Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Debbie: Top 5 Must Know Korean Phrases. I am Debbie and I am joined in the studio by…
Tim: Tim! 방가 방가 everyone! Good to be here with you, Debbie!
Debbie: You too, Tim! And listeners, stay with us today and learn more about Korea in our “All About” Korea series. Tim, what are we going to learn about today?
Tim: Today…we’re going to learn 5 essential and must-know phrases…
Debbie: “Must-Know Phrases?”Sounds like a good topic!
Tim: Yes, I think many listeners will enjoy these5 must-know phrases.
Debbie: Sounds good! Okay, let’s begin – top 5 must-know Korean phrases.
Tim: The following are 5 essential phrases that you will be able to use wherever you go in Korea – 안녕하세요, 저기요, 괜찮아요, 죄송합니다, and 감사합니다.
Debbie: Okay, let’s take a look at the first phrase. The first phrase is…?
Tim: 안녕하세요,
Debbie: Meaning, “hello”. When greeting people in Korea, say 안녕하세요. 안녕하세요 is formal speech, which is used for greeting strangers or elders. Tim, let’s greet each other.
Tim: Okay, 안녕하세요 데비씨 - “Hello, Debbie.”
Debbie: 안녕하세요 팀씨 – “Hello, Tim". As an informal greeting, you can use 안녕, which is used when greeting someone you already know well or someone who is much younger than you.
Tim: Yes, for example, Debbie is a good friend of mine, so I would greet her by saying, 안녕 데비 – “Hello, Debbie”.
Debbie: Then, I would respond to Tim, 안녕 팀 – “Hello Tim”. Okay, what’s the next phrase?
Tim: The next phrase is 저기요.
Debbie: Meaning, “excuse me”. It is often used when trying to get someone’s attention or when you start talking to someone.
Tim: Yes, it's often used at restaurants when asking for help, or ordering something.
Debbie: So…basically 저기요 is used to catch the attention of the person that you want to talk to, right? So it’s not like in Western cultures where customers don’t call the server!!?
Tim: Yes, in Korea you have to let the server know that you need help.
Debbie: Ah okay, so for example, let’s say I am in a Korean restaurant and I am thirsty, then I could say, 저기요, 물 좀 주시겠어요 – “Excuse me, can you please bring me some water?”
Tim: Yes, just like that.
Debbie: Don’t be shy to say 저기요 in Korea. Remember that Korean people do this “All the time!” Watch me, 저기요 팀, 나가주세요 - “Excuse me Tim, please leave”
Tim: 하하하 In the middle of the lesson?! Now!?
Debbie: Haha, I'm just kidding! Okay, the next phrase?
Tim: 괜찮아요.
Debbie: Meaning, “No, thank you”, “No worries” or “I am all right”. This 괜찮아요 is very often used when refusing something or someone politely.
Tim: Hmm... Here's a good example...“Debbie, would you like to go on a date with me?” Debbie, politely refuse me.
Debbie: Haha~~! 아뇨, 괜찮아요 “No, thank you!". Okay, it’s my turn, “Tim, don't you feel thirsty, why don't you go grab some water?”
Tim: 아뇨, 괜찮아요 “No, thank you. I am all right”.
Debbie: 하하. Listeners, 괜찮아요 is a very common and useful expression in Korea, so don’t hesitate to say it. Okay Tim, next phrase?
Tim: 죄송합니다.
Debbie: Meaning, “I am sorry” with sincerity. It's very polite, so whenever you want to apologize for something or someone, please say...
Tim: 죄송합니다.
Debbie: Hmm…Tim, I believe that we have a very similar expression.
Tim: Ah…미안합니다.
Debbie: Yes, 미안합니다 also means “I am sorry”. However, just remember that 죄송합니다 is a much more polite way of apologizing than 미안합니다.
Tim: Both expressions 죄송합니다 and 미안합니다 are good to say when apologizing. For example, let’s say I am late for a meeting. I would say, 늦어서 죄송합니다 – “I am sorry for being late”.
Debbie: Hmm.. How about in a situation where I step on your foot on the train? Let's say I just stepped on your foot.
Tim: 아야!
Debbie: 죄송합니다 - “I am sincerely sorry”.
Tim: 하하! That was a very authentic example!
Debbie: And finally, the last phrase is…
Tim: 감사합니다.
Debbie: Meaning, “Thank you” or “I appreciate it”.
Tim: You can say 감사합니다 all the time.
Debbie: Yes, this is one of the most common phrases you will hear in Korea.
Tim: For example, 데비, 레슨 감사합니다 – “Debbie, thank you for the lesson.”
Debbie: 팀도 감사합니다 – “Thank you too, Tim.”
Tim: Okay, that’s all for today’s lesson. Knowing these 5 essential phrases, 안녕하세요 “hello”,
Debbie: 저기요 “excuse me”,
Tim: 괜찮아요 “no, thank you”
Debbie: 죄송합니다 “I am sorry”
Tim: and 감사합니다 “thank you”,
Debbie: will definitely make your visit to Korea more enjoyable. Thank you for listening and thank you, Tim.
Tim: 여러분 감사합니다, 다음시간에 또 만나요! - Thank you, everyone, see you again~!

