
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요.
Keith: Keith here. Today is the debut lesson.
Seol: Wow!
Keith: And today is your birthday too. Happy birthday!
Seol: Thank you.
Keith: All right. 설씨, 오늘은 뭐를 공부할까요?
Seol: 오늘은 중급 시리즈를 공부해요.
Keith: 재밌겠죠?
Seol: 네, 기대돼요.
Keith: 그리고 이제부터 한국말 더 쓸 거죠?
Seol: 네, 저 이제부터 한국말만 할 거예요.
Keith: 한국말만?
Seol: 한국말도 많이. 그래서 이제부터는 한국말 회화에 중점을 두고 공부할 거예요.
Keith: To be a little more specific, on the vocabulary right?
Seol: 네. 단어 공부도 열심히 할 거예요.
Keith: 단어 공부도 하고 문법 공부도 하지만 어휘에 focus를 맞출 거예요.
Seol: 네.
Keith: Can you introduce the conversation to us?
Seol: 엄마가 밥을 했는데 소현이가 울면서 밥을 안 먹겠다고 그래요. 엄마니까 딸한테 반말하고 딸은 엄마한테 존댓말 하고요.
Keith: Because it’s the mother, she is going to be using intimate politeness level and her children are raised very polite. So they are going to be using standard politeness level. Okay 들어 봅시다.
(1)엄마: 소연아... 성민아... 밥 다 됐다. 빨리 나와서 밥 먹자.
(2)성민: 네 엄마!
(3)엄마: 소연아, 너도 빨리 나와.
(4)성민: 엄마. 누나는 밥 안 먹는대요.
(5)엄마: 뭐? 왜 밥을 안 먹어?
(6)성민: 몰라요. 기분이 안 좋은 것 같아요.
(7)엄마: 아니... 무슨 일이지...?
(8)소연: 흐흑, 흑흑흑...
(9)엄마: 소연아, 왜 그래? 무슨 일이야?
(10)소연: 엄마.... 나 오늘 지갑 잃어버렸어요. 그 안에 중요한 물건 다 있는데... 나 어떡해요...
(11)엄마: 뭐? 어디서? 뭐가 들어있었는데? 돈도 많이 잃어버렸어? 돈은 엄마가 줄게.
(12)소연: 돈은... 1000원 있었어. 근데 카드, 사진, 명함, 열쇠... 다 잃어버렸어. 엄마 나 어떡해...!
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더
(1)엄마: 소연아... 성민아... 밥 다 됐다. 빨리 나와서 밥 먹자.
Keith: Soyeon... Seongmin... Food's ready. Hurry and come out to eat.
(2)성민: 네 엄마!
Keith: Yes mother!
(3)엄마: 소연아, 너도 빨리 나와.
Keith: Soyeon, you come out too.
(4)성민: 엄마. 누나는 밥 안 먹는대요.
Keith: Mom. Soyeon said she's not going to eat.
(5)엄마: 뭐? 왜 밥을 안 먹어?
Keith: What? Why won't she eat?
(6)성민: 몰라요. 기분이 안 좋은 것 같아요.
Keith: I don't know. I don't think she's feeling too well.
(7)엄마: 아니... 무슨 일이지...?
Keith: Hmm... What could it be?
(8)소연: 흐흑, 흑흑흑…
(9)엄마: 소연아, 왜 그래? 무슨 일이야?
Keith: Soyeon, What happened? What's the matter?
(10)소연: 엄마.... 나 오늘 지갑 잃어버렸어요. 그 안에 중요한 물건 다 있는데... 나 어떡해요…
Keith: Mom... I lost my wallet today. All my important things were in there... What am I to do...
(11)엄마: 뭐? 어디서? 뭐가 들어있었는데? 돈도 많이 잃어버렸어? 돈은 엄마가 줄게.
Keith: What? Where? What was inside? Did you lose a lot of money? I'll give you money.
(12)소연: 돈은... 1000원 있었어. 근데 카드, 사진, 명함, 열쇠... 다 잃어버렸어. 엄마 나 어떡해...!
Keith: Money... It was only a 1000won. But my credit card, my photos, my business cards, my keys... I lost everything. What am I to do!
Seol: 소연이 너무 불쌍해요.
