Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi, everyone! Welcome to the Korean Whiteboard Lesson! My name is K-Jin.
안녕하세요, 케이진입니다.
(Annyeonghaseyo, keijin-ibnida.)
In this lesson, you will learn how to give simple directions in Korean.
Let’s get started!
First, let’s look at the dialogue. A student is looking for the library. She’s asking how to get there. So I read out the dialogue, so see how much you can understand.
So, 도서관이 어디에 있어요? (Doseogwan-i eodie iss-eoyo?)
쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.)
그러고 나서 사거리에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. (Geuleogo naseo sageolieseo oleunjjog-eulo doseyo.)
도서관은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Doseogwan-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
Did you understand?
도서관이 어디에 있어요? (Doseogwan-i eodie iss-eoyo?) “Where is the library?”
도서관이 (doseogwan) [enunciated]
도서관이 (doseogwan), it means “library.”
이 (i) is subject-marking particle and we use 이 (i) here because 도서관이 (doseogwan), 도서관이 (doseogwan), it ended with consonant, right?
도서관이 (doseogwan)
So we use 이 (i).
If this word ended with a vowel sound, then you will use 가 (ga) here.
가 (ga)
For example, “cafe” in Korean is 카페 (kape).
카페 (kape)
페 (pe)
In this case, you will use 가 (ga) here,
카페가 (kapega)
So, 어디에 있어요 (eodie iss-eoyo).
어디 (eodi) means “where.”
에 (e) is location-marking particle.
있어요 (iss-eoyo) is “located.”
So, it literally means “Where is the library located?”
도서관이 어디에 있어요? (Doseogwan-i eodie iss-eoyo?)
도서관이 어디에 있어요? (Doseogwan-i eodie iss-eoyo?) [enunciated]
도서관이 어디에 있어요? (Doseogwan-i eodie iss-eoyo?)
Let’s look at the answer.
쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.)
쭉 (jjug) means “straight.”
The Korean people often extend this sound as 쭉 (jjug), 쭉 (jjug) because we want to emphasize that it’s pretty far. So when it’s far, they will make the sound even longer.
So, 쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.)
가세요 (gaseyo) means “go.”
But it’s a polite way to say “go,” so it will be like, “please go” in English.
So, literally, “Please go straight.”
쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.)
Or, Korean people might say 쭉 가세요 (jjug gaseyo).
쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.)
쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.) “Go straight.”
그러고 나서 사거리에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. (Geuleogo naseo sageolieseo oleunjjog-eulo doseyo.)
그러고 나서 사거리에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. (Geuleogo naseo sageolieseo oleunjjog-eulo doseyo.) [enunciated]
그러고 나서 사거리에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. (Geuleogo naseo sageolieseo oleunjjog-eulo doseyo.)
그러고 나서 (geuleogo naseo), it means “and then.”
and then
그러고 나서 (geuleogo naseo)
사거리 (sageoli) [enunciated]
사거리 (sageoli), it means “intersection.”
사거리 (sageoli) [enunciated]
사거리 (sageoli) [enunciated]
And there is another way to say “intersection” in Korean which is 교차로 (gyochalo). So, some people might say 교차로 (gyochalo), 교차로 (gyochalo), and some people will say 사거리 (sageoli).
사거리에서 (sageolieseo) or 교차로에서 (gyochalo-eseo).
It means “at the intersection.”
So, 에서 (eseo) is another location-marking particle. It’s like “it” or “in” in English.
사거리에서 (sageolieseo)
오른쪽으로 도세요 (oleunjjog-eulo doseyo)
오른쪽 (oleunjjog) [enunciated]
오른쪽 (oleunjjog) means “right” or “right side.”
오른쪽 (oleunjjog)
으로 (eulo), another particle here is a particle for direction. So, it’s similar to “towards” in English.
오른쪽으로 (oleunjjog-eulo) “towards right side”
오른쪽으로 도세요 (oleunjjog-eulo doseyo)
도세요 (doseyo) is another polite way to say “please turn.”
please turn
도세요 (doseyo)
그러고 나서 사거리에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. (Geuleogo naseo sageolieseo oleunjjog-eulo doseyo.) “And then, please turn right at the intersection.”
