
Vocabulary (Review)

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Mihyeon: 안녕하세요. 미현입니다.
Junsu: Hi everyone. I am Junsu.
Hyunwoo: And my name is Hyunwoo. I Was Going to Do It Anyway. Actually I think this will be a very good phrase to know in Korean because you can say this sentence whenever somebody is nagging you about doing something, you can say, I was going to do it anyway but before we learn how to say that, I have a question for Mihyeon. Actually Mihyeon has a very relaxed personality and I wonder if she ever gets stressed out. 미현씨는 스트레스 받을 때 있으세요? And what do you do when you get stressed out? 스트레스 받으면 뭐 하세요?
Mihyeon: 스트레스 받으면 음...술 마시고 노래방에 가서 노래 불러요.
Hyunwoo: Oh! 준수씨는요?
Junsu: I don’t drink at all. I just go….I just meet my friends and we hang out.
Hyunwoo: Is it just another 이미지 관리 or I don’t think you are being too honest.
Mihyeon: 나는 솔직하게 말했어요. 빨리 솔직하게 이야기하세요, 준수씨.
Junsu: Okay I love to drink.
Hyunwoo: I mean there is nothing wrong about drinking. Yeah I drink with my friends when I get stressed too although it’s just not too often but other than drinking, what else can you do?
Mihyeon: 음...술 마시는 거 말고 스트레스가 아주아주 많이 쌓였을 때는 저는 여행을 가요.
Hyunwoo: Really? You go traveling 어디로 가세요 주로?
Mihyeon: 시간이 많을 때는 해외로 가는데 시간이 좀 짧을 때는 국내로 가요. 이번에 제가 일주일 휴가가 생겼는데요. 내일, 내일 바로 국내여행을 갑니다.
Hyunwoo: But where are you going?
Mihyeon: 서해안 쪽으로 가는데요. 가서 해수욕도 하고 회도 많이 먹고 올 거예요.
Hyunwoo: Wow! 해수욕 and 회 in 서해안. What’s 서해안, Junsu?
Junsu: Oh it’s the west part of the sea in Korea.
Hyunwoo: That’s right. 서해안이면 어느 도시로 가세요?
Mihyeon: 음...도시가 아니고 농촌인데요. 안면도, 안면도로 갈 거예요.
Hyunwoo: So it’s an island.
Mihyeon: 네, 맞아요. 그런데 육지하고 연결되어 있어요.
Hyunwoo: Wow! I hope you have fun.
Mihyeon: 네, 고맙습니다. 재미있게 놀다 올게요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 그렇지만 before you go on that trip 오늘 레슨 열심히 해 주세요.
Mihyeon: 네. 열심히 하고 가겠습니다.
Hyunwoo: Okay sounds great. Before we go into today’s lesson, we would like to have a brief look at the previous lesson once again to help our listeners remember what we learned before. So in the last lesson, Lower Intermediate Lesson #2, what did we learn?
Junsu: Well in the previous lesson, we learned how to say I think I am going to do something or I think it will be something, something in Korean.
Hyunwoo: Which was?
Mihyeon: 을 것 같아.
Hyunwoo: Yeah that’s right and Mihyeon, to help our listeners remember the phrase a little bit better, could you give us one example sentence?
Mihyeon: 너무 졸려서 죽을 것 같아.
Hyunwoo: Well actually that’s what I want to say right now. I am so sleepy that I think I am going to die. Junsu, do you also say this kind of sentence from time to time?
Junsu: Yes I use it very often especially when I am hungry.
Hyunwoo: Ah so it’s like instead of 너무 졸려서 what do you say?
Junsu: I say 너무 배고파서 죽을 것 같아.
Hyunwoo: Yeah that’s what I want to say right now too.
Mihyeon: 배고프세요? 저는 내일 여행 가서 맛있는 거 많이 먹고 재미있게 놀 건데.
Hyunwoo: 우와 맛있을 것 같아요.
Junsu: 아 너무 재밌을 것 같아요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 진짜 재밌을 것 같아요. If you don’t finish this lesson, you are not going anywhere. So okay let’s look at today’s lesson. Okay so what are we going to cover in this lesson today Junsu?
Junsu: Today we learn how to say you had already planned to do something before the other person mentioned it.
