
Vocabulary (Review)

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Gyeong-eun: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com입니다!
Hyunwoo: Hyunwoo here! You Can Do All That “While” Vacationing in Korea? So, 경은 씨, 이번 레슨에서는 뭐 배울거예요?
Gyeong-eun: In this lesson, you will learn “while doing something”.
Hyunwoo: 네, 이 대화는 어디에서 일어나는 대화죠?
Gyeong-eun: This conversation takes place at home.
Hyunwoo: 네, 그리고 이 대화는 누구와 누구 사이의 대화예요?
Gyeong-eun: This conversation is between a married couple.
Hyunwoo: 그래서
Gyeong-eun: The speakers will be speaking intimate language.
Hyunwoo: So let’s listen to the conversation.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 좋아요!
부인: 여보! 여보! 나 밥 하는 사이에 청소 좀 해...
남편: 응.
부인: 여보! 왜 누워 있어? 청소는?
남편: 응. 할게. 밥 다 했어?
부인: 다 했어. 그럼 밥 먹고 해.
남편: 응. 맛있다.
부인: 그럼 나 설거지 하는 사이에 청소해.
남편: 응. 신문 어디 있어?
부인: 저기 책상에. 설거지 하는 사이에 청소 좀 해 줘.
남편: 응. 신문 읽고.
부인: 여보! 청소 했어? 아휴... 나 청소 하는 사이에 빨래 널어.
남편: 응. 신문 조금 남았어.
부인: 휴... 됐어. 나 청소 하는 사이에 밖에 있어. 들어오지 마!
Gyeong-eun: 영어로 한 번 더 (yeongeoro han beon deo).
Hyunwoo: One more time, with the English.
부인: 여보! 여보! 나 밥 하는 사이에 청소 좀 해...
Hyunwoo: Honey! While I'm cooking, please clean the room.
남편: 응.
Hyunwoo: Okay.
부인: 여보! 왜 누워 있어? 청소는?
Hyunwoo: Honey! Why are you lying down? What about cleaning?
남편: 응. 할게. 밥 다 했어?
Hyunwoo: Okay, I'll do it. Did you finish cooking?
부인: 다 했어. 그럼 밥 먹고 해.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, I'm finished. Then clean the room, after you eat.
남편: 응. 맛있다.
Hyunwoo: Okay. It tastes good!
부인: 그럼 나 설거지 하는 사이에 청소해.
Hyunwoo: Then while I'm washing the dishes, please clean the room.
남편: 응. 신문 어디 있어?
Hyunwoo: Okay. Where's the newspaper?
부인: 저기 책상에. 설거지 하는 사이에 청소 좀 해 줘.
Hyunwoo: Over there on the desk. Please clean the room while I wash the dishes.
남편: 응. 신문 읽고.
Hyunwoo: Okay. After I read this paper.
부인: 여보! 청소 했어? 아휴... 나 청소 하는 사이에 빨래 널어.
Hyunwoo: Honey! Did you clean? (sigh) I'll clean. So in the meantime, you hang the laundry out!
남편: 응. 신문 조금 남았어.
Hyunwoo: Okay. I just have a little more to read.
부인: 휴... 됐어. 나 청소 하는 사이에 밖에 있어. 들어오지 마!
Hyunwoo: (sigh) Forget it. Stay outside while I clean the room. Don't come in!
Hyunwoo: I don't know if I can speak for everybody, but I think this kind of situation is what a lot of girls are worried that might happen after they get married.
Gyeong-eun: 네. 맞아요. 결혼하면 게을러지는 남자들이 많은 것 같아요.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, I think a lot of guys get lazy after they get married, too.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 그런거 보면 결혼하기 싫어져요. 왜 그런 거예요?
Hyunwoo: I don't know why. don't ask me! 아직 결혼해 본 적이 없어서 잘 모르니까 저한테 물어보지 마세요. 하하.
Gyeong-eun: But don't you have friends who have already got married?
Hyunwoo: Um.... I do! I do have friends who got married already; because they might be listening… They are really good husbands!
Gyeong-eun: I don't believe you.
Hyunwoo: If you don't believe me about the 결혼 이야기, how about looking at some vocabulary.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah, sounds good.
Hyunwoo: Okay, so what’s the first word we’re looking at?
Gyeong-eun: 청소 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: cleaning
Gyeong-eun: 청소 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 청소 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 눕다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to lie down
Gyeong-eun: 눕다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 눕다 [natural native speed]
And the next word is : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 설거지 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: dish-washing
Gyeong-eun: 설거지 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 설거지 [natural native speed]
What’s the next word? : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 신문 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: newspaper
Gyeong-eun: 신문 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 신문 [natural native speed]
그 다음에는 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 사이 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: between
Gyeong-eun: 사이 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 사이 [natural native speed]
그리고 : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 책상 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: desk
Gyeong-eun: 책상 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 책상 [natural native speed]
And the next word is : Next:
Gyeong-eun: 빨래 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: laundry
Gyeong-eun: 빨래 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 빨래 [natural native speed]
마지막으로 : Lastly:
Gyeong-eun: 널다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: to hang out (laundry)
Gyeong-eun: 널다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gyeong-eun: 널다 [natural native speed]
Hyunwoo: Okay, let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. So the first word is,
Gyeong-eun: 눕다
Hyunwoo: “to lie down”
Gyeong-eun: (slow) 눕다 (normal) 눕다
Hyunwoo: 아주 중요한 단어죠.
Gyeong-eun: 하하 왜요?
Hyunwoo: Why is it an important word? Everybody loves lying down and relaxing, so 눕다 is a very important word to know!
Gyeong-eun: Haha. 맞아요. 저도 좋아해요.
Hyunwoo: But you know, 눕다 is an irregular verb, so sometimes you need to drop the ㅂ in the letter 눕, and make it 누 when you conjugate it.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 맞아요. 같이 한번 해볼까요?
Hyunwoo: So it becomes, 눕다, 눕고, 눕자, but
Gyeong-eun: 누워요, 누웠어요, 누울게요 and etc.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, and actually, when I sleep, I lie down on my back, but when I wake up, I often find myself lying on my stomach. Do you do that, too?
Gyeong-eun: Haha. Sometimes.
Hyunwoo: So 눕다 is technically only 'lying down on one's back' and lying on one's stomach is ?
Gyeong-eun: 엎드리다
Hyunwoo: 엎드리다
Gyeong-eun: 엎드리다
Hyunwoo: right. 저는 엎드려서 잘 때가 많아요.
Gyeong-eun: 책상에서요?
Hyunwoo: 아니요. 하하. 밤에 잘 때요. And what's the next word we're looking at?
Gyeong-eun: 널다
Hyunwoo: “to hang something out to dry”, especially laundry
Gyeong-eun: (slow) 널다 (normal) 널다
Hyunwoo: And this is not to be confused with 놀다.
Gyeong-eun: Haha, right. 놀다 is “to play, to hang out”, and it's different from 널다. 놀다하고 널다는 다르죠.
Hyunwoo: 네. 주의하세요. 놀다 and 널다, 하하. Okay then how about we look at the grammar point of this lesson now?

