
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요.
Keith: Hi Keith here and we are back with the lovely – lovely, lovely Seol.
Seol: Thank you for welcoming me.
Keith: Oh we missed you so much and you don’t even know it.
Seol: Thank you.
Keith: All right, well you are back just in time to help us out with our pilot series. Today we have another pilot series for you and this pilot series is a phrases and idioms series. So Seol can you explain a little bit about how our pilot series works?
Seol: Okay this is our new regular lesson about idioms. So now we have a conversation. It’s going to be like our usual lessons but the only difference is that we introduce the new idioms but we never explain the meaning of it. You have to find it. We don’t give the actual answers.
Keith: We give you clues as to what the meaning of the idiom is in the dialogue but we don’t give you the actual answer. We give you a chance to figure it out for yourselves. So when you hear this sound 개굴 that means that’s the idiom of today. And after if you are still curious as to what the answer is, you stop by KoreanClass101.com and listen to the bonus audio. There we have the explanation of the idiom of the day. All right, now that we got that across, Seol can you explain what today’s conversation is about?
Seol: So this is a typical conversation between Mom and Son as Mom always says like do this and don’t do this.
Keith: All right. So because it’s between a mother and a son, they are going to be using intimate politeness level. All right let’s jump into it.
(1)엄마: 아들! 밥 먹어!
(2)아들: 싫어. 나 사탕 먹고 싶어.
(3)엄마: 아들아! 양치해.
(4)아들: 아, 왜?! 나 사탕 먹고 싶어.
(5)엄마: 아들아! 빨리 자.
(6)아들: 엄마... 나 이 아파...
(7)엄마: 사탕 많이 먹으니깐 이가 아프지... 이 청개구리야.
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히.
(1)엄마: 아들! 밥 먹어!
(2)아들: 싫어. 나 사탕 먹고 싶어.
(3)엄마: 아들아! 양치해.
(4)아들: 아, 왜?! 나 사탕 먹고 싶어.
(5)엄마: 아들아! 빨리 자.
(6)아들: 엄마... 나 이 아파...
(7)엄마: 사탕 많이 먹으니깐 이가 아프지... 이 청개구리야.
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
(1)엄마: 아들! 밥 먹어!
(1)Mom: Son! Eat dinner!
(2)아들: 싫어. 나 사탕 먹고 싶어.
(2)Son: I don’t want to. I want to eat candy!
(3)엄마: 아들아! 양치해.
(3)Mom: Son! Brush your teeth.
(4)아들: 아, 왜?! 나 사탕 먹고 싶어.
(4)Son: Aww.. Why? I want to eat candy!
(5)엄마: 아들아! 빨리 자.
(5)Mom: Son! Hurry up and sleep!
(6)아들: 엄마... 나 이 아파…
(6)Son: Mom... My tooth hurts...
(7)엄마: 사탕 많이 먹으니깐 이가 아프지... 이 청개구리야.
(7)Mom: Your tooth hurts because you eat a lot of candy...
Keith: So Seol was this a typical conversation between you and your mother when you were a child?
Seol: Yeah…yeah.
Keith: Yeah just never listen to your mom, huh?
Seol: Every kid does that. You did the same thing, right?
Keith: Yeah of course.
Seol: See I am not the only kid who does not listen to my mom right?
Keith: Yeah well, you listen to your mom now right?
Seol: Sometimes.
Keith: All right well on that note, let’s jump in to the vocab.
Keith: The first word we have is
Seol: 아들.
Keith: Son.
Seol: 아들 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아들 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 사탕.
Keith: Candy.
Seol: 사탕 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 사탕 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next is
Seol: 양치하다.
Keith: To brush one’s teeth.
Seol: 양치하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 양치하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next is
Seol: 빨리.
Keith: Fast or quickly.
Seol: 빨리 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 빨리 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 이.
Keith: Tooth.
Seol: 이 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 이 [natural native speed]
Keith: And next is
Seol: 아프다.
Keith: To hurt.
Seol: 아프다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 아프다 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. Let’s talk about the vocab words a little bit. 아들 means son but Korean mothers tend to call their sons
Seol: 아들.
Keith: Son yeah 아들.
Seol: I don’t know why but moms never call their daughters, Daughter.
Keith: And what’s the word for daughter?
Seol: 딸 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 딸 [natural native speed] 저는 딸이라서 저희 엄마가 저를 가끔 ‘딸’이라고 부르는 경우도 있었지만 보통의 한국 어머니들은 딸을 딸이라고 부르진 않고 아들만 아들이라고 부르는 정말 이상한 특징을 가지고 있습니다.
Keith: Yeah my mother, she always called me 아들, but she never called my sister 딸.
Seol: See? This is really strange. I don’t know why.
Keith: I don’t know either but yeah that’s – a lot of times, you will just hear 아들아, 아들 and that’s just mothers calling their sons, Son. All right, let’s take another look at 빨리. Now what is the root word of 빨리.
Seol: 빠르다.
Keith: To be fast or to be quick. Now this is conjugated into the adverbial form and now it’s 빨리 자. So right after it, it’s modifying 자. So quickly sleep. Hurry up and sleep and you will be hearing this all the time. You know, back in junior high school when we used to use beepers, we always used little messages with numbers and we always put 82, 82….
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: 팔,이 팔,이 like 빨리 빨리 call me 82 82.
Seol: Right, right.
Keith: You used to do that too?
Seol: Yeah I did the same thing.
Keith: Yeah that’s – but it was back in the beeper days. All right and so this is in the adverbial form and it’s used to modify verbs. Let’s have a couple of examples.
Seol: 학교에 빨리 가다.
Keith: To go to school quickly.
Seol: 빨리 일어나.
Keith: Hurry up and wake up. I heard this one all the time, every single morning 빨리 일어나.
Seol: 빨리 티비 끄고 자.
Keith: Hurry up and turn off the TV and go to sleep.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: I heard this one too. So my mom would always use 빨리 and something after that.
Seol: Right, right.
Keith: All right our next word is
Seol: 이.
Keith: Tooth and I used to hear 이빨 a lot but I was told that’s wrong. What’s up with that?
Seol: Like when you use the word 이빨, it should be about like animals’ teeth or tooth. So when we refer to a person’s tooth or teeth, it should be 이.
Keith: Well I was wrong for a lot of my life.
Seol: But I am always wrong. I always you know say this is my 이빨.
Keith: So this is one of those things that even Koreans get wrong too. All right, our next word is
Seol: 아프다.
Keith: To hurt. The root verb is 아프다, but this has an irregular conjugation. It’s 아프 but when you conjugate it, it’s 아파 and a lot of times, I hear 아퍼 as well.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: And this is just conversational but when you write it, it’s 아파. Which one do you use?
Seol: 아파.
Keith: I use 아퍼 a lot.
Seol: 아파 sounds cuter.
Keith: So that’s your aim when you are speaking Korean to try to sound as cute as possible?
Seol: I don’t know why but 아파 sounds cuter. So 아파 is like – maybe women or girls want to use the word 아파 and men or you know, boys want to use the word 아퍼.
Keith: Right but the point we want to make here is, it’s exactly the same thing. It’s just a different pronunciation in spoken Korean and the different nuance is that
Seol: 아파 sounds cuter.
Keith: Okay 아파 sounds cuter. So 아파 that’s what Seol says because she is cute and I say 아퍼. So you can use either one but the conjugation is 아파.

