
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Misun: 안녕하세요, 여러분. KoreanClass101.com입니다.
Keith: Welcome to KoreanClass101.com’s Idioms and Phrases series. You are listening to Lesson #13 I Heard That You Are the Biggest Gossip in Korea.
Misun: 네. Welcome to KoreanClass101.com where we study modern Korean
Keith: In a fun, educational format.
Misun: So brush up on the Korean that you started learning long ago.
Keith: Or start learning today. My name is Keith Kim and I am joined again in the studio by Misun.
Misun: Hi Keith…
Keith: Misun.
Misun: 네.
Keith: I think we have some new listeners too. Do you want to explain how these idioms and phrases lessons work?
Misun: Sure. It’s like our other regular lessons but we give you a phrase that is very difficult to guess the meaning by translating it literally.
Keith: And instead of giving away the answers right away.
Misun: We let our listeners guess what the answer is and you can find the answer in the bonus track.
Keith: That’s right. You can stop by KoreanClass101.com and pick up our bonus track.
Misun: So be sure to make your guess and check if it’s correct there at KoreanClass101.com, yay!
Keith: I am glad you memorized the address.
Misun: Thanks.
Keith: All right Misun, what are we talking about? What is the focus of this lesson?
Misun: Well, we are going to learn how to say I heard that 라고 들었다.
Keith: And where does this conversation take place?
Misun: At a workplace.
Keith: The conversation is between
Misun: Two co-workers.
Keith: And the speakers are speaking formal Korean.
Misun: 존댓말.
Keith: And once again, what’s our phrase for today, what should our listeners be listening for?
Misun: 가방끈이 길다.
Keith: I think that’s you too hah!
Misun: Well you guess!
Keith: Well I took a guess but our listeners are going to have to stop by KoreanClass101.com and find out.
Misun: Yeah. You will see if I have 가방끈이 길다.
Keith: Now if you are listening on an iPod
Misun: Or an iTouch or iPhone
Keith: Click the center button of the iPod or tap the screen on an iTouch or iPhone to see the notes for this lesson while you listen.
Misun: Read along while you listen.
Keith: This technique will help you remember faster. All right, well are you ready to listen in?
민수: 경희 씨, 새로운 부장님이 오신다고 들었는데... 사실이에요?
경희: 네. 그렇다고 들었어요.
민수: 우리 부장님은요?
경희: 지방으로 가신다고 들었어요.
민수: 진짜요? 언제요?
경희: 내일이요.
민수: 네? 왜 이렇게 갑자기...
경희: 새로 오는 부장님이 가방끈이 길다고 들었어요...
Female: 한 번 더 천천히.
Keith: One more time slowly.
민수: 경희 씨, 새로운 부장님이 오신다고 들었는데... 사실이에요?
경희: 네. 그렇다고 들었어요.
민수: 우리 부장님은요?
경희: 지방으로 가신다고 들었어요.
민수: 진짜요? 언제요?
경희: 내일이요.
민수: 네? 왜 이렇게 갑자기...
경희: 새로 오는 부장님이 가방끈이 길다고 들었어요...
Female: 영어로 한 번 더.
Keith: One more time, with the English.
민수: 경희 씨, 새로운 부장님이 오신다고 들었는데... 사실이에요?
Minsu: Gyeong-hee, I heard a new manager will come, but is that true?
경희: 네. 그렇다고 들었어요.
Gyeong-hee: Yes, I heard so.
민수: 우리 부장님은요?
Minsu: What about our manager?
경희: 지방으로 가신다고 들었어요.
Gyeong-hee: I heard that he was going to a small city.
민수: 진짜요? 언제요?
Minsu: Really? When?
경희: 내일이요.
Gyeong-hee: Tomorrow.
민수: 네? 왜 이렇게 갑자기...
Minsu: What? Why so suddenly?
경희: 새로 오는 부장님이 가방끈이 길다고 들었어요...
Gyeong-hee: I heard that the new manager ___________.
Keith: I heard that the new manager…미선 씨…
Misun: 네.
