
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. yunseorimnida.)
Minkyong: 안녕하세요. 민경입니다. (annyeonghaseyo. mingyeongimnida)
Keith: I Am Better.
Seol: I admit it, you are better.
Keith: No I know I am better.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: That’s why I said it.
Seol: Yeah.
Minkyong: Okay.
Seol: So 더 나은 (deo naeun) Keith.
Keith: A better Keith? The better Keith, okay. Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! So what does that mean, I am usually not that good?
Seol: No you are always better than us.
Keith: No.
Seol: Yeah. I told you I admit it. You are the best.
Keith: No, you two are the princesses of KoreanClass101.com. I am just a little lemming, I am a soldier.
Seol: Okay
Minkyong: Okay.
Keith: All right. So today what are we talking about? Minkyong, can you introduce our conversation to us?
Minkyong: 수연 (suyeon) and 미연 (miyeon) are sisters and they are fighting over who is better or who is prettier.
Keith: Let’s talk about their names actually. They are not just sisters. What are they?
Seol: They are twins 쌍둥이. (ssangdungi)
Keith: Yeah and what are their names again?
Minkyong: 수연, 미연. (suyeon, miyeon)
Keith: So people in the same family, they usually have or not usually but sometimes they will have one syllable that’s the same as their other brothers and sisters.
Seol: Yeah but me and my brothers don’t have this.
Keith: Well that’s because you are a female and they are male, right?
Minkyong: But both of my two brothers don’t have that.
Keith: Oh okay…
Minkyong: No…
Keith: No but yeah this is not for every single family but it happens.
Seol: My family? No, we don’t share that but actually we have some characteristic about our own names. We have only one syllable for our names.
Keith: Ah so – and that’s very interesting as well. That’s not very common.
Seol: Yeah my name is just 윤설 (yunseol) two syllables and this is not common, right? So all my sisters have one syllable name.
Keith: And Seol is your given name.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: And actually, my family I don’t have a brother but my older cousin is a male. His Korean name is 성수. (seongsu)
Seol: You share the syllable 성. (seong)
Keith: Yeah and my Korean name is 성부 (seongbu) and also my sister. It’s very interesting. My cousin and his sister and me and my sister, we share the same syllables.
Seol: 성? (seong)
Keith: No just me and my older male cousin. My female cousin, her Korean name is 성미 (seongmi) and my sister’s name is 경미. (gyeongmi)
Seol: Okay. So girls share the syllable 미 (mi) and boys share the syllable 성. (seong)
Keith: No, just those two cousins.
Seol: Then what’s the formula? I didn’t get it.
Keith: No, no but they did it with our English names too like my sister’s name is Sara and my cousin’s name is Tara and…
Seol: What? Wow! I never knew that the American names have that kind of you know, characteristics too.
Keith: No, my dad took it and he made it into American names. He forced it actually, he forced it. All right, well let’s move on. Let’s move on to today’s conversation. So they are twins. So they are very close to each other obviously.
Minkyong: And they look like each other or they look same.
Keith: I hope so, okay. And since they are talking to each other, they are using informal language, very informal. All right. So let’s listen in.
수연 (suyeon): 내가 더 예뻐. (nae-ga deo yeppeo)
미연 (miyeon): 아니. 내가 더 예뻐! (ani. nae-ga deo yeppeo.)
수연 (suyeon): 아니. 내가 더 예뻐! (ani. nae-ga deo yeppeo.)! 내가! 내가! (nae-ga! nae-ga!)
아빠 (appa): 수연아, 미연아! 너희 쌍둥이야!! (suyeon-a, miyeon-a! neohi ssangdungi-ya!!)
Minkyong: 한 번 더 천천히. (han beon deo cheoncheonhi)
수연 (suyeon): 내가 더 예뻐. (nae-ga deo yeppeo)
미연 (miyeon): 아니. 내가 더 예뻐! (ani. nae-ga deo yeppeo.)
수연 (suyeon): 아니. 내가 더 예뻐! (ani. nae-ga deo yeppeo.)! 내가! 내가! (nae-ga! nae-ga!)
