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Lesson Transcript

Misun: 안녕하세요, 여러분. KoreanClass101.com입니다.
Keith: Welcome to KoreanClass101.com’s Idioms and Phrases series. You are listening to Lesson #14 It Will All Be Okay If You Can Ask for Permission in Korean!
Misun: Welcome to KoreanClass101.com where we study modern 한국어
Keith: Korean in a fun, educational format.
Misun: So brush up on the Korean that you started learning long ago.
Keith: Or start learning today. My name is Keith Kim and I am joined again in the studio by the lovely Misun.
Misun: Ah thank you so much Keith. Hi!
Keith: I hope I can keep coming up with these great introductions for you, but I think I might run out soon but Misun…
Misun: How sad! Okay 예.
Keith: Do you want to quickly tell us how these idioms and phrases lessons work?
Misun: 그럼요. For any new listeners, I can do that. It’s like our other regular lessons, but we give you a phrase that is very difficult to guess the meaning by translating it literally.
Keith: Right and instead of giving away the answer right away,
Misun: We let our listeners guess what the answer is and you can find the answer in the bonus track.
Keith: Right. The bonus track is available at KoreanClass101.com.
Misun: So be sure to make your guess and check if it’s correct. That’s how you learn.
Keith: That’s right. So what are we going to learn in this lesson then?
Misun: In this lesson, we will learn how to say it’s okay to do something in Korean 도 되다.
Keith: Okay and this conversation takes place?
Misun: In a restaurant.
Keith: The conversation is between
Misun: 미현 and 진수.
Keith: The speakers don’t seem to be very close to each other and they are going to be speaking formal Korean.
Misun: 존댓말.
Keith: And for our listeners, what should they be listening in for, what’s our phrase for today?
Misun: Our phrase is 입이 짧아요.
Keith: And we won’t get into the translation right now or in this audio lesson but if you stop by KoreanClass101.com, you can find the bonus track and there we will explain it.
Misun: 입이 짧아요. You have to check it out.
Keith: Right and before we start, don’t forget. You can leave us a comment on this lesson.
Misun: So if you have a question
Keith: Or some feedback.
Misun: Please leave us a comment.
Keith: It’s very easy to do. Just stop by KoreanClass101.com
Misun: Click on comments enter your comment and name and that’s it. So simple. I hope my life is that simple.
Keith: Well we can ask our listeners on the comments section and we will be looking forward to hearing from you. Okay well, are you ready?
Misun: 네.
미현: 저기... 진수 씨. 맛있는 거 사 줘서 고마워요.
진수: 아니에요. 많이 드세요.
미현: 근데... 좀... 남겨도 돼요?
진수: 네? 아, 네. 당연하죠. 집에 가져가도 돼요.
미현: 아, 아니에요. 괜찮아요.
진수: 왜요, 맛이 없어요?
미현: 아니요. 제가 원래 입이 짧아요.
Female: 한 번 더 천천히.
Keith: One more time, slowly.
미현: 저기... 진수 씨. 맛있는 거 사 줘서 고마워요.
진수: 아니에요. 많이 드세요.
미현: 근데... 좀... 남겨도 돼요?
진수: 네? 아, 네. 당연하죠. 집에 가져가도 돼요.
미현: 아, 아니에요. 괜찮아요.
진수: 왜요, 맛이 없어요?
미현: 아니요. 제가 원래 입이 짧아요.
Female: 영어로 한 번 더.
Keith: One more time with the English.
미현: 저기... 진수 씨. 맛있는 거 사 줘서 고마워요.
Mihyeon: Well...Jinsu. Thanks for buying me this delicious food.
진수: 아니에요. 많이 드세요.
Jinsu: Don't mention it. Help yourself.
미현: 근데... 좀... 남겨도 돼요?
Mihyeon: But...um...can I leave some of it?
진수: 네? 아, 네. 당연하죠. 집에 가져가도 돼요.
Jinsu: Huh? Oh, yes. Of course. You can take it home with you.
미현: 아, 아니에요. 괜찮아요.
Mihyeon: Oh no, it's okay.
진수: 왜요, 맛이 없어요?
Jinsu: Why, it's not delicious?
미현: 아니요. 제가 원래 입이 짧아요.
Mihyeon: Not that, I usually _________.
Keith: Misun, do you often leave food when you eat? Do you often not finish at all?
Misun: No never. It never happened to me.
Keith: So you have to finish everything.
Misun: I’ve got to finish everything because I really like the principle of Buddhist monks like eating habit. So even though I am not a Buddhist, but I want to follow those kind of principles. So whenever I eat, I try have it all but if I can’t, then I ask the waitress you know…
Keith: Pack it up and…
Misun: Pack it up, yeah.
Keith: Take it home.
Misun: Yeah.
Keith: Yeah I mean that’s a really nice principle and actually I stayed at a Buddhist temple. I actually stayed at a 해인사.
Misun: Ah really?
Keith: Yeah for about three days or two days, I forget how long but they taught me that and ever since then, I have to eat every single thing on my plate.
Misun: And also that’s very funny that you know, I challenge myself that it’s like I’ve got to clear the bowl.
Keith: Exactly, exactly.
Misun: But that’s a fun part actually to me at least.
Keith: Right but in Korea, it’s actually considered a bad thing to leave food, right?
Misun: Yes that’s true. I think it depends on what you eat but in Korea, what is allocated as your share is as you know, the rice and the soup.
Keith: Right. So you should at least finish your rice and soup.
Misun: 네, 맞아요. Because all the other side dishes you can keep them for later but the rice and the soup, you can reuse that.
Keith: Well you can if you wanted to.
Misun: I mean, if it’s yours, that’s why you know….
Keith: Other people, I think they might have a problem eating your leftover rice and soup.
Misun: That’s true.
Keith: But you know what, when I go to my friends house or even when I eat with my mom, if I finish my rice early, I get asked, do you want some more? 더 먹을래?
Misun: 예. It is same thing to me. I have to say 됐어요 means no thank you. There is three or four times before they don’t ask me again.
Keith: Yeah and I think it’s because mothers especially Korean mothers, they love kids who eat well. I think most mothers in the world.
Misun: Yeah.
Keith: Love kids who eat well.
Misun: Yeah exactly but sometimes it’s annoying. Well, kids who eat what they cooked for them well and they love it and also 입이 짧은 아이들은 별로 안 좋아해요 when mom asks them to like more rice…
Keith: Well that’s our phrase again and we are going to go over that in our bonus track but before we do that, let’s take a look at our vocabulary.
Keith: The first word we have is
Misun: 많이 드세요.
Keith: Help yourself.
Misun: 많이 드세요 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 많이 드세요 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Misun: 남기다.
Keith: To leave.
Misun: 남기다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 남기다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next
Misun: 가져가다.
Keith: To take, to bring along.
Misun: 가져가다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 가져가다 [natural native speed]
Keith: What’s next?
Misun: 맛이 없다.
Keith: To be tasteless.
Misun: 맛이 없다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 맛이 없다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Okay and finally.
Misun: 원래.
Keith: Usually, originally.
Misun: 원래 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 원래 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. Well let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Misun: The first phrase we will look at is 많이 드세요.
Keith: Help yourself.
Misun: 많이 드세요 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 많이 드세요 [natural native speed]
Keith: Now this is a phrase and this literally means please eat a lot.
Misun: Yeah. There is no direct translation for help yourself in Korean and instead Korean people like to say 많이 드세요 which means eat a lot.
Keith: Yeah I guess you can say that eating a lot is a way to help yourself.
Misun: 네. So when you want to say
Keith: Please help yourself.
Misun: In Korean, you can say 많이 드세요.
Keith: Okay what’s the next word we are going to take a look at?
Misun: 남기다.
Keith: To leave, to have left something.
Misun: 남기다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 남기다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And this word has a lot of usages just like the English word to leave.
Misun: 네. Let’s look at some examples.
Keith: All right. Well, how do you say to leave a message?
Misun: 메세지를 남기다.
Keith: Like in today’s dialogue, to leave food.
Misun: 음식을 남기다. But when you want to say to leave a place, it’s a different verb in Korean.
Keith: So what’s that verb, to leave a place?
Misun: 떠나다, 가다 or 나가다.
Keith: Okay for example, to leave Seoul.
Misun: 서울을 떠나다.
Keith: To leave the studio.
Misun: 스튜디오에서 나가다.
Keith: Okay. Well before we leave the studio, there is two more things that we have to do. One, we have to go over the grammar point, but two, we also have to go over our phrase for today.
Misun: Yeah okay hurry up.

