
Vocabulary (Review)

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Mingyeong: 안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo). KoreanClass101의 지민경입니다 (ui jimingyeongimnida).
Keith: Hey, and I'm Keith. How Much is It Worth To You in Korean? Alright, Mingyeong, in this lesson, we're going to over some money or time and something that's worth it. It might sound a little confusing, but can you give us an example?
Mingyeong: 세 시간 짜리 영화
Keith: A movie worth three hours. Or a movie that takes three hours.
Mingyeong: 오 만원 짜리 바지
Keith: A pair of pants that costs 50,000 won.
Mingyeong: 네. (Ne.)
Keith: And of course, this is used very, very commonly in everyday, casual conversation. Alright. So where does this conversation take place?
Mingyeong: This conversation takes place in an electronics shop.
Keith: The conversation is between?
Mingyeong: Minu and the shop clerk.
Keith: Ok, so they're strangers, therefore the speakers will be speaking polite Korean.
Mingyeong: 존댓말 (jondaenmal)
Keith: Ok. Well, you ready to go shopping?
Mingyeong: 네, 들어 봅시다! 네, 들어 봅시다. (ne, deureo bopsida.)
민우: 저기요. MP3 좀 보여주세요.
점원: 아, 네. 어서오세요. 얼마 짜리 찾으세요?
민우: 어... 그냥... 싼 거요. 얼마 짜리 있어요?
점원: 네. 이건... 만 원 짜리, 이건 3만원 짜리, 이건 10만원 짜리, 그리고 이건 100만원 짜리예요.
민우: 어떤 게 좋아요?
점원: 3만원 짜리는... 음악 10곡 담을 수 있어요.
민우: 흠... 이건요?
점원: 이건 10만원 짜리예요. 음악을 1000곡 담을 수 있어요.
민우: 1000곡이요? 우와. 좋네요!
점원: 그리고 이건 30만원 짜리예요. 사진 찍을 수 있어요.
민우: 사진이요? 우와...
점원: 그리고 이건 100만원 짜리예요. TV도 보고, 인터넷도 할 수 있어요.
민우: 아니에요... 그냥 만 원 짜리 주세요.
Mingyeong: 한 번 더 천천히.
Keith: One more time, slowly.
민우: 저기요. MP3 좀 보여주세요.
점원: 아, 네. 어서오세요. 얼마 짜리 찾으세요?
민우: 어... 그냥... 싼 거요. 얼마 짜리 있어요?
점원: 네. 이건... 만원 짜리, 이건 3만원 짜리, 이건 10만원 짜리, 그리고 이건 100만원 짜리예요.
민우: 어떤 게 좋아요?
점원: 3만원 짜리는... 음악 10곡 담을 수 있어요.
민우: 흠... 이건요?
점원: 이건 10만원 짜리예요. 음악을 1000곡 담을 수 있어요.
민우: 1000곡이요? 우와. 좋네요!
점원: 그리고 이건 30만원 짜리예요. 사진 찍을 수 있어요.
민우: 사진이요? 우와...
점원: 그리고 이건 100만원 짜리예요. TV도 보고, 인터넷도 할 수 있어요.
민우: 아니에요... 그냥 만 원 짜리 주세요.
Mingyeong: 영어로 한 번 더.
Keith: One more time, with the English.
민우: 저기요. MP3 좀 보여주세요.
Keith: Excuse me. Can you show me some Mp3 players?
점원: 아, 네. 어서오세요. 얼마 짜리 찾으세요?
Keith: Oh, yes. Come on in. What price range do you have in mind?
민우: 어... 그냥... 싼 거요. 얼마 짜리 있어요?
Keith: Um....just...a cheap one. What prices do you have?
점원: 네. 이건... 만 원 짜리, 이건 3만원 짜리, 이건 10만원 짜리, 그리고 이건 100만원 짜리예요.
Keith: This one costs ten thousand won, this one costs thirty thousand won, this one costs one hundred thousand won, and this one costs one million won.
민우: 어떤 게 좋아요?
Keith: Which one is good?
점원: 3만원 짜리는... 음악 10곡 담을 수 있어요.
Keith: You can put ten songs in the one that costs only thirty thousand won.
민우: 흠... 이건요?
Keith: Hmm...What about this one?
점원: 이건 10만원 짜리예요. 음악을 1000곡 담을 수 있어요.
Keith: This one costs one hundred thousand won. You can put 1,000 songs in it.
민우: 1000곡이요? 우와. 좋네요!
Keith: 1,000 songs? Wow. That's nice.
점원: 그리고 이건 30만원 짜리예요. 사진 찍을 수 있어요.
Keith: And this one costs three hundred thousand won. You can take pictures with it.
민우: 사진이요? 우와...
Keith: Pictures? Wow.
점원: 그리고 이건 100만원 짜리예요. TV도 보고, 인터넷도 할 수 있어요.
Keith: And this one costs one million won. You can also watch TV and even use the Internet with this one.
민우: 아니에요... 그냥 만 원 짜리 주세요.
Keith: It's okay. Just give me the one that costs ten thousand won.
Keith: MP3 players these days are so versatile.
Mingyeong: Yeah it's getting more and more difficult to choose a single product. Everything looks so good.
Keith: Yeah, a lot of things look good, and actually Korea has a very nice market for MP3 players, too. So if you're in Korea, where would you go to buy an MP3 player?
Mingyeong: If I was in Seoul, I'll go to 용산 전자상가, or 강변 테크노마트.
Keith: That's on the eastern side of Seoul, and there are also many other big shops that you can go, too.
Mingyeong: Yeah, but I think you can buy everything on the Internet, anyways.
Keith: Yeah, it's probably cheaper there, anyway, too. But you know what's part of the fun when you got to 용산 or 강변 테크노마트? Part of the fun is the haggling. You get it cheaper. Sometimes you get a bummy product though. That's happened to me. I got a CD player at a really cheap price, but he got me good.
