
Vocabulary (Review)

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Junsoo: 안녕하세요, 준수입니다.
Hyunwoo: 안녕하세요, 현우입니다. And then, what happened?
Junsoo: So, what’s happening?
Hyunwoo: Well, we don’t know yet 아직은 몰라요.. We’ll have to listen to today’s dialogue to find out what’s happening. 그런데 준수씨 Where is 미현? 미현씨 어디있어요? 오늘은 왜 안왔어요??
Junsoo: Well, she couldn’t make it to the studio today, but we’ll have her back soon.
Hyunwoo: 우리, 미현씨 안온 김에 앞으로 우리 둘이서만 할까요?
Junsoo: Hey, come on. I can call 미현 right now and tell her what you said.
Hyunwoo: 아, 아니에요. 농담이에요. I was just kidding. I just wanted to use the grammatical structure that we talked about in the last lesson.
Junsoo: 아, 핑계같은데요. It sounds like an excuse.
Hyunwoo: 아, 아니에요. 진짜에요. 우리 지난 시간에 '뭐뭐 한 김에' 배웠잖아요. 기억나세요?
Junsoo: Well, yeah. I remember. I hope our listeners remember this expression, too. So, 현우 what did you say earlier?
Hyunwoo: 네 I said 미현씨 안온 김에.
Junsoo: So that means “While 미현 is not here” or “Since 미현 is not here, let’s use this opportunity.”
Hyunwoo: 네 That’s right. Not that I really meant it. 그러니까 여러분, 'something something 한 김에' 라는 표현 Please remember it. 꼭 기억하세요. Please don’t forget.
Junsoo: All right, then. What are we talking about in this lesson?
Hyunwoo: Today we will learn a grammatical pattern that will make you a better story teller in Korean.
Junsoo: Wow, that sounds interesting. But how so? 어떻게요?
Hyunwoo: Well, we will have to listen to today’s dialogue first, 그런 다음에 다시 이야기 해보죠..
Junsoo: Sounds good. So, what kind of dialogue do we have today?
Hyunwoo: Today’s 대화, dialogue is between 미선 and direct boss, who is a section chief, 과장 or 과장님 in Korean. And because 과장님 is 미선’s boss and older than her and 미선 obviously doesn’t mind, so he’s talking to her in 반말, the intimate politeness level and 미선 is using 존댓말, polite language.
Junsoo: 자, 그럼 들어볼까요
(1)과장: 미선 씨. 굿모닝!
(2)미선: 과장님, 안녕하세요!
(3)과장: 주말 잘 보냈어? 뭐 했어?
(4)미선: 놀이 공원에 갔었어요. 근데 별로였어요.
(5)과장: 왜? 재미없었어?
(6)미선: 일요일에 갔더니, 사람이 너무 많았어요. 그래서 아무것도 못 탔어요.
(7)과장: 그래? 하긴, 일요일이니까.
(8)미선: 과장님은 주말에 뭐 하셨어요? 잘 쉬셨어요?
(9)과장: 나? 에휴....
(1)Section Chief: Miseon, good morning!
(2)Miseon: Good morning, sir!
(3)Section Chief: Did you have a good weekend? What did you do?
(4)Miseon: I went to an amusement park. But it was just so-so.
(5)Section Chief: Why? It wasn't fun?
(6)Miseon: I went there on Sunday, and there were too many people. So we couldn't ride anything.
(7)Section Chief: Really? Well, I'm not surprised. It was Sunday.
(8)Miseon: And what did you do on the weekend? Did you get some good rest?
(9)Section Chief: Me? Phew...
Hyunwoo: Well, 과장님 doesn’t sound like he had a very good weekend.
Junsoo: 왜 그럴까요?
Hyunwoo: 글쎄요, And 무슨일이 있기는 있은 것 같아요. 다음주의 대화를 들어보면 알 수 있겠죠? as well. She obviously made the wrong choice, huh?
Junsoo: Yeah, going to a 놀이공원 on a Sunday it’s not such a good idea. It’s too crowded. 사람이 너무많아서 진짜 오래 기다려야 되잖아요.
Hyunwoo: 저도 그렇게 생각해요. 그런데 Where did she go again?
Junsoo: 놀이공원에 갔죠. She went to an amusement park.
Hyunwoo: 네 And that’s the first word in today’s vocabulary. 첫번째 단어는 뭐죠?
Junsoo: 놀이공원
Hyunwoo: “Amusement park”.
Junsoo: 놀이공원. 놀이공원.