Lesson focus

Hyunwoo: What's the grammar point of this lesson?
Gyeong-eun: The grammar point of this lesson is how to say "while..."
Hyunwoo: As in the example?
Gyeong-eun: 내가 공부하는 사이에 넌 뭐 했어?
Hyunwoo: "While I was studying, what did you do?"
Gyeong-eun: Yeah, when you want to say "while someone does something" or "while something is happening" in Korean, there are a few expressions that you can use.
Hyunwoo: Yeah, and in this lesson we are introducing
Gyeong-eun: -ㄴ/는 사이에
Hyunwoo: 사이 literally means "interval," "gap," or "between" so -ㄴ/는 사이에 means "in the gap" or "between the beginning and the end of the action" so it has the meaning of "while" something happens.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah, like I said, there are some similar expressions, like -ㄴ/는 동안에, or-ㄹ/을 때.
Hyunwoo: 맞아요. Then how do you use ㄴ/는 사이에?
Gyeong-eun: It's very simple. you just add -ㄴ/는 사이에 after the verb stem.
Hyunwoo: So, for example, how do you say "to sleep"?
Gyeong-eun: 자다
Hyunwoo: And how do you say "while you are sleeping" or "while I am sleeping"?
Gyeong-eun: 자는 사이에
Hyunwoo: How about "The movie ended while I was sleeping."
Gyeong-eun: 자는 사이에 영화가 다 끝났어요.
Hyunwoo: Haha, good. The tense is usually only expressed in the last verb of the sentence, so you don't always have to change the verb stem in front of -ㄴ/는 사이에 to the past tense, but sometimes you can change the tense in order to have a more accurate nuance.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah for example, you can say 자는 사이에 but you can also say 자고 있는 사이에
Hyunwoo: Yeah, and for the past tense, -ㄴ/는 사이에 can be changed to -던 사이에, as well as be used as is.
Gyeong-eun: Yeah so, 자는 사이에 can be changed to 자던 사이에 to be used in a past tense sentence.
Hyunwoo: So let's look at how this grammar point was used in the dialogue for this lesson.
Gyeong-eun: 나 밥 하는 사이에 청소 좀 해...
Hyunwoo: "While I'm cooking, please clean the room."
Gyeong-eun: 그럼 나 설거지 하는 사이에 청소해.
Hyunwoo: "Then while I'm washing the dishes, please clean the room."
Gyeong-eun: 설거지 하는 사이에 청소 좀 해 줘.
Hyunwoo: "Please clean the room while I wash the dishes."
Gyeong-eun: 나 청소 하는 사이에 빨래 널어.
Hyunwoo: "So while I’m cleaning, you hang out the laundry!"
Gyeong-eun: 나 청소 하는 사이에 밖에 있어.
Hyunwoo: "Stay outside while I clean the room. " Great. So let's look at some more examples before we go. What do you think, 경은 씨?
Gyeong-eun: 네, 좋아요!
Hyunwoo: I’ll say the English part, and please say the Korean part for me. So how do you say "This is something that happened while I was not here."
Gyeong-eun: 이건 제가 없는 사이에 일어난 일이에요.
Hyunwoo: And how do you say, "While I was outside, my dog made my room dirty."
Gyeong-eun: 제가 외출한 사이에 강아지가 방을 더럽혔어요.
Hyunwoo: Okay, and lastly, how do you say, "While I was waiting for you here, where were you doing what?"
Gyeong-eun: 내가 여기서 기다리고 있는 사이에 너는 어디에서 뭐 했어?


Hyunwoo: Okay, 경은 씨, 오늘 여기까지 할까요?
Gyeong-eun: 네, 현우 씨!
Hyunwoo: 네.
Gyeong-eun: 제가 일하는 사이에 뭐 했어요, 도대체?
Hyunwoo: 저는 밖에서 놀고 있었어요.
Gyeong-eun: 아, 너무 나빠요.
Hyunwoo: 아니에요. 사실은 널고 있었어요, 빨래를.
Gyeong-eun: 하하! 놀고 있었던거 아니에요?
Hyunwoo: 아…빨래를 널면서 놀고 있었죠, 하하.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 알겠습니다.
Hyunwoo: Haha, okay so, that just about does it for today, and we will see you next time! 안녕히 계세요.
Gyeong-eun: 네, 안녕히 계세요.


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