
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. yunseorimnida.)
Minkyong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. mingyeongimnida)
Keith: I Want Some Soju. 소주 좋아하세요? (soju joahaseyo) Do you like soju?
Seol: Yeah I like it.
Keith: And how about yourself?
Minkyong: I don’t like it. It’s too strong.
Keith: What’s the alcohol percentage?
Seol: 22?
Keith: You like it a lot because you memorized it.
Seol: Yeah, yeah.
Keith: 22%
Seol: It’s about 20 actually.
Keith: Well for those of our listeners that don’t know, they might be listening for the first time, what is soju?
Seol: It’s distilled alcohol.
Minkyong: It’s transparent. It looks like water but it is very strong.
Keith: Have you ever had that experience where you thought a cup of water was actually a cup of soju?
Seol: No, not really because soju smells. It has its own smell. So no, you are not going to miss it.
Minkyong: Yeah it smells so strong. I think you can get drunk by the smell.
Keith: Aha I don’t know about that one.
Seol: I don’t think so.
Keith: And just for those curious, what is legal drinking age in Korea?
Seol: It’s 19.
Keith: And this is probably Korea’s #1 selling beverage.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: People drink it while eating, while drinking and actually what’s some good soju out there?
Seol: My favorite is 처음처럼. (cheoeumcheoreom)
Keith: Well, more than the brand, I was thinking like cocktail sojus.
Seol: Oh yeah, if you add some strawberry juice, it’s going to be 딸기 (ttalgi) soju and if you add some pineapple juice, it’s going to be pineapple soju and it’s really sweet. You don’t know you are drinking alcohol at all.
Keith: Yeah. Actually it is pretty dangerous I think because it just tastes like juice.
Seol: Yeah. It’s like a punch.
Minkyong: Sounds good. I like punch.
Keith: Oh you’ve never tried it before?
Minkyong: No, no I don’t really drink soju a lot.
Keith: Oh okay. We got a good girl over here. That’s good.
Seol: Yeah. We have a good girl and we have good listeners. So we have to listen to the dialogue of today.
Keith: All right. So what’s going on? What’s going on in today’s conversation?
Seol: 지은 (jieun) and 동희 (donghui) are talking about what they want to have, what they want to eat.
Keith: Yeah what they want to eat and what they want to drink. So let’s give something for the listeners to listen for. So how do you say I want to eat cheese?
Seol: 치즈 먹고 싶어. (chijeu meokgo sipeo)
Keith: I want to drink juice.
Seol: 주스 마시고 싶어. (juseu masigo sipeo.)
Keith: Remember to listen in for 싶어 (sipeo). That’s basically want to. All right, so let’s listen 나 삼겹살 먹고 싶어 (na samgyeopsal meokgo sipeo.) in.
지은 (jieun): 콜라 마시고 싶어. (kolla masigo sipeo.)
동희 (donghui): 콜라 마시고 싶어? (kolla masigo sipeo.)나 소주 마시고 싶어! (na soju masigo sipeo.)
지은 (jieun): 햄버거 먹고 싶어. (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo)
동희 (donghui): 햄버거 먹고 싶어? (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo) 나 삼겹살 먹고 싶어! (na samgyeopsal meokgo sipeo.)
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히. (han beon deo cheoncheonhi)
지은 (jieun): 콜라 마시고 싶어. (kolla masigo sipeo.)
동희 (donghui): 콜라 마시고 싶어?(kolla masigo sipeo.) 나 소주 마시고 싶어! (na soju masigo sipeo.)
지은 (jieun): 햄버거 먹고 싶어. (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo)
동희 (donghui): 햄버거 먹고 싶어? (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo) 나 삼겹살 먹고 싶어! (na samgyeopsal meokgo sipeo.)
Seol: 이번에는 영어로. (ibeoneneun yeongeoro)
지은 (jieun): 콜라 마시고 싶어. (kolla masigo sipeo.)
Jieun: I want to drink cola.
동희 (donghui): 콜라 마시고 싶어? (kolla masigo sipeo.) 나 소주 마시고 싶어! (na soju masigo sipeo.)
Donghui: You want to drink cola? I want to drink soju!
지은 (jieun): 햄버거 먹고 싶어. (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo)
Jieun: I want to eat a hamburger.