Next sentence here.
도서관은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Doseogwan-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
도서관은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Doseogwan-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.) [enunciated]
도서관은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Doseogwan-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
Now, you found a familiar word, 도서관 (doseogwan) which is “library.”
도서관 (doseogwan)
은 (eun) is topic-marking particle and we use 은 (eun) here because 도서관 (doseogwan), 도서관 (doseogwan), this word is ended with consonant, 도서관 (doseogwan), so we use 은 (eun).
What if the word is ending with a vowel sound? For example like “cafe,” 카페 (kape), 페 (pe)?
In this case, you will use 는 (neun) here. But again, 도서관 (doseogwan) ended with a consonant, so we will use 은 (eun) here.
도서관은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Doseogwan-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
왼쪽 (oenjjog)
왼쪽 (oenjjog), another keyword for “today.”
왼쪽 (oenjjog) means “left, left side.”
왼쪽 (oenjjog)
에 (e) is a particle that we learned here.
있어요 (iss-eoyo)
있어요 (iss-eoyo) means “located.”
So it means “The library is on the left.”
“The library is located on the left side.”
도서관은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Doseogwan-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
So, let’s look at this map.
So, this A, this one person, Person 1 is looking for the library.
“Where is the library?”
And this answer is saying, 쭉 가세요 (jjug gaseyo), so this “1” is going straight, 쭉 가세요 (jjug gaseyo).
쭉 가세요 (jjug gaseyo)
그러고 나서 사거리에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. (Geuleogo naseo sageolieseo oleunjjog-eulo doseyo.)
Okay. So, at the intersection, oh, there is an intersection, and this person is saying, “turn right,” right? Okay. I turn right.
도서관은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Doseogwan-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.) “The library is on the left.”
Oh, here! So this is the library. I am right.
So, we learned these important direction words today:
쭉 (jjug) “straight”
오른쪽 (oleunjjog)
오른쪽 (oleunjjog) means “right.”
And 왼쪽 (oenjjog), 왼쪽 (oenjjog), 왼쪽 (oenjjog) is used here too.
왼쪽 (oenjjog) means “left,” right?
쭉 (jjug)
오른쪽 (oleunjjog)
왼쪽 (oenjjog)
And also, for place, we just learned 도서관 (doseogwan).
도서관 (doseogwan) means “library.”
We also learned 사거리 (sageoli), 사거리 (sageoli), right?
So it means “intersection.”
There are other words that you will find in the next dialogue which is 슈퍼 (syupeo).
슈퍼 (syupeo)
It’s from the English word. It’s an English lone word which is “supermarket.”
슈퍼 (syupeo) [enunciated]
슈퍼 (syupeo)
How about this, “bank”?
“Bank” in Korean is 은행 (eunhaeng).
은행 (eunhaeng) [enunciated]
은행 (eunhaeng)
도서관 (doseogwan)
슈퍼 (syupeo)
은행 (eunhaeng)
사거리 (sageoli)
You will find these place words and direction words in the next dialogue.
Okay, so let’s look at more examples. How about this?
오른쪽으로 가세요. (Oleunjjog-eulo gaseyo.)
오른쪽으로 가세요. (Oleunjjog-eulo gaseyo.)
Okay. So. No. 2. So this No. 2 is saying:
오른쪽으로 가세요. (Oleunjjog-eulo gaseyo.)
오른쪽 (oleunjjog) means “right,” okay so go right.
가세요 (gaseyo) means “go right.” Do you remember? 가세요 (gaseyo) means “please go,” so I’ll go right. Okay, I’ll go right side.
그러고 나서 (geuleogo naseo)
그러고 나서 (geuleogo naseo)
사거리에서 (sageolieseo)
사거리에서 (sageolieseo)
오른쪽으로 (oleunjjog-eulo)
오른쪽으로 (oleunjjog-eulo)
도세요 (doseyo)
도세요 (doseyo)
And then, at the intersection, yes, I found the intersection, 오른쪽으로 도세요 (oleunjjog-eulo doseyo). 오른쪽 (oleunjjog) means “right,” again. Okay, I turn right, here.
