
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Keith: Keith here. What Do You Mean? Who Do You Think is Saying This?
Seol: 지혜가 아마 말했을 거예요.
Keith: Why 지혜 because 소연 is so nice 너무 착하니까 그냥?
Seol: 아니요.
Keith: 지혜는 좀 이상해요?
Seol: 아니요 그게 아니라 지혜랑 민호랑 사귄다는 말을 듣고 소연이 조금 특이한 반응을 했거든요.
Keith: 특이한 반응? Unique response.
Seol: 맞아요. 보통 누구랑 누구랑 사귄다는 얘기를 들으면 축하한다고 말을 해 주잖아요. 어머 잘 됐다. 축하해.
Keith: So do you do that too if you hear your friends got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you are like oh congratulations.
Seol: 당연하죠. 보통은 축하해, 잘 됐어 이러는데 소연이 어쩌다가? 이랬어요.
Keith: Okay but before we get into today’s conversation, what happened in our last conversation.
Seol: 지혜랑 민호가 함꼐 노트북을 사러 갔어요.
Keith: Yeah and remember, he is the big computer geek.
Seol: 그게 굉장히 impressive 했나 봐요.
Keith: What’s – how do we say that in Korean that somebody is impressive?
Seol: 임프레시브 하다.
Keith: Really?
Seol: 네, 아니면 인상 깊다.
Keith: 인상 깊다 but I haven’t really heard that much.
Seol: 음...임프레시브 하다.
Keith: Okay so all that computer terminology and his fast talking, sweet talk, impressive 임프레시브 했죠?
Seol: 네. 그래서 둘이 사귀기로 한 거 같아요.
Keith: Okay well we will find out in this conversation.
(1) 지혜: 소연아 소연아 소연아! 짜잔!
(2) 소연: 어? 노트북 샀어? 우와. 진짜 예쁘다!
(3) 지혜: 응! 우리 민호 오빠가 한 번에 골라 줬어.
(4) 소연: 우리 민호 오빠?
(5) 지혜: 아참, 아직 말을 안 했지! 나 민호 오빠랑 사귄 지 3일 됐다!
(6) 소연: 뭐? 어쩌다가?
(7) 지혜: '어쩌다가'라니? 축하는 안 해 줘? 이번 주말에는 사귄 지 1주일 기념으로 영화 보러 가기로 했어!
(8) 소연: 지혜야... 너 농담이지? 그 사람 좀 이상하던데?
(9) 지혜: 뭐? 우리 민호 오빠가 어디가 이상해?! 다시 한 번 말해 봐. 어?!
(10) 소연: 아... 아니야, 아니야... 축하해!
Seol: 이번에는 영어와 함께
(1) 지혜: 소연아 소연아 소연아! 짜잔!
Keith: Soyeon, Soyeon, Soyeon! Tada...!
(2) 소연: 어? 노트북 샀어? 우와. 진짜 예쁘다!
Keith: Huh? You bought a laptop? Wow. This is pretty!
(3) 지혜: 응! 우리 민호 오빠가 한 번에 골라 줬어.
Keith: Yes! Minho chose it for me at once.
(4) 소연: 우리 민호 오빠?
Keith: Minho?
(5) 지혜: 아참, 아직 말을 안 했지! 나 민호 오빠랑 사귄 지 3일 됐다!
Keith: Oh, I haven't told you yet. It's been three days since I started going out with Minho.
(6) 소연: 뭐? 어쩌다가?
Keith: What? How?
(7) 지혜: '어쩌다가'라니? 축하는 안 해 줘? 이번 주말에는 사귄 지 1주일 기념으로 영화 보러 가기로 했어!
Keith: What do you mean "how?" Why don’t you congratulate me? This weekend we're going to go see a movie, commemorating our 1 week together.
(8) 소연: 지혜야... 너 농담이지? 그 사람 좀 이상하던데?
Keith: Jihye, you're joking, right? He's a bit weird.
(9) 지혜: 뭐? 우리 민호 오빠가 어디가 이상해?! 다시 한 번 말해 봐. 어?!
Keith: What? What’s wrong with Minho? Say it to me again, huh?
(10) 소연: 아... 아니야, 아니야... 축하해!
Keith: N...no... Congratulations!
Keith: All right here is that unique response.
Seol: 맞아요.
Keith: And instead of congratulations, what does she say?
Seol: 뭐? 어쩌다가?
Keith: What? How? How did that happen?
Seol: 소연은 정말 민호를 안 좋아하는 거 같아요.
Keith: Yeah she probably doesn’t like him too much.
Seol: 맞아요.
Keith: 이런 경험도 있어요? Did you ever experience something like this?
Seol: 네. 제 옛날 남자 친구랑 제 친구랑 사귄다는 얘기를 들었을 때
Keith: Ah your ex-boyfriend and your friend.
