
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gyeong-eun: 안녕하세요, 최경은입니다.
Hyunwoo: Hyunwoo here. You’re Finally in Korea, So Make the Memory Last! In this lesson, what are we going to learn?
Gyeong-eun: In this lesson, you will learn how to express connection between two actions - one being a reason, background, condition of another.
Hyunwoo: And where does this conversation take place? 어디에서 일어나는 대화예요?
Gyeong-eun: This conversation takes place in the army at the visitor’s lounge.
Hyunwoo: 면회실이죠?
Gyeong-eun: 네, 맞아요.
Hyunwoo: And the conversation is between,
Gyeong-eun: a private soldier and his girlfriend.
Hyunwoo: Okay, and since the speakers are a boyfriend and a girlfriend, 남자 친구, 여자 친구이니까 반말을 하겠죠?
Gyeong-eun: 원래는 반말을 하는데, 오늘은 조금 이상해요.
Hyunwoo: Something’s wrong with the guy.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah.
Hyunwoo: Let’s listen.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 들어 봐요!
Hyunwoo: 네!
여자친구: 명렬아, 힘들지? 많이 먹어.
이병: 네. 잘 먹겠습니다.
여자친구: 왜 존댓말 해? 난 니 고참이 아냐.
이병: 네... 괜찮습니다.
여자친구: 힘들어? 내가 면회 자주 올 테니까 조금만 참아.
이병: 네. 고맙습니다.
여자친구: 그냥 반말 하면 안 돼? 휴... 우선 이 도시락 먹어. 내가 직접 만들었어. 다음에도 맛있는 것 많이 가져 올 테니까, 많이 먹어.
이병: 네. 아주 맛있습니다.
여자친구: 어색하잖아. 고참 있어서 그래? 휴... 알았어. 그럼 나 갈게. 전화 기다릴 테니까 꼭 전화해!!!
이병: 네. 안녕히 가십시오.
Gyeong-eun: 영어로 한 번 더 (yeongeoro han beon deo).
Hyunwoo: One more time, with the English.
여자친구: 명렬아, 힘들지? 많이 먹어.
Hyunwoo: Myeong Ryeol, it's tough here, right? Help yourself.
이병: 네. 잘 먹겠습니다.
Hyunwoo: Yes, thank you for the food.
여자친구: 왜 존댓말 해? 난 니 고참이 아냐.
Hyunwoo: Why are you being so polite? I'm not your superior.
이병: 네... 괜찮습니다.
Hyunwoo: Yes...I'm okay.
여자친구: 힘들어? 내가 면회 자주 올 테니까 조금만 참아.
Hyunwoo: Are you having a hard time? I'll visit you often, so please hang in there.
이병: 네. 고맙습니다.
Hyunwoo: Thank you very much.
여자친구: 그냥 반말 하면 안 돼? 휴... 우선 이 도시락 먹어. 내가 직접 만들었어. 다음에도 맛있는 것 많이 가져 올 테니까, 많이 먹어.
Hyunwoo: Can't you stop using polite language with me? (sigh) First, eat this lunch box. I prepared it myself. I'll bring a lot of good food next time, too, so help yourself.
이병: 네. 아주 맛있습니다.
Hyunwoo: Yes, it's very delicious.
여자친구: 어색하잖아. 고참 있어서 그래? 휴... 알았어. 그럼 나 갈게. 전화 기다릴 테니까 꼭 전화해!!!
Hyunwoo: It's awkward. Is it because you have your superiors there? (sigh) Okay. Then I'll be back. I'll be waiting for your call, so please call me, okay?
이병: 네. 안녕히 가십시오.
Hyunwoo: Okay. Good-bye.
Gyeong-eun: 어…너무 불쌍해요.
Hyunwoo: 누가요? 남자가? 여자가?
Gyeong-eun: 당연히 여자친구가요. I feel sorry for the girlfriend.
Hyunwoo: 왜요?
Gyeong-eun: 맛있는 거 많이 만들어서, 면회 갔는데, 남자 친구가 이상하게 행동하니까 불쌍하죠. She made a lot of delicious food for him and visited him, but he's acting strangely, so I feel sorry for her.
Hyunwoo: Haha. well I feel sorry for the guy, actually. 저는 남자가 더 불쌍해요.
Gyeong-eun: 왜요?
Hyunwoo: Because he clearly didn't want to act that way. I'm sure he didn't want to use polite language to his own girlfriend. I think maybe one of his evil senior soldiers asked him to do that or something.
Gyeong-eun: Haha, in that case, I feel sorry for both of them.
Hyunwoo: But you know what, this will all be a good memory in time, haha.
Gyeong-eun: Maybe…
Hyunwoo: 좋은 추억이 될 거예요.
Gyeong-eun: I hope so.
Hyunwoo: Okay, for now, let’s look at the vocabulary.
Hyunwoo: Okay, so what is the first vocabulary word?
Gyeong-eun: 존댓말 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: polite language, formal language
Gyeong-eun: 존댓말 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 존댓말 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 고참 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: senior, superior, old-timer
Gyeong-eun: 고참 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 고참 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 면회 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: visit (in a military unit or a hospital)
Gyeong-eun: 면회 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 면회 [natural native speed]
: Next:
Gyeong-eun: 참다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to endure, to put up with, to hang in there
Gyeong-eun: 참다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 참다 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 도시락 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: lunch box
Gyeong-eun: 도시락 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 도시락 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 직접 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: directly, personally, in person
Gyeong-eun: 직접 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 직접 [natural native speed]
And lastly : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 어색하다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to be awkward, to be strange
Gyeong-eun: 어색하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 어색하다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Okay, now let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. So the first word we’re looking at is,
Gyeong-eun: 면회
Hyunwoo: “visiting someone in a military unit, a hospital, or a prison”
Gyeong-eun: (slow) 면회 (normal) 면회
Hyunwoo: Usually, how do you say “to visit someone”?
Gyeong-eun: Usually you can say 방문하다, 찾아가다, 만나러 가다
Hyunwoo: Yeah, right. But if you are visiting someone who is in a place, not necessarily confined, but in a place that they can't easily leave on their own, you can use the word 면회.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah. 면회하다 is the basic verb, but if you are the one who's visiting, you can say 면회를 가다, and if you’re the one who's being visited, you can say that someone is 면회를 오다.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, so you can't really use this word for other more regular circumstances like visiting someone in the office or in a school.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 하하. 사무실에 가는데, '면회 간다'라고 하면 이상해요.
Hyunwoo: Unless you are joking, of course.
Gyeong-eun: 네, you could say it as a joke.
Hyunwoo: 네, 맞아요. Okay what's the next word?
Gyeong-eun: 어색하다
Hyunwoo: “to be awkward, to be unnatural, to be strange”
Gyeong-eun: (slow) 어색하다 (normal) 어색하다
Hyunwoo: This word 어색 literally means, 어, language and 색, to be blocked, so your language is blocked, so you don't know what to say, therefore it takes the meaning of "not used to something" or "awkward" or "unnatural".
Gyeong-eun: 네, you can use this word with a lot of other words, like 어색한 웃음
Hyunwoo: “an awkward smile”. 경은 씨, can you give me an awkward smile, and awkward laughter?
Gyeong-eun: 어…하하
Hyunwoo: 어색한 웃음을…
Gyeong-eun: Like this? 으흐흐흐…
Hyunwoo: Yeah, like, right now. 경은 씨 is giving me a very awkward smile, like always… anyways! And another example is,
Gyeong-eun: 어색한 핑계
Hyunwoo: “a clumsy excuse”
Gyeong-eun: 어색한 분위기
Hyunwoo: “an awkward atmosphere”. Alright! Let’s break this awkward atmosphere, 어색한 분위기를 깨고, let’s go on to the grammar point.
Gyeong-eun: 빨리 깨고 가요.
Hyunwoo: Haha!