Hyunwoo: Yeah actually just hearing that translation, I wouldn’t know what phrase we are learning. So let’s get into the conversation and see what we are really talking about. 미현씨, 이 대화는 누구와 누구의 대화예요?
Mihyeon: 성주엄마와 아빠의 세 번째 대화이자 마지막 대화입니다.
Hyunwoo: Yes this is the third and last conversation between Seongju’s mom and dad and again what kind of politeness level are they using?
Mihyeon: 앞에 두 대화에서와 같이 남편은 반말을 쓰고 아내는 존댓말을 쓰고 있어요.
Hyunwoo: And they are talking about their son Seongju. So let’s listen in.
(1)남편: 여보, 요즘에 성주는 공부 열심히 하고 있어?
(2)아내: 아, 그렇지 않아도, 그 얘기 좀 하려고 했어요.
(3)남편: 그래? 무슨 일이야?
(4)아내: 요즘에 성주가 공부 때문에 스트레스를 많이 받아요.
(5)남편: 그래? 음... 그렇지 않아도 요즘에 성주 얼굴이 많이 어두운 것 같아.
(6)아내: 성주랑 같이 잠깐 어디 여행 가는 건 어때요?
(7)남편: 응. 좋은 생각인 것 같아. 그렇지 않아도 한 번, 성주랑 시간을 보내려고 했었는데.
(8)아내: 고마워요, 여보.
(1)남편: 여보, 요즘에 성주는 공부 열심히 하고 있어?
(1)Husband: Honey, is Seongju studying hard these days?
(2)아내: 아, 그렇지 않아도, 그 얘기 좀 하려고 했어요.
(2)Wife: Oh, even before you mentioned, I was going to talk to you about that.
(3)남편: 그래? 무슨 일이야?
(3)Husband: Really? What's the matter?
(4)아내: 요즘에 성주가 공부 때문에 스트레스를 많이 받아요.
(4)Wife: He's getting a lot of stress from studying.
(5)남편: 그래? 음... 그렇지 않아도 요즘에 성주 얼굴이 많이 어두운 것 같아.
(5)Husband: Really? Hmm... Even before you mentioned that, I thought Seongju looked quite gloomy these days.
(6)아내: 성주랑 같이 잠깐 어디 여행 가는 건 어때요?
(6)Wife: How about going on a short trip with him for a short while?
(7)남편: 응. 좋은 생각인 것 같아. 그렇지 않아도 한 번, 성주랑 시간을 보내려고 했었는데.
(7)Husband: Yes, I think that's a good idea. I wanted to spend some time with him anyway.
(8)아내: 고마워요, 여보.
(8)Wife: Thanks honey.
Mihyeon: 이야 너무 좋은 아빠인 것 같아요.
Junsu: Yeah it really does seem to be. My dad never took me on a trip when I was stressed.
Mihyeon: 나도요. 어렸을 때 여행 간 기억이 별로 없어요.
Hyunwoo: 아 진짜요? My dad took me on trips. We went to 보성, my father’s hometown quite often when I was young. We still go there from time to time but other than that, I don’t think we’ve ever traveled together but anyway, what’s the word for traveling again?
Mihyeon: 여행
Junsu: 여행
Mihyeon: 여행[slowly - broken down by syllable] 여행 [natural native speed]
Junsu: Yeah 여행 is a good way to get rid of stress.
Hyunwoo: Yeah it could be and it could be not.
Junsu: What do you mean?
Hyunwoo: Because some 여행s, some trips can be very tiring too.
Mihyeon: 현우씨는 어떤 여행이 그랬어요?
Hyunwoo: 어떤 여행이 피곤하냐고요? Trips that you have to go on like 수학여행, for me, it was in a hurried schedule and like 50 people on the same bus and didn’t have enough time to look around things. So that was kind of tiring for me and what about you Junsu? Did you have any tiring trip experience?
Junsu: I like traveling too much. So I guess I don’t get stressed.
Hyunwoo: Oh that’s nice and Mihyeon, I hope your trip will be a pleasant one this time?
Mihyeon: 알겠습니다.
Hyunwoo: And I think trips can be tiring and stressful when it’s too expensive too but in Korea, domestic travel isn’t too expensive right?
