
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.(annyeonghaseyo. yunseorimnida.)
Minkyong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다.(annyeonghaseyo. mingyeongimnida.)
Keith: Hey I am Keith.
Seol: You are.
Keith: Thanks. Thanks for letting me know and we are here at Newbie Season 2, Lesson #11. It’s Hot.
Seol: 뭐가?(mwoga?) What’s hot?
Keith: We will find out in the dialogue but we are talking about food today.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: A baby and food.
Seol: Oh!
Keith: That’s what the lesson is all about, a baby and food, that’s all we need.
Seol: That’s all we need?
Keith: Yeah and maybe some vocabulary words too but…
Seol: Okay.
Keith: A baby and food, that’s the essentials of it. So before we get into the conversation really quickly, how about Korean food? Now let’s talk about 찌개s(jjigaes) really quick. Now for those of you, this is newbie lesson. So you might be tuning in for the first time or you may be very new to Korean culture or Korean food, so what about Korean food? What is jjigae?
Minkyong: Jjigae is like Korean stew.
Keith: Yeah and Korean people eat it almost every meal.
Minkyong: Yeah usually you eat at night and in the morning, we eat 국(guk).
Keith: Soup. What’s the difference? 국(guk) and 찌개?(jjigae?)
Minkyong: Jjigae is more thick and guk is more light.
Keith: Okay. So in the mornings, you have 국(guk) something a little light to start off your day right and at night, well this is rhyming a lot. We have stew 찌개(jjigae) and I love, love, love, love eating stew 찌개(jjigae) when it comes out boiling.
Seol: 어떤 찌개 좋아해요?(eotteon jjigae joahaeyo?) Which jjigae do you like best?
Keith: Probably kimchi-jjigae or sundubu-jjigae, tofu stew.
Seol: Yeah I feel like 순두부찌개(sundubujjigae) right now, the boiling one, the hot boiling.
Keith: Yeah and the thing is, when you go into a restaurant and you order jjigae, it always comes out or not always, but for the most part, it comes out in a stone pot and it comes out boiling.
Seol: 뚝배기에 뜨겁게 나와요(ttukbaegie tteugeopge nawayo).
Keith: Yeah. It comes out really hot and a lot of people might not be used to this. So how do you eat it? It’s too hot.
Minkyong: You blow to cool it down and you just eat it.
Seol: That’s very simple. Why do you ask the question?
Keith: Because it’s boiling hot, how are you supposed to put it in your mouth?
Seol: But you are trained. Your mouth is a little trained for the hot boiling soups, so you are okay.
Keith: Well that brings up the question. Why don’t they just bring it out at a warm temperature or hot temperature but not boiling hot?
Seol: Ah it doesn’t seem very tasty then, you know. The hot boiling stew makes your mouth water more and more.
Keith: So if you see boiling.
Seol: My mouth is watering right now. So let’s change the subject.
Keith: Okay. So what are we talking about in today’s conversation? We are not talking about jjigae stew. What are we talking about?
Minkyong: 카레(kare).
Keith: Curry and what’s the situation? Who is talking?
Minkyong: The son is hungry and he is asking for food.
Keith: Yeah very simple conversation. So they are going to be using informal language. Okay so let’s listen in.
아들 (adeul): 엄마! 배고파!(eomma! baegopa!)
엄마 (eomma): 응... 여기... 카레…(eung... yeogi... kare...)
아들 (adeul): 아! 뜨거워!(a! tteugeowo!)
엄마 (eomma): 조심해!(josimhae!)
Seol: 천천히 들어 보세요(cheoncheonhi deureo boseyo).
아들 (adeul): 엄마! 배고파!(eomma! baegopa!)
엄마 (eomma): 응... 여기... 카레...(eung... yeogi... kare...)
아들 (adeul): 아! 뜨거워!(a! tteugeowo!)
엄마 (eomma): 조심해!(josimhae!)
Seol: 이번에는 영어와 함께(ibeoneneun yeongeowa hamkke).
아들 (adeul): 엄마! 배고파!(eomma! baegopa!)
Son: Mom, I'm hungry!
엄마 (eomma): 응... 여기... 카레…(eung... yeogi... kare...)
Mom: Okay...here...Curry...