Keith: 왜요?
Seol: 지갑을 잃어버렸잖아요.
Keith: 그런 경험도 있어요?
Seol: 네. 저도 많이 잃어버려요.
Keith: Well I never lose my wallet. So it’s okay.
Seol: Wow!
Keith: All right. So let’s go into the vocab.
Keith: The first word we have is.
Seol: 밥이 되다
Keith: The food is ready.
Seol: 밥이 되다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 밥이 되다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And the next word we have is
Seol: 나오다
Keith: To come out.
Seol: 나오다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 나오다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 기분
Keith: Feeling or emotion.
Seol: 기분 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 기분 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 왜 그래요
Keith: Why are you like that? Why are you so?
Seol: 왜 그래요 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 왜 그래요 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 무슨 일이에요
Keith: What’s the matter?
Seol: 무슨 일이에요 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 무슨 일이에요 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 잃어 버리다
Keith: To lose.
Seol: 잃어버리다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 잃어버리다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next we have
Seol: 물건
Keith: Physical things.
Seol: 물건 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 물건 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 중요하다
Keith: To be important.
Seol: 중요하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 중요하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next is
Seol: 명함
Keith: Name card.
Seol: 명함 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 명함 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 열쇠
Keith: Key.
Seol: 열쇠 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 열쇠 [natural native speed]
Keith: And lastly we have
Seol: 어떻게 해요
Keith: What do I do?
Seol: 어떻게 해요 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 어떻게 해요 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. Let’s go into a little more detail with these vocabulary words and phrases.
Seol: 밥이 되다
Keith: Food is ready. Now this verb
Seol: 되다
Keith: Means to become but in this context, it means to finish, to be done. Can we have a couple of examples of where it means become?
Seol: 선생님이 되다
Keith: To become a teacher.
Seol: 친구가 되다
Keith: To become a friend. All right, now that’s become. Now to be done, to be finished 밥이 되다랑 준비가 되다 and I think those are the only two ones for to be finished, to be done but Koreans also use this phrase quite frequently in a different context.
Seol: Like 됐어.
Keith: Okay 제가 설씨한테 “설, 우리 밥 먹으러 가요.”
Seol: 됐어. Keith랑 밥 먹고 싶지 않아.
Keith: So what does that mean in that context 그 무슨 뜻으로 쓸까요?
Seol: 거절하고 싶을 때, 하고 싶지 않을 때
Keith: It’s done, it’s finished. I don’t need anything more. It’s okay, it’s all right. Now, if I ask Seol, 밥 먹으러 가요 우리.
Seol: 됐어요.
Keith: I am okay, I am done, I am finished. I don’t need you. 당신은 필요 없고 Yeah you kind of have to infer a little bit about what’s going on. Let’s have a couple of example question and answers of 됐다.
Seol: 어, 저기 케이크 있는데 Keith 먹을래요?
Keith: 아니, 됐어요. 설씨 물 필요하세요?
Seol: 됐어요.
Keith: Just I am okay, it’s alright. All right, specifically you are using it when you don’t need or you don’t want. All right, our next word.
Seol: 왜 그래요.
Keith: So this is used when you are not normal.
Seol: 기분이 나빠 보이거나 아니면 다른 사람에게 친절하지 않다거나 보통 때 Keith가 저한테 친절한데 오늘 갑자기 심술 부리거나 저 보고 인사도 안하면 제가 Keith한테 “Keith, 왜 그래요?”라고 물어요.
Keith: Okay. Our next word is
Seol: 잃어버리다
Keith: Now this is a compound verb. The first verb is
Seol: 잃다
Keith: To lose. The second word is
Seol: 버리다
Keith: To throw away. 같이 붙여서 쓰면
Seol: 잃어버리다
Keith: 잃다랑 잃어 버리다 그 차이는 뭐예요?
Seol: 잃고 싶지 않았는데 잃어버린 경우
Keith: Lose it, but you didn’t want to. So 잃어버리다 it has a nuance of you didn’t want to do it, but it happened. 잃어버리다 to lose but you didn’t really have a choice. Can we have a couple of examples?
Seol: 자 버리다
Keith: To sleep but you didn’t really intend to sleep.
