
Vocabulary (Review)

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Hyunwoo: 오늘은 사투리로 해 볼랑가?
Seol: 싫은디.
Hyunwoo: 왜 싫당가?
Seol: 아따 못 하건는디...
Hyunwoo: 잘 하고마.
Seol: 고맙제. 아닌가?
Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Hyunwoo: 안녕하세요. 선현우입니다.
Keith: Hey. Keith here. Korean Culture Class Number 10, Jeollado Dialect.
Hyunwoo: Wow. Really? Are we really talking about Jeollado dialect? I’m excited.
Seol: Yes. I’m excited, too.
Keith: Ok. Here’s the deal. Both of you are from Jeollado.
Seol: Right.
Hyunwoo: Mhm.
Keith: But you don’t speak the Jeollado dialect 사투리. Why?
Seol: Well, because my family does not speak 전라도 사투리 that much. I think that’s the reason.
Hyunwoo: Well, I don’t speak that heavy 전라도 사투리, either because I moved to Seoul after I graduated from my high school. So I’ve been in Seoul for, like, almost ten years. So that’s why.
Seol: So you’re trying to change your dialect.
Hyunwoo: Not trying to, but I’ve naturally become more comfortable in 서울 사투리.
Keith: So Hyunwoo you’re kind of an expert on this, kind of?
Hyunwoo: Kind of...We need some help here.
Keith: Yes. So we brought along Hyunwoo’s sister.
Hyunwoo: Yes. Our special guest for today.
Keith: And the thing with a lot of Korean language programs is they only give you the standard language, 표준어, standard Korean. But hey, here at Koreanclass101 we’re giving you everything that we can when we find the chance. We’re going to give you 전라도 사투리 like today and 경상도 사투리. When we have, when we find the chance.
Seol: Yes. Sure.
Keith: Ok. So Hyunwoo you’re kind of an expert and Seol you’re kind of…?
Seol: Kind of.
Keith: You have some background knowledge.
Seol: Sure. I can distinguish it, at least.
Keith: Well, I don’t even know how to distinguish it myself. So I’m going to take a step back and let Hyunwoo take over.

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: Ok. Thanks, Keith. So let’s start by welcoming our special guest today, Yuna Sun. 자기 소개 좀 해 주세요.
Yuna: 안녕하세요.
Hyunwoo: 안녕하세요. Where are you from?
Yuna: I’m from Seoul.
Hyunwoo: 안 돼.
Seol: No, you are from Gwangju.
Yuna: I’m living in Seoul, but I’m originally from Gwangju.
Hyunwoo: 광주.
Seol: 광주가 어디예요? Where is Gwangju?
Yuna: Gwangju is in Jeollado.
Hyunwoo: Jeollado, that’s right. If you divide Korea into four quarters, Gwangju and Jeollado is where?
Seol: It’s going to be the Southern left.
Hyunwoo: Southern left, lower left part of Korea.
Seol: Right.
Hyunwoo: So today we’re not going to try to introduce too difficult phrases, but we’re going to introduce some very, very interesting phrases based upon the words and phrases that you might already know. So let’s go from English and 표준어 standard Korean and 사투리. 자, 그럼 시작해 볼까요? Let’s begin. How do you say “Oops.” in standard Korean?
Seol: 어머나.
Hyunwoo: Yuna, how do you say that in dialect?
Yuna: 오메.
Hyunwoo: Once again?
Yuna: 오메.
Hyunwoo: 오메. Can you give us an example?
Yuna: 오메, 지갑 놔두고 와 부렀시야.
Seol: Yes. When you found you didn’t bring your wallet or purse. You say like 오메, 지갑 놔두고 와 부렀시야.
Hyunwoo: That’s right. The reason why I’m laughing is not because it’s funny. It’s… I feel really back at home, right?
Seol: Yes.
Hyunwoo: So I’m happy to hear this. 오메. So how does it sound to you?
Seol: To me, actually, this is very familiar, but like for, you know, users, Seoul people, for them, it’s quite funny, like 오메. Yes.
Hyunwoo: Funny. Right. 오메.
Seol: It sounds very country.
Hyunwoo: Yes. I had a friend who can say 오메 all the time, like 20 times a day, and she moved to Seoul and imagine what happened.
Seol: And then she speaks that…
Hyunwoo: 오메, 오메 wherever she goes, and people where laughing. But this is actually a very, very common word in Gwangju, right? Or Jeollado. Ok. The next phrase we’re going to look at is “Come on.”
Seol: The problem is, actually, there is no expression for this in 표준어.
Hyunwoo: Right.
Seol: And I love this phrase, I love… I always used this, but people do not understand me when I use, when I speak this word. So…this is?
Yuna: 아따.
Hyunwoo: 아따.
Seol: 아따.
Hyunwoo: What does that mean? 아따. Can you give us an example?