아들 (adeul): 아! 뜨거워!(a! tteugeowo!)
Son: Oh! It's hot!
엄마 (eomma): 조심해!(josimhae!)
Mom: Be careful!
Keith: Seol, this is going to be you in a couple of years.
Seol: No comment! Yes, I think so because you know, I am the oldest person here. So my probability is the highest I believe.
Keith: Am I going to be the child? 밥 줘, 배고파(bap jwo, baegopa). I am hungry, give me food.
Seol: You are going to say that to your wife.
Keith: Oh! Okay. Okay, well just to let the listeners know what the conversation was about and what the words were, let’s go into the vocab.
Keith: First word we have is
Minkyong: 엄마(eomma).
Keith: Mom.
Minkyong: 엄마(eomma) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 엄마(eomma) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Minkyong: 배고파(baegopa).
Keith: I am hungry.
Minkyong: 배고파(baegopa) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 배고파(baegopa) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next.
Minkyong: 응(eung).
Keith: Okay, all right.
Minkyong: 응(eung) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 응(eung) [natural native speed]
Seol: And also 응(eung). Yeah it sounds quite similar 음(eum), 응(eung).
Keith: Yeah both work actually but when you write it, how do you write it?
Minkyong: 응(eung).
Keith: Yeah but a lot of people just say
Minkyong: 음(eum).
Keith: And with like a slight nod of the head.
Minkyong: Yeah.
Keith: So this basically means, yes, okay, all right. When you agree, you want to say yes or just okay in a very informal situation. All right, let’s move on. Our next word is
Minkyong: 여기(yeogi).
Keith: Here.
Minkyong: 여기(yeogi) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 여기(yeogi) [natural native speed]
Keith: After that, we have.
Minkyong: 카레(kare).
Keith: Curry.
Minkyong: 카레(kare) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 카레(kare) [natural native speed]
Keith: When I think of curry, I think of India.
Seol: Yeah we do.
Keith: And Indian curry is very different than Korean curry.
Seol: Recently, I found out it’s really different.
Keith: Oh so you didn’t know?
Seol: No, I didn’t know.
Keith: Wait! Wait! So when you were growing up and you heard the word 카레(kare) by the way, the pronunciation is
Seol: 카레(kare).
Keith: Not curry. So when you were growing up and you heard the word 카레(kare) did you think of India?
Seol: No, no it was Korean food to me at least.
Keith: And then recently, what happened?
Seol: I went to the Indian restaurant and I ate the real Indian curry with naan, the bread and it was so different.
Minkyong: Yeah because we eat 카레(kare) with 김치(gimchi).
Seol: And the taste itself is different, right?
Minkyong: It is different. Yeah.
Keith: So can you describe the taste of Korean curry a little bit?
Minkyong: It’s sweet.
Seol: Yeah it’s sweet and it’s not that spicy and it’s not hot either.
Keith: Yeah I mean it’s a little different but similar enough.
Seol: But Indian curry includes a lot of spices. Korean 카레(kare) does not. So Korean 카레(kare) is quite plain compared to the Indian curry.
Keith: Yeah actually, Indian curry is very powerful, I find, but Korean curry is like well, it tastes good, it’s all right.
Seol: So it’s Korean 카레(kare).
Keith: Okay let’s move on. Our next word is
Minkyong: 뜨거워(tteugeowo).
Keith: Hot. It’s hot.
Minkyong: 뜨거워(tteugeowo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 뜨거워(tteugeowo) [natural native speed]
Keith: Now I want to talk about this word real quick. This is used for touch, it’s hot to the touch but what do you say when you are in a hot room or summer time. Man, this classroom is hot, this place is hot.
Seol: 더워(deowo).
Keith: Yeah. So there is a difference between hot to the touch and hot temperature wise. So in today’s conversation, what do we have? What was 뜨거워(tteugeowo) what was hot to touch?
Minkyong: 뜨거워(tteugeowo).
Keith: Yeah the curry. Once again, to the touch. And lastly, we have
Minkyong: 조심해(josimhae).
Keith: Be careful.
Minkyong: 조심해(josimhae) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 조심해(josimhae) [natural native speed]
Keith: So let’s go over this conversation line by line real quick. First we have
Minkyong: 엄마! 배고파!(eomma! baegopa!)
