
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Korean Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 6 - An Unfortunate Accident.
Becky: Hi everyone, I'm Becky.
Jaehwi: And I'm Jaehwi.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Korean about an accident. 소라 (Sora) accidentally breaks her mobile phone, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Jaehwi: 어떻게 해.. (eotteoke hae..)
Becky: Meaning - "What should I do?" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.

Lesson conversation

(clicking sound)
소라: 어떻게 해.. (eotteoke hae..)
(clicking sound)
삼식: 앗, 어떻게 된거야? (at, eotteoke dweongeoya?)
송희: 완전 충격! (wanjeon chunggyeok!)
만세: 벌써 두 번째잖아.! (beosseo bu deonjjaejana!)
공유: 설마 법인폰? (seolma beobin-pon?)
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
소라: 어떻게 해.. (eotteoke hae..)
Becky: "What should I do?"
(clicking sound)
삼식: 앗, 어떻게 된거야? (at, eotteoke dweongeoya?)
Becky: "Oh, what happened?"
송희: 완전 충격! (wanjeon chunggyeok!)
Becky: "Complete shock!"
만세: 벌써 두 번째잖아.! (beosseo bu deonjjaejana!)
Becky: "This is the second time!"
공유: 설마 법인폰? (seolma beobin-pon?)
Becky: "It's not a company phone, is it?"
Becky: Listen again to 소라 (Sora)'s post.
Jaehwi: 어떻게 해.. (eotteoke hae..)
Becky: "What should I do?"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 어떻게 해.. (eotteoke hae..) (Regular) 어떻게 해.. (eotteoke hae..)
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an adverb meaning "how."
Jaehwi: 어떻게 (eotteoke)
Becky: This is the same adverb meaning "how" that we see in the question..
Jaehwi: 어떻게 먹어?
Becky: meaning "how do you eat?" or literally "how eat?" Listen again. "How" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 어떻게 (eotteoke) (REGULAR) 어떻게 (eotteoke)
Becky: Then comes the verb
Jaehwi: 해 (hae)
Becky: which means "to do." Put them together and you get..
Jaehwi: 어떻게 해..
Becky: which means "what should I do?" or "how did this happen?" When something unfortunate has happened, you can use this phrase..
Jaehwi: 어떻게 해.
Becky:.. Listen again."To do" is...
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 해 (hae) (REGULAR) 해 (hae)
Becky: All together, "What should I do?"
Jaehwi: 어떻게 해.. (eotteoke hae..)
Becky: In response, 소라(Sora)'s friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her college friend, 삼식 (Samsik), uses an expression meaning - "Oh, what happened?"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 앗, 어떻게 된거야? (at, eotteoke dweongeoya?) (REGULAR) 앗, 어떻게 된거야? (at, eotteoke dweongeoya?)
Jaehwi: 앗, 어떻게 된거야? (at, eotteoke dweongeoya?)
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling concerned.
Becky: Her high school friend, 송희 (Songhee), uses an expression meaning - "Complete shock!"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 완전 충격! (wanjeon chunggyeok!) (REGULAR) 완전 충격! (wanjeon chunggyeok!)
Jaehwi: 완전 충격! (wanjeon chunggyeok!)
Becky: Use this expression to be sympathetic.
Becky: Her nephew, 만세 (Manse), uses an expression meaning - "This is the second time!"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 벌써 두 번째잖아.! (beosseo bu deonjjaejana!) (REGULAR) 벌써 두 번째잖아.! (beosseo bu deonjjaejana!)
Jaehwi: 벌써 두 번째잖아.! (beosseo bu deonjjaejana!)
Becky: Use this expression to show you're feeling cynical.
Becky: Her supervisor, 공유 (Gongyu), uses an expression meaning - "It's not a company phone, is it?"
Jaehwi: (SLOW) 설마 법인폰? (seolma beobin-pon?) (REGULAR) 설마 법인폰? (seolma beobin-pon?)
Jaehwi: 설마 법인폰? (seolma beobin-pon?)
Becky: Use this expression to be old fashioned.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about an accident, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Jaehwi: 다음 시간에 만나요.