Lesson focus

Keith: All right well what’s the grammar point for this lesson?
Misun: 아/어/여도 되다.
Keith: As in the example
Misun: 음식 남겨도 돼요?
Keith: Can I leave some food?
Misun: 예. When you want to ask for permission of the other person or want to know if it’s right to do or not to do something, you use this expression.
Keith: What’s it, one more time?
Misun: 아/어/여도 되다.
Keith: Yeah. This is a grammatical structure that means is it okay to do something.
Misun: And the main verb of this structure 되다 originally means to become.
Keith: But it also means
Misun: Things work out smoothly or to be all right.
Keith: Okay and the verb ending
Misun: 아/어/여도
Keith: This expresses the meaning of even if. So the entire structure literally means it’s okay even if ...! So let’s look at some more examples.
Misun: 이거 봐도 돼요?
Keith: Can I have a look at this?
Misun: 내일도 와도 돼요?
Keith: Can I come tomorrow too and how is the grammar point used in this lesson’s dialogue?
Misun: 좀 남겨도 돼요?
Keith: Can I leave some food?
Misun: 집에 가져가도 돼요.
Keith: You can take it home with you. All right, well that’s a great lesson and I think that just about does it for today. Premium members, use the review track to perfect your pronunciation.


Misun: Available in the premium section of the website.
Keith: The learning center
Misun: And through iTunes via the premium feed.
Keith: The review track gives you vocabulary and phrases followed by a short pause so you can repeat the words aloud.
Misun: The best way to get good fast.
Keith: Okay well, we will see everyone at KoreanClass101.com where we will explain what phrase is that again.
Misun: 입이 짧다.
Keith: Huh I wonder what that means.
Misun: Guess!
Keith: And come to KoreanClass101.com. Bye.
Misun: Bye.


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