
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gyeong-eun: 안녕하세요, 최경은입니다!
Hyunwoo: Hyunwoo here. Do You Understand What You Shouldn’t Do in Korean? So 경은 씨, in this lesson, what are we going to learn?
Gyeong-eun: In this lesson, we are going to learn how to say “someone shouldn’t do (something)”.
Hyunwoo: This conversation takes place
Gyeong-eun: in the army.
Hyunwoo: Army!
Gyeong-eun: Yeah!
Hyunwoo: And the conversation is between
Gyeong-eun: two soldiers.
Hyunwoo: One is higher in ranking than the other, so they are using 반말 and 존댓말 respectively to each other.
Gyeong-eun: 네!
Hyunwoo: Okay, now, let’s listen to the conversation!
Gyeong-eun: 네, 들어 봐요.
이등병: 안녕하십니까. 유명렬입니다.
상병: 오. 이등병! 이리 와 봐.
이등병: 이병 유명렬.
상병: 오... 잘하는데? 유명렬?
이등병: 이병 유명렬.
상병: 니가 앞으로 하면 안 되는 일들이다.
이등병: 이병 유명렬.
상병: 이름 그만 말해. 시끄러워. 넌 앞으로 혼자 돌아다니면 안 돼.
이등병: 네. 알겠습니다.
상병: 그리고 낮에 낮잠 자면 안 돼.
이등병: 네. 알겠습니다.
상병: 그리고 집에 전화하면 안 돼.
이등병: 네. 알겠습니다.
상병: 그리고 밤에 자면 안 돼.
이등병: 네. 알겠... 네? 그럼 언제...
상병: 그리고 말대꾸 하면 안 돼!!!
Gyeong-eun: 영어로 한 번 더 (yeongeoro han beon deo).
Hyunwoo: One more time, with the English.
이등병: 안녕하십니까. 유명렬입니다.
Hyunwoo: Good afternoon, sir. My name is Yu Myeong Lyeol.
상병: 오. 이등병! 이리 와 봐.
Hyunwoo: Oh, Private Yu, come over here.
이등병: 이병 유명렬.
Hyunwoo: Yes, sir. Private Yu Myeong Lyeong.
상병: 오... 잘하는데? 유명렬?
Hyunwoo: Oh...you're good at that. Private Yu?
이등병: 이병 유명렬.
Hyunwoo: Yes, sir. Private Yu Myeong Lyeong.
상병: 니가 앞으로 하면 안 되는 일들이다.
Hyunwoo: You shouldn't do these things from now on.
이등병: 이병 유명렬.
Hyunwoo: Yes, sir. Private Yu Myeong Lyeong.
상병: 이름 그만 말해. 시끄러워. 넌 앞으로 혼자 돌아다니면 안 돼.
Hyunwoo: Stop saying your name. You're being noisy. You shouldn't wander about all alone from now on.
이등병: 네. 알겠습니다.
Hyunwoo: Yes, sir. Understood.
상병: 그리고 낮에 낮잠 자면 안 돼.
Hyunwoo: And you shouldn't take naps during the day.
이등병: 네. 알겠습니다.
Hyunwoo: Yes, sir. Understood.
상병: 그리고 집에 전화하면 안 돼.
Hyunwoo: And you shouldn't call home.
이등병: 네. 알겠습니다.
Hyunwoo: Yes, sir. Understood.
상병: 그리고 밤에 자면 안 돼.
Hyunwoo: And you shouldn't sleep at night.
이등병: 네. 알겠... 네? 그럼 언제...
Hyunwoo: Yes, sir...huh? Then when can I sleep?
상병: 그리고 말대꾸 하면 안 돼!!!
Hyunwoo: And you shouldn't talk back!
Hyunwoo: So 경은, you have a younger brother as far as I know, right? 남동생 있죠?
Gyeong-eun: 네, 맞아요.
Hyunwoo: And you have some male friends, 남자 친구들, who already did their military service, too, right?
Gyeong-eun: 네, 맞아요.
Hyunwoo: So what's the military service in Korean?
Gyeong-eun: 군복무.
Hyunwoo: And the military or the army is
Gyeong-eun: 군대.
Hyunwoo: And I bet you've heard a lot of stories about their experiences in 군대
Gyeong-eun: 네. 맞아요 정말 많이 들었어요. Even when I didn't really want to.
Hyunwoo: And they always talk about some weird, malignant superior soldier that liked to tease and bother them.
Gyeong-eun: Exactly! Just like in this dialogue.
Hyunwoo: Well, but it's actually mostly true. I've had people like them in my unit too.
Gyeong-eun: Oh really? Is it because they are actually bad people? Or...
Hyunwoo: Not necessarily. 꼭 그런 건 아니에요. I think it's the environment that makes people .. not so nice sometimes.
Gyeong-eun: So... were YOU also this kind of bad superior to your junior soldiers?
Hyunwoo: Of course not! Look at me! 당연히 아니죠! Can you imagine me being not nice to people? 상상이 되세요?
Gyeong-eun: Very easily. 쉽게 상상이 되는데요?
Hyunwoo: I don't hear you very well. Let's go on to the vocab now.
Gyeong-eun: Okay.
Hyunwoo: So what’s the first word?
Gyeong-eun: 이등병 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: private (soldier)
Gyeong-eun: 이등병 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 이등병 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 이리 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: here, over here
Gyeong-eun: 이리 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 이리 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 앞으로 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: from now on
Gyeong-eun: 앞으로 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 앞으로 [natural native speed]
And next : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 이름 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: name
Gyeong-eun: 이름 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 이름 [natural native speed]
그 다음 단어는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 그만 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: stop, no more
Gyeong-eun: 그만 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 그만 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 시끄럽다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to be noisy, to be loud
Gyeong-eun: 시끄럽다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 시끄럽다 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 돌아다니다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to go about, to walk around
Gyeong-eun: 돌아다니다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 돌아다니다 [natural native speed]
And next : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 낮잠 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: nap
Gyeong-eun: 낮잠 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 낮잠 [natural native speed]
Lastly: Next:
Gyeong-eun: 말대꾸하다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to talk back
Gyeong-eun: 말대꾸하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 말대꾸하다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Okay, now let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. So the first word we are going to look at is,
Gyeong-eun: 앞으로
Hyunwoo: “from now on”
Gyeong-eun: (slow) 앞으로 / (normal) 앞으로
Hyunwoo: what is 앞?
Gyeong-eun: 앞 is “front, before”
Hyunwoo: Yeah, so 앞으로 means "toward the front" or "straight ahead".
Gyeong-eun: 네 맞아요. But when you are talking about time, it means "from now on"
Hyunwoo: I remember this scene in a movie, where a couple who broke up and then started seeing each other again say to each other... let's not meet from now on, but of course they are saying that in Korean, 우리 앞으로 만나지 말자. But actually they are joking, and the guy says, 우리 뒤로 만나자.
Gyeong-eun: Haha.
Hyunwoo: Do you remember which movie that was from?
Gyeong-eun: No.
Hyunwoo: I don’t remember which movie it was from but…
Gyeong-eun: What a lame joke.
Hyunwoo: It isn’t… it isn’t a lame joke, it isn’t. It’s actually really interesting, but um…앞으로, “from now on”, 앞으로 만나지 말자 means “let’s not meet”, but…
Gyeong-eun: That’s very sad.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, but when you hear “우리 뒤로 만나자", you instantly know it’s a joke. But anyway, what’s the next expression?
Gyeong-eun: 말대꾸하다
Hyunwoo: “to talk back to someone”
Gyeong-eun: (slow) 말대꾸하다 / (normal) 말대꾸하다
Hyunwoo: Let's break it down. what does 말 mean?
Gyeong-eun: It means “language/ word”,
Hyunwoo: and 대꾸하다?
Gyeong-eun: “to respond, or to show reaction to someone's remarks”.
Hyunwoo: But not in the most polite way, right?
Gyeong-eun: Yeah, so if you put them together, it's 말대꾸하다
Hyunwoo: “to talk back to someone”. And it's not just literally answering someone, but it means talking back while showing disagreement.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 맞아요.
Hyunwoo: Okay! Now let’s move on to the grammar point!