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: What's the grammar point of this lesson?
Gyeong-eun: The grammar point of this lesson is a way to express the connection between two actions.
Hyunwoo: Okay, for example?
Gyeong-eun: 내일 다시 올 테니까, 내일 이야기하자.
Hyunwoo: "I'll come back tomorrow, so let's talk tomorrow." So, The structure -ㄹ/을 테니까 expresses a connection between two actions, but more specifically, one being a reason, background, or condition for the other.
Gyeong-eun: 네. There are many other ways to say "so," and "therefore," but...
Hyunwoo: if you want to say that you will do something or something will take place, so you want the other person to do something accordingly, or you want something else to happen as a result, you can use this structure. So I think we should look at some examples.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 좋아요. First, 기다릴 테니까 전화해.
Hyunwoo: "I'll wait, so call me."
Gyeong-eun: 나 여기 있을 테니까, 빨리 돌아와.
Hyunwoo: "I'll be here, so come back soon."
Hyunwoo: Here, the part 테니까 comes from 터 이니까, 터 이니까 is shortened to 테니까, and the word, 터, means place, condition, position, status, so the entire structure literally means "things are in a status where ..." or "things are in a way that (something), therefore you do (something)."
Gyeong-eun: 네. So you can use this structure when you want to express that you are doing, or going to do something as a result, or in reaction to something else, or that you want someone to do something in reaction to something.
Hyunwoo: Forming a sentence using this structure is not very difficult.
Gyeong-eun: 네. For example, 오다 is to come, so you take the verb stem and add ㄹ 테니까, and it becomes 올 테니까.
Hyunwoo: I'll come here, so... he will come here, so... and etc. Now let's look at how it was used in the dialogue for this lesson.
Gyeong-eun: 내가 면회 자주 올 테니까 조금만 참아.
Hyunwoo: "I'll visit you often, so please hang in there."
Gyeong-eun: 다음에도 맛있는 것 많이 가져 올 테니까, 많이 먹어.
Hyunwoo: "I'll bring a lot of good food next time, too, so help yourself."
Gyeong-eun: 전화 기다릴 테니까 꼭 전화해!!!
Hyunwoo: "I'll be waiting for your call, so please call me, okay?" Alright, so how about some more sample sentences before we go? So, 경은 씨, how do you say, "I'll get there early, too, so don't be late."
Gyeong-eun: 저도 일찍 갈 테니까, 늦지 마세요.
Hyunwoo: Good, and how would you say, "It's going to be cold tomorrow too, so please dress warmly."
Gyeong-eun: 내일도 추울 테니까 옷을 따뜻하게 입으세요.
Hyunwoo: Alright, and lastly, how would you say, "I'll talk to him, so don't worry."
Gyeong-eun: 제가 말할 테니까 걱정하지 마세요.


Hyunwoo: Great! That just about does it for today, 여러분 오늘도 수고하셨고요, 경은 씨도 수고하셨습니다.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 수고하셨습니다!
Hyunwoo: 네, 그럼 저희는 KoreanClass101.com에서 기다리고 있을 테니까 여러분 와서 코멘트 남겨 주세요.
Gyeong-eun: 다음 레슨도 재밌을 테니까 꼭 들어보세요!
Hyunwoo: Alright, bye!
Gyeong-eun: 안녕히 계세요!


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