
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Iseul: 안녕하세요. 이슬입니다.
Chunhong: 안녕하세요. 천홍입니다.
Keith: Keith here. Today, we have a pilot lesson for everybody, and we are going to be starting on a drama series.
Iseul: 재밌겠죠?
Chunhong: 네. 아주 흥미진진한데요.
Keith: Yeah I think it’s going to be fun and exciting too. Well, so just as you just witnessed, we are going to be using a lot more Korean in our podcast and we are going to be going over intermediate grammar points. 천홍씨, 좀 내용을 소개해 주시겠어요?
Chunhong: 네. 이번에 내용은 소연의 어머니가 음식을 하고 있고 딸을 불러도 나오지 않자 딸의 방에 찾아가는 내용입니다.
Iseul: Just as Chunhong said, Soyeon’s mom cooked her dinner, but she won’t come out of her room.
Keith: So she is going to find out.
Iseul: Right.
Keith: And I think we should find out too. And because this is a conversation between a mother and a daughter, this is going to be in the intimate politeness level. Also we have a second part of the conversation between two friends. So they are also going to be using the intimate politeness level. All right, let’s get into it.
(1)엄마: 소연아... 밥 다 됐다. 빨리 나와서 밥 먹자… 아니... 왜 안 오지?
(2)소연: 흐흑, 흑흑흑...
(3)엄마: 소연아, 왜 그래? 무슨 일이야?
(4)소연: 엄마... 나 오늘 지갑 잃어버렸어요.
(5)엄마: 뭐? 어디서?
(6)소연: 엉엉엉.... 몰라
(7)민호: 야, 야, 이거 봐.
(8)인성: 뭔데?
(9)민호: 여자 지갑이야!
(10)인성: 진짜? 열어 봐.
(11)민호: 헉... 우와... 이거 봐... 진짜 예쁜데! 김..소..연..?
(12)인성: 야, 야, 빨리 전화해 봐!
(13)민호: 그래, 그래, 전화번호가... 여기 있다!
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
(1)엄마: 소연아... 밥 다 됐다. 빨리 나와서 밥 먹자… 아니... 왜 안 오지?
(1)Mom: Soyeon... Food's ready. Hurry and come down so we can eat. Hmm.. Why isn't she coming?
(2)소연: 흐흑, 흑흑흑…
(2)Soyeon: (sniff) (sniff)
(3)엄마: 소연아, 왜 그래? 무슨 일이야?
(3)Mom: Why are you like that? What’s the matter?
(4)소연: 엄마... 나 오늘 지갑 잃어버렸어요.
(4)Soyeon: Mom... I lost my wallet today.
(5)엄마: 뭐? 어디서?
(5)Mom: What? Where?
(6)소연: 엉엉엉.... 몰라
(6)Soyeon: I don't know.
(7)민호: 야, 야, 이거 봐.
(7)Minho: Hey, hey, look at this.
(8)인성: 뭔데?
(8)Insung: What is it?
(9)민호: 여자 지갑이야!
(9)Minho: It's a girl's wallet!
(10)인성: 진짜? 열어 봐.
(10)Insung: Really? Open it up!
(11)민호: 헉... 우와... 이거 봐... 진짜 예쁜데! 김..소..연..?
(11)Minho: Wow... look at this. She's really pretty! Kim..So..Yeon?
(12)인성: 야, 야, 빨리 전화해 봐!
(12)Insung: Alright, alright. Hurry up and try calling her!
(13)민호: 그래, 그래, 전화번호가... 여기 있다!
(13)Minho: Okay, okay. Her phone number... Here it is!
Keith: 이슬씨, 어땠어요?
Iseul: I am hungry. So I would have gone out to eat. Especially when you are depressed and down, you get hungry. You need energy to cry.
Chunhong: 저라면 술 마시겠어요.
Keith: Well I wouldn’t drink but I agree with Iseul like 기분이 안 좋을 때 I like to eat. All right, let’s get started with the vocab.
Keith: First we have.
Iseul: 됐다.
Keith: To be done, to be finished.
Iseul: 됐다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 됐다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next is
Iseul: 지갑.
Keith: Purse.
Iseul: 지갑 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 지갑 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have
Iseul: 잃어버리다
Keith: To lose, to miss.
Iseul: 잃어버리다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 잃어버리다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And lastly we have.
Iseul: 열다
Keith: To open.
Iseul: 열다 [slowly - broken down by syllable] 열다 [natural native speed]

Lesson focus

Keith: Okay to get to our grammar points, the first one we have today is. 이슬아!
Iseul: What!
Keith: Don’t look at me like that, you are so scary.
Iseul: You just called me.
Keith: All right. So here we have our grammar point.
Iseul: In Korea, when friends and family members call each other, we add 아 or 야 after their name.
Keith: And there is no difference between those two. It’s only to make the pronunciation easier. Once again, it’s consonant, vowel, consonant, vowel, what we’ve been going over so far and here, it’s 아 is attached to names that have consonants at the end and 야 is attached to names that have no consonants at the end. So very quickly, let’s have a couple of examples. 철홍씨, 형제는 어떻게 되세요?
