
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tim: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com 여러분. 팀입니다.
Debbie: Debbie here. Showing Restraint in Korea. Hello, Debbie here. Welcome to KoreanClass101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Korean. I am joined in the studio by
Tim: Hello everyone. Tim here. 여러분, 정말 보고 싶었어요.
Debbie: 여러분, 저도요. 팀, 오늘은 무엇을 공부하나요?
Tim: Today we are going to learn about the expression 마음 같아서는 or 생각 같아서는 or 기분 같아서는.
Debbie: Which means I really feel like or I want that but…
Tim: 예, 맞아요. For example, 지금 기분 같아서는 여러분을 안아 주고 싶어요. I really feel like giving you guys a big hug right now.
Debbie: Good one. 저도 하나 있어요. 지금 기분 같아서는 팀을 한 대 때리고 싶어요. I really feel like slapping Tim right now.
Tim: 뭐라고요? What? 왜 저를 때려요? Why me? 무슨 이유라도 있나요? Is there a reason?
Debbie: 꼭 있어야 하나요? Do I have to have a reason? 그냥 이유 없이 때리고 싶을 때도 있는 거 잖아요. Sometimes people want to slap someone without a particular reason.
Tim: 하긴 저도 그런 기분 가끔 느껴요. You are right. I also feel like that sometimes.
Debbie: 거 봐요. 그럼 이제는 수업에 관해서 이야기해요. 어디에서 대화가 이루어지죠? See, well, let’s get started. Where does this conversation take place?
Tim: 롯데월드에서. At the Lotte World Amusement Park.
Debbie: 누구와 누구 사이의 대화죠?
Tim: 철수, 팀, 그리고 수진.
Debbie: Since the speakers are 절친 close friends, the speakers will be speaking informal Korean.
Tim: 반말입니다. Let’s listen to the conversation.
팀: 철수야! 철수야! 괜찮아? 정신 차려!
철수: 휴. 너! 마음 같아서는 한 대 때리고 싶은데 내가 지금 몸이 안 따라준다. 나 토할 것 같아. 오웩.
팀: 야! 화장실 저쪽이야!
수진: 철수야. 괜찮아?
철수: 응. 이제 좀 괜찮아진 것 같아. 생각만 해도 화나네. 팀, 이 자식 어디 갔어?
수진: 너한테 한 대 맞을 거 같다고 벌써 도망갔어.
철수: 뭐? 도망? 마음 같아서는 쫓아가고 싶지만. 내가 참는다. 휴.
수진: 여보세요. 어. 팀! 어, 어, 어.어. 알았어. 철수야! 팀이 "너가 이 세상에서 제일 좋대.”
철수: 뭐!? 하하. 생각 같아선 혼내주고 싶지만 내가 참는다. 빨리 오라고 해.
Tim: 이번에는 영어 번역과 함께 들어 보겠습니다.
Debbie: Now, let’s listen to it with the English translation.
팀: 철수야! 철수야! 괜찮아? 정신 차려!
Tim: Cheolsu, Cheolsu, are you all right? Wake up!
철수: 휴. 너! 마음 같아서는 한 대 때리고 싶은데 내가 지금 몸이 안 따라준다. 나 토할 것 같아. 오웩.
Cheolsu: (a deep sigh) Why you! I really want to slap you, but my body won't follow. I feel like throwing up. (vomiting)
팀: 야! 화장실 저쪽이야!
Tim: Hey! The bathroom is over there!
(The sound of vomiting and washing his hands.)
수진: 철수야. 괜찮아?
Sujin: Cheolsu, do you feel better?
철수: 응. 이제 좀 괜찮아진 것 같아. 생각만 해도 화나네. 팀, 이 자식 어디 갔어?
Cheolsu: I feel better now. Just thinking about it makes me angry. Where did Tim go?
수진: 너한테 한 대 맞을 거 같다고 벌써 도망갔어.
Sujin: He already ran away because he thought you were going to hit him.
철수: 뭐? 도망? 마음 같아서는 쫓아가고 싶지만. 내가 참는다. 휴.
Cheolsu: What? He ran away? I want to go after him, but I'll control myself.
(Phone ringing)
수진: 여보세요. 어. 팀! 어, 어, 어.어. 알았어. 철수야! 팀이 "너가 이 세상에서 제일 좋대.”
Sujin: Hello. Oh, Tim! Yes, yes, yes. Okay, I will tell him! (Hangs up the phone) Tim said, "You're his favorite person in the world."
철수: 뭐!? 하하. 생각 같아선 혼내주고 싶지만 내가 참는다. 빨리 오라고 해.
Cheolsu: What!? Haha. I want to punish him, but I'll control myself. Tell him to hurry and come.
Debbie: 음...도망치다? To run away? 왜 팀이 도망쳤죠? So why did Tim run away?
Tim: 아, 그건요 팀이 철수한테 심하게 장난쳤잖아요. Because Tim played a joke on Cheolsu.