Mingyeong: Well, whenever I need to buy an electronic product, I go to 용산, and when I'm there, I'm always at a loss.
Keith: Because there's so many choices?
Mingyeong: Yeah and also because the prices are so slightly different.
Keith: Yeah, but that's where the haggling comes in.
Mingyeong: Yeah, but I'm not good at it.
Keith: Well, what's a really quick phrase that some of our listeners can use if they wanted to haggle?
Mingyeong: 싸게 해 주세요.
Keith: Make it cheaper, please. Can we have that slowly?
Mingyeong: 싸게 해 주세요.
Keith: Yeah. I'm not so good at that either. So if you're a good haggler wherever you're from, I think it will work. As long as you know prices and that phrase.
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: Alright, so what's the first word, we're going to take a look at?
Mingyeong: 엠피쓰리 [natural native speed]
Keith: Mp3 file or Mp3 player
Mingyeong: 엠피쓰리 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 엠피쓰리 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next we have?
Mingyeong: 보여주다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To show
Mingyeong: 보여주다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 보여주다 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에?
Mingyeong: 싸다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To be cheap, to be inexpensive
Mingyeong: 싸다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 싸다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Mingyeong: 어떤 [natural native speed]
Keith: What kind of
Mingyeong: 어떤 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 어떤 [natural native speed]
Keith: After that?
Mingyeong: 음악 [natural native speed]
Keith: Music
Mingyeong: 음악 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 음악 [natural native speed]
Keith: 그 다음에?
Mingyeong: 곡 [natural native speed]
Keith: A Counter for songs
Mingyeong: 곡 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 곡 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Mingyeong: 담다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To put in
Mingyeong: 담다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 담다 [natural native speed]
Keith: And 마지막으로.
Mingyeong: 찍다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To take photos
Mingyeong: 찍다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mingyeong: 찍다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Alright. So let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we're going to take a look at is?
Mingyeong: 엠피쓰리
Keith: This can mean an mp3 audio file or an mp3 player, but if you want to be more specific, how would you say an mp3 file?
Mingyeong: 엠피쓰리 파일
Keith: So what's the word for file, again?
Mingyeong: 파일
Keith: And how about an mp3 player?
Mingyeong: 엠피쓰리.
Keith: So if you just say '엠피쓰리', it's more likely that people will assume that you're talking about an mp3 player.
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: Alright. So what's our next word?
Mingyeong: 곡
Keith: This is a counter for songs. So how do you count one song?
Mingyeong: 한 곡
Keith: Two songs?
Mingyeong: 두 곡
Keith: Can we have it up to ten?
Mingyeong: 세 곡, 네 곡, 다섯 곡, 여섯 곡, 일곱 곡, 여덟 곡, 아홉 곡, 열 곡
Keith: In what kind of situations would you use this counter often? 곡?
Mingyeong: Just like in this conversation. How many songs can you put in your MP3 player?
Keith: 몇 곡 들어갈 수 있어요?
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: Or how about at a noraebang?
Mingyeong: Yeah, I could say 나 세 곡 불렀어.
Keith: I sang three songs. Next, what's our next word?
Mingyeong: 담다
Keith: To put in. What can you use this word for?
Mingyeong: Almost anything, but usually when you put something into a box or a cup or some kind of a container.
Keith: Ok. For example?
Mingyeong: 컵에 물을 담다
Keith: To put water into a cup.
Mingyeong: 박스에 책을 담다
Keith: To put books into a box. How about MP3 players into an 엠피쓰리, MP3 player?
Mingyeong: 엠피쓰리에 엠피쓰리 파일을 담다.
Keith: The thing that you're putting it into, like the box, the cup, the MP3 player, that one takes the particle 에.
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: Alright. Well, can we put grammar into our heads? Does that work?
Mingyeong: 머리에 grammar point를 담다.
Keith: Sounds good.

