
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Keith: Keith here. Beginner lesson #31?
Seol: Or the bonus?
Keith: Yeah... Well originally, we stopped at Beginner lesson #30, but today, we have a bonus lesson for you. We loved our beginner lessons so much that we couldn’t help but just do one more.
Seol: Uh-huh…
Keith: So beginner lesson #31. Hey, Who is That? A bonus lesson. Now, the reason we wanted to do a bonus lesson is because we wanted to introduce what beginner lesson season 2 is going to be like. Beginner lesson season 2 is going to have a lot more colloquial things. We are still missing some grammar that’s considered the basis of Korean. So beginner lesson, season 2, we are going to introduce those grammar points as well as give you some more colloquial and more conversational Korean. But the last couple of beginner lessons, we have had conversational Korean, right?
Seol: Yeah, we did. At first, we used the formal politeness level and then we used standard politeness level and sometimes we used some intimate politeness level.
Keith: Yeah. We are going to start getting into some real conversational Korean and go over some everyday situations in Korea and also some very important grammar points. But before we do that, we are going to introduce, give you a little taste of what’s going to happen in season 2. So with that said, can you introduce today’s conversation?
Seol: You’d remember what happened between Hyegyeong and Taehyeon?
Keith: And Narae.
Seol: Yeah, and Narae.
Keith: Well, for those of you that don’t remember,
Seol: Yes, Hyegyeong likes Taehyeon, and Taehyeon does not like Hyegyeong. That was the start of the story and Narae was trying to console Hyegyeong and she was doing her best to try Hyegyeong feel better. So we thought Narae is the good friend of Hyegyeong, and finally it just turned out to be Narae the good friend of Hyegyeong was actually a girlfriend of Taehyeon. So this is kind of like three people…
Keith: Well, what’s the word in Korean?
Seol: 삼각 관계. What’s the word in English?
Keith: A love triangle.
Seol: Aha, yeah. So 삼각 관계.
Keith: Love triangle. Now yeah, today we are continuing on with our love triangle, but what’s happening in today’s conversation?
Seol: Hyegyeong is really brave. She went to Narae’s place and she wants to talk with Narae.
Keith: But here in today’s conversation Hyegyeong is really mad, really angry. So she is going to confront Narae but because she is so angry, she is using the intimate politeness level. Now here she doesn’t feel the need to be polite because she was betrayed.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So she doesn’t want to be polite. All right, with that said, let’s listen in.
혜경: 야! 너 나와!
나래: 혜경 씨... 여기…
혜경: 야!
나래의 사촌: 아… 누구야. 시끄러워!
나래: 아니야 오빠. 친구야.
혜경: 나래… 근데… 그 오빠가 누구야?
Seol: 한번 더 천천히
혜경: 야! 너 나와!
나래: 혜경 씨... 여기…
혜경: 야!
나래의 사촌: 아… 누구야. 시끄러워!
나래: 아니야 오빠. 친구야.
혜경: 나래… 근데… 그 오빠가 누구야?
Seol: 영어로 천천히
혜경: 야! 너 나와!
Hyegyeong: Hey! You! Come out!
나래: 혜경 씨... 여기…
Narae: Hyegyeong... What...
혜경: 야!
Hyegyeong: Hey!
나래의 사촌: 아… 누구야. 시끄러워!
Narae's Cousin: Ah... Who is that? Be quiet.
나래: 아니야 오빠. 친구야.
Narae: Oh, it's nothing. It's a friend.
혜경: 나래… 근데… 그 오빠가 누구야?
Hyegyeong: Narae... But... Who's that guy?
Keith: Okay, how did you feel about the conversation?
Seol: Hyegyeong finally found her love. This is something we couldn’t expect. Poor Hyegyeong, another love. I hope she makes it this time.
Keith: But here it’s Narae's 사촌, cousin.
Seol: Oh really?
Keith: Yeah it’s Narae's 사촌, so maybe it’s another…
Seol: Wow, then that’s great.
Keith: You think so?
Seol: Yeah sure because well, at least this guy is not Taehyeon, and I think this guy would be better than Taehyeon.
Keith: Well, we know that Narae is not going to cheat on Hyegyeong again because it’s her cousin. All right, so yeah today’s conversation was all in the intimate politeness level, but before we get into the conversation, let’s go over the vocabulary.
First word we have is?
Seol: 나오다
Keith: To come out.
Seol: 나오다, 나오다.
Keith: Next we have
Seol: 시끄럽다
Keith: To be loud.
Seol: 시끄럽다, 시끄럽다.
Keith: Next is
Seol: 근데
Keith: But
Seol: 근데, 근데.
Keith: Next is
Seol: 야
Keith: Hey
Seol: 야, 야.
Keith: Next is
Seol: 오빠
Keith: Older brother for a female.
Seol: 오빠, 오빠.
Keith: All right. So let’s go over the vocabulary words in a little more detail. The first word we have is
Seol: 시끄럽다
Keith: A descriptive verb “to be loud.” Now this is an irregular verb. What’s the verb stem?
