1: Teacher, it's too fast!!
학생2 (haksaeng2): 선생님! 너무 느려요! (seonsaengnim, neomu neuryeoyo!)
Student 2: Teacher, it's too slow!!
학생3 (haksaeng3): 아... 너무 지루해요!! (a... neomu jiruhaeyo!!!)
Student 3: Ah...it's too boring!!
Keith: You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of my old history teacher and it’s not necessarily the same situation but his voice was so boring like it was really soft and really nice but boring.
Seol: So you always fell asleep?
Keith: Every single class and it was great. I loved it. It was like right after lunch, it’s like ah yes, my nap time.
Seol: Yeah you can take a nap.
Minkyong: But all history teachers’ voice is boring.
Keith: Maybe no but this guy, I am telling you, he was especially boring and it was really strange because he was really nice about it. So everybody in his class was sleeping, everybody and he wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t say anything. He would just keep on with his lecture.
Seol: It’s like in a recorded voice.
Keith: Yeah. So my friend wanted to record his voice and take it back home so he can fall asleep to it.
Seol: Wow!
Keith: Put it on a CD but…
Seol: What a good idea!
Keith: I hope you didn’t do this with English when you are learning?
Seo: Hmm…
Keith: No.
Seol: No.
Keith: Okay that’s good and I hope our listeners aren’t falling asleep to KoreanClass101.com.
Seol: Definitely not.
Keith: We hope so. All right so let’s move on to the vocab.
Keith: First word we have is
Seol: 너무 (neomu).
Keith: Too.
Seol: 너무(neomu) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 너무(neomu) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 빨라요 (ppallayo).
Keith: Fast.
Seol: 빨라요 (ppallayo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 빨라요 (ppallayo) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 느려요 (neuryeoyo).
Keith: Slow.
Seol: 느려요 (neuryeoyo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 느려요 (neuryeoyo) [natural native speed]
Keith: And finally we have
Seol: 지루해요 (jiruhaeyo).
Keith: Boring.
Seol: 지루해요 (jiruhaeyo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 지루해요 (jiruhaeyo) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 여러분(yeoreobun).
Keith: You plural.
Seol: 여러분 (yeoreobun) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 여러분 (yeoreobun) [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 선생님 (seonsaengnim).
Keith: Teacher.
Seol: 선생님 (seonsaengnim) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 선생님(seonsaengnim) [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 영어 (yeongeo) .
Keith: English.
Seol: 영어 (yeongeo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 영어(yeongeo) [natural native speed]
Keith: After that
Seol: 뉴스 (nyuseu).
Keith: News.
Seol: 뉴스 (nyuseu) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 뉴스 (nyuseu) [natural native speed]
Keith: So there is something I’d like to do.
Minkyong: What is it?
Keith: I would like to go into this conversation line by line.
Minkyong: Okay.
Keith: Well you don’t like the idea?
Minkyong: Yeah I like the idea.
Keith: I think it’s a good idea.
Minkyong: Yeah me too.
Keith: Okay first we have the teacher.
Seol: 여러분 (yeoreobun).
Keith: Everyone. Now this means you, the plural and it’s polite.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: And it means you all pretty much everybody and actually if you stop by KoreanClass101.com, every single lesson has a post and our first comment, it starts off as
Seol: 여러분(yeoreobun).
Keith: Everybody and then we ask a question. So you stop by, ask a question, you read out a question and you can practice your Korean right there on our site and we are always there to answer your comments, answer your questions and help everybody out.
Seol: 여러분, 꼭 코멘트 남기세요. (yeoreobun, kkok komenteu namgiseyo.)
Keith: Everyone, please leave a comment. All right, so next we have
Seol: 영어 뉴스예요 (yeongeo nyuseuyeyo).
Keith: Okay. That first part is
Seol: 영어 (yeongeo).
Keith: English and now we have
Seol: 뉴스 (nyuseu).
Keith: News and this is just a Koreanized English word.
Seol: Yeah. So news is news in Korea too.
Keith: Yeah. How about newspaper?
Seol: 신문 (sinmun).
Keith: Yeah that one is not Koreanized.
Seol: No.
Keith: Actually sports is
Seol: 스포츠 뉴스 (seupocheu nyuseu).
Keith: Sports news. All right, what other Koreanized English words would you find in a newspaper?
Seol: 칼럼 (kalleom).
Keith: Column.
Seol: 오피니언 (opinieon).
Keith: Opinion.
Minkyong: 카툰 (katun).
Keith: Cartoon.
Minkyong: I think that’s it.
Keith: Okay. Well if there is any other ones you know out there, please leave a comment on our site and let us know. All right. So we have English news and finally that’s followed by
Seol: 예요(yeyo).
Keith: And this just means is. We don’t want to get too much into the grammar but here we have English news is. Everybody, English news is. This is English news and English news is fun.
Minkyong: No, Korean news is fun.
Keith: Really, why?
Minkyong: I don’t know because it’s in Korean.
Seol: So you don’t have to be really focused but when it comes to English news, you have to really focus on what they are saying, what the anchor is speaking and it takes a lot of energy from me.
Keith: Well that’s because English is not your native language.
Seol: Right.
Keith: So I feel the same way about Korean news.
Seol: Really?
