
Vocabulary (Review)

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Miyeon: 안녕하세요, 미현입니다.
Junsoo: Hey everyone, I’m JunSoo.
HyunWoo: And HyunWoo here. “I’m on my way”.
Mihyeon: HyunWoo, Where are you going? 현우씨 어디가요?
HyunWoo: Well, actually I’m not on my way anywhere. I was on my way to the studio today, and this is what our listeners will learn today. But before we go into today’s lesson, let’s briefly review what we covered last time. 미현씨, 지난시간에 우리 뭐 배웠죠?
Mihyeon: 뭐뭐 하는 중이다, 배웠어요
HyunWoo: Yes, that’s right. And 준수 what does that mean?
JunSoo: It means “I’m in the middle of doing something”.
HyunWoo: Okay. What are you in the middle of doing right now?
JunSoo: Well, right now I’m in the middle of recording.
HyunWoo: 미현씨는요?
Mihyeon: 졸고 있는중 이에요.
JunSoo: Don’t fall asleep. She’s in the middle of dozing off.
HyunWoo: No she’s not. She’s working hard. Okay, so that was how to say “You’re in the middle of doing something”, so if you haven’t checked out the last lesson, please come to KoreanClass101.com and check out Lower Intermediate lesson number seven and after listening to the lesson, practice how to say “You’re in the middle of doing something” with us. 준수씨 그럼 오늘은 무엇을 배우죠?
JunSoo: Today we learn how to say “I’m on my way to a place” or “I’m on my way to do something”.
HyunWoo: 네, 맞아요. 그런데 참 재미있는 것은 한국사람들은 인사말로 '어디가?' '어디가세요?' 정말 많이 물어보죠?
JunSoo: Yeah, that’s right. A lot of people say “Where are you going?”, as a greeting.
Mihyeon: 네 저도 길에서 친구들 만나면 '어디가?' '어디가는길이야?' 많이 물어봐요.
HyunWoo: But, do you actually wonder where are they going?
Mihyeon: 아니, 그냥 만났는데 할말도 없고 해서요.
JunSoo: Actually, we already introduced this in our other lessons, but just in case you wanted to answer for real, like when you want to tell the person where you really are going, you can learn from this lesson.
HyunWoo: 네 That’s very good. 좋아요. 그러면 오늘의 대화로 한번 들어가 볼까요?
Mihyeon: 네. 지윤과 석민의 대화에요.
HyunWoo: Yeah. That’s right. This is a continued dialogue between 지윤 and 석민 from the last lesson and what are they talking about today.
Mihyeon: 지난 레슨에서 지윤과 석민은 서로 아르바이트 중이였고 수업중이여서 전화를 못받았잖아요. 그런데 오늘은 그때 이야기가 이어지고 있어요.
HyunWoo: 네 맞아요. 그러면 한번 들어볼까요.
Mihyeon: 들어보시죠
(1)지윤: 여보세요.
(2)석민: 응, 지윤아.
(3)지윤: 아직도 아르바이트 하는 중이야?
(4)석민: 응, 미안해. 오늘은 못 만날 것 같아.
(5)지윤: 그래. 그럼, 다음에 보자!
(6)석민: 응. 미안해. 너는 뭐 하고 있어?
(7)지윤: 나는 지금 서점에 가는 길이야.
(8)석민: 어디에 가는 길?
(9)지윤: 서점에 가는 길이야.
(10)석민: 아, 그래?
(11)지윤: 응. 책을 사고 싶어서 서점에 가는 길이야.
(1)Jiyun: Hello.
(2)Seokmin: Hey Jiyun.
(3)Jiyun: Are you still working?
(4)Seokmin: Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't think I can meet you today.
(5)Jiyun: Okay then. Let's meet some other time.
(6)Seokmin: Yeah, sorry. What are you doing right now?
(7)Jiyun: I'm on my way to the bookstore.
(8)Seokmin: On your way to where?
(9)Jiyun: I'm on my way to the bookstore.
(10)Seokmin: Oh, really?
(11)Jiyun: Yeah, I'm on my way there because I want to buy a book.
HyunWoo: 와, 지윤이가 책을 좋아하는 것 같은데 미현씨나 준수씨는 서점에서 아르바이트 해본적 있으세요?
JunSoo: 전 없어요.
Mihyeon: 저는 서점에서 아르바이트 한적은 없는데요, 책 대여점에서 아르바이트 한 적 있어요.
HyunWoo: 아 진짜요?
Mihyeon:네. 옛날에 제가 살던 아파트 바로 앞에 책 대여점이 있었거든요. 거기 언니하고 친해서 자주 가곤 했는데 책도 볼겸 해서 아르바이트를 한 적 있어요.
HyunWoo: 우와, 무슨 책을 빌려주는 대여점이었어요? 만화책 아니에요?
Mihyeon: 딱 걸렸네. 아니, 만화책도 있고 뭐 소설책도 있고 여러가지 다양한 책이 많이 있었어요.
HyunWoo: 미현씨는 만화책을 읽기위해 봤어요? 아니면 다른 책을 읽기 위해서?
Mihyeon: 저는 원래 책을 좋아하거든요. 이것 저것 다.
HyunWoo: 네. 좋아요. 저도 항상 책 대여점에서 아르바이트를 해보고 싶었는데. I always wanted to try working in a book rental shop because when you think about it, you can probably read all the books in there, if you have enough free time. 실제로 그래요? Is it really like that?
Mihyeon: 네. 그냥 동네여서 손님들도 별로 없고 알바비는 얼마 안됐는데 앉아서 책도 공짜로 볼 수 있고 시원하고, 좋았어요.
JunSoo: Well, that sounds fun. But sitting all day isn’t my kind of job. So, I don’t think I’d really try it out.
Mihyeon:아니에요. 근데 한 여섯시간 밖에 일 안했어요.
HyunWoo: But six hours it’s a long time, too. But since you have already worked there, do you usually buy books or rent books to read them?
Mihyeon: 사실은 책은 잘 사지 않아요. 그래서 빌려보는 것 같아요.
HyunWoo: 준수씨도 Do you rent books or do you often go to the bookstore to buy books?
JunSoo: Well, usually, I use the school library to borrow books but sometimes when I have some books that I really want to buy, I buy them. So, I guess usually it’s the library.
HyunWoo: I see. What’s library in Korean?