Debbie: 아, 맞다. 저번 수업에서 철수는 죽을 뻔했죠? Cheolsu almost died last time.
Tim: 근데 데비씨 도망치다라는 말 아세요? Do you know about the verb to run away?
Debbie: 물론이죠. Of course 도망치다 means to run away or to escape.
Tim: 그럼 동의어도 알겠네요? Then you would also know its synonym right?
Debbie: 네? 동의어요? What synonym?
Tim: 응.
Debbie: 아니요. 잘 몰라요. I don’t know.
Tim: 제가 가르쳐 드릴게요. Let me explain. 두 개의 동의어가 있어요. There are two synonyms.
Debbie: 두 개나요? As many as two?
Tim: 예, 먼저 토끼 아시죠? Yes first, do you know what 토끼 is in English?
Debbie: 예. 토끼 is a rabbit. 토끼가 왜요? Why did you bring up the word for rabbit?
Tim: 예, 토끼가 도망칠 때 보셨어요? Have you ever seen a rabbit running away?
Debbie: 예, 정말 빨리 움직이던데요? Yes rabbits move very quickly.
Tim: 예, 그렇죠? 토끼와 마찬가지로 사람들도 도망칠 때 빨리 움직이지요. Just like a rabbit, people also tend to move quickly when they run away. Therefore 토끼다 means to run away in Korean.
Debbie: Ah since 토끼 a rabbit can run and move quickly, 토끼 plus 다 becomes 토끼다, a verb meaning to runaway.
Tim: Yes.
Debbie: So 토끼다 is often used when to describe someone running away right?
Tim: 정확히 맞습니다. You are exactly right.
Debbie: 그럼 다음 동의어는 뭐죠? What’s the other synonym?
Tim: 꼬리를 빼다 which literally means to pull out a tail.
Debbie: 네? 꼬리를 빼요? What? To take out a tail?
Tim: 예, 제가 설명해 드릴게요. Let me explain. What does 꼬리 mean in English?
Debbie: A tail.
Tim: 그리고 what does 빼다 mean?
Debbie: To pull out, to take out or to remove.
Tim: Umm okay. Have you ever seen a lizard or a mouse cutting its tail when they feel threatened and try to run away?
Debbie: 아, 다큐멘터리 채널에서 본 적 있어요. I saw it once on a documentary. Ah, so 꼬리를 빼다 means to run away or to escape. I got it. Interesting phrase. 아 근데요 팀씨, by the way Tim, 어제 팀씨가 꼬리를 빼고 토끼는 거 본 적 있어요. I saw you running away yesterday.
Tim: 아...어제요? 그건 오해입니다. 도망치는 것이 아니라 화장실이 급해서요. About yesterday. That was a misunderstanding. I was not running away. I was in a rush to go to a bathroom.
Debbie: 뭐라고요? Okay now let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Debbie: The first word is
Tim: 때리다
Debbie: To hit, to beat.
Tim: 때리다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 때리다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 몸이 안 따라준다
Debbie: The body won’t follow the heart or mind.
Tim: 몸이 안 따라준다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 몸이 안 따라준다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 저쪽
Debbie: Over there.
Tim: 저쪽 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 저쪽 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 좀
Debbie: A bit, a little
Tim: 좀 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 좀 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 화나다
Debbie: To get angry, to get mad.
Tim: 화나다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 화나다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 맞다
Debbie: To hit, to slap, to beat.
Tim: 맞다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 맞다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: The next word is
Tim: 벌써
Debbie: Already
Tim: 벌써 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 벌써 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And the next word is
Tim: 쫓아가다
Debbie: To chase, to follow.
Tim: 쫓아가다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 쫓아가다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And next we have
Tim: 제일
Debbie: The most, the best.
Tim: 제일 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 제일 [natural native speed]
Debbie: And finally we have
Tim: 참다
Debbie: To endure, to put up with, to control.0
Tim: 참다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 참다 [natural native speed]
Debbie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage of some words and phrases from this lesson.
Debbie: The first word is
Tim: 마음 meaning mind or heart. 정말 많이 쓰이는 단어이지요? It’s a word that is used often.
Debbie: 맞아요. 팀, 예문 들어 주세요. Please give us some examples.
Tim: 예, 알았습니다. What about 마음이 넓다.
Debbie: It literally means to have a big heart but it actually means a broadminded person. Then what about a good heart?
Tim: 아, 그건요 착한 마음. A good heart. 음...한국어를 공부하고 싶은 마음.
Debbie: Which means a desire to study Korean. 아, 저한테 좋은 예문이 있어요. I have a good one.
Tim: 뭐지요? 힘껏 자신있게 얘기해 보세요. What is it? Say it with confidence.
Debbie: 팀은 마음이 없어요. Tim has no heart or Tim is cold hearted.
