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Lesson Transcript

Seol: 안녕하세요. 윤설입니다.
Iseul: 안녕하세요. 이슬입니다.
Keith: Keith here! What About the Audio Blog? Have you listened to the audio blogs yet?
Seol: Yeah, of course.
Iseul: Of course.
Keith: And how did you like it?
Seol: I love that because it was like the natural Korean.
Keith: Yeah, it just had natural speed and he has a really great voice too, right?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So here is a conversation between me and Hyunwoo and we’re talking about the audio blog.
Seol: And now we know your Korean name Seongju.
Keith: Okay, that’s no problem. I have no problems with letting everybody know my Korean name.
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: And so, because me and Hyunwoo we’re co-workers, we work together, we’re using standard politeness level and this is over the phone. Okay, let’s get started.

Lesson conversation

현우 성주 씨는 공부해요?
성주 저는 공부 안 해요. 저는 일해요. 현우 씨는 일해요?
현우 아니오. 일 안 해요. 공부해요.
성주 오디오 블로그가 지금 시작 안 해요?
현우 아! 지금 시작해요.
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히.
현우 성주 씨는 공부해요?
성주 저는 공부 안 해요. 저는 일해요. 현우 씨는 일해요?
현우 아니오. 일 안 해요. 공부해요.
성주 오디오 블로그가 지금 시작 안 해요?
현우 아! 지금 시작해요.
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
현우 성주 씨는 공부해요?
Keiht: Seongju, are you studying?
성주 저는 공부 안 해요. 저는 일해요. 현우 씨는 일해요?
Keith: No, I'm not studying. I'm working. Hyunwoo, are you working?
현우 아니오. 일 안 해요. 공부해요.
Keith: No, I'm not working. I'm studying.
성주 오디오 블로그가 지금 시작 안 해요?
Keith: Isn't the audio blog starting now?
현우 아! 지금 시작해요.
Keith: Oh! It’s starting now!
Keith: Iseul, how did you feel about the conversation?
Iseul: I think Seongju, you should study more.
Keith: But I have to work. If I don’t work, KoreanClass101.com does not happen.
Iseul: Okay.
Keith: I like studying anyway but yeah, this is my work and I love to do it. Alright so, let’s get a look at the vocabulary.
The first word we have is…
Seol: 공부하다 / 공부하다.
Keith: And what’s the next word that’s related to this vocabulary word?
Seol: 공부 안 하다. [natural native speed]
Keith: To not study.
Seol: 공부 안 하다. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Keith: Alright, our next word is…
Seol: 일하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To work.
Seol: 일하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Keith: The negation of that word is…
Seol: 일 안 하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To not work.
Seol: 일 안 하다[slowly - broken down by syllable] 일 안 하다.