Mihyeon: 도서관.도서관.
HyunWoo: Okay. 도서관,서점 and 책 대여점. “Library”, “bookstore” and “book rental shop”. They’re important words to know. But in today’s dialogue, only the word 서점 was used. So, let’s get into today’s vocabulary words and see what other words were used in today’s lesson. 미현씨, 첫번째 단어는 뭐죠?
Mihyeon: 아직
JunSoo: This word means “still” or “yet”. You use this word when something is continuously in the same state or hasn’t ended yet. In English, the two words are divided into “still” and “yet”, but in Korean you can just say 아직.
Mihyeon: 아직하고 비슷한 말로 아직도 하고 여전히 라는 말이 있어요.
Hyunwoo: 네 맞아요. 저도 '아직도'라는 말 정말 많이 쓰는데, 여전히. You can see this word a lot in written Korean, right. But do you usually say this word? 여전히? 나 지금 여전히 집에 있어.
JunSoo: No, that seems kind of awkward. Usually people just say 아직 or 아직도.
HyunWoo: 미현씨 그런데 아직도랑 아직이랑 비슷한데 It’s like almost the same thing. 거의 같은데 What’s the difference? 왜 '도'를 붙이죠?
Mihyeon: 그냥, '도'를 붙이면 강조하는 느낌이 들어요.
HyunWoo: That’s right. So 아직 plus 도, you know 도 is “also” or “too”, so, “also” plus “still”, and it kind of has a nuance of “you’re not too happy about the fact that’s continuing to be in that state”. So, for example, 준수 how do you say “I’m still here”?
JunSoo:나 아직 여기있어.
HyunWoo: 미현씨, how do you say “What? You’re still there?”
Mihyeon: 뭐, 너 아직도 거기 있다고?
HyunWoo: And, 준수, how do you say “현우 isn’t here yet”.
JunSoo: 현우 아직 안왔어.
HyunWoo: And미현, how do you say “현우 still isn’t here yet”. How do you say that in Korean?
Mihyeon: 현우 아직도 안왔어.
HyunWoo: Yeah. You can feel the difference in the intonation between the two speakers. 아직 and 아직도. So, whenever you want to stress that you are not too happy about it, you can put 도 at the end of it. So, 아직도 and 아직.
Junsoo: And 여전히 is an equally important word, but just not used a lot in colloquial language, so when you come across it in writing, be sure to remember what it means.
Hyunwoo: Okay, thank you. 그 다음 단어는 뭐죠?
Mihyeon: 만나다.
Junsoo: And, this is the Korean word for “to meet”.
Mihyeon: '만나다'라는 말 대신 '보다' 라고 할수 있어요.
Hyunwoo: That’s right. You can say 친구를 만났어요. to say “I met my friends”, but you can also say 친구를 봤어요. to mean the same thing. It’s a little bit different from the English “I saw some friends”, it’s like you saw them from a distance, right? But in Korean, if you say 친구를 봤어요 it means both. You might be saying that you saw them from a distance or you might be meaning that you actually met them, in person. So, be sure to look at the context. 그래서 한국어로 '친구를보았어요'라고 하면 '친구를만났어요'와 같은 뜻이에요. And some English speaking friends of mine who are learning Korean say 지금 보는 사람있어? which is a literal translation of “Are you seeing somebody?”, but actually how do you say that in Korean?
Mihyeon: 지금 사귀는 사람 있어?
Junsoo: That’s right. 맞아요. 그래서 주의하세요. “To be seeing someone” in English can be translated in Korean as 사귀는 사람이 있다 or 누군가를 someone/somebody를 사귀고 있다.. Okay, what’s the next word?
Mihyeon: 다음에
Junsoo: 다음 means “next”, so 다음에 to be precise means “at the next”. And there are other similar ways of saying the word 다음에. Can you tell us, 미현?
Mihyeon: 다음에를 줄여서 말할때 '담에'라고 할 수 있구요, '다음번에'라는 말도 있어요.
Hyunwoo: 맞아요. '다음번'에서 '번' means “time”, next time. So, 다음번 means “next time”, next opportunity. So, you can say 다음번에 when your friend is inviting you to go to an event with him, you can say 다음번에, “next time”. 다음번에 갈래. “I’ll go next time.” And you can also say 다음에 갈래 or 담에 갈래. Okay, what’s the next word?
Mihyeon: 서점. 서점은 책을 파는 곳이에요.
Junsoo: Yes. 서점 is a place where you sell books, so, it’s a bookstore.
Hyunwoo: 서점 is a 한자 based word. 한자 meaning “Chinese character”, so, if you look in the PDF you can see a lot of words that share the same 한자 characters, 서 and 점, for example, 서예 means -
Junsoo: “Calligraphy”
Hyunwoo: 문서 means -
Junsoo: “Document”
Hyunwoo: And 서재 means.
Junsoo: “Book story”
Hyunwoo: And, using 점, when does 점원 mean?
Junsoo: A “clerk” or an “employee”.
Hyunwoo: And 제과점, for example?
Junsoo: Means “bakery”.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, just like that. So, if you want to read up more on these 한자 words, please check out our PDF. Okay, let’s get into today’s grammar point and learn how to say “You’re on your way to a place” or “You’re on your way to go do something”. Okay, 미현씨 –

