
Vocabulary (Review)

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Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Female: 안녕하세요. 이슬입니다.
Keith: Keith here! I’m Sorry I Love You!
Seol: Really? You love you?
Keith: I tell you that every single day. You don’t answer me; you hurt me.
Seol: Okay, I’ll try to love you too.
Keith: You guys can’t see. She just rolls her eyes at me. She just rolled her eyes. Anyway. So when you heard this title, “I’m Sorry, I Love You” what comes to mind?
Seol: The famous T.V. soap opera.
Keith: Yeah. There was a famous drama that came on “I’m Sorry, I Love You”. And let’s talk about Korean dramas a little bit because today’s conversation is sort of drama-ish.
Iseul: I’m not allowed to watch Korean dramas.
Keith: Why not?
Iseul: Because it messes up the mind.
Keith: Wait, so you don’t allow yourself to watch Korean dramas.
Iseul: No, I don’t.
Keith: Okay. What about, you, Seol?
Seol: I love watching Korean dramas.
Keith: That’s why things are so messed up in your head.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: I’m kidding. I’m joking, joking, joking. But these things really do mess with the mind, don’t they?
Iseul: It does because you start dreaming of the perfect guy that doesn’t exist, a perfect relationship that’ll never happen.
Keith: You’re looking at him right here?
Iseul: Yeah, this is exactly what I’m talking about.
Keith: All right. Well, Korean dramas are pretty famous and around Asia and the world, too, they’re very popular around the world. And that’s why maybe some of our listeners maybe listening. So today, we have a great conversation for you that’s starting to form into our own mini drama.
All right. So Seol, since you like watching Korean drama so much, can you set it up for us?
Seol: Hyegyeong is in-love Taehyeon but I don’t think Taehyeon loves her back.
Keith: What kind of politeness level are they using?
Seol: Standard politeness level.
Keith: Yeah. So they know each other to some degree, they not super close but they’re not super far either. Okay. So let’s listen in.

Lesson conversation

혜경 태현 씨… 저는… 태현 씨를 좋아해요.
태현 네??
혜경 태현 씨는 진짜 멋있어요.
태현 아…
혜경 태현 씨… 저를 싫어해요?
태현 네… 좀… 안 좋아해요. 미안해요.
혜경 (울면서…) 저도 미안해요. 사랑해요!!!
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히.
혜경 태현 씨… 저는… 태현 씨를 좋아해요.
태현 네??
혜경 태현 씨는 진짜 멋있어요.
태현 아…
혜경 태현 씨… 저를 싫어해요?
태현 네… 좀… 안 좋아해요. 미안해요.
혜경 (울면서…) 저도 미안해요. 사랑해요!!!
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
혜경 태현 씨… 저는… 태현 씨를 좋아해요.
Keith: Taehyeon... I... I like you.
태현 네??
Keith: What?
혜경 태현 씨는 진짜 멋있어요.
Keith: Taehyeon... You're really cool.
태현 아…
Keith: Oh...
혜경 태현 씨… 저를 싫어해요?
Keith: Taehyeon... You don't like me?
태현 네… 좀… 안 좋아해요. 미안해요.
Keith: Yeah. I kind of don't like you. Sorry.
혜경 (울면서…) 저도 미안해요. 사랑해요!!!
Keith: (Crying...) I'm sorry too. I love you!
Keith: Seol, what did you think about the conversation?
Seol: I feel sorry for Taehyeon.
Keith: The guy?
Seol: Yeah, the guy!
Keith: Really? Why?
Seol: Because this situation makes him feel really uncomfortable and, like, he might feel that he’s losing a friend.
Keith: Okay. So here, we have Taehyeon being uncomfortable and Hyegyeong….
Seol: Being sad?
Keith: Not just sad! Her heart, like, crushed by a ton of bricks. And you’re still sorry for that? You still feel sorry for that guy.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Well, you are really a tough cookie.
Iseul: well, I, on the other hand, feels sorry for Hyegyeong.
Keith: Yeah. Me, too!
Iseul: He could have been nicer.
Keith: A lot nicer. I think Seol symphatizes with 태현 because she does the same thing to guys, that’s why.
Seol: Maybe.
Keith: Oh!
Iseul: Oh! Heartbreaker!
Keith: Heartbreaker. All right. Well, I don’t like heartbreakers. So Iseul, can you start us off with the vocabulary?
First we have…
Iseul: 좋아하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To like.
Iseul: 좋아하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 좋아하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next we have…
Iseul: 싫어하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To dislike.
Iseul: 싫어하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 싫어하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next we have…
Iseul: 미안하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To be sorry.
Iseul: 미안하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 미안하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Iseul: 사랑하다.
Keith: To love.
Iseul: 사랑하다.[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 사랑하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: And next is…
Iseul: 멋있다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To be cool.
Iseul: 멋있다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 멋있다 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Iseul: 진짜 [natural native speed].
Keith: Really.
Iseul: 진짜 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 진짜 [natural native speed].
Keith: And lastly we have…
Iseul: 좀 [natural native speed]
Keith: A bit or a little.
Iseul: 좀 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 좀 [natural native speed].