Keith: Is it always a bad thing to be transferred to a small city?
Misun: I guess it depends on the person but more on how small the city is.
Keith: Okay well do you think that happens a lot in Korea then being sent to a different city just like this?
Misun: Well not as suddenly and quickly as in this dialogue but there are jobs where you are expected to move around and in that case, you can’t really say no.
Keith: For example, what kind of jobs?
Misun: If you work in a public school in Korea, you won’t have to move to a different city but you can expect to move schools every few years and some big companies send people to other areas as well.
Keith: But I guess most people want to stay in the bigger cities right like Seoul, Busan, Daegu.
Misun: 네, 맞아요. That’s my guess too and I would too. I think it’s still very common to think that it’s a bit boring to be in 지방.
Keith: Well actually I think it’s very charming to be in 지방.
Misun: Actually I came from 지방.
Keith: Cool. Where in…
Misun: 강원도 춘천이요.
Keith: 춘천. Oh that’s a very beautiful.
Misun: It’s a very beautiful….
Keith: Area…
Misun: Yeah…
Keith: Very, very beautiful.
Misun: Yeah I know, yeah I love my 지방, 춘천.
Keith: Well actually in 춘전 there is a university there right?
Misun: 예, 강원대학교요.
Keith: Right and at 강원대학교, I am sure there is a lot of 가방끈이 긴 사람들.
Misun: 네, 맞아요.
Keith: But if you are not sure what that means, stop by KoreanClass101.com and pick up the bonus track.
Misun: That’s right.
Keith: Okay well let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Misun: Yeah sounds great.
Keith: The first word we have is
Misun: 부장님.
Keith: Department manager.
Misun: 부장님 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 부장님 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next
Misun: 오시다.
Keith: To come, honorific.
Misun: 오시다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 오시다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Misun: 듣다.
Keith: To hear, to listen to.
Misun: 듣다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 듣다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next.
Misun: 사실.
Keith: Fact, as a matter of fact, in fact.
Misun: 사실 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 사실 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에.
Misun: 지방.
Keith: Local city, small city.
Misun: 지방 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 지방 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next
Misun: 가시다.
Keith: To go, honorific.
Misun: 가시다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 가시다 [natural native speed]
Keith: What’s next?
Misun: 갑자기.
Keith: Suddenly, all of a sudden.
Misun: 갑자기 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 갑자기 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에.
Misun: 이렇게.
Keith: Like this.
Misun: 이렇게 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 이렇게 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next.
Misun: 가방.
Keith: Bag.
Misun: 가방 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 가방 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next is
Misun: 끈.
Keith: Strap, string or line.
Misun: 끈 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 끈 [natural native speed]
Keith: And finally we have
Misun: 길다.
Keith: To be long.
Misun: 길다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 길다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Okay well let’s take a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Misun: 네, 좋아요. The first phrase we are looking at is 지방.
Keith: A local area, a small city or even the countryside.
Misun: 지방 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 지방 [natural native speed]
Keith: So 지방 originally meant a local area, not necessarily as opposed to a central area right?
Misun: 네. But now this word is used more often to mean not Seoul.
Keith: So 지방 vs. Seoul is that right?
Misun: 네. I used to try not to use this word because it might give off some negative nuance but everybody says 지방 as opposed to Seoul now. So I don’t think it matters now.
Keith: And you know, one thing that’s interesting when Koreans talk about Seoul and 지방, they use the words 올라가다 and 내려가다 for going, for to go.
Misun: 네, 맞아요. For a long time, Seoul has been the capital city in where the king lives and you know, a very important place in city.
Keith: Very important yeah.
Misun: Yeay! So people say 올라가다 for going to Seoul and 내려가다 for going back to the smaller city from Seoul.
Keith: That’s right and actually those words literally mean to go up to and come down from. Okay well, are these words only for Seoul?
Misun: Not really. Actually now whenever you go to a big city from a smaller town, you can use this 올라가다 or 내려가다 logic.