Lesson focus

Keith: All right, now let’s move on to our grammar point of today. Now today we have a very, very simple grammar point but we are talking about the simple present tense. The simple present tense has so many different usages in Korean, doesn’t it?
Seol: Yes it can become a question and a statement and also like here demand.
Keith: And that’s what we wanted to talk about today, the simple present tense can also be used as the command. Just telling someone to do something. So let’s have a couple of examples from our childhood. Seol, what kind of things did you hear when you were a child all the time.
Seol: 티비 꺼.
Keith: So this is in the intimate politeness level. Can you give that to us once again?
Seol: 티비 꺼.
Keith: And 꺼 means to turn off. The root word is
Seol: 끄다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 끄다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And when we conjugate it into the simple present tense.
Seol: 꺼.
Keith: And I always heard 가만히 있어.
Seol: You must be really active.
Keith: Well can you give us that phrase?
Seol: 가만히 있어.
Keith: What I always heard when I was a kid was 가만 있어 no 히…
Seol: It should be 가만히 because it’s an adverb word, right? So 가만히, 천천히 like this. So it needs 히 but when you make a conversation with other people, you make it short. So that’s why your mom said 가만.
Keith: Right and that happens with a lot of things in a lot of languages. Just things get shortened. So really, it’s supposed to be 가만히 있어 still be, be still.
Seol: Yeah be still, freeze.
Keith: Yes stop moving around, stop going crazy. Yeah and 있어 is 있다 in the simple present tense, my mom told me to just relax.
Seol: Right.
Keith: Can we have another example?
Seol: 숙제 해.
Keith: Another one of those 하다 verbs. First word is
Seol: 숙제.
Keith: Homework.
Seol: 해.
Keith: Do. In the simple present tense.


Keith: All right, so that’s going to do for our grammar point of today. Listen to the conversation again, watch out for the simple present tense and try to figure out what our idiom of today means. What’s our idiom of today?
Seol: 청개구리.
Keith: All right. So if you want to find out what that means, go to KoreanClass101.com and listen to the bonus track. There we have an explanation of what 청개구리 means.


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