Lesson focus

Mihyeon: 네
Hyunwoo: What is this pattern that means “You’re on your way to a place”.
Mihyeon: 어디어디에 가는 길이다
Hyunwoo: How do you use this pattern, 준수?
Junsoo: There are two ways to conjugate this grammar point. The first one is when you want to say you’re going somewhere. You put a place plus 에 and then 가는 길이다.
Hyunwoo: For example, 학교에 가는 길이에요..
Junsoo: “I’m on my way to school.”
Hyunwoo: 집에 가는 길이에요.
Junsoo: “I’m on my way home.” And the second way of using this grammar point is to explain you’re going somewhere to do something. In this case, you put verb stamp plus 러 or 으러 and 가는 길이다.
Hyunwoo: For example, 공부하다.
Junsoo: “To study.”
Hyunwoo:저는 공부하러 가는 길이에요.
Junsoo: “I’m on my way to go study.”
Hyunwoo: 저는 도서관에 공부하러 가는 길이에요.
Junsoo: “I’m on my way to the library to study.”
Hyunwoo: 저는 쇼핑하러 가는 길이에요.
Junsoo: “I’m on my way to go shopping.”
Hyunwoo:네 준수씨 설명 고맙습니다.미현씨 In this dialogue, how was this grammar pattern used?
Mihyeon: 지윤이가 '나는 지금 서점에 가는 길이야'라고 얘기했어요.
Junsoo: 지윤 said “I’m on my way to the bookstore.”
Mihyeon: 석민이가 '어디에가는길?'이라고 다시 물어봤어요.
Junsoo: And asked again: “You’re on your way to where?”
Mihyeon: 지윤이가 다시 대답했어요. '서점에 가는 길이야'.
Junsoo: And she answered again “I’m on my way to the bookstore.”
Mihyeon: 지윤이가'책을 사고 싶어서 서점에 가는 길이야'라고 대답했어요.
Junsoo: And she also said “I’m on my way to the bookstore because I want to buy a book.”
Hyunwoo: So, I hope it’s clear how to use this grammar pattern, but, in case it’s not, 아직도 이해가 안됐을 경우에는 . Please give us an example sentence, 미현.
Mihyeon: 클럽 가는 길이야.
Junsoo: “I’m on my way to the club.”
Mihyeon: 춤추러 가는 길이야.
Junsoo: “I’m on my way to go dancing.”
Mihyeon: 남자 꼬시러 가는 길이야.
Junsoo: “I’m on my way to get some guys.”


Hyunwoo: Okay. Thank you for the very educational example sentences, 미현 and 준수. So, I think that’s it for today. 그러면 오늘은 여기까지 하고 미현씨 준수씨 수고하셨습니다. 여러분들도 수고하셨습니다
Mihyeon: 다음주에 봐요.
Junsoo: See you, everyone.


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