Tim: 여러분, 아니에요. 아니에요. 저는 마음이 넓어요. I am broadminded.
Debbie: I am just kidding. 자, 그럼 다음 단어를 볼까요? What’s the next word?
Tim: 생각. Thought or opinion or idea or intention. 이 단어도 정말 많이 쓰이는 단어지요? It is also a word that is used often.
Debbie: 맞아요. 팀씨, 예문이요. Examples please.
Tim: 예, 알겠습니다. What about this? 생각이 깊은 사람.
Debbie: Which means a deep thinker. 자 그럼 마지막 단어는 뭐지요? Let’s take a look at the last word.
Tim: Yes 알겠습니다. 토하다 to vomit or to throw up. Debbie, I have a quick question for you. In today’s conversation, after riding Viking, 철수가 뭐 했지요? what did Cheolsu do?
Debbie: 토했어요. He vomited. 근데요 팀씨는 술 잘 마셔요? Do you drink often?
Tim: 아니요. 저 사실은요 술 마시면요 자거나 토해요. I often fall asleep or throw up after drinking.
Debbie: 정말요? Really?
Tim: 근데 데비씨, 저 지금 토할 거 같아요. I feel like I am going to throw up right now.
Debbie: 윽 정말이요? 여기선 안 돼요. 화장실 가세요. Not in here. You have to go to the bathroom.
Tim: 속았지요?
Debbie: Oh Tim. Okay now let’s move on to the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Debbie: Throughout this lesson, we will learn about the usage of noun plus 같아서는.
Tim: 예. Let’s break the word down 같아서는.
Debbie: 좋아요.
Tim: First 같 means to be the same, to be like or it seems like, as if et cetera.
Debbie: And 아서 is a postpositional word meaning so or therefore.
Tim: And 는 is a postpositional word meaning but, however or by the way. So altogether, it means
Debbie: Therefore it seems to be like this but or therefore I feel like doing that but…
Tim: 정답입니다. That’s exactly right.
Debbie: 근데요 팀, don’t we need a noun right before 같아서는?
Tim: 예, 맞아요. 주로 함께 사용되는 세 개의 명사가 있어요. There are three nouns.
Debbie: Three nouns. And what are they?
Tim: 마음, 생각, 그리고 기분.
Debbie: 마음 mind or heart, 생각 thought, opinion or intention and 기분 a feeling or a mood right?
Tim: 예, 맞아요. For example, 마음 같아서는 my heart wants… but, 생각 같아서는 I think I want…. but, and lastly, 기분 같아서는 I am feeling… but.
Debbie: 음...근데 아직 잘 이해가 안 돼요. Can you give us more examples?
Tim: 예, 알겠습니다. What about this sentence? 마음 같아서는 지금이라도 한국에 가고 싶은데 내가 지금 돈이 없습니다.
Debbie: Ah which means my heart really wants to visit Korea right now but I can’t because I don’t have any money. Ah this sentence shows how much you want to visit Korea but you actually can’t because of your current financial situation. Am I correct?
Tim: 예, 정확히 맞췄어요. 딩동댕. Then let’s try one with 생각 같아서는. What about this sentence? 생각 같아서는 당장이라도 일을 그만두고 싶은데 난 지금 돈이 필요해요.
Debbie: Which means I think I want to quit this job right now but I can’t because I need money. So this expression also shows how much you want to quit your job but you can’t because you need money. Right Tim?
Tim: 예, 맞아요. Now why don’t you try one this time? Can you make an example sentence with 기분 같아서는?
Debbie: 제가요?
Tim: Yeah.
Debbie: 알았어요. 기분 같아서는… How about this sentence? 기분 같아서는 당장이라도 너에게 달려가고 싶은데 내가 지금 KoreanClass101.com 녹음 중이야. I really want to see you right now but I can’t because I am in the middle of recording a lesson for KoreanClass101.com right now. How is that?
Tim: Wow! Bravo. 아주 좋아요. 근데 누구예요? Who are you referring to? 남친이에요? Is he your boyfriend? 얼레리 꼴레리 얼레리 꼴레리
Debbie: 팀씨, 지금 마음 같아서는 한 대 때리고 싶지만 제가 참을게요. I want to slap you right now but I am holding back.
Tim: 왜 참아요? Why are you holding back? 때려 보세요. 때려 보세요. 때려 보세요. Go ahead, try to hit me. 얼레리 꼴레리 얼레리 꼴레리
Debbie: 매를 벌어요. You asked for it.


Debbie: Okay, well that’s all for today’s lesson.
Tim: 여러분, 들어 주셔서 감사드리고요. 여러분, 장난 아무한테나 치지 마세요. Be careful who you play a joke on.
Debbie: 그럼 다음 시간에 또 만나요. Then see you next time.
Tim: 여러분, 그럼 안녕.
Debbie: 어디 봐 봐요. 괜찮아요?
Tim: 아...


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