Keith: Like I watch it and actually the language that they use on the news is very, very high level Korean.
Seol: It is true.
Keith: So and I am – I can understand maybe about 60%, 70% of it but I have to concentrate really hard.
Seol: But we have the videos which help us understanding what they are saying. So I rely on videos a lot when I watch English news.
Keith: Well, our teacher over here in our conversation has a video to play for our students. So what does student #1 say?
Minkyong: 선생님, 너무 빨라요 (seonsaengnim, neomu ppallayo).
Keith: Okay what’s our first part?
Minkyong: 선생님 (seonsaengnim).
Keith: Teacher. Now I find it interesting that the student refers to the teacher as teacher. Now Minkyong, when you studied in Canada, what did you call your teacher?
Minkyong: Mr or Ms somebody, somebody.
Keith: Yeah.
Minkyong: So we call like the last name right?
Keith: Yeah but in Korea, you just say
Minkyong: 선생님 (seonsaengnim).
Keith: Teacher.
Minkyong: Sometimes we call 선생님 (seonsaengnim) by their subject that they are teaching like 미술 선생님 (misul seonsaengnim).
Keith: Art teacher.
Minkyong: Or 수학 선생님 (suhak seonsaengnim).
Keith: Math teacher and it is just a very general title but in school, there is only one math teacher right – for the most part.
Minkyong: Yeah.
Keith: Like two, maybe three?
Minkyong: Yeah so.
Keith: And what if they are right next to each other, two science teachers 과학 선생님 (gwahak seonsaengnim).
Seol: You go to that science teacher and call him 선생님(seonsaengnim).
Keith: You have to like tap him on the shoulder and be very, very specific.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: All right. So we have just a general teacher and we can assume that this is an English teacher. So what’s English teacher in Korean?
Minkyong: 영어 선생님 (yeongeo seonsaengnim).
Keith: Right. So we have 선생님 (seonsaengnim) teacher and that’s followed by
Minkyong: 너무 빨라요 (neomu ppallayo).
Keith: That first part is
Minkyong: 너무 (neomu).
Keith: Too.
Minkyong: 빨라요(ppallayo).
Keith: Fast. Now we are not actually referring to anything. The student just says, too fast but obviously you can gather from context. What’s this person referring to?
Seol: It’s about English news.
Keith: Yeah too fast. So even if that word is not there, 영어 뉴스(yeongeo nyuseu) you can assume, too fast. So in what kind of situations can our listeners use this?
Seol: When I speak Korean and you feel it’s too fast, you can say 너무 빨라요 (neomu ppallayo).
Keith: Too fast. So it’s very useful if you are learning Korean with other Korean people and they speak too fast and you can just say
Minkyong: 너무 빨라요(neomu ppallayo).
Seol: But more kindly 너무 빨라요 (neomu ppallayo).
Minkyong: Sorry.
Keith: A little nicer. All right, so next, our next student says
Seol: 선생님 (seonsaengnim).
Keith: Teacher.
Seol: 너무 느려요 (neomu neuryeoyo).
Keith: Too and what’s that last part.
Seol: 느려요 (neuryeoyo).
Keith: Slow, too slow. So if you know any descriptive verbs, you can just add it on to the end of
Seol: 너무 (neomu).
Keith: So let’s have a couple of examples 너무(neomu) too big.
Seol: 너무 커요 (neomu keoyo) .
Keith: Too small.
Minkyong: 너무 작아요 (neomu jagayo).
Keith: Too expensive.
Seol: 너무 작아요 (neomu jagayo).
Keith: Too delicious.
Seol: 너무 맛있어요(neomu masisseoyo).
Keith: Does that work?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: That works, okay. It doesn’t really work in English but it works in Korean.
Seol: Yes it’s too delicious. It’s too good.
Keith: Yeah basically it means it’s so good, it’s very, very good but – and what’s too good?
Seol: 너무 좋아요(neomu joayo).
Keith: Okay. All right, let’s move on. Let’s finish this up. Our last student, what does he say?
Minkyong: 아... 너무 지루해요!! (a... neomu jiruhaeyo!!)
Keith: We have “too” again.
Minkyong: 너무 (neomu).
Keith: And it’s now followed by the descriptive verb.
Minkyong: 지루해요 ( jiruhaeyo).
Keith: Boring, too boring.
Minkyong: 너무 지루해요 (neomu jiruhaeyo).
Keith: Me?
Minkyong: Yes, no I am just kidding.
Keith: That’s not nice.
Minkyong: I am sorry.
Seol: Minkyong because I am so mean to him, you have to be really kind to him.
Keith: Yeah you got to balance this out. It’s like the force. Good and the Evil, you got to
Seol: I’m the evil, you are the good.
Minkyong: Okay.
Seol: Okay.
Minkyong: 너무 재밌어요 (neomu jaemisseoyo).
Keith: Too fun. 설은 너무 나빠요 (seoreun neomu nappayo) She is too bad.
Seol: 대신 설은 너무 예뻐요 (daesin seoreun neomu yeppeoyo).
Keith: Oh too pretty?
Seol: Yeah.


Keith: I don’t know about that one. No, you are very cool, you are very nice and pretty. Okay so that’s going to do it.
Minkyong: Bye.
Seol: 안녕 (annyeong).


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