Junsu: Yeah that’s right. Since our country is quite small and the transportation is well developed, you can get to places at a very cheap price.
Mihyeon: 네, 교통비는 싼 편인데 숙박료가 좀 비싸요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah I agree. Transportation in Korea is quite cheap like Junsu said but lodging can be quite expensive right and especially hotels are relatively expensive compared to other countries.
Junsu: Yeah staying in hotels can be quite expensive even if the rooms aren’t very nice.
Hyunwoo: Well then what should travelers do to travel inexpensively?
Mihyeon: 음...민박집이나 유스호스텔 같은 곳을 잘 찾아서 거기에서 묵으면 싸게 잘 묵을 수 있어요.
Hyunwoo: Okay everyone take Mihyeon’s advice and look for a 민박 instead of hotels if you want to travel at a low cost in Korea. And now let’s look at the vocabulary words.
Hyunwoo: What’s today’s first word?
Mihyeon: 요즘
Junsu: 요즘
Mihyeon: 요즘 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 요즘 [natural native speed]
Junsu: Could you tell us this meaning?
Mihyeon: 며칠 전부터 지금까지
Junsu: From a couple of days ago until now. So it means these days or recently.
Hyunwoo: 네. 그런데 요즘이라고 하면 저는 가끔씩 일주일을 말할 때도 있고 한 달을 말할 때도 있어요.
Mihyeon: 네, 저도 비슷한 것 같아요.
Hyunwoo: Junsu, what do you usually mean when you say 요즘? How long do you mean?
Junsu: Well usually about a week, not a month like you guys.
Hyunwoo: Umm I see. I say 요즘 even when I refer to like a couple of months. Well I guess time passes by at a different speed depending on the person. Okay 미현씨, 예를 좀 들어 주실래요?
Mihyeon: 요즘 정말 더운 것 같아요.
Junsu: I think it’s pretty hot these days.
Mihyeon: 요즘 다이어트를 하고 있어요.
Junsu: I am on a diet these days.
Mihyeon: 현우씨는 요즘도 매일 늦잠 자요?
Junsu: Hyun woo, do you still wake up late in the morning these days?
Hyunwoo: 제가 언제 늦잠을 잤나요?
Mihyeon: 오늘이요, 오늘.
Hyunwoo: 넘어갑시다. 그 다음 단어는. This is what I really like. 그 다음 단어 뭐죠?
Mihyeon: 공부
Junsu: 공부
Mihyeon: 공부 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 공부 [natural native speed]
Junsu: So what does Hyunwoo like Mihyeon?
Mihyeon: 늦잠
Hyunwoo: 미현씨! Like – please give our listeners the real meaning of the word 공부.
Mihyeon: 공부, 배우는 것.
Junsu: Learning. So the word 공부 actually means studying in English.
Hyunwoo: Why don’t you believe me? I really like 공부.
Mihyeon: 공부하는 거 본 적이 없어서요.
Hyunwoo: Of course you haven’t seen me studying because every time I meet you, we have to record. 아...참 힘들다. It’s tough to work with people who don’t believe in me.
Junsu: It’s tough to work with someone who always lies.
Hyunwoo: I hope our listeners at least will believe me. I like studying. 저 공부하는 거 좋아해요. 진짜 믿어 주세요. Please believe me and 미현씨 even if you don’t believe me, please give me some example sentences.
Mihyeon: 네. 현우씨는 저녁마다 공부해요.
Junsu: Hyunwoo studies every night.
Hyunwoo: How do you know? 또 다른 예문은요?
Mihyeon: 미현이는 공부를 아주 좋아해요.
Junsu: Oh you guys! Mi Sun likes to study very much.
Mihyeon: 준수는 공부는 열심히 하는데 왜 성적이 안 좋을까?
Junsu: Ah you are so mean. Okay Junsu studies very hard but why aren’t her grades good?
Hyunwoo: 아...왜 그럴까요? Maybe she drinks too much. 넘어갑시다. 그 다음 단어 뭐죠?
Mihyeon: 열심히
Junsu: 열심히
Mihyeon: 열심히 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 열심히 [natural native speed]
Junsu: What does this word mean Mihyeon?
