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Lesson Transcript

Tim: Hello everyone, thanks for joining us. This is Tim.
Debbie: Hello everyone. This is Debbie. Welcome to Lesson 9 of our All About Series. Tim, why don’t you tell us what our topic is today?
Tim: Today’s topic is about Korean holidays.
Debbie: Holidays? Great! I love holidays!
Tim: We all do!
Debbie: So what kinds of holidays are we focusing on today?
Tim: The “Top 5 important National holidays in Korea”
Debbie: Sounds great. Okay. Well, are you guys ready? Let’s begin – the “Top 5 important National holidays in Korea!”
Debbie: Okay, starting from #5, Tim?
Tim: Here is my hint! Please listen...
(the song of Parents’ day)
Debbie: 하하~~ that’s the song Korean kids would sing on “Parents’ Day” in Korea!!!
Tim: 딩.동.댕!! Yes, the #5 is “Parents’ Day” which is on May 8th!
Debbie: That’s actually very interesting to me…
Tim: Why is that?
Debbie: Because…in America, we have “Father’s Day” and “Mother’s Day” but not, “Parents’ Day!!!”
Tim: Oh, it's the same in Canada! Good point! What’s also different is that both “Father’s Day” and “Mother’s Day” are not National holidays, are they?
Debbie: No, both days are not national holidays. By the way, Tim, we just mentioned “Parents’ Day"... is there a “Children’s Day”?
Tim: Yes! Children’s Day is on the 5th of May. In fact, this is why they call May the "Month of Family".
Debbie: Ahh, that makes sense! Since it has Parents Day and Children's Day. Going back to Parents’ Day, what do Korean people usually do on that day?
Tim: We buy “carnation flowers” and put them on our parents’ jackets or blouses.
Debbie: “Wow! What a beautiful custom!” So, that’s a way for children to express their “thanks” to their parents.
Tim: Yes, exactly!
Debbie: That’s really beautiful! Okay, let’s move onto the next National Holiday.
Tim: Here is my hint.
(Play Christmas Carol)
Debbie: “That’s a Christmas Carol!” Oh~~ I see, #4 is “Christmas Day” right, Tim?
Tim: Yes, Christmas Day is #4 because there are many Christians in Korea.
Debbie: But Tim, Christmas Day in Korea is a bit different from Christmas Day in America or in Canada, right?
Tim: Yeah…
Debbie: Do you know what I mean? For example, many families in America would spend their time with their family whereas…
Tim: In Korea, many people would spend their time with their friends…
Debbie: Yes, it gets so crazy on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day... I mean… most shopping malls and restaurants are packed with hundreds and hundreds of people on those days.
Tim: Yes, that’s true. Also, please note that many things might be more expensive just on those two days in Korea.
Debbie: Yeah…I can understand, but it can be a bit overwhelming…
Tim: I’m with you on that one, Debbie.
Debbie: Okay, well… What about the next holiday?
Tim: Top #3 National Holidays in Korea is “New Year’s Day!”
Debbie: Yup, on January 1st! This is the day when people turn the pages of the calendar to the New Year…
Tim: Yes, and you also“turn one year older!”
Debbie: What? “Get one year older?” So…what you are saying is that “New Year’s Day” is everybody’s birthday in Korea?
Tim: 하하~~ You could say that! Basically, it’s a tradition. Everybody gets one year older on New Year's Day. Of course, everyone has their own birthday as well too.
Debbie: Oh~~ I see… By the way Tim, don’t they also celebrate “Lunar New Year’s Day” like China?
Tim: You will see... Please keep listening to find out more!
Debbie: Okay then. Next, the #2 national holiday in Korea, Tim?
(Play the song of “thanksgiving”)
Tim: Did you hear that song, Debbie?
Debbie: Yes, the name of song is “강강술래” which Korean people traditionally used to sing on “Korean Thanksgiving Day”.
Tim: Yes, you are correct! #2 is 추석 - “Korean Thanksgiving Day”.
Debbie: Traditionally 추석 “Korean Thanksgiving Day” is celebrated to give thanks for the harvest of that year, right Tim?
Tim: Yes, it’s a big national holiday in Korea.
Debbie: Many people get 3 to 5 days or even up to a week off, so that people can go back to their hometowns and meet their parents and relatives. So... I don’t think it is a good idea to drive a car during that time.
Tim: Good point! Please avoid driving on 추석 at all costs.
Debbie: By the way, what do Korean people do on that day with their families?
Tim: Many families hold a memorial service…
Debbie: For their ancestors?
Tim: Yes! And we make and eat 송편 together.
Debbie: 송편 is a "traditional rice-cake sweet or semi-sweet fillings, such as sesame seeds and honey, sweet red bean paste, and chestnut paste", right Tim?
Tim: Yes!
Debbie: So…basically, on 추석 “Korean Thanksgiving Day”, many Korean families get together and hold a memorial service, where everybody expresses their “thanks” and “gratitude” toward their ancestors, and eat 송편 “traditional rice-cakes” together..? Am I right, Tim?
Tim: Yes, you are good at summing it up, 하하~~!
Debbie: Okay, we only have one more left.
Tim: The #1 national holiday of Korea is…
(Jigen, we need sound-effect of drum here)
Debbie: (신나서 getting elated!) “Oh I know! Me, me, me!”
Tim: Okay, Debbie. What is it?
Debbie: “Lunar New Year’s Day!”
Tim: Correct! We call it 설날 “Lunar New Year’s Day!”.
Debbie: I heard that "Lunar New Year’s Day" is the most important day in China.
Tim: Yes, it’s the same in Korea.
Debbie: Hmm... so, what’s the exact date for “Lunar New Year’s Day”?
Tim: It differs every year. Normally it’s held in February.
Debbie: What do Korean people do on that day?
Tim: Well, it's very much like 추석 “Korean Thanksgiving Day”...
Debbie: So, many families go back to their hometowns and spend some quality time with their family, then?
Tim: Right. Second, they hold a memorial service for their ancestors wishing for a happy New Year.
Debbie: I know what’s next after the ritual…The children would then bow to their grand-parents, parents and relatives, which is called 세배 (sebae).
Tim: Right! Then they receive some pocket money, which is called 세뱃돈 (sebaedon). I used to collect a lot of 세뱃돈 when I was little but, not anymore…
Debbie: Aww yeah, too bad~ oh, and let’s not forget to mention the food! They also eat something like “rice cake soup”, right?
Tim: Yes, we call that 떡국. Yes, lastly we eat 떡국 together. 떡국 is so yummy!
Debbie: I like to eat 떡국 as well…Okay, well let’s briefly wrap up today’s topic. The #5 National Holidays is
Tim: 어버이 날 “Parent’s Day”
Debbie: Number 4 is…
Tim: 크리스마스 “Christmas Day”.
Debbie: Number 3 is…
Tim: 신정 “New Year’s Day”.
Debbie: Number 2 is…
Tim: 추석 “Korean Thanksgiving Day”.
Debbie: And the #1 National Holiday in Korea is…
Tim: 설날 “Lunar New Year’s Day!”
Debbie: That’s right! Okay. Well that’s all for today’s lesson. Thanks for listening and thank you Tim for being with us.
Tim: 천만에요! “You’re welcome!” 그럼 다음시간에 또 만나요.
Debbie: See you all next time!