How about this?
슈퍼는 왼쪽에 있어요. (Syupeoneun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
슈퍼는 왼쪽에 있어요. (Syupeoneun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
We just learned this word, right?
Supermarket is where?
왼쪽 (oenjjog)
왼쪽 (oenjjog) means “left.”
Oh, okay, so it’s left, left, so No. 2. Okay, this person found the supermarket.
How about this?
왼쪽으로 가세요. (Oenjjog-eulo gaseyo.)
Now, you’re familiar with this sentence pattern, right?
왼쪽으로 가세요. (Oenjjog-eulo gaseyo.)
왼쪽 (oenjjog) means… “left,” right?
왼쪽 (oenjjog)
왼쪽 (oenjjog)
Okay. So, No. 3, No. 3 person is here.
Okay, so I’ll go left.
왼쪽으로 가세요. (Oenjjog-eulo gaseyo.)
Please go to the right side. Please go right.
And then…
그러고 나서 사거리에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. (Geuleogo naseo sageolieseo oleunjjog-eulo doseyo.)
그러고 나서 (geuleogo naseo) “and then”
사거리에서 (sageolieseo) “at the intersection”
오른쪽으로 도세요 (oleunjjog-eulo doseyo)
Okay. This person turned right. So this person turned right at the intersection.
오른쪽으로 도세요 (oleunjjog-eulo doseyo)
And 은행은 (eunhaeng-eun)
은행은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Eunhaeng-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
은행은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Eunhaeng-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
So this No. 3 is on the left side, 왼쪽에 있어요 (oenjjog-e iss-eoyo), so found it!
은행은 왼쪽에 있어요. (Eunhaeng-eun oenjjog-e iss-eoyo.)
So this person found the bank here.
So, do you see the sentence pattern here?
So, we...right down here.
쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.)
쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.) “Go straight / please go straight.”
쭉 가세요. (Jjug gaseyo.)
And you put the direction word here. It can be right, 오른쪽 (oleunjjog); it can be left, 왼쪽 (oenjjog). And just say, 으로 (eulo) plus 가세요 (gaseyo) “please go.”
Please go to the right/left.
오른쪽으로 가세요 (oleunjjog-eulo gaseyo)
왼쪽으로 가세요 (oenjjog-eulo gaseyo)
How about this?
[RIGHT/LEFT] 으로 도세요 (eulo doseyo.)
“Please turn left…” to right or left.
If it’s in right, you will say...
오른쪽으로 도세요 (oleunjjog-eulo doseyo).
If it’s the left, then you will say…
왼쪽으로 도세요 (oenjjog-eulo doseyo).
How about this? You put the name of the place. For example, it can be library, supermarket, bank or the 카페 (kape) that we learned.
카페 (kape)
카페 (kape) 는 (neun) [RIGHT/LEFT] 에 있어요 (e iss-eoyo.)
카페 (kape), 카페 (kape), it ended with vowel sound, so I used 는 (neun), 는 (neun) here.
Supermarket too, 슈퍼 (syupeo), 슈퍼 (syupeo), it ended with a vowel sound so I’m using 는 (neun) here, 는 (neun) here.
슈퍼는 (syupeoneun)
슈퍼는 (syupeoneun)
How about this, 은행 (eunhaeng)?
If it’s 은행 (eunhaeng) “bank,” then I will use 은 (eun) here because 은행 (eunhaeng), 은행 (eunhaeng), it ended with a consonant sound, so I will use 은 (eun) here.
So you have to see which sound it ends with.
은 (eun)
는 (neun)
So you will use different particles here.
And then, if it’s right, then you will say 오른쪽 (oleunjjog).
If it’s left, then you will say 왼쪽 (oenjjog) and just say 에 있어요 (e iss-eoyo) “is located.”
에 있어요 (e iss-eoyo)
In Korea, more people use Naver Map and Kakao Map instead of Google Maps. So if you visit Korea, download these two apps. That will be really helpful when you travel in Korea.