Lesson focus

Keith: Here with vocabulary, we have some more 하다 verbs, but these are a little different than the 하다 verbs that we went over before. What are some of the 하다 verbs that we went over before?
Iseul: 공부하다
Keith: To study.
Iseul; 시작하다
Keith: To start.
Iseul: 일하다
Keith: To work. And with those 하다 verbs, there’s a noun in front and then 하다. It’s 공부 “studies”; 하다, “do”. 시작 “start”, 하다, “do”; 일 “work” and 하다 “do”. These are all nouns and 하다. And all of these 하다 verbs are action verbs. Whenever you’ll have a noun and 하다, it’s in actual action of doing something. But here, the 하다 verbs that we have today are not nouns. These are descriptive 하다 verbs and 하다 verbs used as auxiliary verbs. Descriptive 하다 verbs are the same as just as any other descriptive verbs. They describe nouns. However, auxiliary 하다 verbs take descriptive verbs and actionizes them. Let’s see from our first example.
Iseul: 좋아하다.
Keith: “To like”. Now this comes from the descriptive verb 좋다. “to be good”. And here it’s conjugated using the -아,-어,-여 conjugation, and then you add 하다. Here, 하다 is used as the auxiliary verb we’re just talking about – a subject’s action of good; basically means “to like”. But this verb and other verbs such as 싫어하다 are auxiliary 하다 verbs. But they’re used so often that you don’t have to think about the conjugation of it all. Simply remember 좋아하다 as “to like”. And this verb is a great verb to use. You’re going to use it all the time – “I like this”, “I like that”, and it’s one of the basic things that you use when you learn any language. So can we have a couple of sample sentences?
Seol: 저는 김치를 좋아해요.
Keith: “I like Kimchi.”
Iseul: 저는 남자를 좋아해요.
Keith: “I like boys”. Okay.
Seol: And what about this? 저는 키스를 좋아해요.
Keith: Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is this kiss or Keith?
Seol: Ah, you’re Koreanized name, 키스. So it should be Keith.
Keith: It’s the same thing. My name is Kiss.
Seol: Oh, just forget about it.
Keith: All right. So “I like Keith.” And because this is a verb that needs an object, we’re using that object marker – something 을,를 좋아해요. But let’s not get into too much detail over here. Let’s take a look at it in the conversation. Okay. So Iseul, can you start us off?
Iseul: 태현씨. 저는 태현씨를 좋아해요.
Keith: Well, I think it’s more 태현씨.. 저는 태현씨를 좋아해요.
Iseul: Don’t make the poor girl beg!
Keith: Okay, let’s break this down really quick.
Iseul: 태현씨,
Keith: “Taehyeon” followed by the honorific suffix 씨.
Iseul: 저는
Keith: “I” followed by a topic marker.
Iseul: 태현씨
Keith: Taehyeon…
Iseul: 를
Keith: The object marking particle.
Iseul: 좋아해요
Keith: “Like”. So here, it’s just “I Taehyeon like.” And here, Taehyeon is the object of this sentence, and you can tell by the object marking particle. Okay. So here, this is a really basic sentence structure that we can all use just like in our sample sentences – 저는느 followed by whatever you like, then you add the object marking particle, 좋아해요 “I like”. Okay. Next, Seol, can you help us out?
Seol: 네?
Keith: And this 네 means “yes”.
Seol: Yes.
Keith: But here, it’s not really used like that.
Iseul: Like “huh?”
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: Yeah. And this 네 can be used in some many different ways, right? So 네 can be used to say “yes”, it can also be used to convey that you agree, and…
Iseul: And it can also proclaim disbelief, 네..?