Hyunwoo: The noun 놀이 comes from the verb 놀다, “to play” so it means “playing” or “game” and 공원 means “park” so 놀이공원 means an “amusement park”. What are some major 놀이공원 in Korean, 준수?
Junsoo: In Seoul there’s 롯데월드 and near Seoul we have 서울랜드 and 에버랜드.
Hyunwoo: Yeah. “Lotte World”, “Seouland”, “Everland”. 준수씨는 자주 가세요? And, what’s your favorite?
Junsoo: 음, 자주가진 않아요. I don’t go that often but I like going there. And my favorite it’s Everland because it’s the largest out of all these parks. And what’s your favorite, 현우?
Hyunwoo: 저도 에버랜드가 제일 좋아요. 굉장히 크고. 특히 에버랜드에는 캐리비언베이 수영장이 있잖아요. Probably the biggest swimming pool in Korea, right? And it’s called “The Caribbean Bay”.
Junsoo: Kind of lame, but it’s pretty good, I guess, from what I hear.
Hyunwoo: 네. They have artificial waves and huge slides and everything so should be really good.
Junsoo: 어, 근데 왜 아직도 안갔어요? Why didn’t you go there yet?
Hyunwoo: In fact, 사실은 이번 여름이 다 가기전에 가려고 했는데 I’ve been busy and 아마도 내년에 갈지도 모르겠어요.. Anyway, what do you do when you go to a 놀이공원?
Junsoo: 놀이기구 타야죠.
Hyunwoo: That’s right. You ride the rides. Or you get on the rides. What are the rides in the amusement park called again?
Junsoo: 놀이기구. 놀이기구. 놀이기구
Hyunwoo: Yes, 기구 means “a tool*” or apparatus 놀이 untelligible00:04:33], so it means that “rides in the amusement parks”. And what’s the verb “to ride” or “to get on”?
Junsoo: 타다. 타다. 타다.
Hyunwoo: So, for example, how do you say “to ride a bus”?
Junsssoo: 버스를 타다.
Hyunwoo: And how do you say “I rode a bus” or “I took a bus”?
Junsoo: 버스를 탔어요.
Hyunwoo: So it’s conjugated타다.
Junsoo: Infinitive.
Hyunwoo: 타요
Junsoo: Present tense.
Hyunwoo: 탔어요
Junsoo: Past tense.
Hyunwoo: 탈거에요
Junsoo: Future tense.
Hyunwoo: Is there any 놀이기구 in the 놀이공원 that you can’t ride?
Junsoo: Actually, I can pretty much ride everything.
Hyunwoo: 저도 못타는 놀이기구 없어요. 다 탈수 있어요. Okay, so, what’s the next word?
Junsoo: 아무것도
Hyunwoo: This means “nothing” or “not anything”.
Junsoo: 아무것도. 아무것도.
Hyunwoo: Can you give us some examples? How do you say “I don’t know anything”.
Junsoo: 아무것도 몰라요.
Hyunwoo: How about “Don’t touch anything”?
Junsoo: 아무것도 만지지 마세요.
Hyunwoo: And how about “I didn’t eat anything all day”?
Junsoo: 하루종일 아무것도 안먹었어요.
Hyunwoo: 진짜요?
Junsoo: 아니요. 많이 먹었어요.
Hyunwoo: Okay, thanks. And what’s the next word?
Junsoo: 쉬다
Hyunwoo: What does this mean?
Junsoo: It’s what you do when you are 피곤할때. 지쳤을때.. It means “to rest”. 쉬다. 쉬다
Hyunwoo: Yes, the conjugation is also very simple.
Junsoo: The infinitive.
Hyunwoo: 쉬다
Junsoo: Present tense.
Hyunwoo: 쉬어요
Junsoo: Past tense.
Hyunwoo: 쉬었어요
Junsoo: Future tense.
Hyunwoo: 쉴거에요 So, let’s say your friend works too hard and looks like he could use some rest, 뭐라고 말해요??
Junsoo: I can tell him. 좀 쉬어.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, I always tell my sister the opposite. I always tell her 그만 쉬고 일해.. “Stop resting and do some work”.
Junsoo: Yeah, 현우, stop resting and do some work.
Hyunwoo: No, I mean, that’s what I’m saying to my sister.
Junsoo: All right, all right.
Hyunwoo: Okay, 그런데 what’s interesting is 육체적으로 쉴 때 말고도. So even when you’re not talking about physically resting, you can use this for when you’re stopping work for a short period of time or taking some time off school. So, 준수, how do you say “I took one semester off”?