동희 (donghui): 햄버거 먹고 싶어? (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo) 나 삼겹살 먹고 싶어! (na samgyeopsal meokgo sipeo.)
Donghui: You want to eat a hamburger? I want to eat samgyeopsal!
Keith: What do you think of the conversation?
Minkyong: I agree with 동희 (donghui) about eating 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal) but I agree with 지은 (jieun)about drinking cola.
Seol: So you are eating 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal)with cola?
Minkyong: Usually I eat 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal) with 사이다. (saida)
Seol: Yeah for good girls, this is a good match but for those who are like us, 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal)is a friend of 소주. (soju)
Keith: Yeah. They are pretty much best friends.
Seol: Yeah you like eating 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal) with 소주 (soju), right?
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: Yeah I love it too.
Keith: It’s like love and marriage. 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal) and soju, it’s like they are married or something.
Seol: Yeah kind of.
Keith: Kind of.
Seol: Kind of.
Keith: All right. Well let’s move on to the vocab.
Keith: The first word we have is
Seol: 콜라. (kolla)
Keith: Coke, cola.
Seol: 콜라 (kolla) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 콜라 (kolla) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 마시고 싶어. (masigo sipeo)
Keith: I want to drink.
Seol: 마시고 싶어 (masigo sipeo)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 마시고 싶어 (masigo sipeo) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 소주. (soju)
Keith: Distilled liquor.
Seol: 소주 (soju)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 소주 (soju) [natural native speed]
Keith: After that
Seol: 햄버거. (haembeogeo)
Keith: Hamburger.
Seol: 햄버거 (haembeogeo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 햄버거 (haembeogeo) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 먹고 싶어. (meokgo sipeo)
Keith: I want to eat.
Seol: 먹고 싶어 (meokgo sipeo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 먹고 싶어 (meokgo sipeo) [natural native speed]
Keith: And finally we have
Seol: 삼겹살. (samgyeopsal.)
Keith: Three layered fat pork. A variety of Korean barbeque.
Seol: 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal.)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal.) [natural native speed]
Keith: Now before we get into the conversation, let’s talk about the vocabulary words really quickly. So we have 콜라 (kolla) instead of coke, in America, I would say, can I have a coke please, I want to say, can I have a cola please but I guess cola is actually the correct term.
Seol: 네. 코카콜라, 펩시콜라. (ne. kokakolla, pepsikolla.)
Keith: Yeah so Koreans are correct, maybe. I don’t know.
Seol: But 민경 (mingyeong) likes 사이다 (saida) instead of 콜라. (kolla)
Keith: Yeah. And what is that word?
Minkyong: 사이다. (saida)
Keith: And this is a lime soda I think or lemon lime soda.
Seol: It’s like 7 Up right?
Keith: 7 Up or Sprite.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: What’s a Korean brand for this?
Minkyong: 칠성 사이다. (chilseong saida)
Keith: Yeah and it’s pretty much a bite off. They are taste the same. So we have 사이다 (saida) and let’s talk about 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal) is three layered fat pork. Now basically this is bacon.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: Just very, very thick bacon and are there any seasonings on it?
Seol: Salt and pepper.
Keith: Yeah and sometimes if you go to some specialty 삼겹살집s (samgyeopsaljips) or 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal) restaurants, then they will add on like rosemary or thyme or…
Seol: Yeah herbs and wine.
Keith: Yeah and it’s very good and as we mentioned before, it’s a variety of Korean barbeque. So we have barbeque that which entails meat and
Minkyong: 불판. (bulpan)
Keith: A frying pan, yeah. I was looking for something else.
Seol: You were looking for 술? (sul)
Keith: Alcohol yeah. Of course you have to have a frying pan or a grill to barbeque. All right.
Seol: She is a good girl.
Keith: She is a good girl.
Keith: Yeah. All right, so let’s move on to the conversation. Let’s break it down line by line. First we have
Seol: 콜라 마시고 싶어. (kolla masigo sipeo.)
Keith: Okay let’s break that down.
Seol: 콜라. (kolla)
Keith: Coke or cola.
Seol: 마시고 싶어. (masigo sipeo)
Keith: Want to drink. Now as we mentioned that 고 싶어 (go sipeo) means want to and that 마시 (masi) means
Seol: 마시다 (masida) to drink.