Seol: 시끄럽
Keith: Now this is irregular, that last ㅂ in 럽 it changes to
Seol: 오
Keith: What’s the verb stem after it changes?
Seol: 시끄러우
Keith: And from there, you add on the conjugations and this irregular conjugation, this ㅂ conjugation, there is a number of verbs that follow this same pattern. What’s another verb that follows this same pattern?
Seol: 외롭다
Keith: To be lonely. What’s that verb stem?
Seol: 외롭
Keith: And now with the ㅂ, it changes to?
Seol: 외로우
Keith: Okay, and now we just add on the conjugation to the end of that. What’s one more verb that has that same irregular conjugation?
Seol: 춥다
Keith: To be cold. Now the verb stem is
Seol: 춥
Keith: And now that ㅂ changes to
Seol: 추우
Keith: And now that’s where you add on the conjugations. So remember to check out that PDF. We have a detailed write up about these irregular ㅂ verbs, okay. Our next word is?
Seol: 근데
Keith: Now, this is a word that starts a new sentence or a new idea. We have sentence 1 but 근데, and then now we have sentence 2.
Seol: And remember that 근데 is a short form of 그런데.
Keith: Yeah, this is a colloquial version of 그런데, just the shortened version, all right, and next we have
Seol: 오빠.
Keith: Now, this is older brother for a female. Now, this can mean your real older brother.
Seol: It also can mean my cousin who is older than me.
Keith: So your real older brother, your cousin, older cousin who is a male and it can also mean older
Seol: Friends
Keith: That are males and also boyfriends that are older as well. So in the context of today’s conversation, Narae, her older cousin is 오빠 she called him 오빠, and also, Hyegyeong called him 오빠, too.
Seol: Yeah they both call him 오빠.
Keith: And the reason Narae calls him 오빠 is because he is her cousin. What’s the reason that Hyegyeong calls him 오빠?
Seol: Because she felt he is older than her, and you know because he’s Narae’s 오빠, it means it is Hyegyeong’s 오빠, too.
Keith: So Hyegyeong is calling him 오빠 because she is interested and she thinks that he is older.
Seol: So how do you feel when you hear somebody calls you 오빠?
Keith: I like it actually. I like it.
Seol: Like you feel like you have to take care of her?
Keith: No. I feel like they like me. [Laughs] Right?
Seol: Yes.
Keith: Because you – you call people that you like 오빠, older males that you like, 오빠 and if you don’t like them that much, you just call them
Seol: Then I would call him something 씨 instead of 오빠.
Keith: Okay, and I guess that’s why you call me Keith 씨.
Seol: Because you are younger than me. You are not my 오빠.
Keith: All right, all right, relax. Alright, so now let’s get into the conversation. Now remember this is all in the intimate politeness level. This is going to be an introduction to what’s going to be happening in beginner, lesson, season 2. Okay, the next word we have is
Seol: 야.
Keith: Now, this is “hey” but it’s a little stronger than that.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Because you know I – at work, I could say, hey boss, how are you doing but I cannot say 야.
Seol: Yeah, no…
Keith: Not at all. This is a strong word but it's okay to use it among friends. It’s like 야 밥 먹었어? You can replace the name and just say 야, but that’s with close friends.
Seol: You have to be really careful when you use this word 야. But when you are really close to them, it’s okay, like, it’s acceptable and like sometimes it means that you are really close.
Keith: Yeah and it gives off a sense that you are not respecting the person. So if you are really close with the person and you say 야, it’s okay because you are really close. You don’t have to respect them but if you just met someone for the first time and you say 야, it doesn’t leave a good impression because it really shows that you are not respecting the person.
Seol: Even though you are close to your friend, don’t use 야 when he is older than you. So be careful when you use this word 야.
Keith: Okay, and let’s take a look at the first line because that’s the first word that comes out.
Seol: 야!
Keith: Right there. Well, Hyegyeong is saying that to Narae because she does not want to respect her. So she said, Hey! There is no respect there and you know, that’s okay because Narae really messed up. Next is?
Seol: 너 나와!
Keith: The first word is
Seol: 너.
Keith: You. Now this is in the intimate politeness level but in Korean, we don’t use “you” very often. We use a person’s name. We use titles, we use honorific suffixes but we rarely say “you” unless it’s with close friends, and the reason for that is because the Korean language tends to stay away from being direct. Imagine if someone says, you and then they point at you, that’s being pretty direct. So Korean tends to stay away from being too direct. So instead of “you,” we use names, honorific suffixes, titles, we also use honoring terms like 오빠, older brother, 누나, and just try not to say “you.” But the reason why she uses “you” here is because once again, it’s the same thing with 야, she doesn’t feel the need to respect Narae. So she says, hey you, it’s like calling her out. She is being really direct because she is angry. Just like 야, you have to be careful with who you use 너 “you” with because it’s very direct and it gives off the same impression that you don’t want to respect this person. It’s okay if it’s among your close friends because you don’t have to respect them but with other people, try not to use you. All right, so here we have
Seol: 너
Keith: You.