Keith: Mom, I am hungry. It is so common.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Every day at home, you can hear this. So if you are listening and you have little kids, you can teach them this phrase.
Seol: 엄마, 배고파요(eomma, baegopayo).
Keith: Oh okay, well what do we have? What is, I am hungry.
Seol: 배고파(baegopa).
Keith: And if you wanted to be a little more politer
Seol: 배고파요(baegopayo).
Keith: Yeah, just add that 요(yo) at the end and it becomes a little politer. So 설엄마, 배고파요(seoreomma, baegopayo).
Seol: 응... 여기... 카레...(eung... yeogi... kare...)
Keith: Okay let’s break it down really quickly.
Seol: 응(eung).
Keith: Yes all right, okay but why does the mother answer 응(eung)?
Seol: She is saying, I got it.
Keith: Yeah I understand, okay.
Seol: 여기(yeogi)
Keith: Here
Seol: 카레(kare).
Keith: Curry. She must have had a curry like right next to her. Oh okay, here 카레(kare) and do little children eat 카레(kare)?
Minkyong: Yeah they love 카레(kare). When I was young, I loved 카레(kare) because it was sweet and it was really good.
Keith: What kind of food do Korean kids ask for to the parents? You know, every day you eat 밥(bap), rice and a 찌개(jjigae) maybe, a stew but what do Korean kids ask for?
Seol: When I was young, I asked for 햄(haem).
Keith: Ham?
Seol: 소세지(soseji).
Keith: Okay sausage.
Seol: 카레(kare) and 햄버거(haembeogeo).
Keith: Hamburger. So everything non-Korean.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So okay, let’s say you go away for a trip. You maybe study abroad somewhere and you haven’t been home in a while and you go home, what do you ask for now?
Seol: Kimchi-jjigae.
Keith: Kimchi stew, okay. Yeah so Korean kids, I don’t know, they want to eat non-Korean food.
Seol: When they are young.
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: Because Korean food includes a lot of vegetables and I believe kids do not like vegetables that much.
Keith: Yeah and Korean food generally is very healthy. So healthy and kids, they don’t really mix very well.
Seol And usually healthy food does not taste very good.
Keith: No, Korean foods taste amazing.
Seol: No from the kids’ view.
Keith: Yeah the kids’ point of view. So they want something fatty, hammy, spammy.
Seol: Greasy.
Keith: Greasy. Okay let’s move on. Next we have
Minkyong: 아! 뜨거워!(a! tteugeowo!)
Keith: And once again, that word is
Minkyong: 뜨거워(tteugeowo).
Keith: Hot to the touch. So obviously he ate – he took a bite and 아! 뜨거워!(a! tteugeowo!) It’s hot and lastly we have
Seol: 조심해!(josimhae!)
Keith: A very, very important phrase.
Seol: 조심해!(josimhae!)
Keith: Be careful and if you wanted to be a little politer, how would you say?
Seol: 조심해요!(josimhaeyo!)
Keith: Just add that 요(yo) at the end 조심해요(josimhaeyo) and if you are interested in being a little more politer, we have a polite version of this dialogue in the PDF. So remember to check it out if you want to be a little more politer, if you want to know the different politeness levels, we have it there in the PDF. So remember to pick that up. All right, let’s move on. What kind of listeners use this or hear this?
Seol: When you are trying to jaywalk, you will hear it.
Keith: 조심해요(josimhaeyo).
Seol: Or when you are driving, you will hear this too in Korea…
Minkyong: Or when it’s dark.
Seol: Yeah.
Minkyong: When you go back home 조심해요(josimhaeyo).
Keith: Yeah.
Minkyong: 조심해서 돌아가세요(josimhaeseo doragaseyo).
Seol: Yeah.


Keith: Actually yeah, when you are out with a group of friends or something and then if someone’s going home because it’s dark, I don’t know if it’s because it’s dark but it’s just a nice way to say goodbye. Be careful, you know, take care when you go home. Okay so that’s going to do it.
Seol: 다들 조심해서 들어가세요(dadeul josimhaeseo deureogaseyo).
Keith: Everyone, be careful as you go home.
Minkyong: 안녕(annyeong).
Keith: See you later.


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