
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tim: 안녕하세요 여러분. 팀입니다.
Debbie: Debbie here. Self-introduction and basic greetings.
Tim: 안녕하세요 여러분. Hello everyone. This is Tim.
Debbie: 안녕하세요 여러분, “Hello everyone”, Debbie here. Welcome to our first Basic Bootcamp Lesson. So Tim, I heard that today we are going to go “camping”? Did I hear that right?
Tim: “Camping!?” Well, actually we are going to “Boot-camp!”
Debbie: “Boot-camp!??”It sounds like we are about to join the army and get ready for hard training or something…
Tim: It may sound like that, but... this is “Basic Boot-camp” for Korean!
Debbie: “Basic Boot-camp for Korean?”
Tim: Yes! But first, what IS a boot camp?
Debbie: Well, by definition, it’s a camp for training military recruits. But the way we use it refers to how we’re going to help our listeners learn the basics that are necessary for the beginners before we delve into the Korean language.
Tim: Great, great! That’s exactly what this Boot-camp series is for!
Debbie: Then, how many lessons are there in this Boot-camp series?
Tim: We have a total of 5 boot-camp lessons.
Debbie: Okay, then what are we going to be learning in today's first lesson?
Tim: In this lesson, you will learn about "Basic Greetings". We'll start off by talking about the “two ways of greeting someone” in Korean.
Debbie: Two ways!??
Tim: Yes, a formal way and an informal way.
Debbie: Very interesting! Let’s go over the “formal way” first. This conversation is between two adults who don’t know each other.
Debbie: Let’s listen to the conversation!
Jin-Seok: 안녕하세요, 반갑습니다. 저는 진석 입니다.
(An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. Ban-gap-seum-ni-da. Jeo-neun jin-seok-im-ni-da.)
Ji-Su: 안녕하세요, 저는 지수 입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다.
(An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. Jeo-neun ji-su-im-ni-da. Man-na-seo ban-gap-seum-ni-da.)
Debbie: Let’s listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Tim: 천천히 한국어로 대화를 들어보겠습니다.
Jin-Seok: 안녕하세요, 반갑습니다. 저는 진석 입니다.
(An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. Ban-gap-seum-ni-da. Jeo-neun jin-seok-im-ni-da.)
Ji-Su: 안녕하세요, 저는 지수 입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다.
(An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. Jeo-neun ji-su-im-ni-da. Man-na-seo ban-gap-seum-ni-da.)
Debbie: Now with the translation.
Tim: 자 이번엔 영어번역과 함께 들어볼까요?
Jin-Seok: 안녕하세요, 반갑습니다. 저는 진석 입니다.
(An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. Ban-gap-seum-ni-da. Jeo-neun jin-seok-im-ni-da.)
Jin-Seok: “Hello, nice to meet you. I am Jin-seok.
Ji-Su: 안녕하세요, 저는 지수 입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다.
(An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. Jeo-neun ji-su-im-ni-da. Man-na-seo ban-gap-seum-ni-da.)
Ji-Su: “Hello, I am Ji-su”, “Nice to meet you.”
Debbie: So Tim, what do Korean people normally do when they meet for the first time? Do they shake hands? Or do they bow all the time?
Tim: Hmm… between two males, they bow first and shake hands later on as well. Between two females, or between one male and one female, they normally bow.
Debbie: So, bowing is a big part of the custom in Korea?
Tim: Yes, we bow all the time, whenever we say "hello" or "goodbye," any time...
Debbie: Got it. Listeners, keep in mind that bowing is a big part of Korean culture!
Debbie: Okay, it’s time to take a closer look at some of the phrases from the dialogue.
Tim: We have 안녕하세요, 반갑습니다 or 만나서 반갑습니다, and 저는 데비 입니다.
Debbie: Great! Yes, those three phrases are what we're going to learn about.
Tim: First, 안녕하세요. ()
Debbie: Meaning “Hello”. Can you slowly say it one more time?
Tim: 안. 녕. 하. 세. 요 – 안녕하세요 “Hello”. Listeners, please repeat after me. 안녕하세요.
Debbie: Okay, next we have,
Tim: 만나서 반갑습니다.
Debbie: Meaning “Nice to meet you”. Can you say it one time slowly again?
Tim: 만. 나. 서. 반. 갑. 습. 니. 다 – 만나서 반갑습니다 “Nice to meet you”. Please repeat after me. 만나서 반갑습니다.
Debbie: Can we simply say 반갑습니다. “Nice to meet you” only?
Tim: Yes! 반갑습니다 and 만나서 반갑습니다 both mean “nice to meet you”.
Debbie: Great! Well then, Last we have,
Tim: 저는 데비 입니다. 저는 팀 입니다.
Debbie: Meaning “I am Debbie,” “I am Tim.” It’s an expression that is used when introducing one’s name.
Tim: Yes Debbie, let’s simply learn it this way… 저는 “I” + your name + 입니다 “am”. For example, with my name, 저는 “I” + 팀 “Tim” + 입니다 “am” = 저는 팀 입니다 “I am Tim.” Debbie, you try it,
Debbie: Okay, 저는 “I” + 데비 “Debbie” + 입니다 “am” = So it becomes 저는 데비 입니다 “I am Debbie.”
Tim: Good job, Debbie! Listeners, it’s your turn. Please repeat after me and say your name instead of my name. Ready?
Tim: 저는
[pause for a sec]
Tim: 팀 “say your name”
[pause for a sec]
Tim: 입니다
Debbie: Therefore, all together, “I am Tim” is… please repeat after Tim and say your name instead of his name,
Tim: 저는 팀 입니다.
[pause for three sec]
Debbie: Excellent job! So let’s review all the three phrases. I will say the English and you guys repeat after Tim in Korean. Okay here we go, (강조하며) “Hello”
Tim: 안녕하세요.
[pause two sec]
Debbie: “Nice to meet you”
Tim: 반갑습니다.
[pause two sec]
Debbie: “I am Tim” and say your name instead of Tim’s,
Tim: 저는 팀 입니다.
[pause three sec]
Tim: Great! Now let’s listen to the “informal greeting” between two adults.
Jin-Seok: 안녕, 난 진석이야 넌? (An-nyeong. Nan jin-seok-i-ya. Neon?)
Ji-Su: 안녕, 난 지수야. 만나서 반가워. (An-nyeong. Nan ji-su-ya. Man-na-seo ban-ga-wo.)
Debbie: Let’s listen to the conversation one time, slowly.
Tim: 천천히 한국어로 대화를 들어보겠습니다.
Jin-Seok: 안녕, 난 진석이야 넌? (An-nyeong. Nan jin-seok-i-ya. Neon?)
Ji-Su: 안녕, 난 지수야. 만나서 반가워. (An-nyeong. Nan ji-su-ya. Man-na-seo ban-ga-wo.)
Debbie: Now with the translation.
Tim: 자 이번엔 영어번역과 함께 들어볼까요?
Jin-Seok: 안녕, 난 진석이야 넌? (An-nyeong. Nan jin-seok-i-ya. Neon?)
Jin-Seok: “Hello, I am Jin-seok. You?”
Ji-Su: 안녕, 난 지수야. 만나서 반가워. (An-nyeong. Nan ji-su-ya. Man-na-seo ban-ga-wo.)
Ji-Su: “Hello, I am Ji-su. Nice to meet you.”