Chunhong: 네, 남동생 한 명 있습니다.
Keith: So what’s your younger brother’s name?
Chunhong: 동생 이름은 박수홍입니다.
Keith: 천홍, 수홍.
Iseul: Wow! Okay similar.
Keith: Similar? Okay how do you call him?
Chunhong: 수홍아!
Iseul: 아 at the end.
Keith: 아 at the end right. 이슬, 형제는 어떻게 되세요?
Iseul: One sister.
Keith: Okay and what’s her name?
Iseul: Amy.
Keith: Do you just call her Amy?
Iseul: 에이미야.
Keith: 에이미야.
Iseul: 야.
Keith: Okay that’s because 에이미 ends in a vowel, 에이미야. If you are on very close terms with a couple of people, you can just say their name and add 아 or 야 to it at the end and it’s just a very intimate way to call your friends.
Iseul: 키스야!
Keith: All right. I had a whole long conversation with Seol about how I hate Koreans pronouncing my name because it sounds like
Iseul: Kiss.
Keith: Kiss.
Iseul: That’s a great name, Kiss.
Keith: 난 싫은데. All right well, if you are looking along at the PDF, line 1 we have 소연아. Her mom is calling her and we have 아/야 once again that little add on to the end for people on intimate terms. 근데 이거 어떻게 쓰는 거예요?
Chunhong: 친구들 사이에서 누군가를 부를 때, ‘아’나 ‘야’를 붙여서 쓰시면 됩니다.
Iseul: Yeah. So we use it when we want to get our friend’s attention, ask them for something.
Keith: Yeah you say when you want their attention, when you want something from them.
Iseul: Right.
Keith: 이슬아!
Iseul: What! I am scared.
Keith: Buy me some coffee!
Iseul: All right.
Keith: 앗싸! All right. So if we take a look at the next line, it says 밥 다 됐다. Rice or food, all done. And basically what does this mean?
Iseul: Food is ready.
Keith: Food is done, food is ready. So can we have some sample sentences with 됐다?
Iseul: 준비 됐다.
Keith: Finish getting ready, preparations are done. Once again 됐다 means to be done or finished but most of the time, we use it for these two situations 밥 됐다 food is ready or 준비 됐다 preparations are done. All right, I want to take a look at a phrase that we have 왜 그래. If you translate this word for word, its why is it so, why are you so but here we translate it as...
Iseul: What’s wrong?
Chunhong: 자주 쓰는 표현입니다.
Keith: So because you use it often, what kind of situations do you use it in?
Chunhong: 예를 들어, 옆에 친구가 우울해 하고 있을 때, 왜 그래?
Keith: If your friend is next to you, if he or she is crying, say 왜 그래. In this specific context, we are using it as oh, what’s wrong because we know something is wrong from the next line.
Iseul: 무슨 일이야?
Keith: And this is translated literally as, what kind matter is. So basically it means, what’s the matter and here we are using 왜 그래 why are you like that and here why are you like that. In English, it kind of sounds rude but because after – what comes after, what’s wrong 무슨 일이야? it’s not rude anymore but it can also be rude if you wanted to be rude. Iseul, can you give us an example?
Iseul: 갑자기 친구가 이상한 태도로 나쁘게 굴 때, 야! 너 왜 그래?
Keith: If your friend is all of a sudden just acting rude and you say hey, why are you like that?
Iseul: Yeah why are you like that?
Keith: So in that specific context, it’s you are being a little more assertive like hey what’s wrong with you but if you are being nice, it’s also 왜 그래. The tone of voice also plays a part in what you want to say. Okay let’s go over the lines really quickly.
Iseul: 소연아... 밥 다 됐다. 빨리 나와서 밥 먹자...
Keith: Son, food is ready. Let’s go eat.
Iseul: 아니... 왜 안 오지?
Keith: Why isn’t she coming?
Iseul: 소연아, 왜 그래? 무슨 일이야?
Keith: Soyeon, why are you like that? What’s the matter?
Chunhong: 엄마... 나 오늘 지갑 잃어버렸어요.
Keith: Mom, I lost my wallet today. All right, let’s take a look at this word 잃어버리다. This is actually a compound verb. What’s the root word?
Iseul: 잃다.
Keith: 무슨 의미예요?
Chunhong: To lose.
Keith: To lose but we also added 버리다. 버리다는 왜 붙였어요?
Iseul: It emphasizes the fact that it wasn’t her choice to lose it. She can’t do anything about it and that’s that.
Keith: 감사합니다. Thank you for that wonderful explanation. So 버리다 actually attaches to a couple of other verbs too. Can we have a couple of examples?
Iseul: 잊어버리다.
Keith: To forget and there is nothing that can be done about it.
Chunhong: 죽어버리다.
Keith: To die and there is nothing that can be done about it. So it’s like something happened and you don’t want it to be that way but hey that’s life, it’s tough. It’s that kind of nuance.