Keith: Yeah. So it’s just “yes” but you need that rising intonation. It kind of has to be high, too, right?
Seol: Right, right…
Keith: It’s like…
Seol: Like 네?
Keith: Yeah. It has to go up a lot. And when do you use this?
Iseul: When you’ve been caught off guard.
Keith: Just like in today’s conversation. Here, Hyegyeong and Taehyeon, they’re probably just walking, having a cup of coffee. Like, “Hey, you want to grab a couple of coffee?” “Yeah! Sure!”
Iseul: And she drops a bomb on him.
Keith: Yeah. And…
Iseul: 네?
Keith: Exactly. When you’re caught off guard, “what?” So here, he’s caught off guard. Next?
Iseul: 태현 씨는 진짜 멋있어요.
Keith: Okay. First we have…
Iseul: 태현씨
Keith: “Taehyeon” followed by the honorific suffix.
Iseul: 는
Keith: The topic marking particle.
Iseul: 진짜
Keith: Really.
Iseul: 멋있어요.
Keith: “Cool” or “handsome”. Okay. This is a really good word to know.
Iseul: Yeah. You could use it almost anywhere – on an inanimate object as well as animate objects.
Seol: So we say 브래드 피트는 멋있어요.
Keith: “Brad Pitti is cool.", "Brad Pitti is handsome”. This is one of the words that doesn’t really translate into English too well. And what’s the difference between “cool” and 멋있어요?
Iseul: It depends on the context. If you’re talking about a person, his looks, it would be “handsome”; if you’re talking about his actions, his actions are 멋있어요 you’re saying “oh, he’s cool.” If you’re talking about an object that doesn’t move, like painting, you’re saying “Wow, it’s cool. It’ great.”
Keith: But this word is used mostly by girls towards men.
Iseul: Right.
Keith: So when a guy is really cool and he’s got the sunglasses on…
Iseul: Swag.
Keith: Swag, yeah… And he’s got the leather jacket, James Deen and…
Iseul: Johnny Depp and…
Keith: Johnny Depp.
Iseul: …Brad Pitt.
Seol: Yeah.
Iseul: They’re 멋있어.
Keith: But guys can use this too as well. Guys use this mostly towards inanimate objects or other guys when they want to be like him. They want to be like Brad Pitt. “Oh, man, that guy, he’s too 멋있어”. It’s like, “Oh, I can’t compete with him."" kind of thing.
Iseul: Right.
Keith: So they don’t use it to complement; they just kind of mumble it to themselves like 멋있어. Too 멋있어. Anyway. Here, Hyegyeong is a girl and she’s saying to Taehyeon that he is 멋있어. “really cool”. 진짜 멋있어.. Let’s go over that word a little bit, 진짜. 진짜 is a really, really good word to use. It’s pretty much a direct translation in English. So in English, you say really a lot, “Oh, he’s really cool” or “I really like kimchi” or “I’m really hot right now”. And in Korean, you can say the same thing.
Seol: 진짜 좋아해요.
Keith: “Really like.”
Seol: 진짜 더워요.
Keith: “It’s really hot.”
Seol: 진짜 배고파요.
Keith: “I’m really hungry.” So just like in English, you can use this in the same ways. And girls tend to use it a lot more than guys do. It’s not to say guys don’t use it. Guys use it all the time, too, but girls use it kind of exceedingly, a little too much.
Seol: Yeah, that is true. I always use 진짜.
Keith: Yeah. Every time I tell you some kind of news and you’re “Really? 진짜?”
Seol: Yeah. It’s kind of a reaction.
Keith: Yeah. It’s just like a natural reaction for you.
Seol: Right.
Keith: For guys, that’s not a natural reaction for guys.
Iseul: 진짜? feels really feminine.