아빠 (appa): 수연아, 미연아! 너희 쌍둥이야!! (suyeon-a, miyeon-a! neohi ssangdungi-ya!!)
Minkyong: 영어로 한 번 더. (yeongeoro han beon deo)
수연 (suyeon): 내가 더 예뻐. (nae-ga deo yeppeo)
Suyeon: I'm prettier.
미연 (miyeon): 아니. 내가 더 예뻐! (ani. nae-ga deo yeppeo.)
Miyeon: No, I'm prettier.
수연 (suyeon): 아니. 내가 더 예뻐! (ani. nae-ga deo yeppeo.)! 내가! 내가! (nae-ga! nae-ga!)
Suyeon: No, I'm prettier! I am! I am!
아빠 (appa): 수연아, 미연아! 너희 쌍둥이야!! (suyeon-a, miyeon-a! neohi ssangdungi-ya!!)
Father: Suyeon, Miyeon! You’re twins!!
Seol: I am very familiar with this situation.
Keith: Because you have a lot of sisters?
Seol: Yes. I am always fighting over who is prettier with my younger sister.
Keith: Wait! Does that really happen? No I am pretty, no I am prettier.
Seolg: It really happens and the judges are my parents.
Keith: And what do they say?
Seol: My younger sister is prettier.
Minkyong: They actually say that?
Seol: That’s the verdict.
Minkyong: Oh!
Keith: No, you are pretty.
Seol: Thank you.
Minkyong: You are pretty.
Keith: You are very pretty and I met your sister once actually.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: But she was wearing a cap and it was down very low. So I could not see her, so you win.
Seol: Okay thank you.
Keith: Okay so let’s move on to the vocab.
Keith: First word we have is
Minkyong: 더. (deo)
Keith: More.
Minkyong: 더 (deo)[slowly - broken down by syllable] 더 (deo)[natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Minkyong: 예뻐. (yeppeo)
Keith: Pretty.
Minkyong: 예뻐 (yeppeo) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 예뻐 (yeppeo) [natural native speed]
Keith: Next is
Minkyong: 아니. (ani)
Keith: No.
Minkyong: 아니 (ani) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아니 (ani) [natural native speed]
Keith: After that we have
Minkyong: 너희. (neohui)
Keith: You plural.
Minkyong: 너희 (neohui) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 너희 (neohui) [natural native speed]
Keith: And finally we have
Minkyong: 쌍둥이. (ssangdungi)
Keith: Twins.
Minkyong: 쌍둥이 (ssangdungi) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 쌍둥이 (ssangdungi) [natural native speed]
Keith: Okay. I’d like to talk about the vocab words but why don’t we do that as we go over the conversation. So let’s go over the first line. What’s the first line we have?
Seol: 내가 더 예뻐. (nae-ga deo yeppeo)
Keith: Okay let’s break it down really quick. The first part is
Seol: 내가 (naega)
Keith: I and actually this is I followed by a subject marking particle. We don’t want to get into the grammar too much but let’s move on really quickly.
Seol: 더 (deo)
Keith: More.
Seol: 예뻐. (yeppeo)
Keith: Pretty, more pretty, prettier and Korean actually doesn’t have comparatives like prettier. All you’ve got to do is use the adverb.
Seol: 더. (deo)
Keith: More. So we have more pretty, prettier. Let’s have a couple of other examples.
Minkyong: 더 맛있어. (deo masisseo)
Keith: It’s more delicious, tastes better.
Seol: 더 커. (deo keo)
Keith: More big, bigger.
Seol: 더 작아. (deo jaga.)
Keith: More small, smaller.
Minkyong: 더 좋아. (deo joa.)
Keith: More good, better. So we have more pretty, prettier and then what was before that again?
Seol: 내가. (naega.)
Keith: I followed by that subject marking particle. When you use this construction, more pretty, more delicious, more good, better, more
Minkyong: Fun.
Keith: Okay more fun. Then we need that 가 (ga) over there. So it’s always 내가 (naega) I am something better.
Seol: 내가 더 예뻐. (nae-ga deo yeppeo)
Keith: I am more pretty, I am prettier. Can you give us a couple of examples from your own household?
