
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Seol: 안녕하세요, 윤설입니다.
Keith: Keith here! Got Plans? Today, we’re starting on a new series. This is a three-part series on Tom trying to ask out this girl, Mina. You’re excited, right?
Seol: Yes. I like this kind of love story things.
Keith: You like love stories?
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: You like Korean dramas, don’t you?
Seol: I love Korean dramas.
Keith: Well, maybe Mina dies in this Korean drama.
Seol: That’s very typical Korean dramas ending, right?
Keith: Yeah. Everybody… well, not everybody. Just the main people die.
Seol: Yeah. A lot of people die in the drama. I don’t believe that.
Keith: Well, let’s hope that Mina doesn’t die.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: So can you explain to us where this conversation has taken place? What’s happening?
Seol: They are talking over the phone and Tom speaks in a very formal politeness level Korean and Mina too.
Keith: That’s right. And Tom is asking Mina to go shopping
Seol: Right.
Keith: So let’s get into it.

Lesson conversation

톰 미나 씨, 안녕하세요.
미나 아. 네. 톰 씨. 안녕하세요.
톰 미나 씨는 내일 계획이 있습니까?
미나 아니오. 계획이 없습니다.
톰 그럼 내일 남대문에 갑시다.
미나 음… 잘 모릅니다.
Seol: 한 번 더 천천히.
톰 미나 씨, 안녕하세요.
미나 아. 네. 톰 씨. 안녕하세요.
톰 미나 씨는 내일 계획이 있습니까?
미나 아니오. 계획이 없습니다.
톰 그럼 내일 남대문에 갑시다.
미나 음… 잘 모릅니다.
Seol: 영어로 한 번 더.
톰 미나 씨, 안녕하세요.
Keith: Hello, Mina.
미나 아. 네. 톰 씨. 안녕하세요.
Keith: Oh, yes, Tom. Hello.
톰 미나 씨는 내일 계획이 있습니까?
Keith: Do you have plans tomorrow, Mina?
미나 아니오. 계획이 없습니다.
Keith: No, I don't have any plans.
톰 그럼 내일 남대문에 갑시다.
Keith: Then let's go to Namdaemun tomorrow.
미나 음… 잘 모릅니다.
Keith: Hmm... I don't know.
Keith: Seol, what did you think?
Seol: Mina is quite reluctant about making a plan.
Keith: Yeah. She probably knows him from somewhere.
Seol: And she doesn’t feel attractive?
Keith: Well Tom doesn’t sound like a nice guy anyway, but he’s a little forceful, I think.
Seol: Oh, yes, yes.
Keith: Anyway, let’s jump into the vocab. First we have…
Seol: 계획 [natural native speed]
Keith: Plans.
Seol: 계획 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 계획 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Seol: 그럼
Keith: Then.
Seol:그럼. 그럼.
Keith: After that, we have…
Seol: 내일
Keith: tomorrow
Seol: 내일 내일
Keith: Can we have the words, "today" and "yesterday"?
Seol: 오늘
Keith: today
Seol: 오늘, 오늘
Keith: and yesterday is..
Seol: 어제, 어제, 어제
Keith: In today's conversation, we're going to be using tomorrow, 내일, The last one we have is..
Seol: 갑시다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Let's go.
Seol: 갑시다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 갑시다 [natural native speed].

