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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Korean Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 8 - Feeling Exhausted.
Becky: Hi everyone, I'm Becky.
Jaehwi: And I'm Jaehwi.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Korean about being exhausted. 소라 (Sora) feels exhausted after a long day at work, posts a photo of it, and leaves this comment:
Jaehwi: 피곤해 죽겠다.. (pigonae jukketta..)
Becky: Meaning - "I'm tired to death." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.

Lesson conversation

(clicking sound)
소라: 피곤해 죽겠다..
(clicking sound)
민희: 남친한테 오늘 저녁밥 부탁해봐.
재우: 피곤하구나.. 오늘 저녁은 내가 할게.
하나: 힘내!
만세: 뭐 그 정도로 피곤하다고.
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
소라: 피곤해 죽겠다..
Becky: "I'm tired to death."
(clicking sound)
민희: 남친한테 오늘 저녁밥 부탁해봐.
Becky: "Ask your boyfriend to make dinner for you tonight."
재우: 피곤하구나.. 오늘 저녁은 내가 할게.
Becky: "You look tired. I'll prepare dinner today."
하나: 힘내!
Becky: "Cheer up!"
만세: 뭐 그 정도로 피곤하다고.
Becky: "You shouldn't be tired from such a small thing."
Becky: Listen again to 소라 (Sora)'s post.
Jaehwi: 피곤해 죽겠다.. (pigonae jukketta..)
Becky: "I'm tired to death."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 피곤해 죽겠다.. (pigonae jukketta..) (Regular) 피곤해 죽겠다.. (pigonae jukketta..)
Becky: Let's break this down. First is a phrase meaning "because I'm tired."
Jaehwi: 피곤해 (pigonnae)
Becky: If it's written Korean, it should be..
Jaehwi: 피곤해서
Becky: using the particle..
Jaehwi: 해서..
Becky: which means "because of” or “because.” But on social media, you can use the spoken Korean, which comes with the shortened form of the particle, and say..
Jaehwi: 피곤해.
Becky: Listen again."Because I'm tired" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 피곤해 (pigonnae) (REGULAR) 피곤해 (pigonnae)
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "I'll die.."
Jaehwi: 죽겠다 (jukketta)
Becky: You can use the verb..
Jaehwi: 죽겠다
Becky: ..to emphasize how you feel. It literally means "I will die" but Korean people use it just to say "I'm very tired" or "I'm very happy." Even when they say "I'm very happy," they use..
Jaehwi: 좋아 죽겠다
Becky: ..which literally means "I'll die because of the happiness.” Listen again. "I’ll die." is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 죽겠다 (jukketta) (REGULAR) 죽겠다 (jukketta)
Becky: All together, "I'm tired to death."
Jaehwi: 피곤해 죽겠다.. (pigonae jukketta..)
Becky: In response, 소라(Sora)'s friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her neighbor, 민희 (Minhee), uses an expression meaning - "Ask your boyfriend to make dinner for you tonight."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 남친한테 오늘 저녁밥 부탁해봐. (REGULAR) 남친한테 오늘 저녁밥 부탁해봐.
Jaehwi: 남친한테 오늘 저녁밥 부탁해봐.
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling warmhearted.
Becky: Her boyfriend, 재우 (Jaewu), uses an expression meaning - "You look tired. I'll prepare dinner today."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 피곤하구나.. 오늘 저녁은 내가 할게. (REGULAR) 피곤하구나.. 오늘 저녁은 내가 할게.
Jaehwi: 피곤하구나.. 오늘 저녁은 내가 할게.
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling sympathetic.
Becky: Her boyfriend's high school friend, 하나 (Hana), uses an expression meaning - "Cheer up!"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 힘내! (REGULAR) 힘내!
Jaehwi: 힘내!
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling optimistic.
Becky: Her nephew, 만세 (Manse), uses an expression meaning - "You shouldn't be tired from such a small thing."
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 뭐 그 정도로 피곤하다고. (REGULAR) 뭐 그 정도로 피곤하다고.
Jaehwi: 뭐 그 정도로 피곤하다고.
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling cynical.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being exhausted, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Jaehwi: 다음 시간에 만나요.

