Lesson Transcript

Okay, now it's your turn.
Do you remember how to say “What are you good at?”
무엇을 잘 해요? (Mueoseul jal haeyo?)
Imagine you're good at sales. Do you remember how to say “sales?”
영업, 영업 (yeongeop, yeongeop)
Say “I'm good at sales.”
영업을 잘 해요. (Yeongeobeul jal haeyo.)
Now answer the question saying you're good at sales.
무엇을 잘 해요? (Mueoseul jal haeyo?)
영업을 잘 해요. (Yeongeobeul jal haeyo.)
Now imagine you're good at typing. Do you remember how to say “typing?”
타이핑, 타이핑 (taiping, taiping)
Say “I'm good at typing.”
타이핑을 잘 해요. (Taipingeul jal haeyo.)
Now answer the question saying you're good at typing.
무엇을 잘 해요? (Mueoseul jal haeyo?)
타이핑을 잘 해요. (Taipingeul jal haeyo.)
Now imagine you're good at video editing. Do you remember how to say “video editing?”
영상 편집, 영상 편집 (yeongsang pyeonjip, yeongsang pyeonjip)
Say “I'm good at video editing.”
영상 편집을 잘 해요. (Yeongsang pyeonjibeul jal haeyo.)
Now answer the question saying you're good at video editing.
무엇을 잘 해요? (Mueoseul jal haeyo?)
영상 편집을 잘 해요. (Yeongsang pyeonjibeul jal haeyo.)
In this lesson, you learned new vocabulary and phrases you can use in your everyday life to talk about your abilities.
You are now able to say you’re good at something like a native speaker!
See you in the next lesson!