Keith: Yeah. It’s not a gender-specific word. It’s not a word that only females use, but females tend to use it a lot; guys tend to use it less. That’s about it. Okay. So here, we have 진짜 멋있어요. “You’re really cool.” And Taehyeon doesn’t really responds well. He just kind of says “아….”
Seol: Yeah. He doesn’t know what to say, what to react.
Keith: Yeah. Now we have…
Iseul: 태현씨, 저를 싫어해요?
Keith: “You dislike me?” It’s 저 followed by 를.. So here, it’s the object of the sentence. So “me”. “Me dislike?” “You dislike me?” And here, 싫어하다 is a verb that needs an object. So that’s why here, we’re using 을 or 를. And Hyegyeong is asking 저를, “me dislike?” 저를 싫어해요? Okay. And remember that intonation; that rising intonation is a question. Next is….
Seol: 네.
Keith: Yes.
Seol: 좀..
Keith: “A little” or “a little bit”.
Seol: 안 좋아해요.
Keith: “Not like”.
Seol: 미안해요.
Keith: “I’m sorry”. Okay. Let’s break this down really quick. This is a really good sentence for us. 네 is “yes”, and we have 좀... And this is a really commonly used word.
Seol: For conversation..
Keith: Yeah, in conversation. It just kind of means “a bit” or “a little.”
Seol: Just little, a little bit, a bit, or slightly.
Keith: But here, we’re using 좀 as a speech softener. It’s not literally “I dislike you a little” but it’s “I dislike you” in an apologetic way. It’s a way of being less direct. And being less direct especially in a situation like today’s conversation is much nicer than being too direct. Okay. So here, it’s 좀 안 좋아해요. And remember, when we had the other 하다 verbs, the noun + 하다 verbs, the 안 came in the middle – 공부 안 해요, 시작 안 해요, 일 안 해요 But here, because these are auxiliary 하다 verbs, we put 안 in front of the whole thing. So 안 좋아해요, “not like”. All right. Next we have….
Iseul: 미안해요.
Keith: “I’m sorry.” Let’s talk about this really quick. This is in the standard politeness level and you should use this with people that you are familiar with but not super close with. And just a quick note, 미안하다 is a descriptive 하다 verb , “to be sorry”. If you want to read up some more on the grammar of 하다 verbs, be sure to read today’s PDF. All right, let’s finish this up.
Iseul: 저도 미안해요.
Keith: Okay, let’s break this down.
Iseul: 저
Keith: “I” followed by…
Iseul: 도
Keith: “Also”…
Iseul: 미안해요
Keith: “Sorry”. So “I’m also sorry”. Last is….
Iseul: 사랑해요.
Keith: “I love you”. It’s not “I love you” but you can infer from context. So here, it should really be…
Iseul: 저는 태연씨를 사랑해요.
Keith: Okay. It’s “I” followed by the topic marker, 태연씨, followed by the object marker, 사랑해요, “love”. But here, we took out everything and just said “love”. And that’s okay. We can infer from context. Here obviously, she’s confessing her love. She says, “I like you.” “You don’t like me?” “I’m sorry”. “Love”. And you can gather from context “I love you”. All right. Great job, guys.
ISEUL: Taehyeon should give Hyegyeong a chance.
Keith: You’re always reading for the underdog, aren’t you?
Iseul: I’m an underdog reader.
Keith: Let’s go rocky.
Iseul: Yeah.
Seol: But I think Taehyeon is being really nice.
Keith: No.
Iseul: Really? Nice.
Seol: Because if you do not love somebody and if you’re really sure that you cannot love that person back, you should be really frank with that. So you should say 네, 안 좋아해요. Yeah, I think 태현 is doing really good.
Keith: Okay. This is no longer beginner lessons; this is lessons of love by Yun Seol.


Keith: All right. That’s going to do it!
Iseul: 또 만나요.
Seol: 안녕!


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