Lesson focus

Keith: Alright. Now, what are we taking a look at in this lesson?
Mingyeong: 짜리
Keith: 짜리 (jjari) is a noun that comes after other nouns that indicate amount, size, or price and it modifies the noun that follows it. This might sound a little confusing, so let's get right into how it's constructed. I think it will be a lot easier to see how this word works.
Mingyeong: It's really simple. You say the nouns indicating amount, size, or price, and add 짜리
Keith: So for example, how about ten thousand?
Mingyeong: 만 원
Keith: And then we just add on...
Mingyeong: 짜리
Keith: So it's ten thousand worth. I think, 짜리 can be translated as 'worth'.
Mingyeong: 네.
Keith: So ten thousand worth. And then whatever comes after that is what's worth 10,000 won.
Mingyeong: So 만 원 짜리 시계.
Keith: A watch that costs 10,000 won. Did you ever get that as a present?
Mingyeong: Not yet.
Keith: Well, if you did, I wouldn't be so happy. It's pretty cheap. How about a watch that costs 100,000 won?
Mingyeong: 십만 원 짜리 시계
Keith: Right. So the amount comes in front, the word 짜리, and then what you're referring to after that. That's referring to price. Let's talk about time.
Mingyeong: 한 시간 짜리 수업
Keith: A class that's worth one hour. That's literally, of course, but in English we can say 'a class that lasts for an hour.' How about an airplane ride that lasts 12 hours?
Mingyeong: 12시간 짜리 비행
Keith: A walk that takes 20 minutes?
Mingyeong: 20분 짜리 산책
Keith: Alright, well, let's take a look at how it was used in this dialogue.
Mingyeong: The clerk said 얼마 짜리 찾으세요?
Keith: That's referring to "What price range do you have in mind?" but there, if you noticed, 얼마 짜리 where's the noun after that? 얼마 짜리 엠피쓰리 찾으세요?
Mingyeong: 네, but they both know they're looking for an MP3 player, so they don't have to say the noun MP3 player.
Keith: Yeah, so if you know what you're talking about, if both parties know, then you can take out that second noun. So it could just be a thing worth one hour. A thing worth 10,000 won. Let's take a look at another example from this dialogue.
Mingyeong: The clerk also said...
Keith: "This one costs ten thousand won," but if you were to put in MP3 player?
Mingyeong: 이건 만 원 짜리 엠피쓰리
Keith: And of course, because both of them know that they're talking about the MP3 player, they can leave that out.
Mingyeong: 이건 삼만 원 짜리
Keith: This one is worth 30,000 won.
Mingyeong: 이건 십만 원 짜리
Keith: This one is worth 100,000 won.
Mingyeong: 그리고 이건 백만 원 짜리예요.
Keith: This one costs 100,000 won. That's how it was used in this dialogue, but in everyday Korea, there's a drink that I lot.
Mingyeong: 백 원 짜리 밀크커피?
Keith: Milk coffee that's worth 100 won. 100-won milk coffee. And they always have those at restaurants.
Mingyeong: Yeah.
Keith: It's equal to roughly 10 cents American. Pretty cheap, and it's pretty good. I like it.
Mingyeong: Yeah, it's like almost free.
Keith: Almost, yeah.
Mingyeong: I like 30센치 짜리 소프트 아이스크림.
Keith: What's that first part?
Mingyeong: 30센치
Keith: 30 centimeters, and of course we have?
Mingyeong: 짜리
Keith: A thing that's worth.
Mingyeong: 소프트 아이스크림
Keith: Soft ice cream. So ice cream that's 30 centimeters. It's kind of big, huh?
Mingyeong: Yeah, it's like soft ice cream, and it's very big. They make it so tall.
Keith: Well, I think you would like that. Yes.
Mingyeong: Yeah, and you can buy in 명동.
Keith: Oh! Well, if our listeners are in the area, 명동, where can we find this?
Mingyeong: Yeah, somewhere in 명동. I'm pretty sure there's more than one place they can go.
Keith: Ok.


Keith: Well, that just about does it for this lesson.
Mingyeong: 안녕히 계세요.


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