Iseul: Right. It’s been done and you can’t turn back time.
Keith: To form this 뭐뭐버리다 verb, you have to take the 어/아 conjugation of the verb and add 버리다. Very simple. If you are not sure on what the 어/아 conjugation of the verb is, let’s have a couple of examples.
Iseul: 살다. 살아버리다.
Keith: To live and there is nothing you can do about it. Well I guess this kind of means you tried to kill this guy and….
Iseul: He is just springing back up to life.
Keith: There is nothing you can do about it.
Iseul: Right.
Keith: So again, we have a 아 conjugation because it has a ㅏ it’s 살아버리다. That ㅏ and then 아, it matches. All right, the next one we have is.
Chunhong: 먹다, 먹어버리다.
Keith: 먹다 the vowel is ㅓ. So we also add another 어, 먹어버리다. Can we have another example?
Iseul: 잊다, 잊어버리다.
Keith: Here the vowel is ㅣ. In this case, we add 어, 잊어버리다. So the only time you add 아 is when the verb ends in the ㅏ or ㅗ and there is a few exceptions of course but that’s the general rule. Let’s move on a little quickly.
Iseul: 뭐? 어디서?
Keith: What? Where?
Chunhong: 몰라.
Keith: I don’t know. All right, now we move on to the guy side of the conversation. They found Soyeon’s wallet and now they are talking about it.
Iseul: 야, 야, 이거 봐.
Keith: 야, now this is a phrase used in intimate politeness level. It’s when you are calling for someone’s attention and you are not even using their name. You are just saying, hey.
Iseul: Yo.
Keith: Okay well…
Iseul: It could mean hey but it’s read yo because in English, you can say hey to strangers but you can’t say 야 to strangers in Korea.
Keith: Right. So that’s part of the cultural difference. It means hey but it kind of translates to yo…
Iseul: Right.
Keith: As Iseul likes to call it but it’s because you can’t call the stranger that, you can’t say it to someone older, you can’t say it to your boss. It’s all about social dynamics. So just imagine yourself saying yo and if it doesn’t work in English, it probably doesn’t work in Korean.
Iseul: It can only be used to your friends and people that are younger than you, nobody else.
Keith: Of course this is generally speaking.
Iseul: Right.
Keith: Okay all right, let’s move on really quickly. So 야, 야, 이거 봐. Look at this. Next we have
Chunhong: 뭔데?
Keith: What is it?
Iseul: 여자 지갑이야!
Keith: It’s a girl’s wallet.
Chunhong: 진짜? 열어 봐.
Keith: All right. Here we come to our grammar point of today. 열어 봐 here once again, we have the 어/아 conjugation of the verb. We add 보다. What does this mean?
Iseul: It literally means open up and see.
Keith: Right and it has a nuance of open up and try or try opening it. All right, can we have a couple of sample sentences?
Iseul: 먹어 보세요.
Keith: Literally it’s eat see but here we translate it as try eating it or try it out.
Chunhong: 해 봐.
Keith: Do see, try doing it.
Iseul: 들어 봐.
Keith: Listen see, try listening.
Chunhong: 써 봐.
Keith: Write see, try writing.
Iseul: 가 봐.
Keith: Go see, try going. All right, so this is a very useful and common grammatical structure. 이거 어떤 상황에 쓰는 거예요?
Chunhong: 상대방에게 무엇을 하라고 권유할 때.
Iseul: Yeah when we ask them to try it out when they have never really experienced it before and it’s their first time, we say hey something 봐. Try it, experience it.
Keith: And here his friend is saying 열어 봐. 왜 그렇게 말할까요?
Iseul: Because he wants to open it and see what’s inside.
Keith: 열어 보고 뭐가 있는지 궁금하니까 열어 봐.
Iseul: Yeah. I would be curious too.
Keith: Yeah. All right, let’s move on little quickly. Next we have.
Iseul: 이거 봐.
Keith: Now here it’s not that grammatical structure that we were talking about, it’s just here this look. Look at this.
Iseul: 진짜 예쁜데!
Keith: She is really pretty. Next we have
Chunhong: 야, 빨리 전화해 봐!
Keith: Hurry up and try calling. 전화해 봐.
Keith: Once again, try it out. I want to see what happens. All right, so that’s the last of our grammar points 전화해 봐. Try calling. 천홍씨, 어땠어요?


Chunhong: 네, 아주 되게 재밌는 시간이었어요.
Keith: 이슬씨는 어땠어요?
Iseul: 재밌었어요.
Keith: I am glad it was fun for both of you. Well that’s going to do for today. Remember to stop by KoreanClass101.com, check out the PDF and the learning center where we have all the tools to bring it together and we are going to leave you with a line in Korean using one of our grammar points from today. So see if you can try and catch it.
Chunhong: 사이트에 코멘트를 한국어로 남겨 보세요.
Keith: All right see you.
Iseul: 안녕.
Chunhong: 안녕.