Seol: 내가 더 똑똑해. ( naega deo ttokttokae)
Keith: I am smarter. Who usually wins that one?
Seol: My younger sister who is just 14 years old.
Keith: All right. Well let’s move on. Let’s see what 미현 (mihyeon) says.
Minkyong: 아니. 내가 더 예뻐! (ani. nae-ga deo yeppeo.)
Keith: Okay. That first word is
Minkyong: 아니. (ani)
Keith: No and then next we have the same sentence that we just had before.
Minkyong: 내가 더 예뻐! (nae-ga deo yeppeo)
Keith: I am prettier. Literally I more pretty, I am prettier and next we have
Seol: 아니. 내가 더 예뻐!! (ani. nae-ga deo yeppeo.)
Keith: And that’s a same thing we just went over. No I am prettier and now we have
Seol: 내가! 내가! (nae-ga! nae-ga!)
Keith: Me, me. Once again because we are using this construction 더 예뻐 (deo yeppeo) more something, we need 내가 (naega). All right and finally, we have the father who jumps in just like your dad.
Minkyong: 수연아, 미연아! 너희 쌍둥이야!! (suyeon-a, miyeon-a! neohi ssangdungi-ya!!)
Keith: That first part we have is
Minkyong: 수연아 (suyeona)
Keith: 수연 (suyeon) followed by 아 (a) which is just something to make the pronunciation easier, cuter too.
Seol: When calling somebody.
Keith: Actually let’s have a couple of examples. Minkyong
Seol: 아, 민경아. (a, mingyeonga)
Keith: And we have Seol.
Seol: 설아. ( seora)
Keith: 아. (a)And I would be
Seol: 성주야. (seongjuya)
Keith: Mine ends with a 야 (ya) because
Seol: It does not end with a consonant.
Keith: Yeah. So it changes between 아 (a) and 야 (ya) but since these two are twins and they share the same syllable at the end, it’s 아. 수연아. (a. suyeona)
Minkyong: 미연아. (miyeona)
Keith: Okay and finally we have
Minkyong: 너희 쌍둥이야!! (neohui ssangdungiya!!)
Keith: Okay. That first word is
Minkyong: 너희. (neohui)
Keith: You plural and actually this is in the intimate politeness level. So this is very casual language. So you should be careful when you are using this word because Korean is very – they place a lot of value on politeness.
Minkyong: Yeah you might look rude if you talk in 반말. (banmal)
Keith: Intimate language, casual language.
Minkyong: Yeah so it’s better to use 존댓말. ( jondaenmal.)
Keith: Formal language. What would be the formal of this word 너희? (neohui)
Minkyong: 여러분. (yeoreobun)
Keith: And actually if you come to our site, we use this all the time. First comment of each lesson, we say 여러분 (yeoreobun) and then we have a question.
Minkyong: So we are polite.
Keith: Okay and finally we have
Minkyong: 쌍둥이야. (ssangdungiya)
Keith: Twin is. So what’s that word twin?
Minkyong: 쌍둥이. (ssangdungi)
Keith: And that last
Minkyong: 야. (ya)
Keith: Means is. So twin is. You are twins.
Seol: So basically there is no meaning fighting over who is prettier.
Keith: No there are some twins that look better than other twins.
Seol/: Okay.
Keith: They look different right, sometimes.
Seol: I don’t think so.
Minkyong: But usually they look similar right?
Keith: Very similar, yeah.
Minkyong: Very, very similar.
Keith: Actually I knew this pair of twins and it is weird because they looked exactly the same but one was so well dressed and the other one was so like dirty and didn’t care about his looks much.
Seol: So you can tell the difference between them.
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: Yeah I like the Harry Potter series and the twins on that movies look exactly the same. So I cannot distinguish them. You didn’t watch it?
Keith: No, no I watched it, I watched it. Maybe 수연 (suyeon) is the messy one. The really lazy and dirty one.
Seol: Okay. I think we need a picture of you know, this 수연, 미연 (suyeon, miyeon) twin.


Keith: Okay well, I don’t know if we can get one of these. All right, well that’s going to do it. Bye bye.
Seol: 안녕. (annyeong.)
Minkyong: Bye.


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