Seol: 나와.
Keith: Come out. Now 나와 is in the intimate politeness level. What’s the verb in the infinitive?
Seol: 나올다
Keith: And the verb stem is
Seol: 나올
Keith: And now we just add on the 아 or 요. Now this is just like the standard politeness level conjugation but this is in the intimate politeness level. Remember to check out the PDF. It’s very, very similar to the standard politeness level but just short it. Just drop the 요. So now, here we have the verb stem
Seol: 나올
Keith: And now we add
Seol: 와
Keith: And now we combine those last two syllables
Seol: 나와.
Keith: And there you go, we have the intimate politeness level. All right, next we have...
Seol: 혜경 씨.
Keith: 혜경 씨. See here, Narae is still being polite. She calls Hyegyeong by her name instead of saying you.
Seol: 여기
Keith: Here. So Hyegyeong, here…
Seol: Why – why are you here? Why did she come here?
Keith: Yeah. That’s what Narae is inferring. Next we have
Seol: 야!
Keith: Hey! Really disrespectful, in your face. Next we have Narae’s cousin
Seol: 아… 누구야.
Keith: Okay. Let’s break that down a little bit.
Seol: 누구
Keith: Who followed by
Seol: 야
Keith: And this is what we want to talk about. This is 이다 in the intimate politeness level. Now what’s 이다 in the standard politeness level?
Seol: 이에요
Keith: Or sometimes?
Seol: 에요
Keith: And typically we can just drop 요 at the end to get the intimate politeness level, but for the copula 이다 “to be,” we need a different conjugation. It’s irregular in the intimate politeness level. So as we just witnessed, it is?
Seol: 야
Keith: Or sometimes?
Seol: 이야
Keith: Depending on what it’s attaching to ends in a consonant or a vowel. Let’s have a few examples in the different politeness levels. The formal politeness level, I am a student.
Seol: 저는 학생입니다.
Keith: Standard politeness level, I am a student.
Seol: 저는 학생이네요.
Keith: And now the intimate politeness level
Seol: 나는 학생이야.
Keith: Notice here how the subject changed here as well from 저 to 나, they are the same thing but 나 is non-humbling. 저 is humbling. All right, let’s move on. Now we have
Seol: 시끄러워!
Keith: It’s loud. Basically it means “be quiet,” and you say this to me all the time.
Seol: Because you are always noisy.
Keith: Well, that’s one thing. A lot of Korean people use 시끄러 like be quiet but literally it just means loud but…
Seol: It’s loud so you have to be quiet, right?
Keith: Yeah but you are not actually saying being quiet but that’s what you want.
Seol: Yeah. I think you can understand because you have brains, right?
Keith: Okay. So next we have
Seol: 아니야 오빠. 친구야.
Keith: Okay. Notice here we have 야 again and here for the negative copula 아니다 to not be. The conjugation is
Seol: 아니야.
Keith: For the intimate politeness level. And let’s do it really quick, it’s similar to the affirmative copula 이다 and 아니다. What’s the conjugation for it?
Seol: 아니야.
Keith: Just 아니야. That’s it, right?
Seol: Right.
Keith: Okay, okay. So once again, we are going to have a big write up about this in the PDF. So remember to check it out. 이다 and 아니다. The affirmative and negative copulas. They have irregular conjugations. All right, so finally let’s finish this up.
Seol: 나래… 근데… 그 오빠가 누구야?
Keith: Narae, but who is that oppa? We don’t want to translate “oppa” over here because it’s not translatable.
Seol: Uhoo, kind of.
Keith: Kind of right? Like you would say who is that older brother, but who is that older guy…
Seol: Yeah, who is that guy?
Keith: Umm.. Basically who is that guy but here it’s 오빠 because it’s a older male. All right, so how did you feel about the lesson?
Seol: Well I think Hyegyeong found a new person and I feel happy for her.
Keith: Good for her. Let’s hope Narae’s cousin doesn’t..
Seol: Have a girlfriend?
Keith: Yeah, have a girlfriend or break her heart like Taehyeon. Okay all right, so that’s going to do it for today. Remember to stop by koreanclass101.com, this is the end of our beginner series.
Seol: Yeah I will miss Hyegyeong, because you know she was so kind, cute and now she found a new person. So let’s see how it goes.
Keith: Well actually we are not going to have Hyegyeong in our beginner season 2 which starts next week, yeah.
Seol: Oh okay, so…
Keith: Sorry! I am going to write you in. We are going to put Seol into the script.
Seol: Then, I don’t want to be like Hyegyeong.
Keith: Oh okay, okay. What would you like?
Seol: Narae is better I think.
Keith: Oh, okay. The girl that gets the guy?
Seol: Yes.
Keith: Okay. So we will add Seol into the scripts and remember, next week, we have beginner season 2. So remember to watch out for that and yeah, we will see you next week.
Seol: Bye bye.
Keith: See you.


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