Seol: 어쩌다가? 이랬어요.
Keith: Well that sounds pretty dramaish.
Seol: 맞아요.
Keith: Yeah. Well did she react like 지혜 did? 어쩌다가라니?
Seol: No…
Keith: What! What did you say?
Seol: No she was sorry about me. 그래서 이러진 않았어요.
Keith: Oh okay. All right so let’s get into the vocab to give our listeners a step up on what they are listening to.
Keith: The first word we have is
Seol: 고르다
Keith: To choose, to select.
Seol: 고르다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 고르다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 사귀다
Keith: To go out, to go steady
Seol: 사귀다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 사귀다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next is
Seol: 되다
Keith: To become
Seol: 되다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 되다 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that
Seol: 어쩌다가
Keith: How, how did it happen?
Seol: 어쩌다가 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 어쩌다가 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에
Seol: 축하
Keith: Congratulation
Seol: 축하 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 축하 [natural native speed]
Keith: And after that
Seol: 기념
Keith: Commemoration, memory.
Seol: 기념 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 기념 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that we have
Seol: 농담
Keith: Joke.
Seol: 농담 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 농담 [natural native speed]
Keith: And 마지막으로
Seol: 아 참
Keith: Oh that’s right.
Seol: 아 참 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아 참 [natural native speed]
Keith: So…
Seol: How can I be a little bit slow with 아 참.
Keith: Why you can’t really say that slowly?
Seol: No.
Keith: 아 참
Seol: 아 참. When you are surprised, you say 아 참?
Keith: Well that’s true. Well just like this word said, oh that’s right it’s used when you are surprised or when something pops up into your head, you just remember it.
Seol: You never say 아 참 you say 아 참.
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: 다 함께 써야 되죠?
Seol: 네.
Keith: So in what circumstances, do you use this?
Seol: 갑자기 아침에 학교에 갔는데 책을 안 가져왔어요.
Keith: You went to school but you don’t have your book.
Seol: 아 참! 책을 안 가져왔네.
Keith: Oh that’s right. Forgot my book.
Seol: 식당에 갔는데 지갑을 안 가져왔어요.
Keith: Went to a restaurant without your wallet 그런 적도 있어요?
Seol: I didn’t intend but yes. 아 참! 지갑을 놓고 왔네.
Keith: And then 그 직원이 봐줬어요?
Seol: 아니요. 친구가 내 주었어요.
Keith: 친구가 내 주었어요? Your friend paid for you? Okay good friends but maybe [*] they are not such good friends because what is the reaction that 소연 had?
Seol: 어쩌다가?
Keith: How? How did that happen?
Seol: Yeah definitely she was not happy with this news.
Keith: Yeah. So how did this word come out in today’s conversation?
Seol: 아참, 아직 말을 안 했지!
Keith: Oh that’s right. I didn’t tell you yet right. So they are just talking about she bought a new computer and she is like, oh that’s right, I forgot, I didn’t tell you. So in that instance, something just came to her mind. Oh that’s right, I need to tell you. Okay what’s our next word?
Seol: 어쩌다가
Keith: How, how did it happen? Now how was this used?
Seol: Keith 어쩌다가 이렇게 됐어?
Keith: That’s not so nice.
Seol: That was not.
Keith: How did you become like this? How are you like this? So what about 어쩌다가 and 어떻게. What’s the difference? How and how?
Seol: 어떻게는 영어의 how 그대로 읽는데 어쩌다가는 영어의 how에 놀란 표현을 하는 거예요. 어떻게 어쩌다가 이렇게
Keith: So they mean the same thing pretty much but…
Seol: Basically they are
Keith: But just when you are surprised 어쩌다가.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Or when you can’t believe it.
Seol: Yes and when you just want to know the process of you know things and we need just general question of how it’s 어떻게 but besides that, everything you are surprised or everything that you are – like you didn’t expect, it’s 어쩌다가.
Keith: Umm so in what kind of situations can you hear this? 이건 어떤 상황에 쓸 수 있어요?
Seol: 오늘의 경우처럼 지혜랑 민호랑 사귄다는 건 정말 말도 안 되잖아요.
Keith: Well why can’t you believe that they started going out?
Seol: 민호는 이상한 사람이니까.
Keith: So is 지혜.
Seol: 그래서 소연은 그 이상한 민호와 지혜가 사귄다고 하니까 놀랍잖아요. 그래서 어쩌다가 어쩌다가 둘이 사귀어? 이런 거죠.
Keith: Yeah it was something that she couldn’t really believe, she didn’t really – it really caught her off guard and she wants to know how – really how did it happen. Like what was the process, tell me everything okay. And what’s our next word?
Seol: 기념
Keith: Commemoration. The reason we want to take a look at this word is because of the hanja behind it. Now what’s that first syllable we have?
Seol: 기
Keith: Memory.