Lesson focus

Keith: That’s a lot of vocab, but I think a lot of it is very important for our listeners to learn. So, to make it a little clear, let’s put into context and see how they’re used in the conversation. The first line we have is 미나 씨, 안녕하세요. “Mina, hello.” After that is…
Seol: 아, 네.. 톰 씨. 안녕하세요.
Keith: Okay, I think you guys kind of got the gist of it. We got a good actor over here inside. It’s “Ah, yeah. Tom, hello.”
Keith: So Seol, can you please give us the first two parts, please?
Seol: 아, 네...
Keith: This doesn’t really have any meaning.
Seol: No.
Keith: It’s kind of like, “Ah, yeah.”
Seol: Yeah.
Keith: So it doesn’t really carry any specific meaning; it kind of carries a lot more feeling than meaning. So here, the feeling is “ah…”
Seol: Yeah. “I didn’t wait for your call.” That’s what she implies, right?
Keith: Yeah. She’s not too excited. That’s what it’s implying. So that’s what’s behind these two syllables. The next line we have is 미나씨는 내일 계획이 있습니까? Let’s break this down a little bit. The first part we have is…
Seol: 미나
Keith: “Mina” followed by…
Keith: The honorific suffix. And then…
Seol: 는
Keith: The topic marking particle. After that we have…
Seol: 내일
Keith: Tomorrow.
Seol: 계획
Keith: Plans.
Seol: 이
Keith: Subject marker.
Seol: 있습니까?
Keith: “To have.” Tom is literally saying, “Mina, tomorrow plan have?” “Mina, do you have any plans tomorrow?” So you can use this with your Korean friends. Just memorize that line, 내일 계획이 있습니까?
Seol: Kind of a pick-up line?
Keith: Not a pick-up line, but…well, yeah. It kind of works, right, pick-up line?
Seol: Yes.
Keith: Have you ever heard that before?
Seol: No.
Keith: Well, what kind of pick-up lines do you usually hear?
Seol: “You want to go out tomorrow, like, for dinner?” That kind of things, like straightforward.
Keith: Oh, straightforward. But here, he’s kind of like “hey, you got any plans tomorrow?”
Seol: I think he’s quite, like, modest.
Keith: I don’t think he’s being modest here. Maybe he’s…
Seol: Beating around the bush?
Keith: Yeah, yeah. He’s beating around the bush. He wants to ask her out but isn’t saying it straight out. All right, let’s see what happens next. Mina says….
Seol: 아니요.
Keith: No.
Seol: 계획이 없습니다.
Keith: The first part is…
Seol: 계획
Keith: “Plan” followed by…
Seol: 이
Keith: The subject marker. After that is…
Seol: 없습니다.
Keith: “To not have.” So literally, it’s “no plan not have.” But we translate this as “no, I don’t have any plans.” Bad move, Mina. Bad move. I think she don’t like him but you know what, someone should be straightforward.
Seol: In this relationship?
Keith: In this relationship, yeah. Tom is kind of beating around the bush and Mina doesn’t really like him.
Seol: Tom should try more. Like, he should be more brave….
Keith: Yeah? Well…
Seol: …to get her.
Keith: Well, we’ll let’s what happens next.
Seol: Okay.
Keith: Okay. The next line is 그럼, 내일 남대문에 갑시다.
Seol: He’s being straightforward.
Keith: He’s being straightforward. Yeah, very straightforward actually. First word we have is….
Seol: “Then”. So he’s taking what Mina said. “No, I don’t have any plans” and he’s building on that. And he’s saying, “Well, then…” and then he has something to say afterwards. And what’s that?
Seol: 내일
Keith: Tomorrow…
Seol: 남대문
Keith: Okay, this is a famous, famous marketplace.
Seol: Yes. Very traditional Korean marketplace.
Keith: Yeah, very traditional Korean marketplace. Be sure to check it out. It’s a great place to go shopping. After that we have…
Seol: 에
Keith: The location particle. In this case, it’s “to”. And lastly we have….
Seol: 갑시다.
Keith: “Let’s go.” The verb here is 가다 “to go”, but its conjugation is a little advanced for Beginner lesson. So for now, let’s just learn it as a phrase, 갑시다. But remember, this is in the formal politeness level. All right. So here literally Tom is saying “well then tomorrow Namdaemon to let’s go.” “Well then, tomorrow let’s go to Namdaemon.” And lastly we have…
Seol: 음.. 잘 모릅니다.
Keith: Let’s break it down again. The first part is…
Seol: 잘
Keith: The adverb “well”. After that is…
Seol: 모릅니다.
Keith: “To not know.” So we translate this as, “Ah, I’m not sure.” So here 모릅니다 is, once again, in the formal politeness level. If you missed our last lesson, “I don’t know/I know”, be sure to check it out. We have the formal, standard, and intimate politeness level. You’ll be hearing the standard and intimate much more than you’ll be hearing the formal. But we’re going to ease you into this and just be introducing it slowly. What will be the standard politeness level of this line?
Seol: 잘 몰라요.
Keith: So you’ll going to be hearing that much more often. And Seol, have you ever answered anybody in that way?
Seol: Yeah, why not?
Keith: Yeah? So Seol are you busy? 내일 계획이 있습니까?
Seol: 잘 몰라요.
Keith: So messed up! But it’s okay. She’s coming back for the next lesson anyway.


Keith: So, that’s gonna do it for us today. See you later, which in Korean is…
Seol: 안녕!
Keith: See you!


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