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Do you know how to count a complex of apartments? Find out at the end of this video!
Hi everybody! I'm Alisha.
안녕하세요. 노경진입니다.
Welcome to Korean Counters for Beginners, where you'll learn how to count all sorts of different objects in Korean! Seonsaengnim (선생님), which counter will we learn in this lesson?
채 (chae)
First, let's take a look at what kind of objects can be counted with the counter.
When you counter the number of buildings or houses, you can use this counter.
채 (chae)
This can only be used when you're counting the number of places such as homes, apartments or buildings.
Okay, let's count from 1 to 10 with this counter.
한 채
두 채
세 채
네 채
다섯 채
여섯 채
일곱 채
여덟 채
아홉 채
열 채
Here's some good news: the pronunciation of this counter will always be the same, no matter how many houses you count. To count the number 100 or higher, you should use Sino-Korean numbers. Let's hear some examples with the higher numbers.
백 채(baek chae)
천 채(cheon chae)
만 채(man chae)
Okay. Now let's take a look at some sample sentences using this counter. Listen carefully to what sorts of objects can be counted with this counter.
이 동네에는 집이 오십 채 있습니다.
In this town, there are 50 houses.
우리회사 부장님은 집이 두 채 있습니다.
My department manager has 2 houses.
제가 대학 다닐 때, 저는 집이 한 채도 없었습니다.
When I was at college, I didn't have any houses.
It's now time for a quiz. I'm going to ask you a question in English. Answer the question in Korean. Are you ready? Make sure to use the right counter.
How many houses are there in this town?
이 동네에는 집이 아홉 채 있습니다.
How many buildings does your company own?
우리 회사는 빌딩을 세 채 가지고 있습니다.
Do you know how to count a complex of apartments? The answer is...
When Seoul was redeveloped, construction companies built a large number of apartment complexes. Each complex usually has 20 to 30 apartment buildings. Since these types of complexes are common in Korea, they have a special counter. Now Seonsaengnim (노선생님) will give you an example.
제가 사는 아파트 한 단지에는 아파트 건물이 20 채 있습니다.
In the apartment complex where I live, there are 20 apartment buildings.
Okay, everyone. That's it for this lesson. We'll see you next time!