Yuna: 아따, 배고프다. 밥 먹자.
Hyunwoo: 아따, 밥 먹자.
Seol: So it means “Come on. Let’s have lunch.” or “Let’s eat.” or, you know… “Let’s have some snacks,” right?
Hyunwoo: So in what situations can you say this?
Seol: When I’m trying to persuade somebody to do this or to whatever I want to do, I say 아따. 아따, 나랑 같이 놀자. 아따, 밥 먹자.
Hyunwoo: So can I say this when you don’t want to come to the studio, but I want you to come?
Seol: Yes.
Hyunwoo: 아따.
Seol: But I’m not sure of whether it will work or not but yes.
Hyunwoo: But I can say this?
Seol: Yes. Sure.
Hyunwoo: Ok. The third phrase that we’re going to look at is something, someone, somewhere, it. There is one word that can express all of these. What is it in standard Korean 표준어?
Seol: 그거
Hyunwoo: 그거, right? And in 전라도 사투리?
Yuna: 거시기.
Hyunwoo: And in what situations would you use 거시기?
Yuna: 거시기, 그 뭐냐.
Hyunwoo: 거시기, 그 뭐냐. What does that mean?
Seol: What is that?
Hyunwoo: What’s that? What was the thing that…
Seol: 거시기 is so versatile so you can use this everywhere, anywhere, whenever you want.
Hyunwoo: That’s right. Actually, my mother and my father would talk to each other using 20 거시기s in three sentences.
Seol: But they understand.
Hyunwoo: They understand each other. For example...
Yuna: 저 가서 거시기 좀 갖고 와라.
Hyunwoo: Yes. My mother would say to Yuna: “Go there and bring it over here.” but my mom wouldn’t actually say clearly what it is that she wants.
Seol: In English, there’s a same word
Hyunwoo: Yes? Really?
Seol: Yes.
Hyunwoo: What is that?
Seol: Thingamajig, thingamabob
Hyunwoo: Ah...but…
Seol: 거시기 is better.
Hyunwoo: 거시기. Ok. Thanks. And the next one is now. How do you say now in 표준어, standard Korean?
Seol: 지금.
Hyunwoo: 지금, right? That is an easy word. And in 전라도 사투리?
Yuna: 시방.
Hyunwoo: 시방. Would people understand this in Seoul?
Seol: 시방? I don’t know, I’m not so sure, but when you sound it very strongly, when you sound like a…
Hyunwoo: Like 씨 something…
Seol: Yes. Not very polite, so you should be really careful when you pronounce this word 시방.
Hyunwoo: I see. But you’ll hear it every day in Gwangju or Jeollado area, right?
Yuna: Right.
Hyunwoo: Right. 시방. Can you give us an example?
Yuna: 시방 몇 시당가?
Hyunwoo: What does that mean?
Yuna: What time is it now?
Hyunwoo: What time is it now, right? 시방.
Seol: 시방.
Hyunwoo: Yes. My grandmother, in particular, would use it every day. 시방, 시방. 시방 어디냐?
Seol: Where are you now?
Hyunwoo: Ok. Let’s have a couple of examples. First, in standard Korean and then in Jeollado dialect. How do you say “Where are you now?”
Seol: 지금 어디야?
Hyunwoo: And in 전라도 사투리?
Yuna: 시방 어디야?
Hyunwoo: 시방 어디야 or?
Yuna: 시방 어딘가?
Hyunwoo: 시방 어딘가. And how would you say what time is it now?
Seol: 지금 몇 시야?
Hyunwoo: And in 전라도 사투리?
Yuna: 시방 몇 시당가?
Hyunwoo: Ok. Let’s go on to the next one. How do you say “hair” in standard Korean?
Seol: 머리카락.
Hyunwoo: 머리카락, right? How do you say that in 전라도 사투리?
Yuna: 머크락.
Hyunwoo: 머크락. That’s shorter, but it’s… What kind of impression do you get from that word?
Seol: At first, I didn’t understand it. Even though I’m from Gwangju. But I feel very homey with this word.
Hyunwoo: Ok. How would you say: “Oh. There’s a lot of hair on the floor?” in standard Korean?
Seol: 어머나, 머리카락이 많이 있네.
Hyunwoo: And in 전라도 사투리?
Yuna: 오메, 뭔 머크락이 이렇게나 빠진다냐.
Hyunwoo: Yes. 머크락. Ok. Thanks. And what’s the next one, Yuna?
Yuna: 밥 먹었는가.
Hyunwoo: 밥 먹었는가. Do you understand what it means?
Seol: Did you eat?
Hyunwoo: Did you eat? And how would you say this in 표준어?
Seol: 밥 먹었어요?
Hyunwoo: 밥 먹었어요? or 밥 먹었어?
Seol: 밥 먹었어?
Hyunwoo: And actually, 밥 먹었는가 is this 존댓말 or 반말?