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: What's the grammar point of this lesson?
Gyeong-eun: The grammar point of this lesson is how to say "should not" or "must not" in Korean, using -(으)면 안 되다.
Hyunwoo: As in the example?
Gyeong-eun: 혼자 가면 안 돼요.
Hyunwoo: "You should not go there alone."
Gyeong-eun: When you want to say that one should not do something or must not do something, you can use the structure, -(으)면 안 되다
Hyunwoo: The part 안 되다 literally means "to not become", but this phrase also has the meaning of "to be unable to do something" and "to be not supposed to do or happen."
Gyeong-eun: In everyday life, when it is used with the verb ending -(으)면, which indicates a condition, it almost always means "should not" or "must not."
Hyunwoo: Yeah, so how do you form a sentence with this structure?
Gyeong-eun: Verb stem + -(으)면 안 되다
Hyunwoo: For example?
Gyeong-eun: to go is 가다, so it becomes 가면 안 되다
Hyunwoo: “should not go”
Gyeong-eun: 가면 안 돼요.
Hyunwoo: "You should not go." Okay, let's look at how it was used in the dialogue for this lesson.
Gyeong-eun: 니가 앞으로 하면 안 되는 일들이다.
Hyunwoo: "You shouldn’t do these things from now on."
Gyeong-eun: 넌 앞으로 혼자 돌아다니면 안 돼.
Hyunwoo: "You shouldn't wander about all alone from now on."
Gyeong-eun: 그리고 낮에 낮잠 자면 안 돼.
Hyunwoo: "And you shouldn't take naps during the day."
Gyeong-eun: 그리고 집에 전화하면 안 돼.
Hyunwoo: "And you shouldn't call home."
Gyeong-eun: 그리고 밤에 자면 안 돼.
Hyunwoo: "And you shouldn't sleep at night."
Gyeong-eun: 그리고 말대꾸 하면 안 돼!!!
Hyunwoo: "And you shouldn't talk back!" Okay, now before we finish let's look at three more examples. How do you say "You can't drink alcohol here."?
Gyeong-eun: 여기에서 술 마시면 안 돼요.
Hyunwoo: "Can't I sell this?" "Am I not supposed to sell this?"
Gyeong-eun: 이거 팔면 안 돼요?
Hyunwoo: And how about, "You shouldn't/can't go alone."
Gyeong-eun: 혼자 가면 안 돼요!


Hyunwoo: Okay, great! 경은 씨, 오늘도 수고하셨어요!
Gyeong-eun: 네, 근데 현우 씨!
Hyunwoo: 네!
Gyeong-eun: 퇴근하면 안 돼요!
Hyunwoo: Me? I shouldn't go home? Haha, right after this recording, I’m gonna go home.
Gyeong-eun: 안 돼요.
Hyunwoo: 안 돼요? 왜 안 돼요? 집에 가서 일하면 안 돼요?
Gyeong-eun: 안 돼요!
Hyunwoo: 하하! 경은 씨, 내일부터 안 오면 안 돼요?
Gyeong-eun: 아, 감사합니다!
Hyunwoo: 어… 안 오면 안 돼요! 하하! Okay, that just about does it for today, so we’ll see you soon!
Gyeong-eun: 네, 안녕히 계세요.
Hyunwoo: 안녕히 계세요!


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