
Vocabulary (Review)

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Mihyeon: 안녕하세요. 미현입니다.
Hyunwoo: And I am Hyunwoo. Improve Your Korean As A Result Of This. And I know there are a lot of similar expressions in Korean like Expressions that are similar to each other. For example, how do you say, because? Let’s say, for example, because it rained in Korean.
Mihyeon: 비가 와서, 비가 왔기 때문에, 비가 왔으므로.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, see! And today we are going to learn another way of saying “because.” Well, it might sound like a lot to some of our listeners but if you think about it this way, when I was learning English, I thought having, because, since, for, as a result of, due to, owing to and as was too much too but in time, I realized they all each serve a unique purpose and knowing them all really, really helped me a lot later on. So knowing one more way of saying something similar isn’t always just a headache and if you have a lot of choices to choose from, you can actually stick with one or two favorites in actual conversations.
Mihyeon: 그럼 오늘 레슨에서는 어떤 표현을 배울 거예요?
Hyunwoo: In this lesson, we are going to talk about something, something
Mihyeon: 는 바람에.
Hyunwoo: Yeah 는 바람에. I love this structure 는 바람에 and we will be back after the dialogue to talk more about this grammar point.
Mihyeon: 네. 오늘의 대화는 의사 선생님하고 진우씨의 대화예요.
Hyunwoo: The conversation is between the doctor and Jinu.
Mihyeon: 그리고 두 사람은 존댓말을 쓰고 있어요. 그럼 들어 보세요.
(1)의사: 다리가 부러졌네요. 그런데... 뭐 하다가 부러졌어요?
(2)진우: 아... 네... 제가 오늘 아침에 스카이 다이빙을 하러 갔는데...
(3)의사: 네? 스카이 다이빙요?
(4)진우: 네. 제 취미예요.
(5)의사: 그렇군요. 다리는...
(6)진우: 어제 술을 너무 많이 마시는 바람에 다리가 부러졌어요.
(7)의사: 술을 마신 거랑 무슨 상관이 있어요?
(8)진우: 아... 네... 술을 너무 많이 마셔서... 오늘 낙하산을 안 가져 가는 바람에...
(9)의사: 네?? 그런데 어떻게 살았어요?
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
(1)의사: 다리가 부러졌네요. 그런데... 뭐 하다가 부러졌어요?
(1)Doctor: Your leg is broken... What did you do to break it?
(2)진우: 아... 네... 제가 오늘 아침에 스카이 다이빙을 하러 갔는데...
(2)Jinu: Yes... Uh... I went skydiving this morning..
(3)의사: 네? 스카이 다이빙요?
(3)Doctor: What? Skydiving?
(4)진우: 네. 제 취미예요.
(4)Jinu: Yes. It's my hobby.
(5)의사: 그렇군요. 다리는...
(5)Doctor: I see. And your leg...
(6)진우: 어제 술을 너무 많이 마시는 바람에 다리가 부러졌어요.
(6)Jinu: I broke it because I drank too much yesterday.
(7)의사: 술을 마신 거랑 무슨 상관이 있어요?
(7)Doctor: What does it have to do with drinking too much?
(8)진우: 아... 네... 술을 너무 많이 마셔서... 오늘 낙하산을 안 가져 가는 바람에...
(8)Jinu: Well.. I drank too much.. and forgot to take the parachute today...
(9)의사: 네?? 그런데 어떻게 살았어요?
(9)Doctor: Huh?? Then how are you alive?
Hyunwoo: Jinu is really lucky and very strong too. He fell from the sky and survived. 하늘에서 떨어졌는데 살았어요.
Mihyeon: 믿을 수 없어요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah that’s incredible. And let’s talk about what happened to him in a little more detail in the vocab section.
Hyunwoo: So what’s the first word 첫 번째 단어는 뭐예요?
Mihyeon: 부러지다
Hyunwoo: To get broken.
Mihyeon: 부러지다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 부러지다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: And what was broken in today’s dialogue?
Mihyeon: 다리, 다리가 부러졌어요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah and we use a separate verb for to break something which is different from to be broken.
Mihyeon: 네. 부러뜨리다.
Hyunwoo: 네. So 부러뜨리다 is to break and 부러지다 is to be broken. So you can say 다리가 부러지다 the lack is the subject of the verb and 다리를 부러뜨리다 the lack is the object of the verb this time. So please think about some things that you have broken and tried talking about them using both 부러뜨리다 and 부러지다.
Mihyeon: 네, 좋은 생각이에요.
Hyunwoo: Okay and the next word 다음 단어는?
Mihyeon: 상관
Hyunwoo: Correlation, interrelation.