Seol: 맞아요.
Keith: As in 기억하다.
Seol: 맞아요. 그 기억하다의 기와 기념하다의 기는 같은 한자죠.
Keith: So what other words does this 기 come out in?
Seol: 기록하다
Keith: To take minutes like kind of in a courtroom.
Seol: 맞아요. 어떤 사실을 정확하게 적어 두는 걸 말하죠. 기억하기 위해서 기록하는 거예요.
Keith: To remember your taking minutes. So that same 기 to remember. It’s like you are remembering every single thing that was said in the courtroom.
Seol: 그 다음에 신문 기사 할 때 기사도 같은 기 자를 쓰죠.
Keith: And a newspaper article 기사.
Seol: 이것도 어떤 일이 일어났는지 기억하기 위한 거잖아요.
Keith: Yeah to remember what happened the day before. Well let’s move on. Shall we? Let’s move on to our grammar point. I really like today’s grammar point actually.

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Seol: It’s 라니.
Keith: What do you mean?
Seol: But 라니 does not sound Korean. Does it?
Keith: No. Well it’s used as reported speech. It’s another way to report speech. So you just take what somebody said and then you add 라니 and it means what do you mean and it’s kind of confrontational too.
Seol: Right. Let’s see in today’s dialogue. It’s '어쩌다가'라니?
Keith: What do you mean? How.
Seol: 지혜는 소연이 이런 반응을 나타내기를 기대하지 않았잖아요. 소연이 축하해라든지 어머 잘 됐다 이럴 줄 알았는데 근데 어쩌다가 이런 말을 들으니까 she just said, what do you mean by 어쩌다가 right?
Keith: 어쩌다가. What do you mean how? So this is a really easy construction to make.
Seol: Umm..
Keith: So let’s have a couple of sample sentences.
Seol: Keith, 점심 먹으러 가자.
Keith: 왜?
Seol: 왜라니? 지금 2시인데 배고파.
Keith: What do you mean why? It’s 2 o’ clock already. I am hungry. So when you want to get an answer, what do you mean why? And the way you construct this is pretty easy actually. When you have just the word, a phrase that ends in a question word, we say that word, put our imaginary quotations around it and then we add 라니 easy.
Seol: 왜라니, 어쩌다가라니.
Keith: And if it ends in a verb and it’s conjugated in X amount of ways, you change it to the plain declarative. Now let’s have an example. 설아 밥 먹기 싫어.
Seol: 밥 먹기 싫다니. 당연히 먹어야지.
Keith: 밥 먹기 싫어. That’s in the intimate politeness level 싫어 but we change it to the plain declarative 싫다. 설, 나 밥 먹었어. 미안해.
Seol: 밥 먹었다니? 난 기다렸는데.
Keith: What do you mean you ate? I waited. In that sentence, 밥 먹었어 intimate politeness level, past tense. Now it’s in the past tense plain declarative.
Seol: 밥 먹었다
Keith: And then we add
Seol: 니
Keith: So if you noticed there, it was different than 라니 it just ended in 니. If you want to read up on the conjugation of that, remember to stop by KoreanClass101.com and pick up the PDF. All right so let’s move on to our next grammar point.
Seol: 두 번째는 기로 하다예요.
Keith: Made arrangements to, plan to, agree to do something and that something is a verb and let’s have a couple of examples. How do we use this?
Seol: 나 영화 보러 가기로 했어.
Keith: I agreed to go to a movie. I made plans to go to a movie.
Seol: 나 여행 가기로 했어.
Keith: I made plans to go on a trip.
Seol: 나 결혼 하기로 했어.
Keith: I made plans to get married. You can’t say that.
Seol: Why?
Keith: You have so many fans at KoreanClass101.com.
Seol: Then I wouldn’t marry.
Keith: Seol the woman of mysteries.
Seol: Umm…
Keith: Well how do we construct this?
Seol: We need the verb stem and 기로 하다. That’s it.
Keith: Very simple. So made plans to eat.
Seol: 먹기로 했어
Keith: The verb is
Seol: 먹다
Keith: The verb stem we have is
Seol: 먹
Keith: And then we just add
Seol: 기로 하다, 먹기로 하다, 먹기로 했어.
Keith: And usually it ends in the past tense because you made plans.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So 오늘의 대화에는 어떻게 나왔어요?
Seol: 영화 보러 가기로 했어.
Keith: We made plans to go see a movie.


Keith: All right so let’s wrap it up over here. 설, 이번 주말에 뭐 해요?
Seol: 집에서 쉬기로 했어요.
Keith: I made plans to rest at home. Sounds like a simple plan.
Seol: Keith는?
Keith: 저는 테레비 보기로 했어요.
Seol: It’s simpler, I think.
Keith: Yeah simpler. See you later.
Seol: 안녕.


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