Keith: Yeah so let’s just introduce it as a phrase. So what’s, want to drink?
Seol: 마시고 싶어. (masigo sipeo)
Keith: So what if you want to drink juice?
Seol: 주스 마시고 싶어. (juseu masigo sipeo.)
Keith: And for our little angel over here, how about cider?
Minkyong: 사이다 마시고 싶어. ( saida masigo sipeo.)
Keith: And for our bad girl over here.
Minkyong: Yeah.
Keith: I want to drink alcohol.
Seol: 술 마시고 싶어. (sul masigo sipeo)
Keith: Okay. So whatever you want to drink in front and then just add on.
Seol: 마시고 싶어. (masigo sipeo)
Keith: Okay. So next we have
Minkyong: 콜라 마시고 싶어? (kolla masigo sipeo.)
Keith: Now that’s the same thing as what was said before, I want to drink cola but it’s in a rising intonation. So there it’s a question and what do we have next?
Minkyong: 나 소주 마시고 싶어! (na soju masigo sipeo.)
Keith: Okay. That first word we have is
Minkyong: 나. (na)
Keith: I and then next we have
Minkyong: 소주 마시고 싶어. (soju masigo sipeo)
Keith: Want to drink soju. That first word soju as we mentioned is that alcohol and this is informal language. What if you are around your boss or if you are around your coworkers or future parents in law? What would you say?
Seol: 저 소주 마시고 싶어요. (jeo soju masigo sipeoyo)
Keith: Yeah. Remember to add on that 요 (yo) at the end and it becomes polite but I don’t think you would say 소주 마시고 싶어요 (soju masigo sipeoyo) to your parents in law.
Seol: Yeah I thought the same thing. I’d say 저 소주 못 마셔요. (jeo soju mot masyeoyo)
Keith: I can’t drink soju, okay. Or you can just be like Minkyong, 사이다 마시고 싶어요. (saida masigo sipeoyo)
Seol: Yeah good idea.
Keith: Yeah. All right, so next we have, I want to eat. What do we have?
Seol: 햄버거 먹고 싶어. (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo)
Keith: I want to eat hamburger. What is want to eat?
Seol: 먹고 싶어. (meokgo sipeo)
Keith: And whatever you want to eat is in front.
Seol: 햄버거 먹고 싶어. (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo)
Keith: So what does our good girl want to eat?
Minkyong: 김치부침개 먹고 싶어. (gimchibuchimgae meokgo sipeo)
Keith: Kimchi pancake I think. Kimchi pancake you want to eat. Is it well...
Minkyong: It’s so good.
Keith: No, no I mean yeah I know the flavor is good. I mean it’s not so evil or good. The good as in – forget it.
Minkyong: What?
Keith: All right. Seol, what do you want to eat?
Seol: 탕수육 먹고 싶어요. (tangsuyuk meokgo sipeoyo)
Keith: I want to eat Chinese fried chicken. Why are you picking such difficult words to translate?
Minkyong: Sweet and sour pork.
Keith: Oh okay. There we go, sweet and sour pork, thank you.
Minkyong: Yes.
Keith: So whatever you want to eat in front and then what’s our phrase
Seol: 먹고 싶어. (meokgo sipeo)
Keith: And once again, if you wanted to be a little more politer
Seol: 먹고 싶어요. (meokgo sipeoyo)
Keith: And what is the response?
Minkyong: 햄버거 먹고 싶어? (haembeogeo meokgo sipeo)
Keith: Same sentence. Again, it’s a rising intonation. So it’s a question. All right, let’s move on. And now we have
Seol: 나 삼겹살 먹고 싶어. (na samgyeopsal meokgo sipeo.)
Keith: I want to eat 삼겹살 (samgyeopsal) the three fat layered pork. All right, so very simple, very straightforward today.


Seol: 나 정말 삼겹살 먹고 싶어. (na jeongmal samgyeopsal meokgo sipeo)
Keith: You really want to eat 삼겹살. (samgyeopsal)
Seol: 네. (ne)
Keith: All right. So it’s on you.
Seol: Okay, okay, okay.
Minkyong: Yes!
Keith: All right. So that’s going to do it. Remember to stop by KoreanClass101.com and leave us a post.
Seol: Bye bye.
Minkyong: Bye bye.


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