Mihyeon: 노력해서
Junsu: Making a lot of effort. So it means to do something very hard.
Hyunwoo: Yeah just like I study 열심히 Mihyeon, what’s that look. 그 표정 뭐예요 방금.
Mihyeon: 그렇게 생각하지 않아요. 이런 표정이에요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 못 본 걸로 하겠습니다. 예문 좀 부탁드려요.
Mihyeon: 저는 오늘 열심히 여행 준비를 할 거예요.
Junsu: Today I am going to get ready for my trip very diligently.
Mihyeon: 열심히 일하고 더 열심히 놀자.
Junsu: Let’s work hard and play harder.
Hyunwoo: Yeah exactly but Mihyeon, you are going to go on a trip without us. You are going to play harder alone. 미현씨, 그 다음 단어 뭐죠?
Mihyeon: 때문에
Hyunwoo: 때문에
Mihyeon: 때문에 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 때문에 [natural native speed]
Junsu: And what does this word mean?
Mihyeon: 이유를 말할 때 쓰는 말이에요.
Junsu: This word is used to tell a reason. So it means because or because of.
Mihyeon: 요즘 시험공부 때문에 너무 스트레스가 쌓여요.
Junsu: Ah I am so stressed out these days because I have to study for the exam.
Mihyeon: 야 너 때문에 미치겠어.
Hyunwoo: Wow! Why do you say that looking at me?
Junsu: You are driving me crazy and she was looking at Hyunwoo and literally this means I am going crazy because of you.
Mihyeon: 준수야, 남자 때문에 울지 마.
Junsu: Junsu, don’t cry because of the guy.
Hyunwoo: Well actually that’s very good advice. Okay 다음 단어 부탁드려요.
Mihyeon: 어둡다
Junsu: 어둡다
Mihyeon: 어둡다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 어둡다 [natural native speed]
Junsu: And what does this word mean?
Mihyeon: 깜깜하고 밝지 않다.
Junsu: It means not bright. So it means dark.
Mihyeon: 현우씨, 방이 왜 이렇게 어두워요?
Junsu: Hyunwoo, why is this room so dark?
Mihyeon: 준수씨, 무슨 걱정 있어요? 얼굴이 어두워 보여요.
Junsu: What Mihyeon just said literally means your face is dark but this doesn’t mean I got a tan. It means I am not looking very happy.
Hyunwoo: I think it might be because of the exams. 예문 하나만 더 들어 주세요.
Mihyeon: 어두운 밤이 무서워요.
Junsu: The dark nights scare me.
Hyunwoo: 그 다음 단어는 뭐예요, 미현씨?
Mihyeon: 보내다
Junsu: 보내다
Mihyeon: 보내다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 보내다 [natural native speed]
Junsu: 무슨 뜻이죠?
Mihyeon: 여기서는 시간을 쓰다라는 뜻이에요.
Junsu: In this dialogue, it means to spend time but it also has a meaning which is to send.
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요. 미현씨, 예문 좀 들어 주세요.
Mihyeon: 주말 잘 보냈어요?
Junsu: Did you have a good weekend?
Mihyeon: 주말 잘 보내세요.
Junsu: Have a good weekend.
Mihyeon: 이번 주말은 서해안에서 보내려고 해요.
Junsu: I am going to spend my weekend in the west coast this week.
Hyunwoo: Okay we’ve just talked about six very interesting and useful words but if you want to remember just one word out of these six words, what would it be Mihyeon?
Mihyeon: 저는 때문에를 가장 많이 쓰는 것 같아요.
Junsu: Yeah me too.
Hyunwoo: Yeah me too. I think I use the word 때문에 the most often among these words.
Junsu: Yeah so please remember this word. Don’t forget it.
Hyunwoo: Okay so let’s move on to today’s grammar point.

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: What’s today’s grammar point Mihyeon?
Mihyeon: 그렇지 않아도 뭐뭐려고 하다.
Hyunwoo: Yeah and if you remember from the first lesson in this lower intermediate series, we cover this grammar pattern 려고 하다 which means
Junsu: I am thinking of doing something or planning to do something.
Hyunwoo: And 그렇지 않아도 means
Junsu: Even if it’s not like that. So when used in sentences, it means even before you mentioned it or even before that happened and it’s used together with 려고 하다. So together it means, even before you mentioned it, I was planning to do it.