Yuna: Middle of.
Seol: Yes. Kind of in between.
Hyunwoo: Yes. Between, right? It’s not standard politeness level, but it’s not intimate politeness level either, right? So it’s kind of in between. So who would you say this to?
Yuna: To a brother or older sister.
Hyunwoo: Yes. But you don’t say that to me every day, right? But…
Yuna: I said.
Hyunwoo: Yes. Actually, Yuna says this sentence every now and then, at home. 오빠, 밥 먹었는가? 오빠, 밥 먹고 왔는가?
Seol: So she takes care of you.
Hyunwoo: Oh, yes. She is.
Seol: Wow.
Hyunwoo: She’s a good sister. Ok, now. We have two more interesting phrases to go. And after that, we’re going to listen to a dialogue full of 전라도 사투리. So look forward to that.
Seol: Ok.
Hyunwoo: Ok. And what the next one? In English, you say “You’re right.” And how would you say that in standard Korean?
Seol: 그렇구나. 그러게.
Hyunwoo: 그렇구나. 그러게. And how would you say it in 전라도 사투리?
Yuna: 긍께.
Hyunwoo: 긍께. 긍께 말이여, right?
Yuna: Right.
Seol: It sounds really cute.
Hyunwoo: Yes. When my mother is talking to her friends, she would say this all the time in agreement. 긍께 말이여. 긍께 말이여. 우리 아들이 말이여. 긍께 말이여. “Yes. That’s right. I agree. My son is blah,blah,blah, right?” 긍께 말이여.
Seol: So actually, this does not have any meaning.
Hyunwoo: Doesn’t have any meaning.
Seol: So this is kind of conversation filler. So in English it’s like: “Oh, yes. That’s right. Aha, you’re right. I totally. I agree with you.” Like this. Right?
Hyunwoo: Yes. In those situations, Jeollado people say?
Yuna: 긍께. 근당께.
Hyunwoo: Yes. It was cute, right? And the last phrase we have is very, very Jeollado.
Seol: Yes. This is Jeollado.
Hyunwoo: Yes. You wouldn’t hear this…
Seol: This is so Jeollado.
Hyunwoo: Yes. Anywhere, but Jeollado. The phrase is: “Am I right or wrong?”
Seol: 그래 안 그래?
Hyunwoo: 그래 안 그래 would be the standard Korean. And in 전라도 사투리?
Yuna: 기여 안 기여?
Hyunwoo: Ok. What kind of examples could we give to our listeners?
Seol: For example, when my mom scolds me, she always say 그래 안 그래? 맞아 안 맞아?
Hyunwoo: Yes. That means “Is it so or not?” or “Am I right or not?” Right? But in Jeollado, a Jeollado mother would say to her child…
Yuna: 기여 안 기여?
Hyunwoo: 기여 안 기여. Actually, I didn’t hear this from my mom all the time, but rather in my school, my high school, my teacher would always say 기여 안 기여 after explaining something. He wants to prove that everybody agreed, everybody understood. Ok. And if you keep listening, at the end of this audio file, we’re going to have a conversation 100% in 전라도 사투리. Before we do that, let’s quickly go over the phrases that we’ve learned today. We’re going to listen to English, standard Korean and 전라도 사투리. Oops.
Seol: 어머나.
Yuna: 오메.
Hyunwoo: And the next one doesn’t have a translation in 표준어. Come on.
Yuna: 아따.
Hyunwoo: Whatchamacallit, thingamajig.
Seol: 그거.
Yuna: 거시기.
Hyunwoo: Now
Seol: 지금
Yuna: 시방
Hyunwoo: Hair
Seol: 머리카락
Yuna: 머크락
Hyunwoo: Did you eat?
Seol: 밥 먹었어요?
Yuna: 밥 먹었는가?
Hyunwoo: You’re right. Totally. I agree.
Seol: 그러니까. 그러게.
Yuna: 긍께.
Hyunwoo: And last we have “Am I right or not?”
Seol: 그래 안 그래?
Yuna: 기여 안 기여?
Hyunwoo: All right. Thank you, Yuna. 고마워.
Yuna: You’re welcome.
Seol: Thank you very much.


Hyunwoo: Yes. So right now, we’re going to have a listen to a conversation in 100 percent 전라도 사투리 at the end of this audio file. And remember to stop by Koreanclass101.com and check out the bonus track where we have the dialogue in 표준어 standard Korean and in 전라도 사투리 the Jeollado dialect. And don’t forget to check out the PDF where we have the complete transcript and translation for the conversations and the phrases and words that we learned today. All right. So bye-bye. And thank you Yuna again.
Seol: 여러분, 다들 화이팅!
Hyunwoo: 윤아야, 잘 가라잉.
Yuna: 어, 간다잉.
Hyunwoo: Bye-bye.

Standard Korean