Mihyeon: 상관 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 상관 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: So when you hear 상관이 있다 or 상관이 없다, that means it has something to do or nothing to do with something and here in today’s dialogue, the doctor is asking 무슨 상관이 있어요? And that means, what does it have to do with that and the next word 다음 단어는?
Mihyeon: 낙하산
Hyunwoo: Parachute.
Mihyeon: 낙하산 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 낙하산 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: An item that you should never forget to bring with you if you go skydiving and even if you never go skydiving and if you never will in your lifetime, it’s still a very useful word to know because it has the second meaning in Korean.
Mihyeon: 아, 낙하산. 그렇죠. 회사에 들어갈 때 낙하산으로 들어온 사람이라고 하죠?
Hyunwoo: 네, 낙하산으로 들어온 사람 or 낙하산. So when you get a job, you usually get to compete with other people, other candidates but if you get the position because you know someone high up there you know, somebody important in the company, in Korean, we say, you enter by 낙하산 parachute or as a 낙하산 parachute. So you are sometimes referred to as being 낙하산 itself as in somebody who came down from the sky not from the first floor you know.
Mihyeon: 맞아요. 저사람 낙하산이에요 이렇게.
Hyunwoo: Yeah I don’t think knowing somebody important is always a bad thing but sometimes when you – you know, when people feel it’s not fair for someone to have privileges, they call that person a 낙하산. Okay so now it’s time to go to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Mihyeon: 오늘의 문법 포인트는 뭐예요?
Hyunwoo: 오늘의 문법 포인트는 like I said in the beginning of this lesson, it is another way to say because but more in the nuance of as a result of and it is something, something
Mihyeon: 는 바람에
Hyunwoo: Yeah and 바람 here originally means wind. So the whole structure can be translated literally as in the wind of a verb. So because of the wind of action A as a result, something else happens. So you attach 는 바람에 to the verb stem and that’s it. So 미현씨 how do you say to be late?
Mihyeon: 늦다
Hyunwoo: 늦다. And as a result of being late
Mihyeon: 늦는 바람에
Hyunwoo: Okay and how about to doze off?
Mihyeon: 졸다
Hyunwoo: 졸다. 미현씨, 졸지 마세요.
Mihyeon: 아 네...
Hyunwoo: And as a result of dozing off?
Mihyeon: 조는 바람에
Hyunwoo: 조는 바람에. So how was this structure used in today’s dialogue?
Mihyeon: 네, 진우씨가 어제 술을 너무 많이 마시는 바람에 다리가 부러졌어요라고 했어요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah Jinu said, I broke it because I drank too much yesterday or I broke it as a result of drinking too much yesterday.
Mihyeon: 그리고 오늘 낙하산을 안 가져 가는 바람에...라고 했어요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah and he also said, I forgot to take the parachute today. So as a result, 네 그러면 미현씨 좋아요. Could you be kind enough to give us two more example sentences?
Mihyeon: 당연하죠. 제가 원래 친절하잖아요?
Hyunwoo: 아 네.
Mihyeon: 어, 뭔가 불만이…?
Hyunwoo: 아니에요. 아니에요. 불만 없어요.
Mihyeon: 아 네, 그러면 첫 번째 예문으로 넘어갈게요.
Hyunwoo: 네.
Mihyeon: 돈을 다 쓰는 바람에 밥을 못 먹었어.
Hyunwoo: As a result of spending all the money, I couldn’t eat.
Mihyeon: 이거 누구 얘기예요?
Hyunwoo: Oh not me.
Mihyeon: 저도 아니에요.
Hyunwoo: Someone. And the next
Mihyeon: 개가 짖는 바람에 잠에서 깼어.
Hyunwoo: The dog barked and as a result, I was awakened from sleep. 좋은 예문이에요.
Mihyeon: 네.
Hyunwoo: I used to have a dog 그래서 가끔씩 when somebody not knocks on my door but somebody walks past our door, my dog would bark, 그럴 때 말할 수 있겠죠?
Mihyeon: 네.
Hyunwoo: 어젯밤에 개가 짖는 바람에 잠에서 깼어.
Mihyeon: Umm…


Hyunwoo: Okay great. So that’s going to be it for today.
Mihyeon: 네. 여러분, 오늘도 수고하셨습니다.
Hyunwoo: 네, 여러분 진짜 진짜 수고하셨고요. So I hope you enjoyed this lesson.
Mihyeon: 네, 여러분 웹사이트에서 만나요.
Hyunwoo: 네, 그럼 다음 주에 다시 오겠습니다. 감사합니다.
Mihyeon: 감사합니다.


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