Hyunwoo: Yeah and this grammar pattern is used in Korean very often. So how was this grammar pattern used in today’s dialogue 그렇지 않아로 -려고 하다. 오늘 대화에서 어떻게 쓰였어요?
Mihyeon: 아내가 이야기했어요. 아, 그렇지 않아도, 그 얘기 좀 하려고 했어요.
Junsu: The wife said, even before you mentioned it, I was going to talk to you about that.
Mihyeon: 남편이 그렇지 않아도 요즘에 성주 얼굴이 많이 어두운 것 같아라고 이야기했어요.
Junsu: And the husband said, yeah, even before you mentioned that, Seongju’s face didn’t seem so bright these days.
Mihyeon: 남편이 그렇지 않아도 한 번, 성주랑 시간을 보내려고 했었는데라고 이야기했어요.
Junsu: And he also said, yeah before you mentioned that, I was going to spend some time with Seongju.
Hyunwoo: And we’ve covered how the 려고 하다 is attached to the verb stem in the first lesson of this lower intermediate series but let’s look at 그렇지 않아도. 그렇지 않아도 means
Junsu: Even if it is not like that.
Hyunwoo: And most people use this word to express the meaning even before you mentioned that, even before something, something happened.
Mihyeon: 네. 그렇지 않아도는 안 그래도라고 많이 써요. 더 편하게 쓰는 것 같아요. 아내가 한 말도 아, 그렇지 않아도, 그 얘기 좀 하려고 했어요를 아, 안 그래도, 그 얘기 좀 하려고 했어요라고 바꾸어 쓸 수 있어요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요. 미현씨, 그러면 이 그렇지 않아도 또는 안 그래도의 또 다른 예문들을 좀 들어 주시겠어요?
Mihyeon: 준수씨, 좀 도와주세요.
Junsu: Sure. 이거 뭐야?
Mihyeon: 아, 그렇지 않아도 말하려고 했는데.
Hyunwoo: What is this? Well yeah, even before you asked, I was going to tell you.
Junsu: 방 청소 좀 하세요.
Mihyeon: 그렇지 않아도 하려고 했어요.
Hyunwoo: Please clean your room. Yeah I was going to do it even before you mentioned it.
Junsu: 저 일 그만두려고요.
Mihyeon: 네, 안 그래도 자르려고 했는데 잘 됐네요.
Junsu: So sad.
Hyunwoo: Don’t cry Junsu and Junsu said, I am going to quit and Mihyeon said, oh it’s good. I was going to fire you any way.
Mihyeon: 그냥 예문이었어요. 저 준수씨 미워하지 않아요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah I know it’s just a sample sentence.
Mihyeon: 아, 근데 현우씨.
Hyunwoo: 아, 왜요?
Mihyeon: 배고파서 죽을 것 같아요. 빨리 끝내요.
Hyunwoo: Oh okay 그렇지 않아도 끝내려고 했어요. I was going to end it here too.


Hyunwoo: Okay so that’s going to do it for today and I hope everyone enjoyed this lesson.
Junsu: Yeah I hope you did and after listening to the lesson and practicing saying the new words and phrases that you learned and practicing writing Korean using those new expressions in the comments, it would be really nice if there was someone to quiz you and test you to see if you really mastered them right? That’s why we have the review tracks in the premium feed.
Mihyeon: 저도 영어 공부할 때 이런 복습 오디오 파일이 있었으면 더 재미있게 더 열심히 공부할 수 있었을텐데 아...아쉽네요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, I think this is a great tool. So please check that out. 자, 그러면 오늘은 여기서 마치고 다음 시간에 뵙겠습니다.
Junsu: 안녕히 계세요. 미현씨, 여행 잘 갔다 오세요.
Mihyeon: 네, 고맙습니다. 여러분도 금요일하고 주말 잘 보내세요. 그리고 현우씨, 빨리 밥 주세요.
Hyunwoo: 네네네 알았어요, 알았어요. 제가 미현씨 때문에 진짜 미치겠어요. 그러면 오늘은 여기서 끝내겠습니다.
Junsu: Bye.


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