Keith: Okay so for example, if I lived in a smaller place and I was moving to Busan, then I would be going 부산으로 올라가요.
Misun: 네, 맞아요.
Keith: And for your hometown 춘천.
Misun: 네.
Keith: Would there ever be a point where you would 올라가 to 춘전 from a smaller place to 춘천?
Misun: Well, I used to study in Seoul. So whenever I went to 춘천 then my friend always said like asking me, 춘천에 내려가? So I guess like that should be 지방, right? I am going down.
Keith: So you are going down.
Misun: Yeah I am going down. It’s not really going down at all actually. I think it’s vertically same area.
Keith: Yeah. I think…
Misun: It’s slightly down, maybe. I don’t know.
Keith: It’s very similar in terms of latitude but because it’s a smaller place, you are saying
Misun: 춘천에 내려가.
Keith: Okay. Well what’s the next word we want to look at?
Misun: The next word is there are two words actually 가시다 and 오시다.
Keith: Go and come.
Misun: But they are in the honorific form.
Keith: Okay can we have those one more time?
Misun: 가다 becomes 가시다.
Keith: And
Misun: 오다 becomes 오시다.
Keith: And just to review a little bit, what are honorifics used for?
Misun: When you are talking about the actions of someone else to the person you are talking if you have to be honorific and very polite to that person, then you should use polite form.
Keith: That’s right. They are honorifics and especially for 가방끈이 긴 사람들.
Misun: 네, 맞아요. Yeah. You should be honorific for them.
Keith: Right and we are going to get into that in a little bit but first let’s take a look at our grammar.
Misun: 네.

Lesson focus

Keith: So what’s the grammar point for this lesson?
Misun: ㄴ다고 들었다.
Keith: As in
Misun: 지방으로 가신다고 들었어요.
Keith: I heard that he was going to a small city.
Misun: So when you talk to someone about something that you heard from someone else, you say I heard that.
Keith: As in, I heard that it was nice or I heard you were working here.
Misun: 네. And in Korean, we use the suffix 다고 or ㄴ다고 instead of word that.
Keith: So let’s take a look at some examples. How do you say, to move?
Misun: 이사 가다.
Keith: I heard that you were moving.
Misun: 이사 간다고 들었어.
Keith: Okay our next word is to need.
Misun: 필요하다.
Keith: And how about I heard you needed some help.
Misun: 도움이 필요하다고 들었어요.
Keith: Okay our next word, to be good.
Misun: 좋다.
Keith: And for a sample sentence, I heard that this book is good.
Misun: 이 책이 좋다고 들었어요.
Keith: Okay well, how was this structure used in the dialogue for this lesson?
Misun: 새로운 부장님이 오신다고 들었는데... 사실이에요?
Keith: I heard a new manager will come but is that true?
Misun: 그렇다고 들었어요.
Keith: I heard so.
Misun: 지방으로 가신다고 들었어요.
Keith: I heard that he was going to a small city.
Misun: 새로 오는 부장님이 가방끈이 길다고 들었어요.
Keith: And there is our phrase. I heard that the new manager has a bag with long straps.
Misun: Is that?
Keith: Some nice piece of information yeah.
Misun: Yeah.
Keith: It’s good to know about your boss.
Misun: I can guess.
Keith: But you know what, that’s actually our phrase for today.
Misun: Right.
Keith: And you can check out the answer in the bonus track.
Misun: And you can find it at KoreanClass101.com. So we will see you there.


Keith: Okay well that just about does it for today. Before we go, we want to tell you about a way to drastically improve your pronunciation.
Misun: The voice recording tool.
Keith: Yes the voice recording tool in the premium learning center.
Misun: Record your voice with a click of a button
Keith: And then play it back just as easily.
Misun: So you record your voice and then listen to it.
Keith: Compare it to the native speakers.
Misun: And adjust your pronunciation.
Keith: This will help you improve your pronunciation fast. Okay well that’s going to do it. Thanks for listening. See you everyone at KoreanClass101.com
Misun: 네. Bye.


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