Seol: 공부해야 하는데 놀아 버리다
Keith: I had to study but I ended up playing. The nuance there is that it’s doing something that you didn’t intend to do but it just kind of happened that way. All right but another nuance that it has is to do completely, to finish off and can we have a couple of examples.
Seol: 먹어 버리다
Keith: To eat completely 먹어 버렸으면 먹을 거 하나도 안 남겼죠?
Seol: 네
Keith: So you just ate it completely. Another example
Seol: 취해 버리다
Keith: To be completely drunk. Well it could also be to get drunk but it wasn’t your intention.
Seol: 두 가지 뜻 다 있는 거 같아요.
Keith: Yeah. Let’s move on to our next word.
Seol: 어떻게 해요
Keith: How do you do or what should I do actually. 이 표현은 여자들 많이 쓰는 거죠?
Seol: 네. 여자들이 자주 쓰는 표현이에요. 어, Keith, 나 오늘 지갑에 돈이 하나도 없어. 배고픈데 어떻게 해요?
Keith: 그건 좀 그렇다.
Seol: Or like 어, 학교 지각이다. 어떻게 하지? 어떻게 해요?
Keith: 85퍼센트? 여자들 쓰는 거? 90프로? 그 정도죠?
Seol: 네.
Keith: 대부분은 여자들만 쓰는 거죠?
Seol: 네.
Keith: 왜 그럴까요?
Seol: 여자들은 다른 사람들로부터 의견을 듣기를 원하잖아요. 그래서 충고를 듣기를 원하고 그렇지만 우리가 꼭 그 충고나 의견에 따른다는 보장은 없어요.
Keith: 그냥 듣고 싶은 거?
Seol: 네.
Keith: You too, you just want to hear it but not necessarily follow any advice or anything.
Seol: No.
Keith: You just want to hear it.
Seol: Yeah and if their advice is the same with my own you know idea and my own thinking, that would be great. 어떡해요. 어, 나 어떡하지? Yeah this is really girly expressions.

Lesson focus

Keith: Yeah all right. So let’s move on to our grammar point of today.
Seol: 것 같다
Keith: It seems like or I think so. A descriptive verb or an action verb in front and then 것 같다 I think so. Can we have a couple of example sentences?
Seol: 비가 올 것 같아요.
Keith: I think it’s going to rain.
Seol: Keith 기분이 안 좋은 것 같아요.
Keith: I think Keith isn’t feeling too well.
Seol: 분위기가 좋은 것 같아요.
Keith: I think that atmosphere is good. So you see a situation, you read it in your brain. Then after you process all that information, you say 뭐뭐 같아요. This is used very, very often actually and this is because Koreans don’t like to be so direct. So if you see a friend and she doesn’t look too good, what would you say?
Seol: 기분이 안 좋은 것 같아.
Keith: What’s a more direct way of saying it?
Seol: 너 기분 안 좋아 보여.
Keith: You seem a little upset but in Korean, being so direct is not that good. So Koreans tend to hide behind the language a little more and use little grammatical structures here and there and this is one of them, to not be as direct. So I think something, something or I am not sure but so and so and this is one of those important phrases that lets you be a little more softer in the language and not so direct. All right so our next grammar point is
Seol: 는데
Keith: So we have a verb descriptive or action and then 은/는데 afterwards. If you are not sure of the conjugation, be sure to check out the PDF. We will have a detailed write up of that over there but this grammatical structure indicates that something is coming afterwards. So can we have a couple of examples?
Seol: 나 밥 먹었는데
Keith: I ate but something else is coming afterwards.
Seol: 아직도 배고파.
Keith: Still hungry. So actually you can end the sentence at 는데 and you can just infer from context what’s coming afterwards. Let’s have a couple of examples.
Seol: 나 추운데
Keith: I am a little cold. Turn off the AC or give me a jacket.
Seol: Yeah. 나 졸린데
Keith: I am sleepy. I want to go home and I think this is not a joke.
Seol: 농담이에요, 여러분.


Keith: All right. That’s going to do for today. Remember to listen to the conversation at the end of this audio clip and remember to watch out for 것 같다 and 은/는데. All right, that’s going to do it. See you later.
Seol: 안녕.


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