Junsoo: 한학기를 쉬었어요.
Hyunwoo: And how do you say “I stopped working for three months and I started working again today”?
Junsoo: 일을 세달 간 쉬었고 오늘 다시 시작했어요.
Hyunwoo: Okay, thanks. 그 다음 단어는 뭐에요? What’s the next word?
Junsoo: 하긴. 하긴. 하긴.
Hyunwoo: Yes, 하긴 means “no wonder” or “yeah, right” or “I guess you’re right”. 이런 뜻이에요. 예를 들어서...
Junsoo: 졸려.
Hyunwoo: 왜?
Junsoo: 나 어제 늦게까지 일했잖아.
Hyunwoo: 하긴 그래. You worked late yesterday so it’s natural that you’re feeling sleepy. 그리고, another example?
Junsoo: 요즘에 라면 먹기 싫어요.
Hyunwoo:하긴, 준수야 너 한달동안 라면만 먹었잖아
Junsoo: 하긴 그래요.
Hyunwoo: So I said “Yeah, right. I guess you’re right. No wonder, you’ve eaten only 라면 for a whole month”. So it’s more than natural that you don’t want to eat 라면 anymore.

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: Okay, so it’s time for the grammar point and in today’s grammar point, let’s find out why I said “This grammar point will make you a better story teller in Korean”. So, let’s get into today’s grammar point.
Junsoo: So, what’s today’s grammar point? 오늘의 문법 포인트는 뭐에요?
M1: Today’s grammar point is how to express the logical connection between two actions, so it is often translated as “and then”, but it is not as simple as that so, we will try to explain that. 준수, could you explain it is constructed?
Junsoo: You take the verb stamp and add 았,었,였, the past infix and then 더 the retrospective infix and then 니.
Hyunwoo: So, it sounds very complicated, but when she’ll do a couple of conjugations, it should look very simple. So, how about 가다, “to go”?
Junsoo: 갔더니
Hyunwoo: And 오다, “to come”.
Junsoo: 왔더니
Hyunwoo: And 열다, “to open”.
Junsoo: 열었더니
Hyunwoo: And 말하다, “to talk”.
Junsoo: 말했더니
Hyunwoo: 준수씨 조금만 더 자세히 설명해 주시겠어요?
Junsoo: Okay, this grammar structure is different from 때문에 or ~아/어/여서 and not usually translated as “because” or “since”. It’s best translated as “then”, affected by the previous action or state the second one happened or and then what I saw happening was something something . So, it’s actually used to show two actions or states in a logical order. And the relationship between two actions or states can be one action being the reason or cause of the other or one action happening after the other, and the speaker is realizing it now.
Hyunwoo: Very good. And how was it used in today’s dialogue?
Junsoo: 미선씨가 말했어요.일요일에 갔더니 사람이 너무 많았어요.
Hyunwoo: So 미선 said “I went there on Sunday and there were too many people”. Well, it’s not so naturally translated into English, but you get the nuance and in case it’s still not clear, 준수, please give us some more example sentences.
Junsoo: 엄마한테 말했더니 가지 말라고 하셨어.
Hyunwoo: “I told my mom and as a result” or “As her reaction, she told me not to go.”
Junsoo: 월요일에 갔더니 사람이 별로 없었어.
Hyunwoo: “I went on a Monday and because of the fact that I went on a Monday” or “Because I went on a Monday, there weren’t many people.” Of course, you don’t say the part about ‘because the fact that I went on a Monday’ either in Korean or in English, but it is implied in the Korean grammatical structure.
Junsoo: 냉장고 문을 열었더니 펭귄이 들어있었어.
Hyunwoo: Whose refrigerator is it? “I opened the refrigerator door and there was a penguin inside.” So, as you can see from this example sentence, you opening the door was not a cause of the penguin being in there. It’s just happening as you’re opening the door and you’re realizing it now, so, it’s more natural to say 열었더니 들어있었어 than 열고 들어있었어 or 열었기 때문에 들어있었어.. If you say 내가 냉장고 문을 열었기 때문에 or 내가 냉장고 문을 열었으니까 you are implying that you opening the door was the reason of the penguin suddenly being there, but it’s not the case. So, please remember that and I think that’s going to do it for today. 준수


Junsoo: What, it’s the end already? 아쉬워요
Hyunwoo: 네, 그러면 오늘도 수고하셨습니다.
Junsoo: 수고하셨습니다.
Hyunwoo: 안녕히계세요
Junsoo: Bye, everyone!
Hyunwoo: See you next time.


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