Lesson focus

Debbie: So how many phrases do we have to learn?
Tim: “Three”, It's the same as the “formal greetings”.
Debbie: Hmm… they are…
Tim: 안녕, 만나서 반가워, and 난 팀이야.
Debbie: Hmm… I see your point. We’ve just learned about the “formal” ways of saying “hello”, “nice to meet you” and “I am Tim”. Now…
Tim: Let’s learn the “informal” ways of saying those. First, 안녕.
Debbie: Meaning “Hello”. I see… 안녕하세요 becomes 안. 녕 – 안녕.
Tim: Yes. Listeners, please repeat after me, 안녕
[pause for a sec]
Debbie: Next we have,
Tim: 만나서 반가워.
Debbie: Meaning “Nice to meet you.” So 만나서 반갑습니다 becomes…
Tim: 만. 나. 서. 반. 가. 워 – 만나서 반가워. Please repeat after me, 만나서 반가워.
[pause for three sec]
Debbie: Last we have…
Tim: 난 팀이야.
Debbie: Meaning “I am Tim.” I see… 나는 팀 입니다 becomes 난 팀 이야.
Tim: Yes! 난 “I” is a shortened form of 나는.
Debbie: 이야 “am” is a shortened form of 입니다?
Tim: Yes! Therefore, with my name “I am Tim” is 난 팀 이야. How about you, Debbie?
Debbie: “I am Debbie” is 난 데비 (이)야.
Let’s take a look at the vocabulary of the lesson. The first word is:
Tim: 안녕하세요.
Debbie: Hello.
Tim: (slowly) 안.녕.하.세.요. 안녕하세요.
Debbie: Next we have…
Tim: 반갑습니다.
Debbie: Pleasure to meet you. Pleasure to see you. Tim: (slowly) 반.갑.습.니.다. 반갑습니다.
Debbie: Next we have…
Tim: 저는 (네임)입니다.
Debbie: I am (name).
Tim: (slowly) 저.는. (네.임.)입.니.다. 저는 (네임)입니다. Debbie: Next we have…
Tim: 만나서 반갑습니다.
Debbie: Nice to meet you.
Tim: 만.나.서.반.갑.습.니.다. 만나서 반갑습니다. Debbie: Next we have…
Tim: 만나다
Debbie: To meet.
Tim: (slowly 만.나.다. .만나다
Debbie: Next we have…
Tim: 반갑다
Debbie: To be glad to meet.
Tim: (slowly) 반.갑.다. 반갑다
Debbie: Next we have…
Tim: 안녕
Debbie: Hi. Hello.
Tim: (slowly) 안.녕.
Debbie: Next we have…
Tim: 나는 (네임)이야.
Debbie: I am (name).
Tim: (slowly) 나.는. (네.임).이.야.
나는 (네임)이야.
Debbie: The last word is…
Tim: 만나서 반가워.
Debbie: Nice to meet you.
Tim: (slowly) 만.나.서.반.가.워.
만나서 반가워
Debbie: Okay listeners, This time, let’s review all six phrases. I will say the English and Tim will say both “formal” and “informal” Korean for each one. Here we go, (강조 하며) “Hello”
Tim: Formal, 안녕하세요, Informal, 안녕.
Debbie: “Nice to meet you”
Tim: Formal, 만나서 반갑습니다, Informal, 만나서 반가워.
Debbie: “I am Tim".
Tim: Formal, 저는 팀 입니다, Informal, 난 팀 이야.
Debbie: Great! That's all six of them!


Debbie: Ok, well, that’s all for today’s boot camp!
Tim: How did your first Korean boot camp lesson go?
Debbie: I hope we didn’t push you too much and I hope that you guys had a lot of fun with us.
Tim: I am sure they did!
Debbie: Thanks for listening and join us next time as we learn more about the basics!
Tim: 그럼 다음 시간에 만나요. Bye everyone!
Debbie: See you next time.

