
Vocabulary (Review)

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In today’s lesson, we will introduce you to a phrase that will provide you with the tools to learn from the people around. Now, a dictionary is a great idea but don’t forget that you can use Korean to learn in a more fun and interactive way. In Korean, can you say it again is 한 번 더 말씀해 주세요 (han beon deo malsseumhae juseyo). One time slowly, it’s 한 번 더 말씀해 주세요 (han beon deo malsseumhae juseyo). And now by syllable, 한 번 더 말-씀-해 주-세-요 (han beon deo mal-sseum-hae ju-se-yo). Now let’s hear it one more time, 한 번 더 말씀해 주세요 (han beon deo malsseumhae juseyo). The first word is 한 번 (han beon). This in English means one time. Let’s break this word down, 한 번 (han beon).
The next part of the phrase is 더 (deo), which literally means more. One time slowly, 더 (deo). Together with 한 번, it’s 한 번 더 (han beon deo). One time more. The next part of the phrase is 말씀 (malsseum). Let’s break this word down 말씀 (malsseum). This word means to say or speak but this word is an honorific form. So remember, when you are talking to someone you don’t know, you should use the honorific form. The last part is 해 주세요 (hae juseyo). The first part is 해 (hae). This means do. The next word 주세요 (juseyo) is a rough translation of please. So together with the 주세요 (juseyo), it means do please. Let’s look at this phrase by syllable. 해 주-세-요 (hae ju-se-yo). Altogether we have 한 번 더 말씀해 주세요 (han beon deo malsseumhae juseyo). Literally this means, one time more speak please which we translate as, can you please say it again.
The next phrase we have for you is, speak slowly please. In Korean, speak slowly please is 천천히 말씀해 주세요 (cheoncheonhi malsseumhae juseyo). One time slowly, 천천히 말씀해 주세요 (cheoncheonhi malsseumhae juseyo). Now by syllable, 천천히 말씀해 주세요 (cheoncheonhi malsseumhae juseyo). Let’s take a look at the first component, 천천히 (cheoncheonhi). This word means slowly. One time slowly, 천천히 (cheoncheonhi). The next part of the phrase is 말씀 (malsseum). This word means to say or speak. The next part of the phrase is 해 주세요 (hae juseyo). Now if you remember from the first phrase we had, its do please. Altogether we have slowly speak please which we translate as speak slowly please. Now this is quite a long way to say, can you say it again please. So if you are in a rush or you just can’t remember, there is a special way you can say it. It’s one syllable, so listen closely. 예 (ye)? It’s kind of like a confused what, hah, what did you say kind of feeling.
So it’s not really polite. You can get away with it but use it sparingly. One time slowly, it’s 예 (ye)? You kind of have to put your emotions into it, all right. 예 (ye)? Okay to close our today’s lesson, we’d like for you to practice what you’ve learned. I will provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for shouting it out loud. You will have a few seconds before I give you the answer. So 화이팅 (hwaiting)!
Can you say it again please - 한 번 더 말씀해 주세요 (han beon deo malsseumhae juseyo). Speak slowly please - 천천히 말씀해 주세요 (cheoncheonhi malsseumhae juseyo).
What or hah - 예 (ye)?
All right, that’s going to do it for today.