Lesson focus

Keith: Let’s take a deeper look into these vocabulary words. In our last lesson, we went over 하다 verbs that had nouns in front of them. So to recap real quickly, what are some of the 하다 verbs that came up?
Iseul: 일하다.
Keith: To work.
Iseul: 공부하다.
Keith: To study.
Iseul: 시작하다.
Keith: To start.
Iseul: 게임하다.
Keith: To play a game.
Iseul: 컴퓨터하다.
Keith: To surf the internet.
Iseul: 운전하다.
Keith: To drive.
Iseul: 농구하다.
Keith: To play basketball. But here, when we have a noun and 하다 that verb form, we can add something in the middle, in between those two to negate it. So, how do we do that Seol?
Seol: We put 안 in between noun and 하다.
Keith: So in the verb “to study” 공부하다., how would that be negated?
Seol: 공부 안 하다.
Keith: To not study. And once again, when you have 하다 that’s the dictionary form. So if you wanted to conjugate it into the standard politeness level, what would it be?
Seol: 공부 안 해요.
Keith: Not study in the standard politeness level. Let’s take a look into the conversation. Iseul, can you help us out with the first line?
Iseul: 성주 씨는 공부해요?
Keith: And that’s my name, how do you like my name?
Iseul: I love it.
Keith: Really?
Iseul: Yeah, it’s very modern.
Keith: Modern. Do you think it’s modern?
Iseul: Yeah, Hyeonwoo is modern too, no?
Keith: Okay, I don’t know.
Iseul: You look like a Seongju.
Keith: Do I?
Iseul: Yes, 김성주.
Keith: I look like a Seongju?
Iseul: Yeah.
Keith: Okay.
Iseul: Yeah, but you look like a Hyeon-woo too.
Keith: Okay well, that’s my name alright. So, Seongju followed by the honorific 씨 and the 는 the topic marking particle, 공부해요? study? Next is…
Iseul: 저는 공부 안 해요.
Keith: Here we have the negated form of the verb “to study” 공부해요? to study and to not study…
Iseul: 공부 안 해요.
Keith: So here it’s “I not study,” and once again pay attention to the raising intonation or the dropping intonation. Here it’s a dropping intonation so it’s a statement. Alright, next is…
Iseul: 저는 일 해요.
Keith: I work. Here it’s, 일 해요? and this is “to work” so “I work.” Next is…
Iseul: 현우 씨는 일 해요?
Keith: “Hyunwoo, work?” “Hyunwoo, are you working?” And next is…
Iseul: 아니요.
Keith: No.
Iseul: 일 안 해요.
Keith: Not work. So here, it’s 일, the work the noun, which is followed by 안 and this can be translated almost like “not” and then after that is 해요 to do. When translated it’s…
Iseul: I don’t work.
Keith: And here the subject is dropped, we can easily infer that he’s talking about himself. Alright and next is…
Iseul: 공부해요.
Keith: To study, the affirmative. Alright, next is…
Iseul: 오디오 블로그가 지금 시작 안 해요?
Keith: And the first word is…
Iseul: 오디오 블로그
Keith: Yeah, this is just a Koreanized version of the word audio blog. Seol, when you heard this word, did you understand what it meant immediately?
Seol: I could guess the meaning.
Keith: Yeah.
Seol: It’s a compound word of audio and blog, right?
Keith: Uh-hmm. Well, in Korean is 오디오, is that a Koreanized English word, that’s a common usage?
Seol: Yes, yes.
Keith: Okay, and then 블로그 is also another Koreanized English word in common usage. Alright so, here we have 오디오 블로그가 followed by the subject marking particle. Here, the subject marking particle is used because we’re introducing a new subject. We’ve been talking about studying, we’ve been talking about work, but now we’re talking about the audio blog. So we’re introducing something new. So here we use 가가 the subject marking particle. Alright, and after that is…
Seol: 지금
Keith: Now.
Seol: 시작 안 해요?
Keith: Start not do? So here it’s literally, “Audio blog, now start not do?” We can translate this as, “Doesn’t the audio bog start now?” Okay, and let’s finish this up real quick.
Seol: 아!
Keith: And what is that sound?
Seol: A sound of exclamation, surprise.
Keith: Yeah, Koreans use the sound all the time.
Seol: Right.
Keith: 아! just whenever, “oh, yeah you’re right.” So here, 아! ” followed by…
Seol: 지금 시작해요.
Keith: Now start. “It’s starting now.” He realized it and he’s going to work on the audio blog. Let’s have a couple example sentences. 설, 지금 일 해요?
Iseul: 아니요, 지금 일 안 해요.
Keith: 미선 씨, 지금 공부해요?
Iseul: 네, 공부해요.
Keith: What are you studying?
Iseul: Economics.
Keith: Oh okay, just for fun?
Iseul: No to prepare for my MBA.
Keith: Oh, wow. Good student. 설 씨는 지금 공부해요?
Seol: 네, 지금 공부해요.
Keith: What are you studying?
Seol: Marketing management.
Keith: So I guess I’m the only one not studying, huh?
Seol: 키스 씨도 지금 공부해요?
Keith: 아니요, 지금 공부 안 해요. Alright, so all the vocabulary words that you know with noun and 하다, you just doubled your vocabulary by saying, “No, I don’t study,” or “No, I don’t work,” “No, I don’t play basketball.” So you just doubled your vocabulary in one lesson.


Keith: Alright, I’ll see you later!
Seol: 안녕!
Iseul: 안녕!


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